The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1040: who are you

"You...didn't you already have soup?" He Xiaoyue pointed to Li Ze, her heart shook. When everyone was drinking the soup, she also focused on this bastard. She clearly saw that the **** had drank half of the bowl and licked his lips, which was very delicious.

So he should be like everyone else now. He didn't have any strength at all and collapsed there. Why is it so good as if nothing happened?

"Drink." Li Zedao praised, "The taste is really good, even if you accidentally add some seasoning, the taste is still excellent."

" did you do it?" He Xiaoyue tried her best to calm herself.

"Haha, He Xiaoyue, you bitch, he is not what you think, he is my illegitimate son, he has a big background, you are dead, haha, you are dead..."

Li Zedao stood up without being poisoned. This surprised Zhang Hailong. He was more proud. After all, the two of them are "partners", aren't they?

"Shut up!" Li Zedao said with a dissatisfied glance at Zhang Hailong.

You haw a fart, if you weren't the shadow's father, you would have beaten you so hard.

"..." Seeing Li Zedao's attitude toward him so bad, the smile on Zhang Hailong's face instantly solidified.

Li Zedao answered the phone, and soon the cold voice from Antarctica came from the phone: "It's all resolved."

"Okay, I've worked hard, go back and help you with a massage." Li Zedao smiled. He didn't even notice it, his smile was a little wretched.

"Go!" The phone was hung up.

Li Zedao touched her nose a little embarrassingly. This woman is too ignorant of sex. Well, she had to go back and "**", but after thinking of the dagger in Antarctica, Li Zedao felt that she was not *in fact, it was fine. Antarctica, which doesn't understand the taste, is good.

Li Zedao put the phone in his pocket and looked back, only to find that his forehead was pointed at by a pistol.

"Who are you?" He Xiaoyue clenched the pistol in her hand, staring sharply at Li Zedao, and roared.

Can make Zhang Hailong take so seriously, but he is not Zhang Hailong’s illegitimate child, and when he told Zhang Hailong to shut up, Zhang Hailong really obediently shut up and didn’t dare to say a word. He even looked ashamed, just like this little ass. The child's bad attitude towards him would kill him!

What does this show? It shows that his background is really big, so big that Zhang Hailong is scared. As for his uncle Zhang Hailong, maybe he just wanted to hide his identity and so on, so he was acting.

He Xiaoyue remembered the scene in the kitchen again. This kid seemed to say those things accidentally. Did he say that on purpose? What does he know?

He Xiaoyue was in a state of confusion. She thought the situation was completely controlled by her. She thought she had the final say here. Whoever wanted to die would have to die, but only now discovered that they were just playing with her.

Others also stared at Zhang Hailong's nephew with stunned eyes. Everything that happened tonight was beyond their expectations. It was too exciting, far more than a hundred people hacking each other with machetes. It was so irritated that their hearts couldn't stand it.

Li Zedao smiled and said: "Once, a few people held guns at me, and then they all died."


"I count to three. If you still point a gun at me, I will be angry. When I am angry, even if you are a woman and a woman who looks pretty good, I will hit you." Li Ze said with a smile. Said.

So everyone looked at Li Zedao’s eyes changed again, listen, listen, how do you hear this, how do you feel that it’s pretending and arrogant? What’s even more arrogant is that people were pointed at the head by a gun and said this. Come on!

As a result, these people have an urge to kneel down and worship this kid...if they can't move at all now.

I have to say that there are many things in this world that require talent, such as acting!

The usual way for Qingyun's **** to pretend is to take off their clothes to reveal the arms with the green dragon on the left and the white tiger on the right. They also have to hold a machete with a cold light in their hands, and then blush with a thick neck and yell at you to move me. Believe it or not, I cut you. Believe it or not, I can’t even recognize your mother. Brothers **** you... This is how you usually do when you are in conflict with other gangs.

Therefore, such a technical pretense like Li Zedao really opened their eyes, and they can’t wait to pretend to be like that later. Of course, the premise is that their forehead is not pointed at by a gun.

Li Zedao didn't know that his actions had already captured a large number of fans, but he started counting with a smile:


He Xiaoyue's face changed drastically, very exciting, and the hand holding the pistol trembling involuntarily.


He Xiaoyue's hand holding the pistol drooped down, and she didn't think this little kid was scaring her into joking with her.

