Isn't it just sweeping Qingyun? What's so great about this? Ai Shan didn't think it was necessary to tell him about such small things.

"Aishan, I'm really sorry, I interrupted your rest." Kenji Inoue said with a heavy tone, and then let out a deep breath, brewing his emotions, "The samurai Musashi Kojiro under my hand is under your hand. Mr. Thalervis and the other fighters...sacrificed."

Ai Shan's cigar that had been dangling from the corner of his mouth had already slipped down, and he looked at Kenji Inoue with wide-eyed eyes, with an incredible expression on his face.

Then he shook his head and forced a stiff smile at the meeting: "Kenji, you know, I am not a person who likes to joke."

"It's true, Ai Shan, I am very sorry and sad about this." Kenji Inoue exhaled deeply and said.

Ai Shan’s face is already very sullen. With the failure of these few holy wars in China, Dongtu has already lost a large number of soldiers, and now more than 40 people have died suddenly, even the first. The warrior Taylor Weiss was dead, which made his heart drip with blood.

You know, with the improvement of the living standards of the people in the Western Regions these years, as the knowledge gained, fewer and fewer people in the Western Regions are willing to join the big family of Dongtu. Even if they do, they are more and more brainwashed. Is it hard work?

Ai Shan is a Virgo, who pursues perfection the most, so he hopes that all Easterners are from the Western Regions, with pure descent from the Western Regions, and cannot be adulterated with people of other nationalities, even one.

Of course, those people from the Black Hawk Security Company who are responsible for protecting his safety are special cases. They are not members of Dongtu. They are only responsible for Aishan’s safety. Other things are not involved at all. In other words, Aishan If they were asked to kill and beat others, they would only look at Ai Shan with idiotic eyes and then refuse.

"Kenji Inoue, you must give me a reasonable explanation. You told me that you have successfully planted a person in Qingyun. With him as the internal response, we only need to pay a very small price to make it smooth The whole Qingyun is gone, my soldiers can slaughter the **** Huaxia people as much as they want, but what's going on now? Why are they all dead?" Ai Shan was so angry, like a wild beast in a state of rage, of course. He does look like a beast... Oh, the wild boar among the beasts.

"Aishan, my friend, please calm down." Kenji Inoue nodded and said sincerely, "It is because I wanted to give you a reasonable explanation, that people invited you over to explain this to you. One thing...According to the results of the investigation, my samurai Kojiro Kojiro and your first warrior Telavis have all been tricked by the enemy..."

In any case, let the other party get under the water first, that is to say, your subordinate is also a stupid one, and it's in the calculation, so we can't let our Yamaguchi team carry this scapegoat alone.

"They were abducted into an alley, and then the group of China China pigs were buried in that street beforehand." Kenji Inoue said, "You know, the Chinese China China pigs are best at burying them. We were great back then. Of the soldiers suffered greatly."

What buried* was naturally derived by Kenzo Inoue's reasoning. Kenji Inoue agreed with this reasoning. After all, he couldn't imagine how they were killed except for being in an ambush.

Ai Shan nodded with a sullen face and motioned for him to continue.

"Anyway, the soldiers under your hand sacrificed to help build our Yamaguchi team. Therefore, I plan to give them 5 million each in pensions. I hope Aishan will help me transfer this money to Their families." Inoue Kenji said sincerely.

Ai Shan's eyes lit up slightly, saying, how many Chinese currency is the five million island currency? Oh, about 300,000 people, more than forty people, that is...

The gloomy aura on Ai Shan's face disappeared a lot in an instant, and then he said seriously, "Okay, Kenji, I will help you give this pension to their family."

Isn't their family just themselves? Therefore, on the basis of the original cooperation, he received more than 10 million Chinese currency coins. Ai Shan's mood is already up. He feels that the soldiers have died well, good death, wonderful death, death croaking. !

"However, you can't just let those Chinese pigs go!" Ai Shan's face became gloomy again. I have been with Kenji Inoue for a while, and he also likes the three words "China Pig".

"Naturally, I can't let them go!" Inoue Kenji said, "Now my brother Kenzo is already calling for manpower, ready to avenge our good brothers Musashi Kojiro and Telavis. Although the time is relatively short, the call is more than 300. People are not a problem."

