The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1005: Another version

"Lao Wang, you don't want to say, what kind of illegitimate son of the Patriarch of the Zhao family are you?" Shadow widened his eyes and interrupted Lao Wang's words.

The black line on Lao Wang's face: "You think too much. One of your sisters is after the emperor. This is a secret passed down from generation to generation in her family, so I just knew it."

"Oh, women's elbows are all turned out!" Shadow sighed.

The black line on Lao Wang's face makes you seem like you are not a woman.


The shadow stared at Li Zedao's astonished face and muttered to himself: "Damn, Lao Wang said, this **** will be shocked when he hears this about the safe buckle of the colorful stones. The look of life and death is like that."

Li Zedao is indeed dumbfounded, and he can't help being dumbfounded, because he already has a version in his mind about Chen Tuan and the colorful stone tomb. It is naturally the version handed down from the official text of the grandfather, and now I hear it. Yes, it's quite different from the version handed down by Grandpa.

In other words, about Chen Tuan’s matter, Master actually mastered two versions. One was naturally passed on to him by his grandfather, and the other was from one of his women...So, which version is the best? precise?

Or is it all flawed? The two versions complement each other to become the most correct version?

Thinking, Li Zedao's eyes fell on the safety clasp in his hand... the key? Tomb?

According to the version handed down from the official text of the grandfather, Chen Tuan gave two of his disciples one sheepskin, and another one of them a medicine jar. Then the two sheepskins and the medicine jar were used for The fourth apprentice is the ancestor of Shangguanwen. In other words, the two sheepskins and the medicine jar are a complete picture of the tomb... But what I did not expect is that there is a key, and the key Is this the safety clasp?

In addition to the white safety buckle, there are four other color safety buckles?

Moreover, the Eastern Unbeaten gave itself the map that was also left by the official text of the grandfather, which claimed to be the tomb of the ghost doctor Duanmu a thousand years ago. According to the Eastern Undefeated, the location of the tomb is where he had previously risked. The devil's cave forest where life is in danger.

Li Zedao felt that the tomb of Duanmuweizhuang would not be the ancient tomb where Chen Tuan placed the internal force quick method and colorful stones? Of course, it remains to be verified whether it is the same ancient tomb.

But what is certain is that there should be no multicolored stones in the ancient tomb. The multicolored stones have been divided into five by Chen Tuan according to their colors and polished into five almost identical safety buckles. The master gave himself this one. The white one! If you want to enter the tomb, you have to collect all the five safety buckles, otherwise you will not be able to enter the tomb at all.

"Master gave you this safety button?" Li Zedao asked when he looked at the shadow.

"Damn, what is your look? Do you think that this genius girl hid the other four safety buttons privately and won't give it to you?" Shadow cursed depressed.

Li Zedao smiled bitterly: "You think too much, why would I think that? I still believe in your character."

After saying such a sentence that he didn't even believe, Li Zedao became so guilty of heart!

"Hmph, let's say you didn't say something wrong!" The shadow said with a blank look at Li Zedao, "Old Wang gave me such a safety button, of course, after he finished talking about this tomb, Chen Tuan I also said that when you find any of the other four safe buckles, it means he is dead!"

Li Zedao's heart twitched slightly. What happened to Master? Why didn't you say it clearly, but what mystery did you play there? Why does it mean that he is dead when he finds the safety button?

"In addition, besides asking the beautiful girl of this genius to remind you, don't let others have such a white safety button in your hand, but also let the beautiful girl of this genius warn you... this time is really a warning. "The shadow face is exaggerated and serious," Pharaoh said, you will definitely find the remaining four safety buckles of other colors. You must remember that when you get the red safety buckle, don’t put it Heart position, after you get the blue safety buckle, don't put it on your forehead. After you get the yellow safety buckle, don't put it in your mouth. After you get the pure cyan safety buckle, don't...Damn, forget... "


Shadow raised his head for a moment and said, "Oh, don't put it in your eyes..."

Li Zedao listened, his face was confused, his head was completely muddy, and he didn't understand what the shadow was saying, so he asked with difficulty, "What... mean?"

"Damn, ask Pharaoh yourself!" Shadow rolled his eyes, how could she know such a mysterious and strange question? I asked Lao Wang, the old man who likes to pretend to be forced, but his face is unpredictable and pretended, and he said nothing.

