Chapter 262: Guan Yu’s Choice! Which guy escaped?!!

“Well, what school principal would put his students in the Demon Realm?”

“Dong Zhuo is so vicious and faceless!”

“Haha, Pang Tong, Feng Chick?”

“The Pang family and the Sun family are actually family friends?”

“It turns out that Dong Zhuo’s magic skill is called the Dark True Scripture?”

“Poof! It turns out that this is the ‘Flying Chicken Book’! ”

“This is the first time I’ve seen a chicken that transforms into a chicken!”

“This chicken is absolutely poisonous!”

“Haha, look at Xiu Xiu’s posture of greeting the phoenix chicks, he has perfectly integrated into the silver time and space.”

“Feng Chi is really able to deal with, don’t like Liu Bei, he is really straight talking, hahaha.”

“Zhang Fei is not stupid!” He actually let Ah Xiang marry Feng Chi and take the Dark True Scripture! ”

“I’m the first to disagree!”

“The person who let Ah Xiang marry the phoenix is you, and it is you who let Ah Xiang not marry the phoenix chick!” Zhang Fei! What the hell are you going to do! ”

“Ah Xiang’s guts are really big, and he dares to buy a fake jade seal to fool Dong Zhuo!”

“It’s better to say that the man who sold the fake jade seal is bold……”

The discuss the plot while watching.

Dong Zhuo……… Will you recognize Sun Shangxiang’s tricks? Mr. Su mentioned it last month.

Dong Zhuo used all the students in the school to threaten Guan Yu and support him to seize the position of alliance lord.

What will Guan Yu decide?

It is to choose the teachers and classmates of the whole school.

Or do you choose to follow your heart? If you select the former.

Guan Yu, do they really want to support Dong Zhuo and seize the world for Dong Zhuo? Do they really want to see the people of the world being squeezed by Dong Zhuo’s tyranny? If you select the latter.

Can Guan Yu really watch all the teachers and students of the school die? As well as the mink cicada, Xiao Qiao, Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong, Ma Chao who were caught in it……… Guan Yu, can they really make everyone die?

Take care of the big picture. Or stick to the bottom line. Guan Yu will be in a dilemma.

Dong Zhuo………

What kind of means will be used against Guan Yu?

The are wondering what happens next.

In the picture!

Xiu, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and Sun Shangxiang came to the place where Dong Zhuo had made an appointment to make a deal with Dong Zhuo.

“You are obviously an adult, why do you always use some villainous means?”

Xiu coldly asked.

“Fun, can’t you?” You bite me? ”

Dong Zhuo didn’t care.

“Anyway, we brought the jade seal.”

Xiu said, “Please keep your promise and let go of all the teachers and students of the Eastern Han Academy.” ”

“Are you an idiot when I am?”

Dong Zhuo said, “First take the jade seal here.” ”

“Less! If we don’t let people go, we won’t give Yuxi! ”

Zhang Fei said.

Dong Zhuo used the Five Ghosts Handling Technique and directly wanted to grab the Jade Seal!

Sun Shangxiang used his great military strength to freeze the little ghost and did not pull the others into the wormhole.

But Zhang Fei was still pulled into the wormhole by the little ghost.

This Dong Zhuo!

It’s so cunning and treacherous! Not keeping your promises at all!

Just when Dong Zhuo was about to take action against her, Sun Shangxiang was in a hurry and threw Yuxi into the air!

The bastards clapped their hands and applauded!

“Ah Xiang is good!”

“Look at Dong Zhuo’s monkey look, haha!”

“Dong Zhuo will definitely be angry after knowing that Yuxi is fake!”

“He didn’t seem to be very angry, as if he knew that Guan Yu would take the fake jade seal to negotiate terms with him.”

“Haha, Li Rumei Niang each hit a thousand big boards, hit the front!”

“Is this still human?” But I put my feet up to support! ”

“Repair to take care of your injuries!”

“The phoenix is a little angry.”

“What a thing!”

“The bather: I was scared.”

“Hahaha, Sun Shangxiang instigated Guan Yu to follow Xiu Xiu, and as a result, he was discovered by Xiu just after leaving the door.”

“Ah Xiang: Poor and weak and helpless.”

“Guan Yu: It’s not that I’m not me, it’s that she instigated me, it’s none of my business!”

