Chapter 225: The Provocation of the Yellow Turban Thief! This fight is not fair! 【2_5】!!

This time!

The screen continues to play! Soon in that picture.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were facing the eight golden lock arrays in front of them, and they were a little embarrassed! Offstage.

The bastards were curious: “Is this eight-door golden lock array very powerful?” ”

“Who is Zuo Ci again?”

After all!

In front of everyone, it seems that there are only eight doors~! Looks………

Wouldn’t it be a casual kick to the ground? Stage.

Su Yu smiled slightly, “These eight golden lock arrays…”

“Once you enter, it’s a space of its own.”

“Completely lock people inside.”

“Someone has used countless years and has not broken the barrier.”

“It is filled with countless illusions, constructed with the power of the array.”

Su Yu’s words.

It was a shock to the word bastards!

“The colleges and universities of silver time and space are so strange, and they still have to break through the lineup when they go to school?”

The word bastards feel very strange!

Isn’t that just going to school?

Still have to break such a terrible formation? This silver space-time………

Are they all so weird? Going to school, you still have to break the lineup? But.

Su Yu shook his head on the stage: “However. ”

“This array is fake.”


“It was set up by Yuteng University to prevent the Yellow Turban University.”

Yellow Turban College?

The following are stunned!

“Shouldn’t it be……”

“Taiping Sect, right?”

Countless bastards have the power of the Three Kingdoms in their minds! thereinto

The beginning of a troubled world!

Didn’t it start with the Yellow Turban Army?


“It’s becoming more and more like the Three Kingdoms!”

“But it’s not the Three Kingdoms.”

“Although the plot is very similar, it is very similar to modern times, and Guan Yu and Zhang Fei did not know each other at first.”

“The Yellow Turban Army has become a Yellow Turban College?”

Some think it’s weird!

The picture in front of you begins to play

Guan Yu frowned and looked at the Yuteng University in front of him: “This Yellow Turban College is becoming more and more arrogant.” ”

He looked a little angry.


Zhang Fei nodded.

“I heard that as soon as they entered the school, they robbed everything!”

“Teaching equipment, registration fees, nutritious lunches.”

Zhang Fei looked serious.


He looked at Guan Yu: “I heard that last time there was a school, all men, women, and children, even the principal’s underwear, were taken off and snatched away!” ”

Guan Yu’s face was shocked: “Really fake? ”

The below are even more stunned!

“I’m going…”

“Is this Yellow Turban University so arrogant?”

“That’s too fake, isn’t it?”

“This Yellow Turban College…”

“It feels terrible, doesn’t it?”

But the next second.

Zhang Fei in the picture opened his mouth very seriously: “Of course it is fake.” ”

Guan Yu: “…”

: “…”

“This one flies……”

“It’s a bit of a punch.”

That being said.

The crowd felt very funny, especially when Zhang Fei was seriously laughing, there was always an inexplicable laugh.

In the picture

The two faced the Yuteng University in front of them, and they were a little helpless.

Of course.

The picture also introduces that all of this is harmed by the Campus Autonomy Law, and all the military, military and police have completely withdrawn from the campus and allowed the campus to exercise autonomy in order to achieve academic freedom, but they did not expect that it had become a troublesome dispute!

Zhang Fei wanted to break in, and finally he was provoked, revealing a black face!

“It turns out…”

“Is Zhang Fei really blackfaced?”

The following did not expect that after Zhang Fei was enraged, it seemed that he could break out more terrifying combat power?

“But these eight golden locks are blocked.

“They can’t get into school, can they?”

“What should I do about this?”

“My surname is Guan Mingyu, Zi Yunchang, his surname is Zhang Mingfei, Zi Yide, we just transferred to your school today, we already have an admission letter.”

Guan Yu took out the admission letter very gently.

“What’s not fake now?” What’s so hard about making a fake admission letter? ”

The students who kept Guan Yu and Zhang Fei out of the school said.

“Hey! This is certainly true! I don’t believe you can take it and look at it! ”

Zhang Fei’s temper was very explosive.

“Yeah, everything is fake.”

A voice came from behind them.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei looked back to see a man of their age standing not far from them.

