Chapter 101 The Crazy Dragon… Is it Jia Yong?! 【7 more】!!

Armed Judgment Institute

When the Black Dragon hears the sound of weapons! Instantly felt something was wrong!

Airplanes! Airplanes! Airplanes!

The moment he got up! Moment!

Three figures instantly appeared, encircling him, directly blocking him in the center!

Knife madness! Knife ghost!

Although he didn’t know it, the whole martial forest could make him feel uneasy, and in an instant, who else could attack his martial law house besides the sword madness, the sword ghost?

But suddenly.

He stared at another figure.

“Why are you here?”

The black dragon’s brow furrowed, and his eyes looked at the other figure with some surprise.


The figure spread out his hands.

“You think I want to be here?”

“I don’t want to go back to this place when I die.”

“But what’s the solution?”

The figure expressed helplessness.

“My identity has been exposed……”

“What else can I do?”

“I don’t want our two old friends to meet like this.”

He spread his hands, expressed helplessness, and was very talkative.

“Hey, hey, hey—”

“I haven’t even gone to you yet, you came to me?”

“Dragon Climbing…”

“Stop the water.”

The black dragon’s eyes were cold and angry.

This figure

It’s about stopping the water.

“You see.”

“I’m not coming to you, and when you come to the door, won’t I be finished?”

Helpless opening to stop the water.

“It has nothing to do with me—”

“Who knew that suddenly there was a gold list, suddenly exposed me, I just want to run the company quietly, but it was exposed, what can I do, you have to think about it for me.” 」

The Black Dragon was directly anxious: “What is the matter with me?!” ”

“I didn’t go to you again!”

His heavy magic voice echoed, very unhappy.

“Then I’ll be done when you find me!” I can only find you first!” ”

The water is also urgent.

“Then I’m not looking for you, you go!”

The black dragon pointed directly into the distance, letting the water stop roll quickly.

“I’m not leaving, you guy is too sinister!”

Stop the water and shake your head directly.

“You say it again?”

“Can’t you go?”

The black dragon was furious, and his voice was hoarse, as if the demon was roaring.

“I’m not leaving!”

Shuishui directly said, “I don’t leave, I still take someone to beat you, how’s it going?” ”

Knife Mania: “…”

Knife Ghost: “…”

Watching the two quarrel like children, the two could not tell for a moment whether the occasion should be serious or not.

“Black Dragon…”

That’s when it happened.

The knife opened its mouth madly, and his eyes looked at the black dragon calmly, ready to strike and interrupt the quarrel between the two!

But the next second! Airplanes!

The figure of the black dragon flickered! It even turned into a shadow and fled into the distance!

“By -”

Stop the water in an instant reaction!

“Black Dragon, you bastard!”

As soon as his body shook, he directly chased after him! Obviously

Just now, the Black Dragon was deliberately arguing with him, lowering his attention with the knife madness and the knife ghost!

Airplanes! Airplanes!

The knife went crazy, and the knife ghost disappeared in an instant, chasing after it! Wait for the four to leave.

Three minutes later.

The door of the Armed Judgment House was kicked open.

Earth dragon, the intestinal breaker walked in.

They scanned around.

“Just left.”

The earth dragon spoke.

The eyes of people with broken intestines are somewhat complicated and helpless.

But suddenly.

He seemed to have found something.


He walked over to the table and saw “The Ultimate Class”, “Gold List”, and… A photo.

The person with the broken intestine picked up the photo.

“It’s our graduation photo that year.”

The man with the broken intestine spoke.

“Graduation photo?”

The earth dragon probed over and soon saw his young self.


He seemed to think of something: “Then such a thing…”

“Mad Dragon……”

He also knew about the dragon that didn’t exist—the Mad Dragon! The existence of the first place in the gold list!

The Mad Dragon who once had the six dragons of the Force Judgment unite to slay! Don’t……… The two were searching.

“Wait a minute…”

“How do you feel that this person is so familiar?”

