Chapter 201 Sue, Mr. Sue, Shot!!

A giant curtain that connects heaven and earth!

At the moment when the folding fan of Su Yu opened

It seems to have turned into a vast galaxy! But soon, the galaxy appeared a picture of it!


Countless saw this scene and all stood up!


Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, Rex, Tian Hongguang

As well as the intestinal breaker, Tian Xin, the knife madman, the knife ghost, Deng Long and other people saw this scene, they were all shocked!

In this moment

They felt a majestic and vast breath, as if they were penetrating through this vast galaxy and reaching that unknown place! And the picture in the vast galaxy seems to be real!



The knife madness was very shocked.

“What is the space-time boundary?”

Denon asked.

“The Space-Time Junction…

“It means —

“Passing through the space-time junction is another space-time, and if we want to travel through time and space, we must pass through the space-time boundary, but the previous space-time gate has been closed, and the space-time junction can no longer be opened.”

“But now…”

The knife ghost looked at the scene in front of him with shocked eyes!

Surrounded by a galaxy of nothingness, and on that storytelling cabinet, behind Mr. Nasu, a huge curtain of heaven and earth emerged, which was originally behind the vast galaxy, but at this moment it was deeper, countless ripples emerged, twisted, under that distortion, the breath of time and space filled out, a picture gradually in that heaven and earth giant curtain!

For countless people! That’s a picture!

A picture of heaven and earth!

However, for the Sword Madness, the Sword Ghost, and other highest-level Xenomorphs who knew the existence of other time and space, the picture of the successive heavens and the earth in front of them was a huge space-time boundary! Successively……… It’s other time and space!

Just cross!

You can reach that other time and space!

“This Mr. Sue…”

“How did it come about?”

The knife madman shook his head in disbelief.


He looked at Su Yu on the storyboard.

“Wife, did you find out?”

“Mr. Su……”

The knife ghost looked at Su Yu quickly.

She seemed to have discovered something!

“Mr. Su’s breath…”

“Already in the middle of chaos—”

“That is…

The knife ghost’s eyes opened slightly, and he was very shocked.

“Mr. Su is now in the void constructed by the boundaries of space-time.”

“Exists in different space-time.”

“And not just the golden space-time.”

Both she and Knife Mania found out!

The breath around Mr. Su on the stage is the breath of time and space, that is to say, from the moment Mr. Su opens the folding fan, he does not exist in the golden time and space, nor does he exist in any time and space of the twelve time and space, but exists in the time and space junction of the twelve time and space, in the darkness of nothingness.

“And the space around us……”

“A separate space has been formed, not just in the golden space-time.”

“Mr. Su’s means—”

“It’s unfathomable.”

Knife Mania sighed.

For the word bastards! The space around is amazing!

But both of them have studied time and space, so they perceive the horror of this method! Not at all that they can do at this level! Even they couldn’t figure out what a horrible means this was!

Even the golden pencil on the storyteller!

At this moment, they all looked at the picture behind Su Yu with a shocked look, “That’s…”

Some saw the picture of the iron time and space behind Nasu Yu! The look was very shocking!

Only in the picture

Heaven and earth seemed to crack open a terrifying crack! Countless black mists descended like countless rivers, slowly heading towards the ground! The entire Heavenly Dome was dim and purple, just like when the Golden Time and Space Good and Evil War was fought!


“Is it iron space-time?”

When countless bastards saw this scene, they all showed a shocked look! In that picture!

One crack after another appeared, the heavens shook, and countless monsters wrapped in black mist descended to the ground, vast and endless! At a glance, almost the entire iron space-time ground seemed to be covered with black fog, like a black tide! Surge between heaven and earth!

“It seems that it is really iron space-time…”

“Is the current iron time and space experiencing the great war between good and evil?”

“Is it the extremely yin day that Mr. Su mentioned?”

Some opened their mouths and seemed to guess something!

“Mr. Su……”

“Even connected to the iron space-time?”


“Is it possible to protect the demon army that will descend after the magnetic field is broken?”

There are mixed word guesses, very shocked!


Wang Dadong also opened his mouth in shock: “Is this the great battle of good and evil in iron time and space?” ”

Arthur the King looked solemn: “This scene… It also looks too spectacular. ”

A scene in front of you!

It’s just too spectacular!


“I’m afraid it’s from the Demon Realm.”

Ding Xiaoyu’s eyes were also very shocking.

In that picture! A mighty army of monsters! Mighty! Endless! Black fog rolling!

Forming a sense of picture of an epic and magnificent battlefield!

“This demon world…”

“It’s so powerful.”

Rex was amazed and shocked.

“If it comes to our golden time and space, the consequences will be unimaginable.”

Tian Hongguang shook his head!

