The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1002: Broken girl

"You think too much!" Li Zedao said with a black face and speechlessly.

Just kidding, there are so many women in his line, waiting for him! Okay, even if he doesn't have a woman, but based on his looks and temperament, there are eight hundred girls who stand on the street like this, right? He needs that kind of **** doll with a light touch but no soul to vent or something?

The Antarctic was even more stunned, and his face blushed slightly, thinking about what this shabby girl was thinking all day long.

"I really don't have that kind of disgusting thoughts?" Shadow's big eyes rolled and turned, his face was disbelief.

"If you don't have it, even if you do, this genius girl advises you to get rid of it as soon as possible. Falsification is too expensive, especially for **** dolls, which are not worth hundreds of millions. It is better to have a few female college students."

"..." Li Zedao's face became darker, she actually said... affordable?

"Although I invented this material unintentionally, it has now become a military secret. Even if you stay outside, it may be developed and faked. I don’t want this genius girl to be so honest and kind. I saw someone imitating this material to make a mask and doing something hurtful...Damn, what do you mean by that expression? Am I not honest and kind?"

"Yes, yes, you are upright and kind." Li Ze said that he was perfunctory and perfunctory, but he also knew that every mask must be put on record after it is made, and after the task is completed, the mask must be recovered or destroyed, otherwise, If the masked person does evil outside, the consequences are too serious.


That night, Li Zedao secretly came to the place where the shadow lived. It was a luxurious apartment not far from "Longteng Medicine", a place where people sell dog meat.

According to the shadow, Lao Wang gave her something and asked her to find an opportunity to show it to Li Zedao after she returned to China, but she didn't bring it with him, so she asked Li Zedao to find her at night.

She didn't follow Antarctica, so she didn't want to be a light bulb. Besides, she knew that Shadow must have something to say to Li Zedao alone.

Of course, Li Zedao also told Antarctica not to disclose the news about the possibility and death of the hand of God, that is, not to report it. After all, this matter was too shocking, and the truth of the matter has not yet been fully understood.

Besides, if the hand of God really happened a few months ago, or even died, then the person who stole the head of the snake naturally cannot be the hand of God, so who would it be?

Who would dare to come out in the name of God's Hand to do bad things and then pour dirty water on the head of God's Hand? Is he not afraid of God’s hand making trouble for him?

The only reasonable explanation is that the other party is not afraid of God’s hand making trouble for him at all, and he is not afraid of God’s hand making trouble for him. The terrible explanation is that the other party has the ability to challenge the hand of God, and even the hand of God is simply He killed it!

Besides, considering Li Zedao's feelings, this woman who fell in love in Antarctica would not stupidly report such things.

She is the kind of top soldier, but before that she was a woman, a woman who fell in love.


After arriving at this apartment, Li Zedao rang the doorbell, and soon the door was opened from inside, and a shadow wearing a large T-shirt appeared there.

After seeing Li Zedao, he yawned and murmured: "Big fool, I came so late. This genius girl is waiting for you to sleep."

"Sister, it's only eight o'clock in the evening, okay?" Li Zedao looked speechless.

"Huh, I said that when I'm sleepy, I'll be sleepy." The shadow said uncomfortably, but he let Li Zedao go in, "changing shoes, just mopping the floor, don't dirty the floor...oh, without you Slippers, as long as you are wronged you are barefoot...Ah, you haven't washed your feet in a few days? Does it smell like salted fish?"

As soon as Li Zedao took off his shoes, Shadow's little hand immediately slapped the petite nose in a posture that was smoked by the smell of strange flowers.

your sister! Li Zedao almost turned around with a black face and left.

"You should feel honored. You are the first male animal to enter the house of this genius and beautiful girl." The shadow said while blowing bubbles with the gum in his mouth, "Occasionally, mosquitoes or flies come in. All are mothers."

"..." Li Zedao didn't feel so honored, but rather depressed...Whoever is said to be an animal, I am afraid that he will not be in a good mood?

"What did the master give you?" Li Zedao asked straightforwardly, too lazy to say anything to this nominal junior sister.

Although according to the shadow, the master might not have really died or something, but what happened is certain. And the master chooses to let the shadow give that thing to himself, maybe he wants to let himself know what to do or do.

"Why are you in a hurry?" Shadow's big eyes swept across Li Zedao a few times, "Is anxious to go back and sleep with my sister Antarctica?"