"Anyway, Lao Wang said, if you dare to put any red safety clasp on your heart, you...hmph, your four feet are forward and deadly!"


"Oh, Lao Wang also let me..." As he said that the shadow was about to get up from the sofa, he grinned, looking at Li Zedao as if he was about to kill him. Damn, this inhuman bastard, how can he say it is also a charming little beauty, who wants to have a chest, legs, legs, face and face, how can he get such a heavy hand? You can touch it too, although I definitely don’t want you to touch it, but if you are so powerful, if you really want to touch it, this genius and beautiful girl can’t resist, right?

"Is it okay?" Li Zedao was somewhat guilty, and felt that his shots were indeed too heavy... I also touched them, maybe the effect was better.

Shadow yelled: "Damn, how could it be okay? It's so painful... It must be red and swollen... How can this genius girl pee while standing?"

"...This..." Li Zedao laughed dryly, thinking that if you want to stand up and pee, I won't say anything!

"Damn, I thought of looking for a knife to stab you, but my **** hurts so much that I can't get up." The shadow said very depressed.

"..." Li Zedao was in a cold sweat on his forehead. Fortunately, you can't get up, otherwise I will be unlucky?

"You go find a knife to stab yourself or roll over obediently and let this genius girl bite you, choose yourself." Shadow said.

"...Is it okay not to choose?" Li Zedao felt helpless.

"Damn, you think my old lady wants you to bleed. It was Lao Wang who asked the beautiful girl of this genius to remind you, let you poke a blood hole in your body, and then let the white safety button stick your blood." The shadow is very high. He said depressed, mother egg, what is your look? Just because my old lady is the kind of person whose flaws must be reported, this genius and beautiful girl is an open-minded master, OK?

Li Zedao was taken aback again, looked at the safety clasp in his hand and said, "Glue your own blood? What do you mean?"

Shadow rolled his eyes: "Ask Pharaoh myself!"

Li Zedao knew that the shadow could not tell why it came, so he didn't continue to ask. Of course, he wouldn't be stupid that the knife made a hole in his body, and he wouldn't be so stupid in the past to let the shadow. Take a bite of yourself, besides, there is already a wound on his body...the shadow bit before!

Although his body's ability to heal itself is amazing, the time is too short, so there is still blood in the wound.

So Li Zedao took a deep breath, took the white safety buckle, put it on the wound, glued the blood, and watched with his eyes wide, trying to see if the safety buckle would change. After all, Master is like that. After confession, there must be his deep meaning in it.

One second passed, two seconds passed...One minute passed! Ping An has deducted the sticking of blood, there is no change at all. There is no such thing as a cat and a dog as described in fantasy novels.

"Nothing has changed?" Shadow was also staring at the safety button with wide eyes. She felt that since Lao Wang said that, there must be some changes.

As the eyeballs grunted, the shadow cleared his throat and said loudly, "Fool, the old king said... Well, it will only change if the entire safety button is covered with blood... You have too little blood, so Hurry up, take a knife and pierce a blood hole in your body... It is also negotiable to let the beautiful girl of this genius take a bite for you."

"..." Li Zedao glanced at the chick like a fool, and didn't bother to pay attention!

After rigorously rejecting Shadow’s extremely unreasonable request to stay with her to play games overnight, Li Zedao left the apartment where Shadow lived and returned to the Shenlong organization.

At this time, Antarctica was sitting there drinking a cup of steaming coffee. He raised his head and glanced at Li Zedao who came in, curled his lips and said, "I thought you weren't coming back tonight?"

This male and female cohabited directly, which caused the other members of the Shenlong organization to really envy and hate Li Zedao. You know, they don’t even have the qualifications to enter this small building. This is a good thing, and they just lived in it. Therefore, Li Zedao's popularity in this organization is actually very poor.

Among these people, the most embarrassed is the Penguin who was transferred to the second team, the beloved was robbed, and the captain’s position was taken away... The most embarrassing thing was that this **** guy took the position of captain. For two days, it was very modest to express that one's ability was insufficient, and that he really couldn't take up that task!

He can't take up that big task, does that mean that he can't take it even more when he is squeezed out?

Of course, Penguin will not go to trouble Li Zedao stupidly, all he can do is to curse Li Zedao's 18th generation ancestor silently in his heart!

Li Zedao looked a little bit dumbfounded: "Am I that kind of person?"

"You are!" Antarctica smiled coldly and said with certainty, "That little girl is even more true!"


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