The man slowly walked over: “I see that this eight-door golden lock array is also fake, right?” ”

Countless people saw the man’s appearance! All eyes widened in an instant!


“Is it repair?”

The man in the picture! It is repair!

“Not right…”


“It should be Xiu’s doppelganger!”

They all found out!

The man seemed a little different from Xiu! In the picture!

The man walked over with his head bowed, looking a little gloomy, with his hands on his back, a faint smile hanging from the corner of his mouth, and an unspeakable strangeness, as if it were a bad smile.


“How does it feel……”

“How strange?”

“How can you laugh so badly?”

The bastards all felt strange.

“Is this really a doppelgänger of Xiu?”

They all had the look of Xiu in their minds!

Always a serious, serious look, looks full of justice, although not the protagonist, but as soon as it appears, it makes people feel very secure!

But the repair shown in the picture in front of you! One appears!

It makes people feel a bad feeling.


It’s so weird! The screen continues.

“My surname is Liu Mingbei, the character Xuande, is the son of King Jing of Zhongshan, because the family road is in the middle, so very poor, the most expensive in the whole body, is that I keep the blood of the nobles, but unfortunately, my blood type is O type, every time I go to sell blood is very cheap, really decayed.”

Liu Bei said.

Golden Time and Space Mixed: “…”

Iron Time and Space Walker: “…”

This is special!

Is there any connection between the two?!

If it is not type O blood, Liu Bei can still get rich by selling blood, and unify the world?!

As soon as he came up, he sold misery and said that he was poor for what he wanted to do! Want to win the sympathy of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei?!

The spectators of both time and space were speechless at the same time!

Xiu’s body was really far from him! And didn’t expect that!

Liu Bei turned out to be like this!

The whole person is gloomy and pretending! It feels particularly uncomfortable!

“May I ask, how do you know that this array is fake?”

Zhang Fei asked.

Liu Bei smiled: “Don’t hide from you, in order to survive, I specialize in fake goods, and the A goods master that everyone says is me, this fake thing……… I can see through it at a glance. ”

Golden Time and Space Mixed: “…”

Iron Time and Space Walker: “…”

Is selling fakes something to show off?

Why does this Liu Bei look……… Still a little proud? That’s when it happened!

In the picture!

Seven figures tumbled down from the trees!

All six figures are dressed in yellow! Wear a yellow turban! One of them is wearing a black vest!

He stood very arrogantly in the center, looking at Guan Yu and the others with disdain!

“I am the director of discipline at the Yellow Turban College, Zhang Bao!”

Zhang Bao instructed six Yellow Turban thieves to forcibly invade Yuteng University!

Yuteng University immediately locked the door! Entered a state of emergency alert!

“If the three of you are lucky today, you haven’t gone through the enrollment formalities yet, otherwise, let’s accompany you to the funeral!”

Zhang Bao smiled and said, “I’m in a good mood today, so let’s go.” ”

Guan Yu stared at Zhang Bao and slowly walked to him.

Zhang Fei also stood behind Guan Yu.

“We already have an admission letter, it’s the students here, and we want to protect our school.”

Guan Yu said.

“Classmate Guan, it doesn’t matter if you like to fight, but the head can’t have stones, the brain stones are nerds, there are so many of them, we only have three people, this is not called fighting, this is called beating Yah!”

Liu Bei said.

“Protecting the school is the responsibility of every student!”

Guan Yu glared at Zhang Bao!

“Guan Yu said to fight, I will fight!”

Zhang Fei said.

Liu Bei sighed, shook his head, turned his head to look at Zhang Bao, and revealed a flattering smile: “Director of Teaching, may I ask, can I abstain from this siege game?” ”

“The two of them can abstain, but you can’t.”

Zhang Bao said with a smile.


Liu Bei’s smile disappeared at once.

“This fight, it’s not fair!”

Guan Yu said.

Zhang Bao laughed: “It’s unfair, but what can be done?” I just have to say sorry to you! ”

“I mean…”

Guan Yu stared into Zhang Bao’s eyes with a cold expression, “It’s not fair to you five.” ”

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