He Xiaoyue, who was about to board the plane, did not hear the unquestionably sour comments around her. She looked at He Xiaofeng, He Xiaoyu, Qin Xian'er, and He Xiaofeng who had brought her here. The little kid said with a smile: "Okay, I'm going to go, you guys go back too."

Last night, He Xiaoyue received a call from the younger brother He Xiaoyang from DJ City in the original island country. He Xiaoyang said on the phone that his brother-in-law would leave DJ by plane and return to Yanjing.

So He Xiaoyue immediately booked tickets for He Xiaoyu, planning to go to Yanjing.

As for the result, whether you can see the yawn, whether Hachi will avoid her like before, He Xiaoyue doesn't bother to think about it, just go first.

"Take care of yourself." He Xiaoyu smiled.

"Yes, so do you guys, keep in touch." He Xiaoyue nodded. Although it hasn't been two days since I saw each other, it is after all my cousin and cousin with the same blood, so I still feel a little bit reluctant.

"Cousin, after you find him, remember to bring him to Phoenix, and let me see how handsome he is." He Xiaofeng said with a smile, "I really don't believe it. Can that guy be more handsome than me?" Right, Xiaobao, who do you say is the most handsome?"

"Uncle is the most handsome...Uncle is the most handsome..." Xiaobao said milkily.

"..." He Xiaofeng is so depressed. Of course he knows who the uncle this kid is talking about.

He Xiaoyu and Qin Xiangjun also knew about it, so the second daughter was also happy.

"Give me a call before the wedding, and I will be back." He Xiaoyue looked at He Xiaofeng and Qin Xiangjun with a smile.

"Must, I still miss your red envelope." He Xiaofeng laughed, then took Xiaobao's chubby little hand and shook He Xiaoyue, "Xiaobao, say goodbye to aunt."

"Goodbye, aunt..." Xiaobao's milk was milky.

"Goodbye, Little Treasure...It's so cute." He Xiaoyue stretched out her hand and squeezed Xiaobao's pink face. There was an inexplicable grief in her heart. If she were a healthy woman, that would be more. Okay.


On the luxury private jet flying smoothly in mid-air, the shadow was very uncomfortable and stamped on the two pilots who had fainted. It was very simple on them. There were several footprints on the white shirt and on their faces.

After that, the shadow mumbled to help Antarctica fly a plane, Li Zedao was so scared that he almost drifted away, and hugged her quickly.

"Big idiot, mother egg, you actually eat the tofu of this genius and beautiful girl...Where did you put your hand? Do you believe this genius and beautiful girl find a knife to chop it off?" Shadow muttered, Xiao His face was a little hot, and his body was a little softer.

Li Zedao realized that he was anxious, and put his hand directly on her soft chest. He smirked and moved away reluctantly, and said: "There is a very important thing for you to do, and only you can Do..."

"Damn, don't change the subject, you just touched this genius and beautiful girl's breasts, how does this matter?" Shadow stared at Li Ze, angry, her face flushed, "You think this genius and beautiful girl is like that Anyone, you can touch it if you want, can they be simple, okay?"

"..." Li Zedao stared at such a little witch in a daze, wondering what she said if she was so shameless?

"Damn, big idiot, don't you think this genius girl is not pure? The body can be touched casually?" For Li Zedao's current expression reaction, the shadow is too dissatisfied, the genius girl only let you touch it good or not? After thinking about it, Shadow felt that this idea was too absolute, because when he was young, his parents had touched him.

"Innocence, you are innocent, you are the most innocent person in this world..." After saying this without conscience, Li Zedao was so guilty that he was so guilty that he quickly changed another topic and said, "There is really a You need to do something very important, and only you can do this important thing..."

"Hmph, don't think that this genius and beautiful girl will help you..."

"I didn't flatter, I didn't flatter, what I said was from the bottom of my heart." Li Zedao said, his stomach was distorted, **** it, would you be struck by lightning if you said this!

Shadow's big eyes turned on Li Zedao: "Really only a beautiful girl of this genius can do it?"

"Onlyyou!" Li Zedao nodded affirmatively.

"Hmph, for your pitiful sake, this genius and beautiful girl will help you once." Shadow looked cold.

"..." Li Zedao was a bit speechless, when was he pitiful?

After pressing the shadow back on the seat, Li Zedao then took out the phone and turned it on directly... Just now he secretly asked Antarctica that it was okay to turn on the phone? Antarctica said that as long as you don't use your mobile phone as a hidden weapon and throw the plane into a big hole, it will be fine. Therefore, Li Zedao is now very relieved to start the plane.