"I still have more than 100 people in my hand, let them all go with you." Ai Shan waved his hand and said, his face was full of murderous, "I want them to know that we are not good to bully. !"

"Aishan, this is really great." Kenji Inoue was overjoyed. With more than one hundred Dongtu members who are like wolves, Swing Qingyun is even more relaxed and happy. Even Kenji Inoue feels that this is rare Bullying.

"However, will there be too much noise?" Ai Shan asked.

Kenji Inoue smiled a little smugly: "Don't worry, I have already said hello, those evil bureaucratic capitalists agreed and cooperated with us in the demonstration."

"Parade? Haha... Yes, yes, it's a parade..." Ai Shan also laughed. He really likes the magical excess of the island country. You know, if this kind of large-scale fighting and bloodshed is going to happen If Huaxia happens, the possibility is basically zero, and the above absolutely does not allow such things to happen.

Moreover, China’s crackdown was too severe. In other words, if the Yamaguchi team were in China, they would have been uprooted long ago.

Half an hour later, more than three hundred members of the Yamaguchi Group and more than 100 members of Dongtu gathered at the gate of the Yamaguchi Group headquarters. The two forces' personnel were both dressed and looks. The difference, so it is still easy to recognize.

On the left are the members of the Yamaguchi team, led by Inoue Kenzo. Most of these people are as seen in the movie. They are well-dressed, with colorful hair and various patterns on their bodies.

The more than one hundred people on the right are members of Dongtu. I have to say that only from the aura, these people are indeed much stronger. After all, they have all seen blood. What they have to do is kill people. , Kill the Chinese!

The members of the Yamaguchi group usually do more to scare and scare honest people!

One killing machine, one gangster, most of them have never killed anyone, so the difference is still very big, which is why Inoue Kenji dare not pit Aishan, there is no way, people are ruthless!

And the more than one hundred Dongtu was led by Alati. If Telavis who was killed was the first fighter of Dongtu, then Alati was the second existence.

And whether it is the members of the Yamaguchi team or the killers like Dongtu, they all carry things like machetes or steel pipes, and even many people have hot weapons on them.

At the same time, in a dark corner not far from the building, two black shadows quietly shrank there, staring at the four hundred people.

One of the black shadows took out a cell phone, quickly edited a text message and sent it out, then turned around and gave another black shadow a gesture, and then the two quietly sneaked towards the back of the building, and quickly , They easily sneaked into the building from the back door of the building, because most of them were concentrated in the square in front of the building, so no one found it at all. Someone already sneaked into the building without knowing it.

At the moment, Inoue Kenji and Ai Shan each enthusiastically said a few nonsense, and then these four hundred people got on the ten buses that had been prepared.

Of course, old nature like Inoue Kenzo and Alati will not follow the squeeze buses. They are on off-road vehicles with the bosses.

So these dozen cars started one after another and smashed toward the Qingyun Building.


Qingyun Building.

Antarctica put the phone in his pocket, and then looked back at He Xiaoyue, who was standing behind her and acting somewhat cautiously, and said, "Come!"

"Come?" He Xiaoyue was taken aback.

"The Yamaguchi team and Dongtu have a total of more than 400 people, and they can reach here in about half an hour." Antarctica said lightly, as if they were talking about something very inconspicuous, "Many people Also carrying hot weapons."

"..." He Xiaoyue's face has become bloodless. You know, the entire Qingyun Building includes the miscellaneous staff, and the kitchen is responsible for cooking. There are only more than 100 people, and the number of people in the other side is four times that of them, let alone the 400. There are more than one hundred members of Dongtu who are like wolves and tigers.

The most tragic thing is that all the good players in Qingyun, including the Seven Virtues Brothers, are all because they drank the pot of soup she carefully boiled, and now they are all lying there and unable to move, so now we add up everything they can fight. There are no more than twenty people.

Twenty people vs. 400 people... He Xiaoyue felt that he could kill him with a piece of tofu.

"Damn, fight with them!" He Xiaoyang, who was injured so badly that he was sitting there, gasped and shouted.

"Shut up, you can't stand up anymore now, what are you talking about?" He Xiaoyue scolded, and then looked at Antarctica, "Excuse me, what shall we...what should we do now?"

This woman was too calm, and gave He Xiaoyue a lot of courage, which was quite frightened. In other words, this kind of result was already within her expectations, and she had already had a plan to break the situation.

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