The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1080: You are a burden

"...It's not her!" Two thick black lines appeared on Antarctica's forehead, and put the snake head in the car. "Send the snake head back first."

As he said, Antarctica got into the car on the waist, and the next second, his heart was jerked, his body turned abruptly, and at the same time, a cold light flashed in his hand.


The dagger flew out like lightning, and took the man who appeared there like a ghost, and then the pupils in the South Pole shrank slightly, because she could already see the face of the person who came.

hand of God! The hand of a false **** with blue eyes!

Hasn't he already left? How would it appear here? What is his purpose? Even... he knows his identity and plan?

"Pharaoh...not Pharaoh..." Shadow's expression was also very wonderful. She knew that the guy in front of her was not Pharaoh at all, but she was too dependent on Pharaoh and missed him very much, so she couldn't help but hope he was Pharaoh.

The fake old Wang had a faint smile on his face, as if he didn’t know that a dagger was stabling him quickly, but when the dagger was stuck in his forehead, his head twisted slightly. He just twisted, and then the dagger flew across his cheek.

The next second, a muffled sound of "bang!" hit the wall behind Old Wang fiercely, and the end of the knife was still trembling slightly. It can be seen that the Antarctic projected the knife. How powerful is the power!

"This guy, like a big idiot, likes to pretend to be coercive!" The shadow stared at the other's face, and muttered in his heart.

The cold face of Antarctica was full of emotion and alertness. She expected the hand of this false **** to be extraordinary, but she did not expect that he would be so strong that he would be so strong that he would twist his head so casually. Yes, she avoided the dagger she threw so hard.

If one is not careful, she and Shadow will be left here.

Antarctica simply turned off the intercom headset, and said to the shadow on the side: "You go first." She didn't want Li Zedao, who was lurking inside, to hear, and she didn't want him to know the situation outside, otherwise he would definitely find a way immediately. Those who rushed out might reveal their traces.

Besides, he must kill Jun Ito in order to rescue Zhou Qian. Antarctica does not want to see the very weak girl she has never met, but only from the photos, she has been taken away for a long time. Yes, she must have been frightened?

"Don't go!" Shadow responded simply. If you know that there is danger, you just leave like this. Isn't it too unrighteous? Her shadow is a genius and beautiful girl standing upright, and she would not do such a dishonest thing.

Besides, the shadow also wants to see if Antarctica can beat the opponent violently and then tear his face off to see who this **** **** is, and let him step on him. The ball is trampled on, let you pretend to be a pharaoh! Let you pretend to be Pharaoh!

In the fantasy world of shadows, at this time the fake old king has become a dead dog with no eggs!

The Antarctic forehead shouted in black: "Hurry up... you are a burden."

"..." Shadow's small face is already full of grievances. Although it is indeed the truth, you will feel embarrassed if you say this to the face of the beautiful girl with thin skin, OK?

"Go." Antarctic shouted, and then his hand shook, and another dagger appeared in his hand, and he was about to attack the opponent to gain some time for the shadow to escape.

The fake old Wang waved his hand and said with a smile, "Oh, no, no, I'm not here to fight with you... You are not my opponent if you really want to fight, even if you are a master of the Shenlong organization... Oh, And the universe... the invincible genius girl?"


Suddenly, Shadow felt that this fake old king didn't seem to be that annoying, at least... he still honestly said that there is no way to refute the big truth?

"What do you want to do?" Antarctica asked with a cold face. Although she was aggrieved, she knew very clearly that the other party was telling the truth, and she was really doing it. She and the shadow were afraid to explain to this place.

Moreover, the other party’s expression that looks so calm and calm makes Antarctica feel very uncomfortable. You can tell by looking at the other party’s sorrow. The other party obviously knows their details and knows that they know that he is not really the hand of God. He even knew that Li Zedao was now in the Yasukuni Shrine, trying to kill Junichi Ito.

Who is he? Why do you know such secret things?

An extremely strong sense of powerlessness is felt in Antarctica’s heart. It turns out that their identity and their plans, the fake old king, have long known clearly, and even the things they have done in the island country during this period, this fake old king ten Eight or nine are also known.

Antarctica is very sad, she feels... Oh, no, it’s Li Zedao. She feels that Li Zedao is running naked. What's more sad is that after Li Zedao streaking for a long time, she knew that he was running naked. What's more sad is that Li Zedao is now I don't know I'm running naked!

