Chapter 111 The First Story, The Birth of the Ultimate Iron Man! 【7 more】!!

On a high platform

The huge screen behind Su Yu appeared a picture, in that picture, Rex was collapsing in Wang Dadong’s home, a look of pain as if he was struggling with something, something he wanted to say to Wang Dadong, but at the critical moment, he stopped again, very painful!


Two scenes came to Rex’s mind!

A scene, the black dragon kept echoing in that mind: kill him, kill Wang Dadong! Kill him! Kill Wang Dadong!

In one scene, he fell into the grass, and Jin Bike seemed to be telling him something to bring to Wang Dadong

And in both scenes, Rex struggles like crazy!

“And the situation…”

“It’s getting worse.”

On the stage, Su Yu spoke slowly.

Wang Arthur wants to return the bear beads to King Kong’s sister Cai Wuxiong, and Ji’an is waiting for Wang Arthur to return the bear beads to the moment he is about to strike, but the earth dragon, the knife madness, the knife ghost, and the intestinal breaker have been captured! The Black Dragon has appeared, asking King Arthur to stop struggling, let the sword demon in the stone enter his body, and then willingly surrender to him and help him become a demon, so that he will let go of the people he has captured!

Whether it is Wang Dadong’s parents, or the person who broke the intestine, or his father!

WANG Arthur.

The decision was finally made.

Let the sword demon enter the body, and during this time, he must find a way to return the bear beads to King Kong’s sister!

“It’s also desperate…”

“I didn’t feel any chance of overturning, and in this case, I didn’t even think that even the Demon Pulling Warrior would not be able to deal with the Black Dragon who was already in the second layer of the Heavenly Demon Combination, and the only hope would no longer exist.”

“I’m afraid all the key is in Rex, what is that sentence?”

“I didn’t expect that it would be the Golden Pencier who intervened, what exactly was that sentence?”

The people in the audience listened to the trembling of their hearts.

In the picture

Wang Dadong found Ji An, he knew that Ji An could not take the initiative, so he let him be the boss of the Ultimate First Class, guarding the Ultimate First Class, and he and Wang Arthur and Ding Xiaoyu would go to the Force Judgment House to deal with the Black Dragon together!

His words are tragic, and he is ready to live in everything! Just after he got home!

Rex, finally remembered the phrase ‘Dadong’ you have to ‘become a demon’ to win.

Rex looked at Wang Dadong with dead eyes and told him these key words.

The mixed characters below, including Wang Dadong and others, were stunned!

Become a demon… to win?

No one can understand this sentence.

And in that picture

Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, and Ding Xiaoyu had made all preparations and waited for the appearance of the Black Dragon, while Wang Arthur had decided on a good time to return the bear bead to King Kong’s sister Cai Wuxiong.

“Who can stop the young samurai from dying?”


Su Yu shook his head slightly.

“They can’t hear.”

“They can’t hear.”

“This endgame is nearing its end…”

In the picture behind you

Wang Arthur was carrying King Kong Sister, he had already returned the bear bead to King Kong Sister Cai Wuxiong, he tried to suppress the stone sword demon in his body, he wanted to carry Cai Wuxiong on his back to complete this road, but the stone sword demon in his body made him glow with a green glow! But he carried Cai Wuxiong step by step, step by step to the front, the demonic qi in his body was constantly rising, and the sword demon in the stone was rising.

As if it were about to take over all of him!

The picture is tragic

When countless bastards saw this scene, they were all silent, all quiet, looking at the picture above, and listening to Su Yu’s lectures, even the king Arthur, when he saw this picture, could not help but be silent.

King Arthur kept moving forward.

The Black Dragon and two martial corpses appeared not far away! King Arthur finally couldn’t bear it

He took out the sword in the stone, pulled out the lock sword stone, and screamed in the sky, and the terrifying and mighty demonic qi swept away in all directions! The energy in his body gradually turned into dark energy! The black dragon in front of him let out a crazy and vicious laugh, and at the same time, he also took out the lock sword stone to complete the Heavenly Demon Combination!

“Heavenly Devil—”


It was just when he was about to cast the third layer of the Heavenly Demon Combination! Suddenly!