After opening it, he found the secretly filmed video about Katsuda Michiko burning Yasushi Shrine with a torch, opened it and put it in front of the shadow and said, "I need you to spread this video to all parts of the world."

Shadow's eyes glanced coldly at Li Zedao, his expression was full of disdain: "Damn, it's so stupid. You need a genius girl to do such a simple thing?"

"..." Li Zedao smiled.

Zhou Qian on the side was very ashamed, because she couldn't do what Li Zedao asked for to kill her.

"Oh, by the way, you can pass the two videos together." Li Zedao said, and then added the other two passionate movies that were secretly filmed on the Nisso that day and finally Katsuta Michiko cruelly and decisively killed the Ito family I found the video of Ryoko Ito and Mrs. Ozawa, the national goddess.

Li Zedao has reason to believe that once these three videos are circulated, he knows with his knees that the Katsuta family will be destroyed, and Nisso will collapse!

At the same time, Prime Minister Koizumi Ichiro will be severely slapped a few times, and will become the laughing stock of the outside world and the target of the people of the island country to smash rotten eggs!

Baga, you don’t keep saying that you have a lot of evidence, and what terrorists have infiltrated. They not only stole the head of the snake, but also killed the lord Ito Junichi and dozens of guards. A frenzied fire burned the entire Zhenling Society, and the evidence showed that the terrorists were from China...

But what is going on now? The fire turned out to be set by the islanders themselves, and the reason for the fire is so instructive...

The more Li Zedao thought about it, the more he expected the series of consequences brought about by these two videos.

Shadow took Li Zedao’s phone and turned on the passionate video, and his eyes got brighter and brighter, almost brighter than the North Star. Then he stared at Li Ze with wide eyes and said, "Damn, how does this feel like it was spread before. The complete version of that movie without mosaic?"

Zhou Qian glanced at the phone screen with some curiosity, and instantly her face flushed as if she had drunk too much, her head lowered, she only felt that her heart was jumping at a terrifying speed, and it would jump out anytime.

"Sister Shadow, Brother Ze Dao... I... I'll wash my hands... a bit..." Zhou Qiansheng said like a mosquito, her head low, she didn't dare to raise her head at all, and then fled the scene as if fleeing for his life.

Li Zedao looked at Zhou Qian's escaping back, and his heart was full of apologies, thinking that this delicate little girl might have to stay in the bathroom until the plane landed, right?

He closed his eyes and looked at the shadow and said: "This is the most complete version..."

"Damn, you didn't take a selfie originally, you took it secretly..." The shadow understood at once, why the dignified Nisso's future helm, the young master of the Katsuda family, would be such a good dog. Because there is such a handle in the hands of the big fool.

"Big idiot, were you hard when you secretly photographed it?" Shadow looked curious, "Well, you don't need to answer, you must be hard when you are so charming..."


"Damn, big idiot, you are so stupid, don't you know that you have to take pictures of the key parts in this pose?" The shadow pointed out the shortcomings of the shooting with great experience.

"Cough cough..." Li Zedao coughed even harder, and he felt like he was burnt out and tender in the inside.

Shadow's eyes looked at the movie screen, and his small face was full of expectation: "What kind of visual enjoyment would you have in watching that theater with 18 IMAX speakers?"

"Cough cough..." Li Ze Dao Ju's own cough, maybe even the heart, liver, lungs and kidneys will cough up, and said very hard, "That... do business first."

"Damn, isn't it a business to appreciate art and improve the quality of personal cultivation?" Shadow glared at Li Ze, very dissatisfied.

"..." Li Zedao felt that something came out of the corner of his mouth, and the muscles on his face were twitching extremely.


Katsuta Taro was sitting on the sofa, panting, and his angular face was so gloomy that he could get two catties of water when he twisted it. Around him, there was a mess, and the ground was all broken. Scum...As soon as he returned to the villa, he started smashing things, and then quickly smashed all the things that could be smashed in the room.

"Baga! Baga..." he roared, just like a lunatic.

Then, the phone he had left there before he could smash it rang, as if a drowning man suddenly caught a straw, Katsuda Taro jumped up from the sofa and grabbed the phone. , Is a call from your mother.

On the way back, he gave his beloved mother a call. His mother, who is famous on the island, said on the phone that she would go to his father to intercede, and then call him. .

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