After finishing the phone call with Katsuda Michiko, Shadow's call came in quickly.

"Hello, sir, do I need to find a woman to accompany you through the long night?" Shadow's sweet and teasing voice came.

Li Zedao was stunned, then smiled embarrassedly: "That... is actually needed..."

Shadow cursed directly: "I need your sister! Okay, shit, this genius girl knows that you are such a beast! My sister from Antarctica hopes for the stars and the moon to wait for you to come back to sleep, but you are the other woman sleeping outside. , You wait, sister Antarctica is going to bring a knife and give you a grudge..."

"Shut up!" Antarctica, who was sitting over there drinking coffee, shouted with a black face, and felt like lying down and being shot. Obviously you are looking forward to the stars and the moon, OK?

On the phone, Li Zedao really dumbfounded and asked: "Can you capture the surveillance picture?"

"Yeah," said the shadow, his voice full of sarcasm, "but...big idiot, your beautiful boy tricks don't work."

"What do you mean?" Li Zedao asked in a daze.

"Besides me, there are other people capturing this surveillance picture." Shadow said, "Damn, don't look at who the beautiful girl is every day? I really think that this genius beautiful girl can't see the clue?"

Li Zedao's brows frowned. He naturally understood the meaning of the shadow. In other words, besides the shadow using her handheld computer to monitor the picture captured by the miniature camera, there were others who were doing the same. thing.


"Master, why don't you send someone to kill directly? And Michiko puts the camera in every corner of the shrine?" Michiko looked at Ito Jun and asked.

She just finished the phone call with Kogoro Moori, which was made in front of Junichi Ito.

"Are you teaching me how to do things?" Ito Jun asked back.

Katsuta Michiko looked terrified, and quickly knelt down: "Master, Michiko dare not, Michiko is just dull, I don't know your intentions, so I..."

"Let's go for a rest. Tomorrow the other party asks you to cooperate, so you can cooperate as long as I don't know this matter." Ito Junyi said lightly.

"Yes, master." Katsuda Michiko didn't dare to say anything more, stood up, nodded back a few steps, then turned and left.

Ito Junichi continued to look at the waning moon in the sky, not knowing what he was thinking.


Li Zedao sat up, his brows were already frowning, and he felt unhappy. Isn't that stray woman already conquered by her own charm? What's more, what I was playing was like a joke, and it tickles her. How could she betrayed when she turned her head?

Yes, this happened as soon as the camera was installed. The only explanation was that Michiko Katsuda had rebelled... Of course, this is not correct, because she was originally an enemy, and she was the kind of person who wanted to instigate but failed to instigate it. enemy.

Maybe she's been acting all the time, or maybe she got caught up when she installed the camera, and then surrendered directly, but anyway, this woman can't believe it anymore.

As for the words she just said on the phone to herself, it's almost impossible to paralyze herself.

And the other party is very smart, so they can still place those miniature cameras and control them, so that they can clearly know Li Zedao's every move tomorrow, plus Katsuta Michiko is doing internal response there, then Li Zedao basically There is no return.

Fortunately, with the presence of the genius of the shadow, he was able to immediately notice that those cameras were also controlled by others. I am afraid that if you kill the other party, you would never expect such a mistake?

"Abandon this operation?" Antarctic voice came over.

From the beginning of the first mission to the present, this is the first time she has this kind of retreat thought in her mind. Although this kind of thought appears in her mind as a soldier, it is very unacceptable, but Antarctica does have it in her heart now. She thought so, so she didn't conceal anything from Li Zedao, and said it directly.

If it is said that Li Zedao sneaked in unconsciously before, but now, he is actively sneaking into the big net spread by the other party, which is naturally extremely dangerous, plus the uncertain factor of the false god’s hand, Antarctica Naturally, I was extremely worried.

Li Zedao was a little touched. He knew that it was not easy for Antarctica to say such things that went against her mind and position. She really cared about you.

Now he smiled and said: "I feel that the situation now is not more dangerous than before, because we have a shadow."

"Damn, big idiot, if you have vision and taste, you know how good this genius girl is." Shadow's proud voice came over, "Tomorrow, this genius girl will let the picture they monitor A static state...Damn, this genius and beautiful girl is playing with you to death!"

"Yes, play them to death!" Li Zedao's mouth curled up.

"Big idiot, sister Antarctica can't sleep, she said she wanted to do a striptease with you in a video..."