"Let's go, go out and have a chat." Li Zedao said, walking straight outside.

"..." He Xiaoyue didn't say a word, nor did he walk out as he requested, and even hesitated in his heart whether or not to raise the pistol to shoot him in the back.

"You can shoot, if you can bear my anger." Li Zedao said without looking back.

"..." He Xiaoyue decisively dispelled that thought. This is a wicked evildoer. He can guess your mind. He is very clear until you are thinking about something like this enemy. My heart is full of powerlessness.

And everyone looked at Li Zedao's eyes with admiration. What kind of courage and ability do you have to dare to throw your back completely at the enemy like this.

Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders and continued: "Don't worry, I just want to talk to you. I don't have that kind of movie, Musashi, or something like that...cough cough, you know."

After speaking, Li Zedao put his hands in his pockets and walked in with a lazy look.

He Xiaoyue's heart trembled suddenly, watching Li Zedao's face change wildly, he really knew what was going on, and then let out a deep breath, and then walked outside behind him.

Of course, Li Zedao said very vaguely, so everyone didn't understand what he was talking about. At the moment, they could only watch the two people leave.

Zhang Hailong's face was full of ashes. He knew that if even this Hatch abandoned him, then he would really be dead this time.

After He Xiaoyue came to the outside, he saw Li Zedao and both sides put on the guards, looking at the night scene outside. The night scene of DJ City is charming, of course, it also hides a lot of dirty trades from evil.

In fact, it is not only the DJ city, but also everywhere. There is a lot of darkness under the neon lights.

Standing here, you can clearly see that a few hundred meters away, there is a fire, and the sound of police sirens can be faintly heard.

He Xiaoyue looked at this kid who was always smiling, but the kind of fear it brought to her was worse than that of Musashi Kojiro. He exhaled deeply, then walked over and followed him. In that way, both hands were on the cold stainless steel handrail.

"Look at that direction." From Hungry to the point where the flames were a few hundred meters away.

He Xiaoyue didn't understand what he wanted to do. He still followed what he said. After looking at it, he didn't know where the fire was. However, it didn't seem to be his business, right?

"Ten minutes ago, in an alley in that direction, five vans exploded. There were a total of forty or fifty people in the five vans. After the explosion, no one survived." Li Ze said to himself as if Said like, "Oh, yes, one of the deceased's names seems to be... Oh, I think of it, it is Musashi Kojiro. It is said that he is a **** samurai belonging to Inoue Kenji, the leader of the Yamaguchi group.

He Xiaoyue's eyes widened, and the whole person was in a dumbfounded state.

According to the previous plan, when she transferred all of Zhang Hailong’s properties to her own name, she would call Musashi Kojiro, and then Musashi Kojiro would rush in to Qingyun Building, that is to say, He Xiaoyue early I knew that Musashi Kojiro had already brought people to ambush near the building, but he didn't expect...

He Xiaoyue twisted her neck with difficulty, looking at this immature face, her eyes were full of horror.

He knows what happened in the movie theater. He also knows that he was poisoned. He even killed more than forty people brought by Musashi Kojiro...

"It's not my hand." Li Zedao said.


"My companion did it." Li Zedao said immediately.

"..." He Xiaoyue was speechless. If anyone dared to talk to him like this before, she would have slapped him in the ear and let the people under her hand kill him.

"Who are you...who are you...follow me?" He Xiaoyue asked courageously, but at the same time she felt ashamed. After all, the shameful things that happened in the movie theater were actually known.

At first, although she was coerced, she broke the jar in the end, and she just enjoyed it. And it is undeniable that although Kojiro Musashi’s stuff is not big, she usually takes medicine beforehand. Hard enough and long-lasting, so later, because Zhang Hailong hasn't touched her for a long time so that her body has been hungry to a certain extent, she gradually changed from passive to active.

"I'm Hatch, of course, I'm not your nephew." Li Zedao said, "My true identity is actually that China officially sent to the island country to perform a mission... Well, you might understand it better if you say an agent. One thing, it’s okay to tell you what the mission is going to do, kill Dongtu."

"Above? Agent? Kill Dongtu?" He Xiaoyue understood at once, and then took a slight breath. No wonder Zhang Hailong takes him so seriously.

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