Chapter 119 His Future is the Ultimate Iron Man! 【5 more】!!

Everyone’s first reaction was

Foolish! That’s silly! Naïve silly!

Such a person……… Will it be the protagonist of iron space-time? Offstage.

Wang Dadong covered his face: “I don’t know him.” ”

He was going to be!

How can you be so idiotic? Simply too kind to be excessive! No!

That’s not called kindness! That’s called an idiot! Being bullied in vain!

If it were for themselves, those guys wouldn’t know where to lie down!

So seeing this picture, Wang Dadong was very angry, but he had no choice, and felt that his body was simply too useless! What a shame!


He even ignored that his sister had become his own sister.


Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, and Rex were all smiling, making Wang Dadong simply angry and helpless, but how could he do it? Who calls their doppelgängers uncontested?


Xiu saw this scene and was also a little helpless.

This summer………

The excesses of simply kindness, the kind of pure, pure goodness that considers others without any benefit, made Xiu Du slightly stunned.


The bastards couldn’t take it anymore.

“Mr. Su……”

“He really is—”

“The protagonist of Iron Time and Space?!”

Some have questioned the soul.


Su Yu smiled slightly: “He is indeed the protagonist of Iron Time and Space.” ”


His voice paused.

“He is also…”

“The ultimate Tikk of the future.”


Quiet! The whole place was silent!

The moment Su Yu’s words fell! It’s like a king exploding! Instantly blow up the minds of all 707 people!

The contrast between the information exposed to is so great that all of a sudden even the brain can’t process it!

Bi Jing

Who could have imagined that a guy who looked so idiotic, so stupid, even Muggle, would suddenly……… What about becoming the ultimate Tekken?

Although the bastards do not know what the identity of the Ultimate Iron Man is, don’t forget, Mr. Su mentioned it before, this is when the twelve time and space are desperate, when the twelve time and space are shrouded in darkness, in that darkness, this Ultimate Iron Man will play a battle song, blow the horn of the twelve time and space counterattack, and reverse the situation of the twelve time and space!

In that picture…… Silly guy.

Is the ultimate Tekken?

A super-being that reverses the situation, plays a battle song, and breaks out of the darkness? Distance.

“How can that be?!”

Even the serious, solemn cultivation was momentarily discolored, looking at Su Yu on the distant stage in disbelief!

How can it be?

This summer is Muggle, how could it be……… The Ultimate Ironman?!

Behind him, Dongcheng Wei showed a slightly shocked look, which was obviously unbelievable!

The bastards in the audience did not know what the ultimate Tekker represented

But as the East City Guard, as the Extraordinary Walkers of Iron Time and Space, they know that this ultimate Iron Man…… But the savior of the universe!

“Mr. Sue…”

“What is the identity of the Ultimate Iron Man?”

A bastard asked weakly.

They now feel their brains are confused and want to know what the identity of this ultimate Iron Man really is.


Su Yu shook the folding fan in his hand slightly: “The ultimate Iron Man…”

“Also called—”

“The Savior of Twelve Spaces.”

Su Yu’s words made the in the audience very stunned, and some doubted life.

“The Ultimate Iron Man, who has a super power index, is the strongest Xenowalker in iron time and space, and at the moment of becoming the ultimate Iron Man, the power index will reach the legendary 50,000 points, and 45,000 points is also the limit of all the Xenopaths in the current twelve time and space, and only the Ultimate Iron Man can break through this limit.”

“After becoming the ultimate Tekker……”

“It can travel through time and space at will, without affecting the order of time and space, and can stimulate all the energies of the Otherworld, the Nature, and is a rare person with extraordinary abilities in a hundred years.”

“And a thing that has disappeared for countless years is his weapon–” Su Yu slightly introduced the identity of the Ultimate Iron Man!

“And now the situation in the twelve time and space has reached the point of no return, the good and evil of the eleven time and space have decided the decisive victory or defeat, the ten time and space are occupied by evil, the forces of the demon world and evil are stirring in the darkness, and the situation of good has reached the final step.

