The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1017: He is not my master

As soon as the Huaxia official responded like this, Li Zedao knew that Master was dead, and there was no chance at all! Because he was treason, and he was treason as a Chinese soldier... Because, Huaxia officials introduced Wang Zi like this. He was once a member of a certain special force of China and was ordered to go to France to bring back the snake head!

"Impossible, how could Pharaoh do such a stupid thing? This person is definitely not Pharaoh, he must be fake! Yes, he must be fake, huh, he must be wearing a mask, don’t want to fool Ben The fiery eyes of a genius girl."

After seeing the news, the shadow of the body that had already recovered, his face blushed with anger, and he stood beside the computer screen with his eyes wide open, staring at the screen showing the Emperor of the Island Kingdom inviting Wang Zi The photo taken during the dinner together, but the final result made her very frustrated, because she really couldn't see that it was fake.

This person is the Pharaoh, the Pharaoh who has a twenty-year-old body and a 40-year-old soul, so whether he speaks or smiles, he is very inscrutable and pretending.

Antarctica is calling from the side, and the call is from Yanhuang.

Li Zedao was sitting there cross-legged, holding a pen and writing and drawing on the paper. He didn't know what he was writing, but his face was extremely gloomy, and he wrote very hard, as if he had a deep hatred on the paper under his pen. of.

After the call, Antarctica came down in front of Li Zedao and asked, "Is it okay?"

Li Zedao shook his head, something happened! Saying nothing is fake! Although the shadow said before that the master is dead, and even said that as long as you find other colors of the safety button, it proves that the master is indeed dead, but Li Zedao is unwilling to believe it.

It's not that I don't believe in the shadow, but I don't believe that the master will really die.

Who is he? He is the hand of God, he has a super high IQ and ability to absolutely crush others, how could he die?

But now things seem to be settled!

Yes, the person in the photo who had dinner with His Majesty the Emperor of the Island is not a master. Although he has the face of a master, he is not a master! Absolutely not! Because his eyes are not as bright as the master looks at all, shining with a wise light, so he is fake, he is wearing the master's face!

And wearing the master's face is nothing more than the two methods. First, after the master's death, the face was laid on the ground; second, the other party wore a simulated mask, similar to the mask he brought from the dark group.

But Li Zedao prefers the first approach, because he knows that a arrogant person like Master can never bear such insults. If he is still alive, he will definitely come forward to clarify this matter, but he doesn’t, so he really Something happened!

Antarctica was silent, looking at Li Zedao quietly, without saying anything.

"What did Yanhuang say?" Li Zedao asked.

"This operation will add two more tasks." Antarctica said, "Take the snake head back and..."

Antarctica looked at Li Zedao and hesitated.

Li Zedao raised his head and said with a sullen expression: "Kill him?"

"Yes." Nanji nodded and looked at Li Zedao, feeling a little worried about his emotions, "Master said, wait until he arrives, we two are not his opponents."

"There must be someone guarding Huaxia, so you tell Yanhuang not to come." Li Ze said in a cold voice, without any temperature, but there is no doubt, "You tell Yanhuang, I will take his first level."

"..." Antarctica's eyes widened, and the look in Li Zedao's eyes was a bit strange, because she really couldn't imagine Li Zedao would say such a thing.

The shadow leaped over, staring at Li Zedao stubbornly, and cursed: "Do you want to kill Pharaoh? The beautiful girl of this genius warns you, if you dare to smash the hair of Pharaoh, the beautiful girl of this genius will fight with you..."

Then the shadow thought for a while and felt that Li Zedao must be unable to beat Lao Wang, so he immediately said: "Forget it, whatever you want, you can't beat him anyway... so don't go find him..."

"While playing, I'm not in the mood to quarrel with you." Li Zedao waved his hand in disgust, too lazy to pay attention to this shabby girl.

"You... dead bastard... stinky fool... I hate you... I hate you..." The shadow was puffed up, and the teardrops rolled in his eyes again. Killed? The unconscionable...oooo...Pharaoh has changed...he is not the pharaoh...oooo..."

The shadow grabbed the paper that Li Zedao had just written on and slammed it on Li Zedao, then turned and ran out crying.

Antarctica was afraid that something might happen to her, so he looked at Li Zedao and hurriedly chased it out.

Li Zedao showed a bitter smile, picked up the paper scattered on the floor and placed it on the table, then took out the phone and gave Yanhuang a call.