The person with the broken intestine looked at a figure, as if in his mind, there was the existence of such a person.

“Yeah, it’s familiar.”

The Ten Dragons also nodded.

“Wait a minute…”


The earth dragon seemed to think of something, and its pupils contracted violently.


“He is the Director of Discipline at Bale High School!”

“Jia Yong!”

The two look behind the photo! The name of the back! It is Jia Yong!


“Why don’t we have memories?”

The person with the broken intestine looked confused.

Although there are many years apart, it is impossible to even have a little memory of his classmates, even if he usually forgets, but looking at the photos, there will be more or less part of the memory, and seeing the real person will also remember a little, not to mention, the martial arts are abolished, his memory is quite good, it is impossible to have no memory at all!

“I have no memory…”

“But I think he’s very familiar…”

The gut-breaker muttered to himself.

“That is, we may be washed away by some kind of strange ability.”


“That sense of familiarity… It cannot be washed away. ”

The Broken Intestines Man looked at the earth dragon.

The two looked at each other, and both showed a shocked look.

“Isn’t it……”

“He was the one who was… Disappearing dragons? ”

The two…

It was as if a terrifying secret had been discovered.

“Crazy Dragon?”

In the mind. Memories seem to surface! That vague figure.

It seems clear!


It seems to be Jia Yong’s face! Meanwhile.

The Black Dragon escaped from the Armed Judgment House!

But his combat power index is only about 22,000 points, plus the previous one

Mr. Nasu’s guard was injured, and there was no speed of knife madness, knife ghost, and dragon climbing, and he was quickly caught up!

The three of them exploded their combat strength index at the same time and quickly attacked the black dragon!

Although the knife madness did not sacrifice weapons, with a super high combat power index, it directly suppressed the black dragon!

Although the sword ghost’s combat power index is low, she has a thousand strange weapons, which makes the black dragon very embarrassed to dodge!

Denglong is on the side of the assist!

Three-man battle Black Dragon! The Black Dragon was directly beaten and vomited blood! Airplanes!

To that critical moment!

The Black Dragon directly took out the sword in the stone! Pull out that lock sword stone! In an instant, his combat strength index actually increased wildly, taking advantage of the fact that the three people did not pay attention, after pulling out the lock sword stone to slash out a blow close to 30,000 energy, the three people had not yet reacted

When you come, flee quickly! In the process of escaping, don’t forget to insert the lock sword stone back!

Waiting for the three to react, the black dragon had disappeared.

“It’s the Sword Demon in the Stone.”

The knife’s crazy eyes narrowed slightly.

“This black dragon should have tamed a part, so he could briefly remove the Lock Sword Stone and use the energy of the Stone Sword Demon contained in the Stone Sword.”

The sword ghost is a weapon master, and he can see the state of the sword in the stone at a glance!

“Mr. Su’s story is correct……”

“Once the Black Dragon completely tames the Sword Demon in the Stone, at that time, his combat power index will definitely exceed 30,000.30 points, reaching a very terrifying point.”

The knife ghost was also worried.

“But at present, he has not tamed the Stone Sword Demon, and if he continues to use the power of the Stone Sword Demon, he may suffer from regurgitation, but instead be tamed by the Stone Sword Demon.”

The only thing that relieved the three of them was that the Black Dragon had not yet completely tamed the Sword Demon in the Stone.

After all

According to the end of the fourth story, there are many things happening here, and the time span is definitely more than a month, and the black dragon can be completely tamed, and the current black dragon has no chance to fight back for the time being.

“But now he escapes……”

Deng Long shrugged helplessly.

“If he finds a place to hide, it’s hard for us to find him.”

The Black Dragon casually found a place to hide, and there was no way for them to continue to pursue.


Knife Mania suddenly smiled.

“Where is he hiding……”

“We can all know.”

Deng Long was slightly stunned: “Why?” ”

The knife thought madly, “Money ability.” ”

Denglong: “? ”

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