The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1037: There is something in the words

After more than an hour, the door of the box was opened, and He Xiaoyue walked out like an okay person, but if you look at her face carefully, you can clearly see that her cheeks are flushed. Yes, and there is still a transparent liquid at the corner of the mouth that can't be wiped off.

But how dare the bodyguards who are responsible for protecting her stare at the face of the sister-in-law who is usually popular with Rayleigh and whose wrists are not under the eldest brother, so no one can see anything unusual.

"Sister-in-law, the eldest brother said, it's not safe outside after all, let us go back sooner." One of the men nodded and said.

"Then go back... let someone drive over, I'm tired." There was a trace of fatigue on He Xiaoyue's outstanding face.

"Okay, sister-in-law," the man said, and then someone immediately took out the phone and asked to drive over.

He Xiaoyue took out a box of cigarettes and a lighter from her bag, took one out, put it in her mouth, lit it, and took a strong breath, letting the dense smoke envelope her entire mouth and encroach on her entire lungs. He even temporarily paralyzed his nerves, which made him feel a little more comfortable as a whole.

While slowly exhaling the smoke, I felt that there was a foreign body at the corner of the mouth. I subconsciously stretched out my tongue and licked it. In an instant, his brows wrinkled slightly. However, He Xiaoyu did not spit out, but a drool and swallowed directly. .

At the same time, there was a trace of pain and struggle between the eyebrows, but, soon, the expression on his face had returned to the original, as if nothing had happened, he licked the corner of his mouth vigorously, and then He continued smoking his cigarette gracefully.

"Sister-in-law, the car is here, outside the cinema." A man said.

After spitting out another puff of smoke, He Xiaoyue threw the cigarette on the ground, stretched her foot over and ran it and said, "Let's go."

Like the stars Gongyue, He Xiaoyue and his party left the movie theater, and as they left, a figure slowly walked out of the box. He looked at He Xiaoyue's leaving back, smash it, smash it. , His face was full of wretched smiles: "Tsk...This woman is too hungry... But, I have already conquered her? Didn't the great Kato teacher say that? Want to conquer a woman For her heart, first think of a way to conquer her son-gong..."

Then he took out a phone call, dialed a call, and soon the call was connected. He immediately changed a respectful face and said, "Group leader, that He Xiaoyue has been'conquered' by me. , I also made a video, now I am not afraid that she will not obey our Yamaguchi group."

"Kojiro, you did a good job." On the other side of the phone, Kenji Inoue was overjoyed. "Did you give her that thing?"

"Yes, team leader, we should prepare now. After He Xiaoyue gets her hands on it, she will call me." Musashi Kojiro said, "At that time, we will be able to easily enter the Qingyun Building."

"Very well, after tonight, there will be no Qingyun group of China pigs." Inoue Kenji said in a harsh tone, "I want to open up the guy Zhang Hailong, dig out his liver, and give Xiaoqiu to eat."

Xiaoqiu is an Akita dog raised by Kenji Inoue. Since he became Kenji Inoue's pet dog, he has eaten human liver many times, but he doesn't even know that he eats human liver.


After getting in the car, He Xiaoyue first took out a bottle of perfume from her bag and sprayed her body. Zhang Hailong is a person who is quite sensitive to smell, and she doesn't want him to smell the smell of other men on her body.

Only state officials are allowed to set fires, and ordinary people are not allowed to light! Zhang Hailong can be brazen in front of other women in front of her He Xiaoyue, but if her He Xiaoyue is **** by another man, Zhang Hailong will definitely kill her.

After spraying the perfume, she took out the cigarette, lit it, continued to smoke, and puffed, until the car stopped safely at the gate of Qingyun Building, she seemed to smoke a dozen cigarettes.

Those little brothers who were in charge of protecting her didn't think this was abnormal. After all, Brother Xiaoyang was dead, and it was understandable that she was depressed as a sister.

How could they know that He Xiaoyu's non-stop smoking is indeed due to mental depression, on the other hand, he wants to completely cover up the taste that men understand.

The little brother opened the door with a bow and respectfully. He Xiaoyue got out of the car gracefully, her eyes fell on the Qingyun Mansion in front of him, lost in a daze, and then, like an okay person, stepped forward and walked away. Go in.

She didn't even notice that her pace became brisk, far less heavy than before.

He Xiaoyue didn’t think about whether she’s doing it right or not. She only knew that years of love had turned into hate. How deep the previous love was, and how strong the hate is now; she also knows that her only relative is also It is that her brother He Xiaoyang can't die, absolutely can't die, so she worked hard, made a decision, made a choice, and then she relaxed, it was that simple.

