Chapter 171 The Ultimate Class Broadcasts! Yehenara has his eye on the Heavenly Pavilion? 【5 more】!!

Xia Mansion.

“Old Mother Darling!”

“The Ultimate Class Premiere!”

Natsumi shouted.

“Here it comes!”

Brother Xiong and Ye Siren came down from the upper floor.

Xia Yu, Summer, Han, and Lanling King all came to the living room, and even Ren Chenwen came to join in the fun.

The reason why Ren Chenwen is in the Xia family is naturally because he is at the end of the story

He seems to be controlled by someone, and in order to prevent Ren Chenwen from being controlled as in the story, the Moxibustion Dance Alliance Lord let him stay in the Xia family.

Everyone is looking forward to watching the TV series after all

Although I have seen the story of “The Ultimate Class” before, when Brother Xiong and others came into contact, there was no picture, but a book, the story inside was very attractive, but it also made people want to see what their own doppelgangers and stories would be like in other time and space.

Time in anticipation of everyone. Finally it was eight o’clock. Golden space-time.

Iron space-time.

Two time and space hot TV channels are fully premiered!

Golden Time and Space, countless, students, have gathered to see this has a shot about them, there is a story about them.

Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, Rex, and Tian Hongguang came to Wang Arthur’s villa to watch.

Iron time and space, although the popularity of the premiere is not as high as that of gold time and space, but because of the recent “Ultimate Class” and “The Ultimate Family” stories, many people have also turned on the TV to watch, and moxibustion dance, repaired in the 95 virtual guest house, prepared a lot of snacks, while eating and watching.

Demon slayer hunters, moxibustion Lai, and Xia Liu Ah Gong eat while playing hot pot.


The premiere of “The Ultimate Class” is officially here!

“It’s got to begin!”

Xia Mei was excited.

“I’d like to see the doppelganger inside.”

She was eager to see the doppelganger inside.

Even Xia, Xia Yu, Han, Lanling Wang, and Ye Siren were full of curiosity.


The screen unfolds.

The first picture is the laid-back campus of Bale College, where students of Bale College are happily playing and doing the things at hand.

But the next second.

As a female student at Bale University ran into the campus in panic and shouted, “Here they are!” ”

“Here they are!”


The entire Bale College campus was suddenly panicked, and countless Bale College students all hid, locking doors and windows, full of fear!

The camera turns!

Only to see that at the end of the road, a group of people were slowly walking out.

The lenses are constantly intertwined

One was the panicked running away of the students of Bale, shouting, “Here they are.” ”

First, the figures at the end appeared one by one.


He Ran is the middle of Wang Dadong.


Natsumi exclaimed.

“No, so domineering, like a ghost dragon!”

“And me!”

“I’m so good!”

“Why is Ren Chenwen’s doppelgänger still so obscene?”

Natsumi saw Sister Xuan at a glance, and at the same time saw Jin Baosan.

King Lanling saw King Arthur, who looked like a noble prince: “This… Is this me? ”

He was a little stunned, obviously did not expect that he would see another doppelgänger of himself in the TV, this feeling… It really makes people feel very wonderful, obviously they look exactly like themselves, but they are not themselves, and the story inside is still the story of golden time and space.

Is……… Wonderful.

“Isn’t that the Allied Lord?”

Brother Xiong, Ye Siren soon saw Ding Xiaoyu beside Wang Dadong.

“It doesn’t feel like it at all!”

“The lord loves to laugh and laugh, but he feels cold.”

Brother Xiong and others commented on Ding Xiaoyu, feeling that he was very cold and cold, and did not look like the Moxibustion Dance Alliance Master at all.

“It’s so interesting!”

Natsumi smiled, “I didn’t expect that there really was our doppelganger!” ”

“I don’t know if my doppelgänger is strong over there!”

She was full of anticipation and continued to look at the picture.

It’s not just her.

When Summer saw Wang Dadong, she was also slightly stunned: “Oh my God, is this really me?” ”

“I feel……”

“The ghost dragon is restless.”

He felt that when he saw this picture, the ghost dragon was actually restless, which was very strange.

“It’s interesting.”

Brother Xiong said.

Look at the picture of summer

Natsumi, that feeling, was really wonderful afterwards

The picture turns!

Directly came to the opening song! A beginning

A gate opens from both sides! A group of people stood in front of that gate!

The leader is Wang Dadong!

With the excitement of rock music and the flickering of the camera, they came out of the gate in a domineering and domineering way.

The opening song also sounded in an instant by Wang Dadong: Rock ‘n’ Roll.

“come! man! ”

Stirring rock ‘n’ roll sounded: “Party—time! ”

“Why do you bow your head and pray—

“I’m not in a bad mood!”

“Don’t see me and run—”

“It’s rude!”


“Step into this place!”

“Be clear about who the boss is!”

“The hood is better to shine!”

“The university community is discouraged—”

“There is no number level, don’t get close to it easily!”

