The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1097: He Xiaoyang's request

Knowing that it was his sister who burned Yasushi Shrine with a torch and even recorded it. The video was in the hands of Li Zedao. Taro Katsuta was decisively scared and completely turned into Li Zedao. Of a dog.

Later, when Li Zedao left, Taro Katsuta cried decisively and helplessly.

Although he is the eldest young master of the Katsuda family, it doesn't mean that he has done everything about Li Zedao's private island before the evening. It's just that he was too scared, so he made such a statement.

Compared to whether he can help Li Zedao buy a private island before the night, what makes Katsuda Taro more restless is the video, which is equivalent to hanging over the Katsuda family and hanging over his head. The Damorius sword will chop off their heads at any time, leaving them in ashes and annihilation.

So, in the end there was really no way, he thought of his father...Isn't it popular to cheat? So Taro Katsuta decisively cheated his father.

Anyway, it’s already like this. It’s not because I ousted the Katsuda family or even killed me. So, you can figure it out. Besides, in the "Passion" video, there is also a father you. , You are not a good bird, even your own woman is on the hook, beast!

With the mentality that dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water, Katsuta Taro contacted his father Akio Katsuta and confessed everything to him.

Although he asked his son Taro Katsuta to visit Yasushi Shrine with His Majesty the Emperor and the Prime Minister, it was out of political and political needs. Akio Katsuda himself actually hated militarism, Yasushi Shrine and other things. , He is a businessman, what he pursues most is profit.

China’s huge market is undoubtedly very important to Nisso, so Akio Katsuda attaches great importance to it, and naturally he does not like the horrible place like the Yasukuni Shrine that would destroy the relationship between the two countries.

However, this kind of dislike is just a matter of thinking in my heart. It cannot be expressed. On the surface, I still have to express my respect for those ancestors, otherwise it would be a national sinner, and the Katsuda family will have difficulty making progress in the island country.

Therefore, Akio Katsuda worked hard to maintain the relationship with the Ito family. Even his daughter Michiko Katsuda became the wife of Mr. Ito Junichi. His son Taro Katsuda and Yoshitake Ito of the Ito family also had a good relationship. relationship.

In the morning, when I learned that the Yasukuni Shrine was burned by a fire, Akio Katsuda naturally did not dig his chest out like those activists did as if he was dead. Instead, he found a place where nobody was secretly. He laughed, that kind of ghost place should have been burned long ago.

Later, he received the news of the tragic death of his daughter Katsuda Michiko. To be honest, there was not much grief in his heart. In his heart, Katsuda Michiko was a member of the Ito family, an outsider, of course, more or less It's a pity, after all, a husband and wife will be good for a hundred days a day, not to mention that he and Michiko Katsuda have been married for more than a day.

But when he received a call from his son, Katsuta Taro, and Katsuta confessed his experience during this period on the phone, Akio Katsuta was decisively dumbfounded.

If the video of the "friendship" leaked out, it would undoubtedly be a huge scandal. For the Katsuda family, the harm to Nisso is huge, but it will not let the Katsuda family and Nisso fall into a dead end.

But once the video that Katsuda Michiko burned Jinlingsha with a torch was leaked out... even the extremely strong mentality Akio Katsuda did not dare to imagine the consequences.

An hour after the phone call, Akio Katsuda appeared in the luxurious private villa of Katsuda Taro. After meeting, his face was pale and his hands suddenly raised, but in the end, his slap was not slapped. The face of his son.

"Baga, I didn't beat you, not because you are my son, but because I was afraid that the **** Chinese pig would see the clues." Akio Katsuda said with an iron face.

Hearing what his father said, Katsuda Taro asked with a sigh of relief: "Father, do you have a plan?"

"He...must die, and the video must be destroyed!" Akio Katsuta said, murderous in his squinted eyes.

"..." Taro Katsuta felt that his father was talking nonsense at all. Who didn't know that the Eight Gatchina pig must die, and the video must be destroyed?

"He wants a private island? I will give him the private island that belongs to me! He wants to leave the island country? I will take him away with a private jet!" Akio Katsuda's voice was full of murderousness, "It's just that if the private jet crashes We can only express regret when we fall into the vast ocean, don’t we?"

Katsuta Taro's eyes widened instantly.


I learned that I was leaving the island country to return to China the next day. Antarctica, Shadow and Zhou Qian were all a little excited, especially Zhou Qian. This experience was a nightmare for her, and she also missed her family very much, so she thought Already in my own home.