At this time, Zhang Yunlong and Li Zedao were in the living room on the first floor. Li Zedao was playing with the mobile phone in his hand, while Zhang Yunlong was accompanied by each other. The two of them said something very unnutritious.

He Xiaoyue walked in calmly.

"Aunt Biao..." Li Zedao stood up and greeted with a smile.

He Xiaoyue smiled and nodded in response, and then said: "Aren't you going to help Hachi pick up the dust? I will cook myself and help Zhang Ma with two dishes."

"Your auntie cooks deliciously, but she rarely cooks now." Zhang Hailong said with a smile. She was still very satisfied with her want to cook some dishes. Seriously, he also missed a bit. The sweet and sour sea bass made by He Xiaoyue, and her ribs and corn soup.

"Then I have taken it orally, thank you, auntie cousin." Li Zedao said with a smile, his smile full of deep meaning, but no one could see it.

"Okay, then I'm going to prepare." He Xiaoyue smiled and waved her hand and said, turning around, the smile on her face instantly converged, replaced by a gloomy face, and then stepped on high heels and walked away.

After returning to the room and changing into casual clothes, He Xiaoyue came to the kitchen.

Seeing He Xiaoyue coming in, Zhang's mother who was washing the vegetables smiled and asked, "Xiaoyue, why did you come to the kitchen?"

More than ten years ago, Ma Zhang and his husband opened a Chinese restaurant in DJ City. Later, his husband contracted drugs, and the restaurant was eventually consumed. His husband’s life was not taken away by drugs, but he was taken away by loan sharks. The group of people were hacked to death, and finally Zhang Ma could only show on the street. He Xiaoyue saw her pitifully and took her in.

After more than ten years of getting along, in addition to her younger brother, He Xiaoyue also found a touch of the warm feeling of relatives in Zhang's mother. If it is okay, she will come to Zhang's mother and talk about the family.

"Hailong's cousin nephew is here, and my aunt, who is the cousin, naturally have to cook two dishes to show it." He Xiaoyue said with a smile.

Mother Zhang smiled: "What do you want to do? I'll help you."

"Let's have ribs and corn soup, Hailong likes it." He Xiaoyue said, "It's cold, and the soup is warm."

"Okay, I'll pick corn."

Half an hour later, watching the pot of ribs and corn soup in front of him started to boil, He Xiaoyue's mouth showed a cruel range, and she looked back at Zhang Ma and said, "It seems that the chicken essence is gone?"

"I'll get it." Zhang Ma said.

Watching Zhang Ma leave, He Xiaoyue turned her head, then took out a medicine jar from her pocket, unscrewed it, and poured the small half bottle of powder in the jar into the pot of soup.

The medicine was in powder form, so it was poured into the saucepan without splashing.

He Xiaoyue breathed out gently, wiped the cold sweat that burst out of her forehead unknowingly, but she felt a burst of lightness in her heart.

Behind him, a voice rang out of reach, scared He Xiaoyue's hand almost shook so that the medicine jar in his hand fell into the pot of ribs and corn soup.

"Auntie Ciao, it smells so good."

He Xiaoyue squeezed the medicine jar in her hand and turned around. She already showed a faint smile on that face. She looked at Li Ze who walked in and said, "It's Hachi, why are you in the kitchen?"

"A little hungry..." Li Zedao was a little embarrassed, and glanced at her holding hand unintentionally.

"Ha, it turns out, let me eat some soup dumplings first?" He Xiaoyue smiled, and reached into her pocket without a trace. When her hand stretched out again, the medicine jar in her hand had disappeared. "Zhang The soup dumpling made by mom is a must."

"Okay, I'll trouble my aunt." Li Zedao said embarrassedly.

At this time, Mother Zhang, who had fetched the chicken essence, came in. I heard that the nephew was hungry and planned to eat some soup dumplings first. So he took out two steaming soup dumplings and placed them on the plate. To Li Zedao.

"Thank you." Li Zedao smiled embarrassed again, then picked up the soup bag and took a bite. Sure enough, the taste is very authentic. It is really not easy to eat such authentic things in a foreign country. .

He Xiaoyue put the seasoning in the pot and said unintentionally, "Why would you think that the island country is coming, China is not good?"

"Of course my country is good." Li Zedao said, "It's just that when I was at home, I hit an islander. He was a member of the investigation group. So Tiaozi wanted to arrest me, so I escaped... Damn it. Ah, because the islanders want to arrest their own compatriots, traitors, big traitors, I yeah... Such traitors who betrayed their ancestors will have to die in the end! However, those who want to bomb me should be reformed. If I confess my mistakes back to me, I will forgive them, only if they have done a stupid thing for a while."

"..." He Xiaoyue's face was smiling, but her heart trembled suddenly, as if she had been hit hard by a powerful fist.

How do you feel that there is something in his words?

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