Along with rock music and surging lyrics, the picture constantly flashes the story of the ultimate class, under the sound of that music, it seems that everyone has seen the era of the second in the blood, especially Wang Dadong’s own domineering noise playing the opening song of “The Ultimate Class”, which makes people’s inner blood boil!

“I’m going…”

“So handsome.”

Natsumi was momentarily delusional.

“Brother, you are so handsome in the golden time and space, so handsome!”

She pushed aside the summer.

But the summer on the side is very wrong!



The ghost dragon actually ran straight out and sat down on the sofa with excitement.

“This is me!”

“Domineering and handsome ghost dragon doppelganger!”

“Queue time!”

The ghost dragon was very excited and very happy!

Brother Xiong, Ye Siren, and Xia Yu all looked at the ghost dragon lightly.


The ghost dragon was suppressed back.

“Seeing this piece of head music and playing, the ghost dragon is actually restless, it is really strange.”

Summer smiled.

The screen continues.

“The ultimate class of one heart—”

“are—you—ready—hands up!”

“Party—time is a fuss!”

“We are the ultimate class—”

At the beginning of the plot, it is the duel between Wang Arthur and Wang Dadong, the story of Ding Xiaoyu and others.

Looking at the plot in the picture, everyone is full of curiosity, especially looking at their own doppelgangers in that world, there is an indescribable sense of curiosity and wonderful feeling, and most importantly, in the first and second episodes, Wang Arthur, Wang Dadong, and Ding Xiaoyu actually formed brothers

The Broken Intestines Man appears.

Ye Siren looked at the person with the broken intestine in the picture, and for a moment he only felt that it seemed very similar.

At the end of the second episode.

Teacher Tian Xin happened to be kidnapped by Yu Shengde.

“Isn’t that my second brother?”

Ye Siren was suddenly like discovering a new continent…

“I didn’t think about it…”

“He’s so bad in Golden Time and Space?”

He was helpless.

The Xia family and his party all looked at the story curiously, wanting to know the next plot.


Today’s premiere will only show two episodes.

“Just, just, gone?”

Ye Siren, Xia Mei, and Brother Xiong’s eyes were very gloomy!

The story was actually stuck just when Tian Xinban was kidnapped, and it was gone?

“This day machine film and television company………”

“It’s as excessive as Mr. Sue.”

Xia Yu said.


“What a strange feeling.”

“The Demon Slayer Hunter turned out to be Jia Yong, the director of discipline at Bale College.”

“And the younger brother of the lord of the league, Qilai, turned out to be a clone of the instructor Su Buqi.”

“Grandpa turned out to be Wang Dadong’s father.”

Xia Yu smiled and felt very wonderful.


“It’s annoying, there’s still a day to wait!”

Natsumi said she was very angry and especially wanted to see it.

The stories inside are very attractive, especially when you see your own doppelganger, everyone is full of a sense of substitution.


“This ultimate class should be a martial arts style world, I don’t know what impact our ultimate family will have on the entire iron time and space after broadcasting.”

What Brother Xiong imagined was that when “The Ultimate Class” and “The Ultimate Family” were broadcast one after another, would ordinary people in iron time and space accept the existence of the Stranger?

Nowadays, the Strangers are hiding, their whereabouts are hidden, they can’t see the light at all, they don’t dare to use their abilities at all, they are worried about being discovered, but Brother Xiong feels that since the newspaper and the story of “The Ultimate Class” were sent, the iron time and space seemed to have changed.

I just don’t know if it will have a greater impact on Iron Time and Space after the broadcast of “The Ultimate Class”.



“The press…”

Ye Sisi looked at the newspaper in front of him with a gloomy face.

He didn’t think about it

All his plots were exposed in the press!

Although there was no mention of his fake death, the contents of this made him feel uneasy!

“This newspaper…”

“Who published it?”

He asked toward the darkness.

In the darkness, the figure had been kneeling there: “The head of the prayer is the Tianji Publishing House.” ”

“Behind this Tianji Publishing House, it seems that there is a force called Tianji Pavilion, which is rich and powerful, and directly bought many publishing houses, publishing this series of serial “Ultimate Family” stories and suspected “Ultimate Class” stories of Golden Time and Space, which is very strange.”

“Now there is also a film and television drama of “The Ultimate Class”.”

The figure replied.

“Tianji Pavilion?”

Ye Sisi muttered to himself, and a chill appeared in his eyes.

He looked at the newspaper again.

If you let this day Ji Ge continue………

Then isn’t all his plan going to be exposed? But………

The first thing to be solved at the moment.

It was the Lanling King who was in trouble.

“It seems…”

“You can only make a deal with the Demon Realm.”

His eyes were gloomy.

“This day the Ji Pavilion……”

“You sent people to test the origin of the temptation.”

Of course.

This day the machine cabinet………

Nature must not be let go! If it continues to be published!

His secrets, his plans, may all be exposed! The thought of this.

He was a little chilled.

Behind the scenes of this day’s cabinet……… Who the hell is that?

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