Chapter 254 Jiang Gan is here to pit his teammates!!

The screen continues!

Cao Cao suspected that Lü Bu and Dong Zhuo had a great relationship! And Lü Bu chased the mink cicada, there is a purpose! And the next day.

The Eastern Han Academy posted an announcement

Lü Bu serves as the president of the student council and the head of the student picket headquarters! Effective today!

Without the students’ vote, Lü Bu was directly announced to be the president of the student union, which simply broke the rules of the Eastern Han Academy!

This was also strongly protested by the students!





The students’ protests are getting fiercer!

Originally, during this time, everyone was very dissatisfied with Dong Zhuo’s various acts, and at this time, Dong Zhuo and Lü Bu also destroyed the tradition of the Eastern Han Academy, which further ignited everyone’s resistance emotions!

At this time, Li Ru appeared! Fight violence with violence!

He said that if anyone dares to make trouble again, he will be arrested immediately according to the current offender who violates the campus management order law!


This makes the already angry students even more rebellious!

Seeing that Li Ru could no longer hold back, Dong Zhuo and Lü Bu stood directly in front of the students!

The bastards are furious!

“Dong Zhuo is also too brazen!”

“Lü Bu is just a puppet of Dong Zhuo.”

“I really feel sorry for the mink cicada, and Principal Wang Yun is still Dong Zhuo’s secret plan.”

“Did Lü Bu break with the mink?”

“Haha, the wall head grass Jiang Gan appeared!”

“I was still very angry, but why did Jiang Gan think it was so funny as soon as he appeared?”

“Dong Zhuo and Lü Bu’s conversation was overheard by Jiang Gan, haha!”

“Lü Bu is still too tender and has been pinched by Dong Zhuo.”

“The hateful Dong Zhuo actually threatened Lü Bu with a mink cicada!”

“Jiang Gan is going to be discovered by Li Ru and Mei Niang!”

“Hahahahaha, Jiang Gan began to pat Li Ru’s ass!”

“It’s thrilling! Jiang Gan was almost discovered! ”

The mixed generations are immersed in the story of the Ultimate Three Kingdoms.

Everyone’s emotions follow the ups and downs of the plot, like a roller coaster.

In the picture.

Little Joe ate the transfiguration capsule and turned into a mink cicada to find Lü Bu to settle the account.

She said that as long as Lü Bu was willing to take a stinky punch from Jiang Gan, she would consider whether to forgive Lü Bu.

In order to get the forgiveness of the ‘mink cicada’, Lü Bu let Jiang Gan beat himself with a stinky fist.

Jiang Gan shot!

Bombing Lü Bu’s face!

If this were an ordinary person, he would have been beaten up and his mother would not know it.


The moment Lü Bu raised his head! bgm ringing!

“My stinky beauty stinky stinky stinky stinky stinky stinky stinky

“My stinky beauty stinky stinky stinky stinky stinky stinky stinky beautiful stinky beautiful stinky beautiful beautiful stinky beautiful beautiful stinky stinky beautiful stinky

“My stinky smelly stinky stinky stinky stinky stinky

“My stinky beauty can’t be bought with money~”

“Stinky me~”

The bastards are all laughing!

“Caught off guard!”

“It turns out that Jiang Gan’s trick is stinky fist!”

“Hahaha! Does stinky fist mean smelly and beautiful? ”

“After Lü Bu was beaten, it was really smelly and beautiful!”

“I can’t even imagine this picture!”

“Brainwashed by this melody again!”

After laughing, the tight plot pulled back the emotions of the mixed-up generations.

In the picture!

Cao Cao asked Jiang Gan to go to the principal’s office and steal the unlocker that locked Maria.

Under Cao Cao’s coercion and inducement, Jiang Gan could only comply.

The funny thing is that Jiang Gan’s body is actually stuck in the window because it is too big!

“Cao Cao could let Jiang Gan do this, this is his mistake!”

“Hahaha, it’s still stuck in the window!”

“What good deeds did Jiang Gan do before to let Cao Cao go to the bottom?”