“Want to reverse……”

“There is only the ultimate Tekk.”

But this identity!

It’s amazing!

Especially before Su Yu also said that the order of time and space, once through time and space, can not be shot at will, otherwise it will affect the order of time and space, lead to the collapse of time and space, and even cause the turbulence of time and space, seriously look……… It may even cause major changes in the entire time and space!

But the Ultimate Tekken can’t!

He can travel through the twelve time and space, and even break through the limit of the Extraordinary Walker, is the iron time and space, no, it should be said that it is the strongest Extraordinary Ability of the Twelve Time and Space

One! Be the savior of twelve spaces! These identities alone!

It is enough to prove its strength and importance, and it is enough to prove that becoming the ultimate Iron Man may reverse the situation of the twelve time and space, play the battle song, and blow the horn of counterattack on the demon world for the twelve time and space!

But on the other hand… Unbelievable!

Is it such a seemingly kind enough to be bullied and not to fight back, stupid, idiotic summer, will become the ultimate Iron Man?

“This ultimate Tekker…… How important and powerful! This is simply the light and savior of twelve times and spaces. ”

“That is to say, if the Ultimate Iron Man is born, our twelve time and space situation will not be so desperate, Mr. Su also mentioned that after the appearance of the Ultimate Iron Man, the twelve time and space will have the possibility of dueling with the demon world.”

“The ultimate Tekken is really desirable.”

The mixed generations have lamented the strength of the ultimate Iron Man, and they are even more eager to become the Ultimate Iron Man!

This is the template for heroes!

It is a symbol of hope in twelve times and spaces! Become the ultimate Tekke!

It represents unlimited hope and responsibility!


“Mr. Su, isn’t summer a Muggle?”

“How could he possibly become the ultimate Tekker?”

A confused person opened his mouth.

You know, summer is Muggle.

How could he possibly become the ultimate Tek? But.

Su Yu shook his head on the stage.



“Not a Muggle.”

He shook the folding fan in his hand: “On the contrary—”

“In his body, there is an extremely terrifying existence.”

Su Yu’s words fell.

The bastards below were momentarily stunned! Summer………

Not even a Muggle?

And inside the body, there is an extremely terrifying existence? What’s going on?

“Hugh, this Mr. Sue… Offstage. ”

Dongcheng Wei’s meditation listened to Na Su Yu’s words, somewhat incredulous.

If it’s true!

This is for the whole iron space-time……… But it plays a key role!

After all, although the iron time and space at this moment all say that evil has temporarily triumphed over good, everyone knows that the situation in the twelve time and space is now extremely dangerous! Golden space-time is a key point, because once the golden space-time is defeated again, the pressure on the iron space-time will be even greater! Ten evil forces of time and space, plus the demonic alien walkers of this time and space! There are also twelve demonic realms outside of time and space!

Darkness has come!

Xiu and others appeared here, naturally they also wanted to see if there was a glimmer of life in the end!

After all!

Mr. Su said before………

At that darkest, most desperate, when the situation had reached helplessness—

The Ultimate Tekk… Will come out of the darkness!

The arrival of Xiu and Dongcheng Wei is to know who can become the ultimate Iron Man!

Cultivating himself as a member of the Huyan Jueluo family, he has been looking for a stranger who can become the ultimate Iron Man for generations, and assist him in becoming the Ultimate Iron Man! But even now, Hugh has not found a being who can become, or is qualified to be, the ultimate Iron Man!

If what Mr. Su said is really the end

The person Xiu is looking for……… Nature was that summer.

But this summer.

Is he really qualified, really talented, able to be the ultimate Tekker?


“Contains a terrible existence?”

Repair the brow furrowed.

What Mr. Su said……… What is it? No matter how you look at it……

This summer, it seems to be a Muggle, what is hidden in his body?

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