Chapter 256 This Infernal Path is Playing Wow!!

Another month.

Today ushered in the day of storytelling.

The storytelling counter was already bustling with people.

Everyone wants to take a great position, for fear of missing any details.

With the emergence of Su Yu, the venue of storytelling gradually formed a space, and the venue was instantly empty.

Many others have also entered the arena one after another.

Wang Dadong and others are responsible for organizing order.


The space was quiet.

The mixed characters are very much looking forward to the beginning of the picture.

After all, everyone has been suffering for a whole month, and the follow-up plot has even been written into a novel, but the taste is not right, and there is a lot of speculation about the follow-up plot.

After waiting for a month, this day finally arrived.


“Long time no see.”


“What we’re going to say.”

“It’s the second story of Silver Time and Space.”

Su Yu took a sip of hot tea: “I mentioned it last time.” ”

“Cao Cao and the Five Tigers will sneak into Dong Zhuo’s residence and want to steal the day.”


“They failed…”

The bastards are thrilled!

They had already guessed countless times how Cao Cao and the Five Tigers had failed.

Was it discovered by Dong Zhuo? Or which detail went wrong?

Everyone has their own speculations about these storylines, and even spawned several different versions, each of which seems to make a lot of sense.

But what everyone is most looking forward to. Or Su Yu’s commentary.

Then! The screen begins!

Cao Cao and the Five Tigers will go through many difficulties and finally sneak into Dong Zhuo’s room! Sure enough, as Cao Cao expected.

Dong Zhuo was practicing the Gui Si Dafa and did not notice their existence at all.

“Dong Zhuo won’t open his eyes suddenly, will he?”

“It’s scarier than a horror movie……”

“It’s over, I don’t dare to look…”

“Please, please, Dong Zhuo must not find out…”

The bastards all held their breath.

As soon as I saw such a high-energy plot, everyone’s hearts were tugged.

The truth will soon be revealed.

Cao Cao and the Five Tiger Generals………

How did it fail? In the picture!

Cao Cao’s middle and index fingers gathered strength! Only the last fifteen seconds remain!

The most critical moment of this plan! The countdown begins!

He has been practicing this stunt [One Finger Relic] for so long, all for this moment!

As long as the heart is hit, the remaining seventy-two hours will be in a coma state this time planned!

Only success! Don’t fail! If it fails……

The one that greeted them…… It will be an abyss! Airplanes!

Cao Cao headed towards Dong Zhuo’s heart!

Dong Zhuo frowned in pain and lowered his head.

Guan Yu on the side was extremely surprised.

I didn’t expect that Cao Cao’s martial arts would be so high. The two looked at each other and bent down to help Dong Zhuo up.

Without further ado.

Although Dong Zhuo’s heart has been hit, before the plan is fully implemented, everything will be variable, and it is still necessary to be as soon as possible.

At the moment when the two of them helped Dong Zhuo up! Dong Zhuo suddenly groaned!

“How can that be?! I obviously hit his heart! ”

Cao Cao was shocked!

Guan Yu touched Dong Zhuo’s chest and said in surprise, “Oops! Dong Zhuo’s heart is on the right! ”

Cao Cao just wanted to make up another finger! But at the moment!

Dong Zhuo has gradually become sober!

“It’s too late! Hurry up! ”

Guan Yu pulled Cao Cao and ran outside the door! But!

Dong Zhuo actually grabbed Cao Cao’s ankle!

In the panic.

Cao Cao could only kick off his shoes and immediately left the land of right and wrong.

The bastards were in an uproar.


The reason why Cao Cao and the Five Tigers will fail……… It is because Dong Zhuo’s heart grows on the right.

“We guessed for a month and we all guessed wrong.”

“Is there really a person in this world with a heart on the right?”

“There should be, Dong Zhuo, isn’t it?”

“What a pity…… Calculate everything, calculate this step missed. ”

“Cao Cao’s shoes were taken by Dong Zhuo, nothing will happen later?!”

“Last time, Mr. Su had predicted that Dong Zhuo would take this shoe and look for someone in the whole school.”

“Then why did only Cao Cao and Guan Yu be arrested?” What about everyone else? ”

“Oh, what a pity…”

The mixed generations were worried about Cao Cao.

They only knew that Dong Zhuo would later use the Heavenly Sacrifice Ceremony to frame Cao Cao and Guan Yu.

How dangerous the process will be, they can’t predict.

“Chairman Cao, don’t be too upset, this plan failed, and there is a next time.”

“Ma Chao is also too optimistic, haha…

“Everyone looks at Ma Chao’s eyes so strange, hahaha!”

“It’s the next day! Dong Zhuo is going to start looking for the owner of the shoes! Cao Cao must hold on! ”

“Hahahahaha! Jiang Gan actually scored zero points! ”

“Zhang Fei is also so funny!” The teacher said that he had scored ninety-one points, and the result was that the examination paper looked the opposite, only sixteen points! ”

“Hmmm… Zhang Fei’s results are comparable to mine……”

“The mink cicada is a proper school bully!” I can score 100 points! ”

“Guan Yu is also a hundred points!” He’s really working hard! ”

“Hahaha, this hundred points is an insult to Xiu, right?”

“Is Cao Cao’s shoes really that smelly?” Everyone covered their noses, hahaha! ”

“Jiang Gan is really difficult!”

“Jiang Gan’s infernal affairs are really good, hahahahaha!”

“Ma Chao! Don’t scare Cao Cao anymore! ”

“It’s finally time for the fit!”

“The boys’ feet should be about the same size, right?” Can you try it? ”

The stared at the picture very nervously!

The bridesmaid took a tube of spray from her pocket…

This is a DNA spray designed by Dong Zhuo, as long as it is sprayed, this shoe, only its own owner can wear it.

“Sure enough, no one else can wear it!”

“Jiang Gan’s hint is obvious enough!”

“Zhang Fei, Zhang Fei, Jiang Gan has already said so clearly, hurry up and try it on and go to the senior to find Cao Cao!”

“Or cultivate cleverness!”


“Hahaha, Cao Cao is already very scared, Ma Chao and Huang Zhong, can you please stop scaring him with the spicy pot?”

“Wow! Jiang Gan really cow wow! ”

“Suddenly the powder on Jiang dried up!” This infernal passage is fun! ”

The are really angry, anxious and funny.

Especially looking at Jiang Gan’s worried look for Cao Cao’s safety, everyone was really touched and funny.

Sure enough, Dong Zhuo still sensed that Jiang Gan had a problem.

He originally asked Jiang Gan to give Cao Cao the ancient poison [myrrh medicine] within seven days, but this has been several days, and there has been no movement, and when the seven days arrive, either Cao Cao is a myrrh doctor or Jiang Gan is a myrrh doctor.

“What should I do if I suddenly feel that Jiang Gan is very pitiful?”

“Cao Cao is leaving, and I don’t know if this move will succeed.”

“Dong Zhuo was really fierce, and issued a hunting and killing order, so that Cao Cao had no place in this world.”

“It’s really sad to see this farewell picture…”

“Guan Yu is really righteous!”

“It turns out that Cao Cao’s reason for wanting to dominate the world is this…”

“President Cao of Silver Time and Space is really a very attractive person!”

“I lean on! Scared me! How to propose marriage and engage in such a terrible ceremony. ”

“Actually… I actually went wrong……”

“I’m embarrassed for them!”

“Finally found number 361!”

“Ah this… Is this Lu Bo luxury? ”

“I know, this Lu Bo luxury is definitely not a good person!”

“Yes! I’ve already guessed that there must be something wrong with this Luberus! ”

The students of the Ultimate Class all turned their heads to look at a person!

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