The fake old Wang smiled and said: "Oh, I didn't want to do anything. Just because you are the elite of the Dragon Organization and the invincible super beautiful girl in the universe, as a polite gentleman, I want to give one for free. Important information to you."

"What information?" Antarctica frowned and asked. I thought you thought I would believe your so-called intelligence?

"If you don't go in and help him, your man will probably not live." The fake old Wang shrugged his shoulders while looking at Antarctica. "In a head-on confrontation, maybe Li Zedao's skills are better, but when Ito Junichi Li Zedao will undoubtedly die when he does his trick."

The face of Antarctica was hard to look instantly, and the small face of the shadow was full of horror, so she didn't want to be a fool.

"Don't believe it?" The fake old Wang shrugged his shoulders indifferently, "Then I have nothing to do, you just wait for him to collect the body...Oh, sorry, you may not even be able to collect the body, because the inside People will chop him up and feed the dog."

"Why?" Antarctica asked with a cold face. She didn't think that the other party's remarks were alarmist, she was doing nothing to tease them, but she couldn't understand why the other party wanted to do this. He should be in the same group with Junichi Ito, right?

"Because I am Lei Feng." At this moment, the fake old Wang was blessed by the sacred halo.

"..." Antarctica really wants to stabb him to death in the past. It's fine for you to insult the hand of God, why insult Uncle Lei Feng?

"I know you don't believe it." The fake old Wang shrugged and said, "I don't believe it either."

"..." Antarctica is bitterly suppressing the urge to pass a knife, damn, do you think you are humorous?

The fake old Wang smiled, waved his hand, and turned to leave very coolly. The Antarctic eyes coldly clenched the dagger in her hand, after all, she did not throw it over, she was not sure, not at all!

When fighting, the most feared is not fearing death, and the most taboo is fear!

Antarctica is not afraid of death, but she is afraid of something wrong with the shadow, so she is afraid and dare not take risks.

"Sister Antarctica, what do you do now?" Shadow's small face was full of panic and helplessness, "I don't want a fool to die."

"He won't die." Antarctica looked at the shadow and said, "I'll go in now, and you will guide me outside. Let us meet as soon as possible."

Ying Xiaoqian nodded worriedly, got into the car and held up the laptop. Then, his face changed drastically, and he exclaimed, "Damn, how could this be?"

"What's the matter?" Seeing the shadow in the Antarctic, my heart slammed.

Shadow pointed at the computer screen, his face was very ugly and cursed: "Damn, the grandsons inside seem to have removed the hidden cameras one by one."

"..." Antarctica's face also became difficult to look.

"In addition, the people inside must have turned on the **** signal*, so now no matter if you use an intercom headset or a mobile phone, you can't contact the big fool." Shadow started crying anxiously.

Antarctica's face turned pale suddenly, and he quickly turned on the intercom headset and shouted: "Hey...hey..." Sure enough, there was no sound and no signal was transmitted.

Looking at the shadow, he said in an imperative tone: "You immediately take the snake's head back to Qingyun Building. I will try to climb in from this wall."

"Sister Antarctica..."

"Go back now." Antarctica's face was cold, and his tone was beyond doubt.

Shadow's eyes reddened, her mouth flattened, and tears began to fall: "Sister Antarctica, you must come back, you must come back with the big fool... I'm waiting for you in Qingyun Building... If you can't come back, I Just... will definitely hate you..."

Antarctica felt a little distressed, and stretched out her hand to wipe off her bean-sized teardrops, her tone softened, and promised: "I will."


"Hey...hey...shadow...antarctica...why is there no sound?" Li Zedao took out the invisible headset in his ear, took a few glances, and plugged it back in, "Hey...hey..."

I still haven't gotten a response from Antarctica and Shadow, it's not...broken, right? Or, what happened to the two of them? Li Zedao's heart began to feel uneasy.

I took out my mobile phone and wanted to give Antarctica a call, but was surprised to find that the mobile phone had no signal at all.

Damn, what the hell? Li Zedao stared at the screen of the phone, and the uneasy feeling in his heart was even stronger.

Before, there was a shadow leading the way, whether it was hiding or killing people, it was easy and happy, but now it is gone, Li Zedao suddenly felt as if he was blind.

At this moment, noisy footsteps came over, and seven or eight people walked towards the big tree where they were hiding.

Li Zedao thought for a while, put his hand on his face, then took off the mask he was wearing on his face and restored his original appearance. He even touched the damp tree trunk with his hand, and then touched his face. It's smeared.

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