Li Zedao looked like a frosted eggplant. He stopped cooking and immediately changed his tone: "That... yes yes yes, may I ask this beautiful and talented young lady, what do you have to say?"

Sitting at the South Pole on the other side of Li Zedao, he snatched the earphones Li Zedao had brought and put them in his ears, closed his eyes and became calm, too lazy to care about this person, the little devil, the rotten girl and the pervert... However, for Li Zedao Taking off his pants and using the whip to slap him fiercely, Antarctica still looked forward to it, and it was fun just thinking about it.

"Yeah, the attitude is still humble and sincere!" Shadow was very satisfied.

Li Zedao was very upset, Damn, you hold the handle in your hand, can you not slap this flattery that you want to vomit when you shoot?

But the shadow was silent, looking at the silence outside the window, as if someone who was very important to her was looking at her through the window.

"I'm sorry." Shadow said suddenly.

"..." Li Zedao looked at the softer and softer face reflected in the glass projected from the airplane window in surprise, with an incredible feeling.

He can now calmly accept that a cold woman like Antarctica occasionally smiles at him with such a little feminine attitude and even speaks some love words, but it is very difficult to accept this witch suddenly saying these three words. In Li Zedao's view, these three words are not at all in this little witch's dictionary!

"This is not what I said to you." The shadow glanced at Li Zedao and spit out a bubble, obviously, his tone was a little low.

"...Who did you tell me?" Li Zedao asked with some curiosity. This vicious little kid seemed to be in a bad mood...Who had he abandoned, so he was upset? What's the joke, how could someone fall in love with her? It is hard to fall in love with other women, but it takes life to fall in love with Shadow!

"It's your shit?" Li Ze said with a white shadow, and closed his eyes angrily.

"Too lazy to care about you!" Li Zedao curled his lips, and closed his eyes to calm himself.

After a few minutes, the shadow yawned, then his head tilted, leaning on Li Zedao's shoulder, and he was already asleep.

Li Zedao looked down at her and felt that her breathing became even. It was obvious that she was really asleep. She smiled at the moment, thinking that this little girl would be cute if she didn't always miss her ass.


Li Zedao stretched out his hand and patted the little shadow's head, and said aloud: "Hey, beautiful genius girl...Hey...wake up..." At this time, the plane will land in DJ City on the island country in less than five minutes. .

Shadow was sleeping soundly, without responding.

"Hey, wake up, here it is." Li Zedao had to pat her pink and tender face, "The plane is about to land."

Shadow finally reacted. Her hands were like octopus claws. She clasped Li Zedao's already numb arm tightly. The little head rubbed against Li Zedao's shoulder, using soft and soft hands. He said coquettishly: "I hate... let people sleep for a while."


The shadow of the South Pole on the side was like this, and the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted, so cute.

Then the plane shook and made a harsh roar, and then the shadow opened his eyes, and his sleepy eyes looked at the surroundings dimly, and then wiped the saliva at the corner of his mouth with Li Zedao's sleeve, then raised his head and found Li Zedao Staring at her with wide eyes.

"Fool, what do you look at? Haven't you seen a beautiful genius girl?" Shadow rubbed his eyes and yawned, his voice was still sweet and sweet, giving a lazy feeling.

"You wiped your saliva on my clothes." Li Ze pointed to his clothes and said, disgusting!

"Damn, that's the beautiful girl of this genius who can think of you and doesn't despise you, so she uses your clothes to wipe her saliva, and other people's geniuses don't want to use it?" The shadow whiten Li Ze and said, "I am in blessing. I don’t know any good fortune."

"..." Li Zedao could only silently mourn for his clothes for three minutes, thinking that the first thing after getting off the plane is to quickly find a place to change his clothes.

"Arrived?" The shadow's eyeballs gurglingly glanced outside the window, and then he took out a delicate small box from his pocket. The box contained her favorite chewing gum. He took out two of them and threw them in. Mouth.

After thinking about it, two shadows came out again, and they handed them to Li Zedao, "Yes." She didn't give them to Antarctica because she knew that Antarctica doesn't like chewing gum, but Antarctica likes coffee and coffee of various flavors.

Li Zedao looked at the two chewing gums in his palms, and was a little surprised. You must know that Shadow’s favorite is her chewing gums. Now he is willing to give him chewing gums, and there are still two gums. That doesn’t mean...

"Purify and purify your own breath." Shadow's petite nose was very firm, and his face was disgusting, as if he could smell some bad air.

