The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1117: Beauty and the Beast

"What do you look at? Did you hear what the old lady said? I'm repeating it. You Yingying and her father are a veterinarian. If you dare to continue to pester our Jia Yingying, be careful that he cuts you off like an animal I castrated you the same way! Did you hear that?" The shrew said viciously, and the big fat on her face trembled.

Li Zedao hurriedly tilted his head back to avoid the other party's saliva spraying on his face, and then said helplessly: "Auntie, I don't..."

"What aunt? Who is your aunt? Do you see my old lady, do I look like an aunt?" Li Zedao's words only had time to pop up and hurt the bitch. She looked like the one who had her tail trampled on. The cat stomped on the rabbit and the lone wolf was wounded by the bullet... She felt insulted.

Why is this little **** so embarrassed to call his aunt? Mother, am I that old?

"Also, you bastard, you still dare to say'no'?" The shrew was so angry that she rolled up her sleeves and cursed, "There is a kind of thing you are trying to say again? See if the old lady doesn't slap her... …"

Li Zedao didn't try, he turned back to the room and closed the door at will. He needed this door to block the other party's continuous spitting stars.

Seeing that this little **** was so rude, the woman flushed with anger, and the big pie face was even more distorted into a ball and turned into a big bun.

She slapped the door vigorously and cursed: "You bastard, you'd better not come out as a tortoise with a shrunken head for a lifetime. Don't let my old lady see you, let alone let my old lady see you to hook up with Jiaying. Ying, otherwise the old lady will demolish your door!"

Li Zedao listened to the anger that came, and didn’t want to continue. Dealing with this kind of old woman entering menopause, Li Zedao felt that it was much more difficult than dealing with Ito Junichi. Moreover, she was not cursing herself, but Zhou. Yan... The scolding is quite right.

"Brother Zedao, she..." Zhou Qian pointed to the door. She is usually not confused, so she also heard a lot of information.

"It should be the mother of your future sister-in-law. I guess you heard from her daughter that your brother is not worthy of her daughter, so he came to the door?" Li Zedao smiled bitterly, "As a result, he regarded me as your brother. It’s a threatening curse. I want to explain that I’m Zhou Yan’s sister’s boyfriend, and I have no chance."

Zhou Qian's face turned red all of a sudden, she smiled shyly at Li Zedao, and then said: "Brother Zedao, I also don't think my brother is worthy of Sister Sun Ying. When they are together, I always I think of beauty and beast..."

"..." Li Zedao thought for a while, and felt that the word "animal" is better than "wild beast", and it can more accurately highlight the characteristics of Zhou Yan.

Zhou Qian embarrassedly continued: "My mother thinks so too. She thinks that my brother can find a girlfriend like Sister Sun Ying and must step on **** every day..."

"..." Li Zedao felt that Zhou Yan was probably not born in this family.

After listening to the movement outside, she was already silent. The **** must have been tired of scolding and left. Then Li Zedao looked at Zhou Qian and said, "Let’s go, let’s cook. As for that woman... wait for your brother to come back. Later, I will talk to him. As for how to deal with it, it's up to him. This kind of pleasing future mother-in-law can only be done by himself."

"Yeah." Zhou Qian nodded and said obediently.


The grandmother spit on the door with disdain, and her eyes were so cold: "Just your kind of family still wants to be with our Jia Yingying? Dreaming!" After that, she turned and left. people.

I walked into the elevator, went downstairs and left the unit. When I saw a handsome and elegant looking young man waiting not far away, my grandmother's face that was originally indignant and full of disdain opened instantly. A dog's tail flower, and then walked towards him without a smile from ear to ear.

"Little Sun, have you been waiting for a long time?" Grandmother said with a smile.

"Auntie, you have spoken. Isn't it right to wait for you, auntie?" The young man greeted him with a smile, lowering his posture.

The smile on the grandmother’s face is even greater, and her heart is radiant. Take a look and see, what is the golden turtle son-in-law, this is it, rich, handsome and polite, but much stronger than the oily sissy .

Now he said: "I called Yingying before knocking on the door, don’t worry, she is not at that bastard’s house, not with that bastard, and lied to me to work overtime in the hospital. I quarreled a few words and then went shopping, and then my auntie also scolded the **** bitterly, but I warned him, if I dared to continue pestering Yingying, then I would be very welcome Yes, I opened the door of his house!"

