Chapter 266 A distinguished guest has come to visit!!

“Dong Zhuo has already issued a heavenly and underground hunting order, and he will not let you go easily at all.”

Xiu Xiu asked, “President, do you know how many people there are in Lü Boxu’s family?” ”

Cao Cao thought for a moment, “Nine.” ”

“Yes, if he were to take a risk in order to worship his brother’s son, it would be said that he was serious and righteous, but he dragged his family with his mouth, and Dong Zhuo’s methods were so vicious and vicious, and his family was Dong Zhuo’s handle!” President, in other words, you, you have a family of eight, will you take this risk? ”

Hugh asked.

Cao Cao fell into contemplation.


Lü Bo’s family, including himself, provided for nine people.

Leaving aside himself, the rest of the old man, the child, and his wife were eight people.

The most important thing in this life is not only brothers, but more importantly, family.

He was already carrying Dong Zhuo’s heavenly and underground hunting order, and even he did not dare to continue to stay in the Cao family, for fear of bringing danger to his own family, so why would Lü Bohao take him in at this time?

The reason why Lu Bohao was so enthusiastic, was he afraid that he had not been bribed and threatened by Dong Zhuo?!

Come to think of it!

Cao Cao looked at Xiu in utter shock!

This Liu Bei……… The mind is so meticulous! Terror!

It’s horrible!

These are two completely different people from the rumored Liu Bei! Seemingly.

Man cannot be known through the mouth of others.

“Brother Liu, thanks for the reminder.”

Cao Cao thanked him.

Shuya surrendered, “Everyone is a brother, the president, so where do you plan to hide from the limelight?” ”

Cao Cao sighed deeply, “I can only take one step and look at one step.” ”

After one night.

Cao Cao still decided to go to Lü Bo’s house.

He thought about it for a long time.

If Lü Bohao was really blackmailed by Dong Zhuo, if he failed to bring himself to Dong Zhuo, maybe Dong Zhuo would take a shot at his family.

He didn’t want to burden Lü Bohao because of himself.

He wanted to secretly visit Lü Boxu, and as long as Lü Bohao was fine, he would go to other places to take shelter.

After Xiu knew Cao Cao’s thoughts, he didn’t say anything more.

His heart was full of emotion.

Just by virtue of Cao Cao’s character and mind, it is difficult not to achieve great things.

Xiu He and the Five Tigers will bid farewell to Cao Cao by the sea.

“As soon as this order was issued, the world was so big, but there was no place for it.”

Ma Chao was very sentimental.

“I can’t imagine that Dong Zhuo is so cruel as to force the president to a dead end!”

Zhang Fei said.

“No one has ever escaped this hunting order…”

Huang Zhong was also in a heavy heart.

“Don’t worry, I’m the one out of ten thousand, and I’ll be able to escape.”

Cao Cao said.

“President, I’ll go with you.”

Guan Yu said.

“Or, the second brother will accompany you and take care of each other.”

Xiu said, “Mu Bo’s house is no longer a good place to go, sir, after you go to understand the situation, you have to leave immediately, as for what to do next… We’ll help you figure it out too. ”

“Thank you.”

Cao Cao arched his hand, “Take care of yourself.” ”

“Ah yes, sir.”

Xiu stopped Cao Cao, “Look at the house number, don’t go wrong.” ”

“Rest assured, Brother Liu, I won’t go wrong.”

Cao Cao smiled.

The sound of the waves is endless.

The sky also became dark and low.

Watching Cao Cao and Guan Yu leave, Xiu took a deep breath.

I hope that the journey of the two of them can be safe and smooth……… In the blink of an eye.

A week passed.

The news of Cao Cao and Guan Yu’s imprisonment spread throughout the Eastern Han Academy! Xiu frowned.

Dong Zhuo’s means are indeed vicious enough!

Even if he reminded Cao Cao, it still fell into Dong Zhuo’s hands!

“Now the president and the second brother have been locked up in the confinement room of the school.”

Hugh said.

“Let me go into the confinement room alone!”

Zhang Fei stood up!

