Mitsui Yan, Yuanzi, these two Nisso high-level officials touched their panda eyes, their faces were confused, they didn’t even know what was going on, they just vaguely remembered that the goddess with hot body and cold expression seemed to give They punched, yes, it seems, they are really not sure if the other party punched them.

Kijima's delicate little face was also full of dazedness, why did she fall asleep? What is even more incredible is that when she woke up, she had already arrived in China? Will this voyage be too easy? You must know that when Akio Katsuda took this plane to travel around the world, she didn't have any time to rest at all. She was going to be ravaged all the way by Akio Katsuda... She thought it was the same this time.

Fortunately, these distinguished guests were not angry, otherwise she would have to be able to stay in this luxurious private jet in the seems to be wrong. Why are the two pilots not in the cockpit? And why did their eyes become panda eyes?

The expressions of the two pilots were not confused, but horrified! They were all dead men trained by the Katsuda family. Their mission was to create an air disaster, but these people directly knocked them out as if they knew their conspiracy beforehand. They even had the ability to drive the plane to China is here.

Seeing that Li Zedao was so "hospitable", Zhou Qian lowered her head and smiled embarrassedly.

The shadow rolls his eyes and spit out bubbles. Damn, the fool is so hypocritical!

The cabin door was slowly opened, and at the same time, the cockpit door was opened, and the South Pole with a cold expression came out, directly ignoring the kind of confusion or horror that these islanders looked at her. Or with a stunned look, he looked at Li Zedao and said: "Let's go, someone is already waiting below."

Li Zedao nodded his head and smiled at these islanders again. Then he turned around and took the safe with the snake head, and took the three women out of the cabin and got off the plane.

Sure enough, after getting off the plane, Li Zedao saw three domineering military green cars already parked there. He also saw several people standing in front of the two cars. The Yanhuang, engineers and penguins that Li Zedao was familiar with were all there. .

It is conceivable that the above attaches great importance to them, or to the snake head in their hands, so Yan Huang personally brings people over to greet them.

Yan Huang looked at Li Zedao with a full face of gratification. He knew that Li Zedao and Antarctica would work hard to complete the task, but he did not expect that they could complete the task so much, and it can even be said that this task was completed perfectly. Impeccable!

He unexpectedly thought of using the hands of the Yamaguchi team to obliterate Dongtu, using the hands of the islanders to personally burn the sinful Jingwei Shrine, and now that the video came out was equivalent to slapped the island several times. Son, let the whole world look at the jokes of the island country. At the same time, Nisso will collapse, which will have a big impact on the island country’s economy.

As for Prime Minister Ichiro Koizumi's dismissal, that is almost a certainty.

All these things are done extremely beautifully without exception. Raise our country!

In addition to worshiping or worshiping, the engineers could not wait to kneel in front of Li Zedao and lick his shoes immediately, and even want to follow his **** and become his little brother in the future.

In the past, when they went out to carry out their tasks, that time was not a life of death? When sneaking back to China, he had to suffer a lot, and hiding in a dark container for a few days was even more commonplace.

But this guy is great. There will be such a luxurious private jet to **** him back to China. The most important thing is that there are three beautiful beauties waiting by his side... Oh, I was wrong, this violent woman in Antarctica It's not a big beauty.

Penguin’s handsome face has a lot of sadness. Why didn’t this **** die in the island country? Now he’s so coquettish, how can I get revenge from him in the future? I’m terribly, I still love you deeply, why don’t you? Take a look at me...

At the moment, Yanhuang led people to greet him.

"Very good..." Yanhuang looked at Li Zedao and smiled, "I rarely boast."

Li Zedao smiled: "I won't feel honored to be praised by you like this..."

Then he passed the box in his hand: "That thing is inside, the code is 1438."

"...Thanks." Yanhuang took it and said, "Let's go, I have to leave with this thing first, and I will talk to you after I go back."

Up to now, three traitors have appeared in the Shenlong organization. They are the big head and the iron hand who helped steal the snake’s head. There is also a guy called Shadowfoot who came into contact with a spy from an island country. No one can guarantee. There are no traitors lurking inside the Shenlong organization, so Yanhuang personally came to take the snake head back. This way, he can also ensure that he is foolproof.

Li Zedao nodded, saying nothing.

The Antarctic also followed back to report the situation, the shadows are the same, and I have to go back to the dark team to report the situation, and also bring the realistic mask back and destroy it, but the Antarctic mask has been burned, and Li Zedao’s One of the two masks was cut in half with a knife, and the other was dirty and covered with blood.