"..." Li Zedao felt that all the insults he had received added up did not seem to be as much in these short hours. At the moment, he grabbed the two chewing gums like a anger, stuffed them into his mouth, and chewed them very depressed.

At the same time, the cabin shook, and the roar of the motor filled the cabin. The plane landed steadily at DJ International Airport and then slowly taxied forward.

When a group of people got off the plane, the tour guide Meimei gathered everyone together. This allowed everyone to move freely in the airport for fifteen minutes, mainly for you to go to the bathroom to stretch, or to get a good feel for everyone’s airports and domestic airports. Atmosphere difference

Li Zedao also took a trip to the bathroom. When he came to the sink after taking a breath of pee, the blond-haired and blue-eyed foreign man who was on the same tour group with him was very pretty. Wash your hands seriously over there.

When he was in Yanjing, Li Zedao secretly observed this guy several times. After all, foreigners signed up for a tour group in China to travel to Dj City in the island country. No matter how they thought about it, it gave people a strange feeling, so Li Zedao felt that he Could it be that Tom, or Tom sent it?

Of course, this man naturally looks completely different from the Tom Kariagi described, but who doesn't know if he is the same as himself and has a simulated mask? Even, he changed his face?

After seeing Li Zedao walking over, there was a kind smile on his face, and then he nodded slightly and said in blunt Chinese: "Oh, hello, I am very impressed with you. You are the woman who abandoned you.""

"Ha, your sister!" Li Zedao's forehead was black, and then he smiled symbolically, and washed his hands beside him and said, "My girlfriend is playing around with me... We always make trouble like that. play."

"Oh, it turned out to be so, very interesting." The man said with a smile and gave Li Zedao a thumbs up.

Do you believe it? Either a idiot or a scheming bitch!

"Are you British?" Li Zedao asked. Kariagi said that Tom has a strong London accent. Of course, if it was deliberately pretended, only the person concerned would know.

And the guy in front of him seemed to speak with a strong London accent.

"Oh, yes, I am British, my name is Tom." Tom said with a smile.

"...Tom... good name, good name." The smile on Li Zedao's face stagnated, and his smile became even brighter. "Tom, it's nice to meet you."

"Oh, I'm also very happy... to meet you." Tom's Chinese language is very bad, but the smile on his face is very excited, as if it is a joy to meet a good friend.

After washing his hands, Tom took out a tissue and wiped his hands very seriously. Then he greeted Li Zedao and left the bathroom.

" it a coincidence or is he acting? He is actually the diamond bodyguard Tom from the Black Hawk Security Company who kidnapped Zhou Qian?" Li Zedao looked at his leaving back and rubbed his swollen temples, thinking. surge.

In fact, at a certain moment, Li Zedao had an urge to try it out, but he quickly dispelled this idea.

If he is not, then he was injured by mistake, I am afraid there will be trouble, after all, this is an island country, not China. If he is, would Zhou Qian be in danger under an irritation? So this kind of time is not suitable for hands-on.

Led by the tour guide Meimei, everyone came to a clearing outside the airport and waited for the bus that came to pick up the plane and take everyone to the hotel. The sky was gray at this time, but it was not as dark as the evening, and the air was humid, and there were still snowflakes on the ground that had not melted. It seemed that there had just been a sleet, and it seemed that it was still going down.

Shadow looked up at the gray sky, but his expression was a bit dazed, and there was even a slight sadness in his big eyes.

Li Zedao looked at the shadow with a bit of surprise. As early as when he got on the plane, he felt that the little witch's emotions were something wrong, and now it is even more wrong. She is a living sentimental young literary girl, even Li Zedao I also saw a crystal teardrop at the corner of her eye.

Antarctic shoulder touched Li Zedao, lowered his voice and asked, "What's wrong with her? Did you not let her **** pump and she was angry?"

Li Zedao almost spurted blood, and also had the urge to smoke Antarctic ass: "Please, you have also seen that I was bullied, and when she was on the plane, she slept like a pig. After all the way, I don’t have a chance to bully her...Ah, I know, is it because she bullied me, so I feel troubled?"

"Idiot!" Antarctica glared at Li Zedao, then walked towards the shadow.

"Are you okay?" When they came to the front, Antarctica asked softly, touching the shadow's little head.

This woman is still very feminine when she is gentle, and the coldness on her body is reduced a lot in an instant, just like the big sister next door.

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