When Li Zedao left Qingyun Building to go to the villa of Katsuda Taro, Zhou Qian also contacted her mother. When she heard Zhou Mu's voice, she couldn't help but choke.

Some heartless mothers didn’t hear what was wrong in their daughter’s voice, but asked if you had eaten, dressed, and slept well, and if you want to help your mother as she taught that day Why don’t you talk about that brat who wears a well-suited stinky girl? You won’t be pregnant, right?

Zhou Qian blushed and whispered that she and Ze Dao had just hugged her and that there was nothing like that... Oh, Ze Dao kissed her, but how could she say such a shameful thing.

Then Zhou’s mother’s stunned voice came over, is Xiao Li’s stunned, or why is it that the beasts are inferior, can’t come back, must take him to see that the old Chinese doctor posted the advertisement on the telephone pole? .

Zhou Qian was exhausted, and suddenly regretted calling this call.

Zhou Yan took the call from Zhou's mother and said that my dear good sister, confessing to your work of robbing the rich and helping the poor, have you done so, have you bought the music listening equipment I want?

Zhou's father snatched Zhou Yan's call and said with a smile that his injury is now completely healed, and when she comes back, he will help her make a bowl of her favorite rice noodles.

Zhou Qian's sore nose means that she will be able to return to China soon.


The shadow dragged Li Zedao to Zhang Hailong's study. He was leaving the island country to return to China tomorrow, so the shadow wanted to see Zhang Hailong one last time.

But when he came to the front, Shadow did not open the door and walked in. Instead, he stood at the door with a dazed expression, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Don't go in?" Li Zedao asked.

"Damn, it's your **** if you can't get in?" Shadow glanced at Li Zedao dissatisfied, but there was a deep sadness in his eyes, "Damn, the beautiful girl of this genius won't go in, don't go in..."

Shadow kicked the door hatefully, then turned back and kicked Li Zedao's calf again. Then he threw into his arms and said, "Don't go in."

Li Zedao smiled bitterly: "Then don't go in."

"But, the beautiful girl of this genius is in a bad mood right now, big idiot, take off your pants and let me take a few whips to vent my anger, okay?"

"Okay..." After blurting out without thinking, Li Zedao suddenly woke up and added depressedly, "Suck your sister..."

"Oh, my sister is little sister Zhou Qian, we can also discuss what we smoke her, who made this genius girl so clear and righteous?" Shadow's expression was a little embarrassed, "I just don't know whether she agrees or not. ."

"..." Li Zedao spouted a few mouthfuls of blood, thinking she would **** if she could agree.


Knowing that Li Zedao was leaving the next day, He Xiaoyang naturally had a lot of unwillingness to give up. He came to Li Zedao carrying a case of beer and said that he wanted to drink with him.

Li Zedao readily agreed, and followed him to the top floor of Qingyun Building. The two of them didn’t pay attention to anything. They sat cross-legged on the icy floor, bathing in the cold piercing breeze from a foreign country, looking at this place for them. The feast of the familiar but unfamiliar city.

"Fuck!" He Xiaoyang said proudly, eating a bottle of beer in twos.

Li Zedao smiled and filled a bottle as if he were pouring water.

"Except for myself, you are the best drinker I have ever seen." He Xiaoyang looked at Li Zedao and smiled.

"It's okay." Li Zedao smiled. In fact, for him, drinking is like drinking water, not drunk, but he was afraid that He Xiaoyang would let people carry a few boxes of beer up again, so he added modestly, "Just Seven or eight bottles."

"You are very good." He Xiaoyang smiled and said straightforwardly, "I thought that your ability and your identity are there, plus you are kind to us, so you will be superior and look down on us people, but this After contacting for a while, I discovered that you and us are the same world."

Li Zedao smiled: "I belong to the same world, I am not an alien."

"Haha..." He Xiaoyang laughed, then looked at Li Zedao with a serious face and said, "Haqi, I want to ask you one thing."

"Let’s listen." Li Zedao nodded, and didn’t say anything to death, otherwise, in case he fell in love with him and suggested that kind of non-discriminatory, such as wanting to sleep with himself for a night, would he agree or just do it? He threw it from here?

"If you can, take good care of my sister." He Xiaoyang said.


"I told you that day, my sister went to find her true love. In fact, she has returned to China. She wants to wait for you in China. Then she will meet you and have a vigorous talk... Oh, it may be sneaky. In love." He Xiaoyang said.


"Okay, now you are my eldest brother-in-law, do it!"

"..." Li Zedao wanted to kick him down.

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