Wang Dadong, Ding Xiaoyu, and Rex figures appeared instantly!

Without any hesitation, the three of them instantly exploded into a combat power index, using the weapon in their hands to contact the demonic qi, and in an instant, the energy in their bodies turned into dark energy, and they even wanted to become demons with the black dragon

With the appearance of the trio!

The dark energy of terror fills the air! Steady flow towards the Black Dragon! The black dragon laughed maniacally, and the sword in the stone in his hand fell swoop…


Abruptly stopped.

But suddenly!


In the picture, it seems that something terrible has exploded!

After that explosion!

In the picture

Only a series of figures fell on the ground.

Whether it is the black dragon, or Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, Rex King Kong sister, Ji An, etc. all fell to the ground, they seemed to have no sound, the picture at this moment, finally still, do not know whether the picture is too tragic reason, the picture is actually a little yellow, and in the yellowed picture a word slowly emerged

Who can stop the young samurai from dying. They can’t hear.

They. Can’t hear you.

At last.

The picture slowly flipped, and in that yellowed scene, a book and a book quietly turned the page, gradually turning to the last page, and the last block of the last page was like a poached egg.

The picture is in this moment.

Summer came to an end.



As if all the voices were still at this moment, countless mixed word generations, whether it was the ultimate class, or Wang Dadong and others, looked at that picture, and a touch of heaviness appeared in their hearts, especially Wang Dadong and others…



Wang Dadong muttered to himself.

“Black Dragon.”

“Is he dead too?”

Rex also saw the Black Dragon fall to the ground.

Countless are silent, they are listening and watching, far stronger than the previous feeling of listening! Especially in that picture, the dialogue between Wang Dadong and others is facing the darkness without hesitation, facing the brothers, but refusing to give up, no matter how to protect, to duel the darkness, and to duel with the black dragon!

The blood of a teenager!

The righteousness of the youth! Young samurai!

Like the words of the picture, who can stop the young samurai from dying? They can’t hear.

They can’t hear.

“The first chapter of the twelve time and space is over.”


Su Yu shook the folding fan slightly.

“Mr. Su, the end of this endgame.”

“Did you win or lose?”

Some couldn’t help but ask.

Countless eased their nerves from the silence, looked at Su Yu, and waited for an answer

Su Yu smiled slightly, “Guys.”

“The young, hot-blooded warriors go to battle with a frenzy of death, and they can’t hear the other people’s stops.”

“As soon as the sword of a warrior is drawn, the wailing of the defeated will be heard.”

“Win or lose.”

“All in your hearts.”

He did not explain the ending.

“Mr. Nasu.”

“Is the next story about other time and space?”

“If our golden time and space are defeated.”

“That iron space-time.”

Some are worried.

He fell in love.

Su Yu shook the folding fan in his hand slightly: “According to the custom, spoil the second chapter of the twelve time and space.” ”

“Iron Time and Space – The Ultimate Family.”

“And the first story.”

Su Yu’s voice paused.

“It was the birth of the ultimate Tekki.”

Su Yu’s voice has just fallen! Distance

The look of the four Dongcheng Wei people changed slightly!

Final… The Teks?

Their eyes looked at Su Yu on the high platform in shock!

“But the next time I give a book.”

“It’s a month later.”

As for what is the ultimate Iron Man Su Yu smiled slightly.

“It is the identity of ‘the one who sleeps in the darkness’ that I mentioned earlier.


“Stay tuned.”

He folded the fan in his hand and closed it.

Just after closing suddenly!

In that distance, a huge stream of dark energy exploded, instantly attracting the attention of countless bastards!

And at the same time.

Wang Dadong also received a phone call: “Wang Dadong’s little friend.” ”

“The situation.”


From the other end of the phone came the voice of the severed intestine: “The Black Dragon has broken through the second layer of the Heavenly Demon Combination. ”

“Sword madness, knife ghost, Denglong is no longer an opponent.”


“I’m going to lose.”

The voice of the person with the broken intestine on the other end of the phone was intermittent, but the words spoken made Wang Dadong and others look very different!

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