"What do you say? We are currently studying how to make a little nephew or a little niece for you." Li Zedao said grimly, and stretched out his hand, "So, give me things quickly."

"You... pervert!" Shadow's small face flushed suddenly, "Rogue, bastard!"

Li Zedao's speechless, am I a pervert? Please, compared with you, who like to watch people and dogs fight, I am very upright and not lustful at all, OK?

After the shame of the shadow was over, the expression on his face was already depressed: "Although the old Wang asked this genius and beautiful girl to give you that thing, he also told you a tortuous and even magical story that happened hundreds of years ago. , But your attitude makes me very unhappy... Hmph, this genius and beautiful girl doesn't listen to Lao Wang, don't give it!"

"Really not?"

"Unless...huh, play a game with me for one night!" Shadow's eyes narrowed, and he said with a smile, "I have prepared the handle for you. It's super fun, I promise you will become addicted as soon as you play. "

"Don't play, give me things quickly, and tell me all the flowers that Master asked you to relay to me." Li Zedao refused. Master is now uncertain about his life or death. Why is he in the mood to play some games? Besides, he doesn't have a cold for games.

"Big fool... refused? Huh, if you don't give it, you just don't give it!" The shadow said angrily with a bulging cheek.

"Really not?" Li Zedao's eyes became a little cold.

"You... what do you want to do?" The shadow was a little daunted by such cold eyes, "I didn't want to give it this day, don't you want to make it hard? You... can't you want to get me? "

"What do you mean?" Li Zedao nodded affirmatively, and then suddenly realized that there seemed to be something wrong, ", you want to be beautiful!"

"..." Shadow wanted to kill.

"But I have other means...Let's put it this way, I am in a bad mood now, I have no time to accompany you to pretend to be silly and cute, don't provoke me!"

"You...dead!" The shadow was frustrated, and he simply passed by.

However, the root of her foot could not fall on Li Zedao, but the whole person was captured by Li Zedao.

The shadow was daring, because she discovered that Li Zedao, who had been very clever to "cooperate" with her, was really going to "resist" and was no longer playing with her.

"Fool you... Li Zedao, you bastard... Let go of this genius... Ah... Help... Ah..."

In the next second, a big hand slapped her sleek **** violently!

"Pop!" There was a sweet and crisp sound, and then the whole room was quiet.

At this moment, the shadow only felt his head buzzing, and there was an indescribable feeling in his heart... grievance? Ashamed? There is even a little like...what's the joke? How could a genius girl like this kind of tune?

" dare to hit this genius in the won't let you go..." After a brief period of sluggishness, the shadow turned red and shyly scolded, "I Let the master tell Lao Wang, let Lao Wang drive you out of the teacher..."

Well, with all kinds of emotions in her mind, the girl dumbly forgot that the master and Lao Wang might no longer be in this world.

"Pop!" Li Zedao, who was in a bad mood, simply slapped the elastic place with a slap again. According to Li Zedao's experience, the inside of this large T-shirt should be vacuum, which means , This chick doesn't wear underwear at all!

But Li Zedao didn't have too many complicated thoughts. He just wanted to know what Master left for himself, and even more wanted to know what happened to Master.

"You... let go of this genius..." Shadow was almost crying, she had never been so rectified by anyone. At this time, Li Zedao's hand was like a pair of pliers, grabbing her hands. I don't know if Li Zedao pinched which acupuncture point. In short, the moment the shadow fell into Li Zedao's hand, I felt weak and unable to exert strength. She couldn't break free. What's worse, she could only maintain the embarrassing posture of pursing her ass...this the posture in the film.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt wronged, and the shadow flushed with her pretty face. This posture of pouting her **** made her ashamed and angry. She vowed to kill the **** Li Zedao when she regained her freedom!

"Will you give me something? Tell me what the master told you to tell me?" Li Zedao asked coldly.

"For your sister, this genius...ah..."

Before the shadow was finished, there was a pain and a strange soreness on the thigh again, and it was the appearance of this unprecedented strange feeling that made the shadow feel more aggrieved and ashamed, especially his own. What was disappointing was the familiar cry, which made her feel as if she had been insulted like never before in her life.

Oh, the reason why this kind of call is so familiar is because the women in that kind of film basically make this kind of sound.

So at this moment, the shadow really wants to hit the wall to death!

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