“Oh my God… Is this the Demon Army? At a glance, it is impossible to see how many demons there really are, if the demon world really wants to attack our golden space-time, how can our golden space-time resist? What resistance to take? ”

“The top combat power of our Golden Time and Space is only the Knife Crazy Killer Organization and the Force Judgment House, right?” But……… There seems to be no resistance. ”

Face that mighty army of monsters!

What comes to mind is the combat power of the Golden Time and Space! But better to find!

If the Demon Realm really attacks Golden Time and Space! Then what awaits the golden time and space is the end of destruction!

“Mr. Su said that this extremely yin day is the moment when the demon world finally attacks, and we must completely let evil outweigh good, iron time and space… Can you resist? ”

Some of the mixed characters looked worriedly at the giant screen picture of the heavens and the earth behind Su Yu

The Demon Realm army has arrived!

The surging and mighty army of demons, the black fog rolling, like an abyss that devours everything! It’s chilling!

Such a situation!

Iron Time and Space! Can it resist?

Just when the public is worried! Suddenly!

Countless Strangers – Emerge!

Moxibustion Dance! Yehenara old boss!

All lead the Stranger Walkers to battle! In the picture

The horn of attack is blown! Two sides at war!

Epic war scenes are presented in front of everyone! It’s just that!

I didn’t wait for everyone to breathe a sigh of relief!

“Oh my God…

“That’s —

There are mixed words pointing to the picture in shock! In the picture!

The Celestial Demon King turned into a hundred demon shadows!

But this is not shocking, what is shocking is that it seems to be summoning something, and then a terrifying crack cracks open! That crack seemed to split the heavens and the earth into two parts, instantly tearing apart the vast iron space-time half of the firmament!

Tearing through the cracks, there seemed to be an extremely terrifying being, just revealing a corner, which was hundreds of feet! A pair of scarlet eyes stared through the crack at the iron space-time ahead!

Once painted

All the jerks feel like they’re there! Those eyes!

Seems to be staring at them!



“What’s that?”

There are mixed people with their eyes wide open, and their eyes are very afraid! This is the fear that comes from the heart!

In front of that one!

Everyone feels like an insignificant ant! Just a corner!

Hundreds of feet! Three meters a day!

I can’t imagine what a terrifying being the one behind that crack really is!

“Good horror…”

“Shouldn’t that be the supreme of the Demon Realm?”

“Feeling so desperate……”

“So depressing…”

“I feel like if we were there, I’m afraid we wouldn’t be able to move, right?”

The all felt a surge of depression and fear gushing out of their hearts! This is from the deepest part of the heart!

It is a natural reaction of the human body! No control at all! Although they know the horrors of the demon world!

But this moment!

They had personally felt the horror from the Demon Realm! Take your breath!

It’s all about looking at the picture! It’s unbearable!


“That’s — suddenly!

A mixed-up man looked at the picture with a shocked look and pointed his finger at the picture! Countless frightened, shocked, and uneasy all looked at the picture!

Soon! Their eyes are wide open! In the picture! The other corner of the Sky Dome!

Sky Dome Twist!

The vast galaxy has emerged!

Just like the vast galaxy they saw behind Mr. Su, the vast cosmic galaxy sprung up and occupied half of the sky in an instant! Subsequently, a shadow penetrated through time and space, occupying half of the sky and floating on the vast galaxy!

Although the shadow is blurred! But they all know each other! That shadow

It’s Mr. Su sitting on the storyteller!



“Mr. Su’s shadow has descended into Iron Time and Space?”

Some of the mixed characters looked at Su Yu on the high platform with a shocked look! In the picture

The shadow of Su Yu descended on Iron Time and Space! Occupy the side of the sky dome! Standing on top of the galaxy! Like a shrine!

The half of the Heavenly Dome in the crack seemed to turn into a dark abyss, and the being in that abyss also seemed to sense the existence of Su Yu, and the scarlet eyes stared ahead, looking at Na Su Yu!


It’s like being split into two parts!

Part of it is the vast galaxy! Su Yu’s shadow gradually materialized!

Part of it was the dark abyss, and the existence in that crack was looking at the shadow of Su Yu in front of it!

Next second! rumble

In that dark abyss, in that crack, a palm like a giant mountain stretched out from the sky, and the terrifying dark energy frantically surged in it, as if the power to destroy everything was condensed on it! It seems to break through the protective magnetic field of iron space-time, roll all the dark energy, and grab it forward!

Iron Time and Space!

Countless Strangers looked at the crack giant hand in horror! In front of the Storyteller!

Countless looked at the giant hands in the picture in shock! And just then!

Airplanes. Storyteller. Su Yu’s eyes lifted slightly.

He grabbed the palm of his hand forward! rumble

His whole body was covered in that white mist! The whole person’s body is all illusory! It seems to have fallen somewhere between fiction and reality!


The were shocked: “Sue…”

“Mr. Su……”


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