The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1021: Electrocuted pervert

"Well, Lee, I should hang up. The beautiful and **** Miss Sophie is waiting for me to help her massage her breasts." Tom said with a wry smile, "After you get the blue safety button, when , I will naturally return your beloved Miss Zhou Qian to you... Again, I will use your character as a guarantee."

"..." Li Zedao didn't even have the thought of cursing.

"Then, goodbye," Tom said, and then hung up.

Li Zedao looked at the phone whose screen had been darkened. Then, when the screen turned on, a short message was received. The content of the message was a picture. The picture was a safety button and a yellow safety button, depending on the size. Sure enough, the shape was almost the same as the white safety clasp that Master asked the shadow to give him.

So, what is certain is that the yellow donut is in Tom’s hand, and the blue donut is in the hands of Ito Junichi who guards Yasushi Shrine. It can even be confirmed that Tom is sure Those who know the purpose of this safety button, know the existence of the ancient tomb, his ultimate goal is to get the things in the ancient tomb!

It’s just, why does the master say that when the safety buttons of other colors appear, it means that he is dead? In other words, Master is now...dead?

Li Zedao only felt that his chest was firmly pressed by a big stone, and he was suffocating if his breathing was not smooth.

Regardless of whether he accepts it or not, or is said to be unfilial, Li Zedao cannot accept Master's death even more than his father's death.

If the father's death is a nightmare, then the death of the master is the kind of pain that goes deep into his bones. Li Zedao knew that the master's position in his heart was very important, but he never expected it to be so serious.

At the moment, Li Zedao put the phone aside, took a deep breath, closed it, and soaked his whole head in warm water.

Wearing a set of pink bathrobes, the whole person looked like a pink shadow crept over, and just saw Li Zedao retracting himself into the water from a distance, so he was lighter and approached quietly. , Came to the front.

She wanted to see how men take hot springs and whether they have to undress like women... Well, this reason is still very good in her own opinion, so when I heard that there was only Li Zedao in the men’s bath, So came over.

Antarctica did not follow, and she was not at all interested in the naive question of how men need to take off their clothes in hot springs.

"Hmph, suffocate you!" Shadow's big eyes murmured and swept the calming water, cursing viciously in his heart, and glanced at the red wine and glass placed over there, and he even cursed the old king in his heart. , This old immortal guy is really too partial. He even helped this guy bring wine, why didn’t he know that he would also give this genius girl a bottle?

Is it... afraid of nosebleeds? Well, forgive him.

The big eyes looked at the special watch on her wrist, and there was a devilish smile on her little face. This was the main purpose of her coming here, to electrocute the dead pervert.

Damn it, dare to infringe on this genius's **** little lips while this genius girl has a fever, although there is a reason for it, but...huh, no, no! Electrocute you! Yes, for a while, when your dog’s head is stretched out, it’s when this genius is discharged...

It's just that one minute, two minutes, three minutes...Five minutes passed.

The shadow saw that Li Zedao hadn't come out of his head yet, and that the steaming water was so calm, there were no bubbles at all, it wouldn't be...

Shadow's complexion suddenly changed color, wouldn't the big fool really be suffocated?

"Ah..." Shadow screamed, and was about to jump out of the pool to save people.

At this moment, "Wow!" The water was splashing, Li Zedao's head suddenly popped out of the hot spring pool, and then he looked angry at the shadow he was looking at with his big eyes and said, "Yeah? You are sick. Ah, others heard it because of what I did to you."

As early as when the shadow probed his brain like a thief over there, Li Zedao found her, but he didn't bother to pay attention to it. At most, he reminded himself to be careful of the encroachment of the pervert, that's it.

" are sick, aren't you dead?" Shadow pointed at Li Ze and cursed, his face flushed, and his chest was quite undulating. It is conceivable that there was just a little movement on the water surface. It really scared her.

"You think too much..." Li Zedao murmured angrily, looking at the shadow with some alertness, "What are you doing here? Aren't you trying to invade my watery Chinese cabbage? I tell you, you If I dare to mess around, I for help..."

"...You go to die!" Shadow was so angry that he pointed his watch sharply at the steaming water.

Li Zedao's face changed drastically: "Wait... I'm sorry..."

"It's late..." Shadow let out a bubble and smiled even more devilishly.