“Cao Cao’s means cow wow! Jiang Gan was directly pinched! ”

“Is it time for Little Joe to get out of the horse next?”

“Wow! Little Joe is so skilled! ”

“Hahahahaha! Jiang Gan is here to pit his teammates! ”

“Little Joe is miserable!”

“Yay! The unlocker is here! Little Joe is really awesome! Zhao Yun has been saved! ”

“Great! The blood veins on Zhao Yun’s body were all opened! ”

“Huh? Why is the computer garbled? ”

“I lean on! How did Zhao Yun roar and disappear from sight? ”

“This… What happened? ”

“This unlocker…… It turned out to be fake! ”

The mood of the mixed word generation is fluctuating! A second ago.

They were still cheering Zhao Yun’s martial arts resumed.

Next second.

Zhao Yun ran away like crazy!

This plot! What a life!

It’s not a guess! Top!

It’s really too top-notch!

“Lü Bu, don’t refuse Cao Cao’s request to let you steal the unlocker, I know you will definitely help Cao Cao!”

“Dong Zhuo can’t even remember Lü Bu’s birthday!”

“Actually, Lü Bu is just probing, right?” Tempting Dong Zhuo to know whether this day was not his birthday at all, but Dong Zhuo did not guess it. ”

“Cao Cao’s side is also too smooth!” Sure enough, Lü Bu was helping Cao Cao in disguise!

“Li Ru is confused! He actually looked for Zhao Yun to single-handedly pick him up! ”

“Hahaha, at the critical moment, Li Ru slipped on his knees and apologized to Zhao Yun!”

“Depend! Dong Zhuo is really fierce! He also slapped Lü Bu! ”

“He also threatened Lü Bu with a mink cicada!”

“Please, don’t hit Lü Bu again!”

“Lü Bu and the mink cicada, the mink cicada and Guan Yu… History……… Will it change? ”

“What are Huang Zhong and Ma Chao doing?” Hahaha! This love is too greasy to write! ”

“The love letter was picked up by a big mother!” They put Guan Yu pit miserable hahaha! ”

“Guan Yu is also too loving!” Has been insisting on doing public welfare yay! ”

“Lü Bu ran away from home? Where did it go? ”

“Dong Zhuo, hurry up and stay away from the mink cicada!”

“The five tigers will be handsome for the mink cicada!” Jiang Gan is also not easy, haha. ”

“Cao Cao and the Five Tiger Generals are already plotting to take action against Dong Zhuo!”

“Is it finally time to start?” Good to look forward to! ”

In the picture!

On the night of the full moon.

Cao Family Compound.

Cao Cao summoned the Five Tiger Generals, and Xiu stood next to Cao Cao with a pile of information.

“This operation must be a team to succeed.”

Cao Cao said.

He distributed the plan book in his hand to everyone.

“President, are you sure that tonight is a good time to start?”

Guan Yu asked.

“That’s right, there is a detailed record of Dong Zhuo’s daily work and rest in the planning book, every night at nine o’clock, he will practice the Gui Qi Dafa, at this time, the qi and blood in his whole body will stop running, and even his breathing will temporarily stop, but the time is only a short thirty seconds!”

Cao Cao said.

The Five Tigers were going to use this short thirty seconds to knock Dong Zhuo unconscious! Then replace Dong Zhuo with someone Cao Cao has already prepared!

“A good trick to steal the day and change the day!”

Xiu couldn’t help but sigh.

Cao Cao: “?? ”

The bastards laughed!

“Repair, you’re going to be exposed again!”

“Hahaha, I have also seen Sun Tzu’s Art of War!”

“Chairman Cao said he was shocked!”

Fortunately, Cao Cao’s plan book was written, otherwise Xiu Zhen would not be able to explain it clearly.

“It is worthy of Cao Cao, who clearly understands the advantages, weaknesses and expertise of both the enemy and us!”

“Hahaha! Laugh me to death! How did that car suddenly ring! ”

“Xiu is going to be scared to death!”

Cao Cao and the Five Tigers will enter Dong Zhuo’s residence! The picture stops abruptly!

Mixed: “??? ”


How……… That’s the end of it?!

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