"I won't go back." Li Zedao said. He planned to take Zhou Qian to visit Yanjing and eat Yanjing's delicacies, instead of taking her to the depressing place of the Shenlong Organization.

Yanhuang nodded and followed him.

The shadow dragged Zhou Qian to the side and grumbled something, causing Zhou Qian to blush like a red apple, and she didn't dare to lift her head.

Li Zedao also saw that Shadow took off the dischargeable watch on his wrist and put it on for Zhou Qian. He smiled at the moment. It seems that this little witch is still a fan of a sister and knows to protect her little sister.

So Antarctica got into a car with Yanhuang, and the shadow looked at Li Zedao and said that if you dare to bully little sister Zhou Qian, you will die, and then spit bubbles into another car, a staff organized by Shenlong Protect her back to the dark group.

So soon, he and Zhou Qian were left alone.

"Let's go." Li Zedao looked at Zhou Qian with his head lowered and looked like an angry bag with a smile.

"Yeah." Zhou Qian looked up at Li Zedao, nodded lightly, and quickly lowered her head, her eyes were not as embarrassing to communicate with Li Zedao for a while.

Li Zedao smiled, stretched out his hand and took her little soft hand.

Zhou Qian's body trembled slightly, she raised her head and glanced at Li Zedao, her face was ashamed, and then she hurriedly lowered her head.

"What did the shadow tell you just now?" Li Zedao asked with interest while pulling Zhou Qian out. In fact, with Li Zedao's ear power, I naturally heard the shadow pulling Zhou Qian to mutter something, but it seemed fun to tease this weaker girl, so Li Zedao asked why.

"Ah..." Zhou Qian's face turned red in an instant again, her small face was three-point embarrassment, seven-point shy, and her eyes didn't even dare to look at Li Zedao.

"Don't want to talk to Brother Zedao?" Li Zedao teased.

"'s not..." Zhou Qian sounded like a mosquito, so she wouldn't hide anything from Brother Ze Dao, is it too shameful?

Just now the shadow pulled her and said, "Little sister Zhou Qian, you must take good care of yourself. If a certain beast, oh, a big fool, beastly, you must remember to resist, this genius The beautiful girl gives you this watch. You can discharge that big pervert by pressing this button...

Zhou Qian really didn't feel embarrassed to say these words. Besides, if Brother Ze Dao really does something to herself... it doesn't seem to be okay, although it will be too embarrassing.

Seeing her like this, Li Zedao didn’t feel embarrassed to continue teasing her. Instead, he said, “I’ll go shopping in the mall for a while and go abroad. Why do you have to help your parents choose a gift? Can’t you let them know that you are just I didn’t travel abroad but were kidnapped, otherwise I can’t scare them to death? Zhou Yan’s is no longer needed. I have already prepared a set of listening equipment for him. Oh, it should be unique for your stupid taste. The future sister-in-law prepares a..."

Zhou Qian raised her head to look at Li Zedao, nodded obediently, and Zedao's brother said nothing.


Another plane landed slowly at Yanjing Airport. He Xiaoyue got off the plane, feeling the dryness and coldness of Yanjing completely different from that of Phoenix City, but inexplicably jumping in her heart, very excited, breathing When I looked at the air, I felt that it was obviously polluted, and the air was far sweeter than Phoenix City.

Do you want to give him a call?

After thinking about it, He Xiaoyue still gave up. After all, who knows if he is still in the air right now? Besides, even though he is already in Yanjing now, he is a special person. He can't go back and write a report at this time, right? There must be a lot of things to be busy, so don't bother him temporarily, so as not to delay his work.

Well, I just stayed for two days to call him, but I don't know what kind of expression he will have when he receives his call? Will be surprised? Will have a headache? Or even want to draw your own face?

He Xiaoyue touched her face. There, he had been slapped twice, now think about it...It seems a bit sweet, huh, it's really cheap.

Not far away, the middle-aged man who was sitting with He Xiaoyue on the plane and tried to strike up a conversation was finally frightened by He Xiaoyue when he saw that the best woman was giggling over there, and he recognized his own guess. This woman is a neuropathy, a dangerous and aggressive neuropathy!

However, even if she is crazy and giggling, she looks pretty good. At that moment, the man took out his mobile phone, pointed the camera at He Xiaoyue, and then quietly took a photo.

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