"Really?" Li Zedao's eyes brightened instantly, dreaming about the scene of dancing in the Antarctic...It's not working anymore, it's going to be a nosebleed.

"Get out!" An angry voice came over from Antarctica.


With excessive panic and no sleep all night, Katsuda Taro's spirit looked so sluggish at this time, and his eyes looked like two panda eyes.

After seeing Li Zedao coming out, I had to cheer up and greet him: "Good morning, Master, breakfast is ready. After breakfast, let’s go out to Jingyu Shrine and wait at the door. , When His Majesty the Emperor and the Prime Minister arrive, we can enter the Yasushi Shrine."

Li Zedao nodded and said, "Okay, thanks for your hard work... Your spirit doesn't look good. Didn't sleep last night?"

"Oh, that's it. Sakuragi Takumi was close to me. He had an accident. I was sad, so I lost sleep." Katsuta Taro said, his face a little sad.

Damn it, you lie, I'm obviously afraid of being thrown* and then killed like Sakuragi Takumi, and being so high-sounding is simply shameless to go to grandma's house.

"Sorrow." Li Zedao said, and then felt... that he seemed quite shameless.

Sitting at the dining table, after Li Zedao used up the island country breakfast that did not suit his appetite, Taro Katsuda asked Li Zedao to change his clothes.

"Master, I am wronged, and act as my entourage." Katsuda Taro said apologetically, "When I enter the shrine, I will enter Jinlingsha with His Majesty the Emperor, the Prime Minister, and others. When the time comes, the master and other entourage may be required to stay outside temporarily, and then the master can leave at the right time."

"I see." Li Zedao nodded and said.

Soon, Li Zedao put on the black suit that fits as standard with the entourage, and put on a pair of sunglasses. The whole person looked very cold, and then followed Katsuda Taro on his extended luxury car. Sluis, the convoy drove slowly towards the Yasushi Shrine.

Along the way, Li Zedao's heart was still a little uneasy, because this trip to the island country will be the final prelude to this Yasushi Shrine.

From a distance, Katsuda Taro ordered the convoy to stop, then got out of the car under the protection of everyone, and walked forward on foot.

The building that stood in front of Li Zedao was full of the architectural style of the Chinese Tang Dynasty. I only felt that the blood was beginning to boil, and there was an urge to throw a rush.

At the entrance to the south end of the front courtyard of Yasushi Shrine, there is a large bronze archway, which is called "torii" in the island language. There is about 30 meters between the torii and the main entrance. On the right is the internal thumbnail of Yasushi Shrine, and on the left is a pool. According to the regulations, use a scoop to hold some water before entering, and sprinkle it on the left and right hands respectively, and then rinse your mouth, which is considered as preparation before entering.

After staying in the island country these days, Li Zedao has also learned some things. For example, many people in the island country don’t shy away from saying that many of their architectural styles were taken from the Tang Dynasty in China. There is even an official who told reporters that there is no country. There are so many things from Huaxia acupoints like the island country.

Of course, Li Zedao felt that he should add this sentence: No country has caused such great harm to China.

Here, Katsuta Taro met some of the children of a big family that looked like a high-ranking official or a big consortium. Katsuta Taro was very well incarnation of a very well-educated and elegant and impeccable big family. We talked very happily.

Standing in his hands, Li Zedao listened to them talking loudly about which project they invested several hundred million in the day before yesterday... Oh, it’s U.S. dollars, where they traveled the day before yesterday and spent several hundred million U.S. dollars to buy an ancient authentic product. This year's goal is to earn several hundred million dollars. Last month, I spent several hundred million dollars on a small island...Always in addition to 100 million or 100 million, it is not island currency, but US dollars.

In their position, you will be laughed at if you speak for less than hundreds of millions of dollars.

So Li Zedao is ashamed or ashamed, he is also rich? But compared with these guys, they are really too poor to be ashamed of themselves.

"Prime Minister Koizumi is here." I don't know who shouted.

Then these super-rich people looked up and saw a convoy slowly approaching. It was the convoy of Prime Minister Ichiro Koizumi, and the group hurriedly greeted them.

Regarding the current prime minister of the island country, Li Zedao has also learned something through the information. This is a prime minister who has a high degree of popular support in the island country. Of course, this is also a prime minister who is extremely unfriendly to China.

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