“Hahaha, Ah Xiang and Guan Yu are really cute!”

“Alas, maybe… The future of Silver Time and Space is really Dong Zhuo as the alliance lord. ”

“Indeed, it is the best way to talk to Dong Zhuo about peace.”

“Bad guys always have no way to sanction them, the reality is like this, too cruel… The bastards were incredibly touched.

Back off.

It is also a way to deal with the enemy! Language.

It will also be more powerful than a fist! In Silver Spacetime. Force is indeed important. But resourcefulness.

It’s also essential!

A momentary retreat of forbearance is not to forget the past, but to endure humiliation and burden, find the right time, and directly hit the enemy’s key point!

What Xiu and Guan Yu have to do now is to negotiate with Dong Zhuo!

For the future of the Eastern Han Academy! For the future of the world!

They have to bow to their bottom line!

Even if they are condemned by their conscience and misunderstood by the whole world in the future, they must make the most correct choice at the moment!

Save the lives of teachers and students of the entire Eastern Han Academy! Such a big pattern!

Let all the jerks be moved! Initially.

They are attracted by the curiosity of Xiu to be the protagonist of the Silver Time and Space story.

He was also infected by the blood of Silver Time and Space to stop the war.


Silver time and space.

Guan Yu, Zhao Yun, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong, Ma Chao, Cao Cao, Sun Shangxiang, Sable Cicada, Xiao Qiao………

Each of these faces has their own unique personality.

Their love, perseverance, trust, and dependence make everyone worry about their every move.

Every decision they make makes people admire their hearts and minds.

I don’t know what kind of means Dong Zhuo will use after Guan Yu makes the decision to support Dong Zhuo………

The screen continues!

Xiu, Guan Yu and Sun Shangxiang once again came to yesterday’s location!

Li Ru: “Oh, what kind of wind has blown you here?” ”

Xiu: “We’re here to talk, not to quarrel.” ”

Dong Zhuo: “How good is it to talk?” ”

Sun Shangxiang: “It’s very nice to talk about.” ”

Dong Zhuo: “Let’s talk about it.” ”

Xiu: “I hope that you can release all the people of the Eastern Han Academy.” ”

Dong Zhuo: “What good is it for me?” ”

Xiu: “We will support you and continue to be the principal of the Eastern Han Academy.” ”

Dong Zhuo: “You think I am rare to be the principal of the Eastern Han Academy?” ”

Guan Yu: “The principal of the Eastern Han Academy is already below one person and above ten thousand people. ”

Dong Zhuo: “The problem is that I only want to be above ten thousand people, not under one person, what should I do?” ”

Xiu: “Well, we’ll make you the Ally, but that’s not what we said.” ”

Dong Zhuo: “NONONO… Don’t underestimate yourself, you are all weighty people. ”

“Especially Guan Yu.

“The whole world knows that he is the most trustworthy man.”

“Guan Yu.”

“As long as you promise me.”

“Support me as the leader of the alliance.”

“I’ll just let everyone out.”

“So that everyone can continue to go to school happily.”


“I must emphasize one point.”

“Don’t support me as an ally now.”

“It’s when the opportunity is ripe one day.”

“You must fulfill your promise to support me as an ally.”

Guan Yu: “If you can make everyone happy to go to school and grow up healthy and happy, as long as my eldest brother supports you as an alliance leader, I am willing to support you as an alliance leader.” ”

Dong Zhuo: “Good! ”

“Guan Yu said a word.”

“Better than a thousand armies and horses!”

“I believe in you.”

“When you go back to school tomorrow, you can see that everyone is back safely.”

After the negotiations were successfully completed, the three of them left the place.

“Report the great headmaster, we are already in control of the overall situation, why should we compromise with those stinky boys?”

Li Ru was puzzled.

“Yeah, Headmaster, you just cleared them through the wormhole, wouldn’t that be nice?”

The bridesmaid was also confused.

Dong Zhuo frowned, “Don’t know the situation, you guys?” That time had been missed. ”

“Because the only time I failed to use the Five Ghosts Handling Technique was that I failed.”

“The guy who escaped…”

“I’ve come back with thousands of troops and horses.”

Li Ru: “? ”

Lady: “? ”

: “? ”

“What does that mean?”

“The guy who escaped? Which guy escaped??? ”

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