In the island country, the Yasushi Shrine can be said to be a very special place. The shrine enshrines soldiers and military members who died in the island country since the Meiji Restoration. It is similar in nature to the Chinese Martyrs' Shrine. It is a symbol of the island country’s Shinto.

But because there are many notorious war criminals and murderers here, many countries and peoples that have been invaded by island nations actually want to burn this place with a torch, and a bomb-bomb to blow up this place. .

At this time, in a secluded courtyard in this shrine, an old man in a kimono covered his eyes with a black cloth, sitting quietly under the wooden eaves.

The sky was gloomy, and snowy white snowflakes fell lightly. Many snowflakes fell on the old man's head, face, and body with the cold wind, but the old man was still motionless. Yes, letting the blood fall from the head, an attitude of old hatred.

Suddenly, the old man rose into the air like a goshawk, and then fell lightly on the snow-white snowflakes on the courtyard floor, and then with a twitch of his right hand, a silver light appeared in his palm.

Soft sword, there is a soft sword hidden in his waist!

The old man held his right hand high, his sword aura rushed into the sky, and the soft sword shook, making a popping sound high in the sky. It was the sound of the sword aura colliding with the air.

Then the old man slashed with a sword. In an instant, the air seemed to be cut open, giving people a sense of deadly suffocation, and the falling snowflakes stayed there, as if they were being supported by some kind of magical power. The method continues to fall down.

Soon, the old man took the sword, the suffocation disappeared instantly, and the snowflakes continued to fall, as if nothing had happened.

In fact, something happened, not the air being split, or the snowflake being split...Of course, even if it is split, you can't see it, even if you are really idle, get a magnifying glass. Then lie there looking for the split snowflake that has long been integrated into thousands of snowflakes, and you may not find it.

Rather, the belt on a beautiful girl's kimono standing quietly in front of a stone table was cut off precisely by the sword energy just now, and then fell to the ground.

Yes, it was cut off by the sharp sword aura from the sword, not by the sword's edge, because when the old man's sword slashed out, it was still a few meters away from the girl.

Even, the old man’s eyes were still covered with black cloth, and the sword aura only gently slashed the good-quality clothing belt, but it did not hurt the woman’s tender skin. It was so accurate that it was at its peak and wonderful. At the end.

The belt slipped, and the light and loose kimono was unraveled like a wide cloak, and there was no clothing in this woman's kimono. Just like this, a smooth and clean body stood just like that. In the clean snowflakes, it was displayed in front of the old man.

In the next second, the old man tore off the black cloth strip that was blindfolded, revealing a pair of muddy eyes that were almost invisible to the eyeballs, and then held the soft sword in his hand step by step. The girl walked over.

The girl didn’t tremble because of the cold, and there was no fear on her face. She just looked at the old man with soft eyes, as if she was welcoming her husband’s return. She even made a move, very well. The beauty of my own ketone body is shown.

When she came to the front, the girl reached out and took the soft sword in the old man's hand, with a sacred expression, gently placed it on the stone table, and then squatted down, gently untied the strap of the old man's kimono, and started to work on her life. .

The old man looked up to the sky and whispered, his old face was full of intoxication, and his breathing became increasingly rough.

Not long after, the old man let out a low growl, leaned his hand over, grabbed the woman’s long hair like a waterfall, lifted her up, and then violently reversed her body, making her hands pressed on the stone table , The body bends and arches at a right angle of almost ninety degrees, so that her **** buttocks are facing her!

The old man watched, his small eyes widened slightly, his breathing stopped slightly, and then he leaned forward suddenly, and at the same time he moved crazily, his eyes were almost bloodshot red, like a leopard with crazy hair, and, more and more red, as if The expression of violence in my heart.

Finally, with a trembling, the old man yelled up to the sky, and then an indescribable light burst into his small eyes, then took a step back and left the woman's body.

The woman straightened up, her white body was already red and purple from the cold at this time, but her expression did not show any pain, on the contrary, she had a great sense of satisfaction. She turned around and moved gently. He packed up the tools of the crime, then sorted out the old man's kimono and tied his belt.

"Michiko, let Shinichi come over and see me." The old man said.

"Yes." The woman named Michiko stood up straight, bowed her head, then bent down to pick up the clothes on the ground, did not put it on, but turned and left.

She knew that this old man liked her, so she did it!

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