The call was quickly picked up by Yanhuang: "I just wanted to contact you. The situation became serious and even caught us by surprise. The snake head must be brought back, and Wang Zi... also must be wiped out, so , You don’t have to do anything now. I will talk about everything when I arrive in the island country. I will be there in the afternoon."

"I will bring back the head of the snake, and even kill him... he is not my master!" Li Zedao said these words coldly.

Li Zedao meant that he is really not my master, he is a fake from someone else! But when this word fell into Yanhuang's ears, it naturally became another meaning.

On the other end of the phone, Yan Huang was silent, and it took a while before he said, "I can give you a month to do this. As for the above, I will communicate."

"Thank you." Li Ze Daoqiang said, enduring the inexplicable grief in his heart.

"It's just that you... can beat him?" Yanhuang said. In fact, what he wants to ask is that even if you can really beat him, you really can. Although Li Zedao's tone was so determined and resentment that he was not my master, he still didn't believe it, but he himself was a little puzzled, why did he agree? After all, under normal circumstances, in fact, this kid is no longer suitable for continuing this mission.

But Yanhuang agreed, inexplicably, and after struggling in his heart, he agreed.

"Yes!" Li Zedao said positively. He just wants to kill him, he must kill him, kill this fake! Of course, before killing him, you must take something out of his mouth!

Yanhuang didn't say anything, and hung up the phone.

Li Zedao put the phone in his pocket and continued to write and draw on the paper, and then the shadow carrying a bag of things rushed in aggressively, followed by the shadow with the weird face.

Li Zedao recognized the bag that the shadow was holding, so his face turned weird.

The shadow gave Li Zedao a vicious look, and then took out a **** whip from the bag and pointed at Li Zedao and said loudly: "Asshole, you should fulfill your promise. Take off your pants obediently. This genius girl wants to smoke. you!"

Antarctica rubbed her somewhat swollen head and said, "You slowly'play', I'll go out first." She didn't know that Li Zedao had already called Yanhuang, so she wanted to contact Xia Yanhuang quickly and report to him about Li Zedao's decision. .

In fact, she hoped that Yan Huang would come here. After all, it was God's hand Wang Zi this time. Antarctica didn't think Li Zedao was able to beat him by the hand of God. Even if he did, he didn't think Li Zedao was dead. Anyone who knows him knows that Li Zedao's biggest weakness is that he is too soft-hearted and too emotional.

But the hand of God will definitely kill him, a crazy guy who even betrayed his ancestors, what else can he do?

"Hurry up, don't chirp, is it possible that you want to regret it?" Shadow stared at Li Ze angrily, and raised the whip in his hand skillfully.

"...Don't make trouble." Li Zedao said.

"Just make trouble...just make trouble..." Shadow was aggrieved. "I'm worried that you will be murdered by the old king. I will kill you... No, who made trouble? You made trouble? You agreed, and I will give You have twenty watches, you take off your pants and let me whip...hurry up..."

"..." Li Zedao was speechless. It is true that this was his personal agreement, but who knew that this was a pit dug a long time ago?

"Can you talk back to China?" Li Ze said softly and forced a smile on his face.

"Damn, don't show such a wretched smile to this genius and beautiful girl."


"No, just now, who let your dead dog bit my genius and beautiful girl Lu Dongbin?"


"Huh? Wrong?"

"Wrong, really wrong!" Seeing that the little witch's tone softened, Li Ze nodded frantically, "Really wrong, I shouldn't have a bad attitude towards you, shouldn't be ignorant of good people."

"Hmph, just know that you are wrong." Shadow hummed, and spit out a bubble triumphantly. This quirky chick, the anger rises quickly and disappears quickly, very heartless.

"However, I still have to smoke!"

Li Zedao's face is a bit dark, shit, I've been screaming and selling cute for a long time, dare to love it is wasted?

"Unless you promise one thing about the beautiful girl of this genius, huh, take off your pants and **** your ass." Shadow shook the whip in his hand vigorously, as if he was beating an animal.

In order not to become a shadow whip the animal, Li Zedao asked: "What is it... Let me talk about it first. There are some things I can't do, such as let me sleep with you..."

"You want to be beautiful!" The shadow was exasperated and glared at Li Zedao, his small face was rainy, giving people a thrilling beauty.

Then the little face of the shadow fell cold and became a little gloomy and terrifying.

Li Zedao stared at this face blankly, never thinking that this little witch with a very high IQ and very dirty thoughts would have such a murderous vibe.

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