“Now let’s break into one, and he’ll shut one up, right?”

Huang Zhong said.

“After all, assassinating the principal is no small feat.”

Zhao Yun said calmly.

“According to the Campus Autonomy Law, the following crimes are committed, but they are the major breakthroughs in the five major criminal laws!”

Ma Chao said.

“What are the five major criminal laws?”

Xiu asked curiously.

This Wang Dadong did not write to him.

“The five major criminal laws are ink, slash, chop, palace, and great opening.”

“Ink is to tattoo words on the face.”

“Chop, just cut off the nose.”

“Slash, just cut off your legs.”

“Palace, is to cut off xjj.”

“The Great Breakthrough is the death penalty!”

Ma Chao said.

“It sounds so painful!”

Zhang Fei said.

“I see that this time, it will be very difficult for the president and Yu to retreat completely.”

Huang Zhong was worried.

“Don’t get frustrated.”

Ma Chao said, “If we can win the ink punishment, it is not bad.” ”

“Where’s the best?”

Everything else was shocked.

Tattoo on the face……… Isn’t that nice?

When I think of Cao Cao and Guan Yu’s faces full of words……… Xiu couldn’t help but shake his body a little.

“At least it’s better than the palace punishment…”

Ma Chao said.

Repair: “…”

Zhang Fei: “…”

Huang Zhong: “…”

“We can’t always do nothing and wait for Dong Zhuo to be sentenced?”

Zhang Fei said.

“Rest assured, there will be a road before the car reaches the mountain, and the president and the second brother will be fine.”

Hugh said.

The next day, the crowd went to the prison to visit Cao Cao and Guan Yu.

“Brother Liu, you really are like a god!”

Cao Cao said.

As soon as he and Guan Yu arrived at Mu Bo’s house, they found out that something was wrong.

Lü Bohao hid the house numbers, causing them to go to the wrong place and breaking into the marriage proposal scene of others.

It was hard to go to Lu Bo’s house, but it was empty and there was no one.

He was not relieved, so he went in and took a few looks.

Unexpectedly, he and Guan Yu were secretly calculated by Lü Bo.

Lü Bolu… Sure enough, it has been bribed by Dong Zhuo!

When he woke up, he found that he and Guan Yu were already in Dong Zhuo’s office.

“Dong Zhuo wants to make a quick decision, and in three days, we will accept the terms of Providence.”

Guan Yu said.

“How could Dong Zhuo possibly let people go?”

Zhao Yun said.

Cao Cao sighed, “This is also what I am worried about, Dong Zhuo may not even give us a fifty percent chance.” ”

“Could it be that Dong Zhuo would write ‘Die’ on both signs?”

Little Joe said.

“I’ve thought about it too.”

Xiu said, “President, second brother, you don’t have to worry, I have already thought of a way to save you.” ”

Everyone looked at Hugh!

After listening to the cultivation method, Cao Cao was shocked!

Two ways to break Dong Zhuo’s bureau……… It’s seamless! Liu Bei’s IQ is really scary!

“But, Brother Liu, how are you going to connect to Li Ru’s radio channel?”

Cao Cao asked.

Xiu smiled, “You don’t have to worry about this, I’ve already thought of a solution.” ”

Night. Cao Family Compound.

Everyone was very happy.

With the solution of repair, Cao Cao and Guan Yu must have been saved.

“Big brother, you’re so smart!”

Ma Chao said.

“Yes, big brother, we really admire you.”

Zhao Yun said.

“Wherever, wherever.”

Xiu smiled modestly.

At this time, the stereo in the living room automatically sounded.

“What are you doing?”

This voice startled everyone.

“How is this?” How can the stereo play automatically? ”

Zhang Fei walked over and touched it.

“Let’s go, let’s go to the back garden.”

Hugh said.

“Why go to the back garden?”

Little Joe asked.

“A distinguished guest has come to visit.”

Back garden.

Sun Shangxiang: “??? ”


Who was the man who just spoke? How do you know she’s in the back garden? Was she being seen?

Sun Shangxiang looked at the brightly lit Cao Family compound…

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