Chapter 178 Lan Ling King… Lost track! 【6 more】!!

Su Yu’s words fell

Behind the screen.

Then start playing the past, present, and future of moxibustion dance!

In the past, the young moxibustion dance had trained his abilities assiduously, cultivated his own ability index, and even at a young age, entered the Demon Realm and dueled with the Eight Evil Lords! Nine years old! But he had a different perseverance and responsibility than ordinary people, in that picture, he dueled with the eight evil kings, scarred, weak breath, but he stood all the time, and it seemed that he would not fall down at all!

To the end!

He fought to the death! Cast the Nine-Step Ghost Catcher and defeat all eight of them!

After the defeat, his nine-year-old weak body stood on the dark battlefield of the Demon Realm, his eyes firmly looking ahead, saying his inner wish: “One day…”

“I’ll take everyone and beat you all back to the Demon Realm!”

As a teenager, he has the ideal of looking big.

Now, with absolute strength, he took over the position of the alliance leader of the Iron Rock Alliance and became the new alliance lord, but just after taking office, he had to maintain the operation of the protective magnetic field, and at the same time save the current decline of the twelve time and space, and do everything possible to raise the torch in the darkness, but even in the face of the decline of the twelve time and space, he could still smile in that desperate situation, with the ambition of a teenager, but also had a mature side.

And at the end

In the future picture, his figure and appearance were gradually blurring, and even the crowd could not see his appearance at all, they could only see the outbreak of one big war after another, see the Moxibustion Dance Alliance Lord kill in the darkness, fight with the huge demon shadow that is hundreds of feet high on the battlefield, and the power of the light shines brilliantly on the dark and dark earth, that picture, it is all a fight!

The end of the picture.

It was he and countless shadowy Strangers who resolutely walked into the darkness ahead, it was a vast and boundless battlefield, the front was boundless darkness, countless monsters were stirring in that darkness, and the moment they entered the battlefield, countless darkness swallowed him up in an instant!

The boy rushed to the battlefield. And never came back.

All in the venue!

A silence!

Looking at such a tragic scene, people can’t help but feel sad inside!

A person’s life, in that picture like a movie flashback, the past, the present, the future, every period of the transformation experienced, all appeared in that picture, see people sigh, and the life of the Moxibustion Dance Alliance Lord flashed back in that picture, countless people saw the teenager’s spirit, made a wish, and in the end, the fight of one war after another, so that his figure, the appearance is gradually blurred.

Finally stepped into the boundless darkness and lost track.

Xia Mansion.

See this scene.

Moxibustion Dance looked slightly condensed, obviously did not expect that his future would be so tragic.

“Allied Lord… ~~…”

Brother Xiong and the others all looked at the Moxibustion Dance Alliance.

Moxibustion Dance smiled slightly, very bright: “I feel pretty good.” ”

“At least…”

“Prove we didn’t lose.”

He was optimistic.

“And seeing this future, then we all know the future, there may be a chance to change.”

“Even if there’s only a glimmer of opportunity.”

“Even now…”

“As long as we don’t give up, we still have a chance.”

Moxibustion Dance smiled slightly, but it was very calm.

Although the future of him is so tragic, at least the current him, the current situation, does not seem to have lost!

The old boss is dead!

His future is showing up again! And also duel with the devil! That is to say, in this great battle of good and evil, they may have won!

“I didn’t expect the future to be so tragic.”

“Don’t know our future……”

“What will happen?”

Summer looked at the picture of the shadow on the high platform and sighed a little.

“It would be nice!”

Natsumi grinned at the opening.

“Brother, you’re the ultimate Iron Man.”

“We are the protagonists of Iron Time and Space!”

She expressed great optimism.

After all, the protagonists of iron time and space are them! The ultimate family!

Xiu glanced at Summer, and his expression was somewhat complicated.

But in the end nothing was said.

Golden space-time. Profile. Su Yu took a sip of tea. He didn’t have too much to say.

The picture behind you

Maybe that says it all!

“A corner of the future…”

“A part has appeared before you.”

Su Yu smiled slightly.


“It is the second place in the top ten of the Iron Time and Space Strongest List——”

“Second on the iron list.”

He folded the fan in his hand and waved! The vertical banner behind him slowly rolled down

The golden light shines across the venue!

Golden font emerges – [Iron List No. 2 ——]

[Former commander of the Yehenara Family Jihad Janissaries – King Gurayl Lanling]

【Energy Index: 30,000 points】

[Commander of the Eastern City Guard of the Tekke United States Janissaries – Huyan Jueluo Xiu]

【Energy Index: 30,000 points】

Second on the iron list! Two on the list again!

The in the audience exclaimed again!

“My God, it’s two people on the list!”

“This iron space-time…”

“It’s also too powerful, isn’t it?”

In the arrangement of this iron list, the mixed word generation had a specific concept of the ability index of Xiu, Lanling King, Moxibustion Dance and others, although they knew that it was powerful, but they did not expect that they were all super high-level beings!

Especially Xiu and Lan Ling King! Such a superb ability index is on par with the second most powerful knife madness in the gold list!

“Second on the Iron List—”

“King Gurayel Lanling.”

“Former Yehenara family commander of the jihadist Janissaries.”

On the stage, Su Yu began to evaluate:

“The past of the Lanling King—

“In the first half of his life, he was loyal to the Yehenara family, and everything was mainly based on the Yehenara family, and he went to the soup to fight the fire.”

“It was only his extraordinary physique and the Extraordinary Ability Family that made the Yehenara Family have to install Bingxin next to him to monitor him, but they did not expect that Bingxin would fall in love with him, thus turning their backs on the Yehenara Family, causing the head of the Yehenara Family to have to attack the Lanling King.”

Su Yu’s words directly revealed why the Yehenara family would attack the Lanling King at this point in time!


They were all afraid that they would not be able to control the Gurayir family and the Lanling King! And Ice Heart!

Also one of those points! Of course!

Although this is related to Bingxin, in fact, the Yehenara family finds it difficult to control the Gurayir family, and at the same time, they are worried that the Lanling King will find out the truth of the Seven Star Curse, so they must first kill the Lanling King.

“The Lanling King’s present—”

“King Lanling, who was loyal to the Yehenara family, was eventually deposed by the Yehenara family, seriously injured and escaped from the demonized territory of the Yehenara family, and the entire Gurayel family of fifteen was exterminated, he was bent on death, all his beliefs collapsed, and he did not know why the Yehenara family would attack him.”

“It wasn’t until the end that the matter of the Seven Star Spell was exposed, and he finally understood why the old leader of the Yehenara family wanted to attack him, but his special abilities were abolished, but on the eve of the Polar Yin Day and the Extreme Yin Day, he got a huge opportunity to unlock part of the Seven Star Curse.”

“Of course, this involves the story of the fourth and fifth paragraphs.”

On the stage, Su Yu smiled slightly.

Offstage, the faces of the mixed word generation were slightly black! Su Yu’s words were like speaking

Here! The pit is here… I’ll fill it in later.

However, the mixed generation who have seen Mr. Su’s ability to dig pits is used to it.

“The future of King Lanling—”


Su Yu mentioned the future of King Lanling.

“His fate is still tied to that long war.”

“The fate of the future……”

“Attack the Demon Realm with the Lord of the Moxibustion Dance Alliance.”


“Lost track.”


Su Yu’s words.

Again everyone was stunned! Whether it’s a mixed word generation! Summer Mansion! Yehenara old boss! All stunned! Unexpectedly……… Lost track again?

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