The man smiled and said, "Auntie is mighty." Then he opened the door of the BMW parked there and made an inviting gesture, "Auntie, please."

"Okay, okay..." The grandmother was so happy that all the muscles all over her body were trembling. This is a BMW. She will be sitting in a BMW and laughing. In other words, she is also a person with a face now!


Before the two walked into the kitchen to open the refrigerator to see what ingredients were available to decide what to cook, the sound of the door being opened came over.

"My parents are back?" Zhou Qian was about to leave when she heard the door opening.

Li Zedao grabbed her little hand and whispered in her ear: "It's not your parents, it's your brother and your future sister-in-law... Don't say anything, they seem to be doing something inappropriate for children."

He was familiar with the footsteps of Zhou Yan and Sun Ying, so he immediately judged that the two of them had come in. At the same time, he heard some strange sounds.

"..." Zhou Qian's face flushed suddenly.

It was indeed Zhou Yan and Sun Ying who came in, and after the two came in, the door was closed, Zhou Yan heavily pressed Sun Ying's body on the door, and then his mouth was very domineering and imprinted on the soft side of the other party. On the lips.

This long kiss directly caused the two of them to know the sky and the sky, and the sky is thick and the sky is thick. I don't know what time it is now... Li Zedao was standing there staring at them helplessly.

"Zhou Yan, this beast, why can't you wait so hard? You want the girl's mouth from your loved one...Of course it's okay, but before you kiss, can you check if there are people around you? Other people's eyes!

Isn't the scene of a beast kissing a beauty?

It wasn't until both of their faces were so red that they were almost out of breath, they reluctantly let go of their lips. At this time, Sun Ying's face was a bit shy, and her eyes were not too embarrassing to look at Zhou Yan's flashing. The smiling face of an animal.

"Yingying, I love you, I really love you..." Zhou Yan said affectionately, "You have to believe me, I don't allow anyone, any resistance to destroy this pure love between us. "

Li Zedao got goosebumps and quickly covered his face. You are a beast, when you talk about pure love, why do you put those big paws in the clothes of other girls?

"I believe in you, you know, I have always believed in you." Sun Ying said, squeezing Zhou Yan's big paws to prevent him from intruding into it, her face was already sad, "But, My mother doesn’t seem to agree with us being together..."

Sun Ying’s hometown is not in Phoenix, but in another place. This time her mother came to see her in Phoenix from her home. Originally, Sun Ying was very happy when her mother came, but when she was a little shy, she told her mother that she When talking about a boyfriend, my mother asked, is it a boy named Zhou Yan?

Sun Ying was stunned and said how did you know? Her mother said with a stern face, women, don't worry about how I knew it, you just need to know, what mom said you didn't agree with you being with this **** Zhou Yan, he was a college student who was unemployed as soon as he graduated? Parents opened a small supermarket and they are not great big shots. How could such goods be worthy of her daughter?

Sun Ying was a little dumbfounded immediately. She had never told her mother about Zhou Yan. How could she understand it in such detail?

The grandmother said that you don't care how I know this information, you just need to know, I don't agree that you are with him!

Sun Ying was so depressed that she was about to cry. After quarreling with her mother, she went out to work. In fact, she was off work today and didn't need to go to work.

Later, I gave Zhou Yan a phone call and asked Zhou Yan to go shopping with her to relieve her boredom. Just now, her mother called her again and asked her where she was. She was very depressed and said where she could go to work in the hospital, and then hung up the phone.

"That's because she hasn't seen me yet." Zhou Yan comforted, "As long as her old man sees me and sees me such a good and handsome person, she will definitely agree to let us be together."

"..." The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched. After a while, how could this guy become more shameless?

What made the muscles on his face even worse was that Sun Ying said affectionately, "Well, you are really handsome and excellent."

Zhou Yan's expression became ashamed, and he said in a low voice embarrassed: "I have another way to make your mother accept me."

Sun Ying's eyes lit up instantly: "What way?"

"Create a child..." Zhou Yan's eyes were a bit afraid to meet Sun Ying's eyes, as if he were a young virgin who had been in love with him, "Yingying, others, especially Li Zedao. The **** is different. I'm not an animal who thinks only on the lower body. I pay attention to soul communication... I mean... If your mother and her elders know that she is going to be a grandmother, she won't be happy to die? By then, I won’t disagree with our business..."

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