The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1130: You have men too

She calls herself aunt? She also said that she had irregular menstruation? She also said that her man was too small and could not satisfy herself if she didn't lift up... This is the truth. But why does she call herself aunt? Why is she?

Li Wenwen has a feeling of thunder and thunder. She is only twenty or two years old. She is in the best moment of a woman. She has a dark show, she has matte skin, she has bright eyes, and she has The enviable buttocks and comfortable chest...How can she call herself an aunt?

Li Wenwen's next reaction was to quickly turn around and go back to the car, take out a mirror and take a good look at her today's dress, whether she is too old or else why would someone be blind and call herself such a young girl like an aunt...

"You are an aunt, and your whole family is an aunt." Li Wenwen was so angry that she pointed at Nintendo sharply and cursed, "You only have menstruation-irregular menstruation-boyfriend impotence-dysfunction..."

"My man is in that car. His Ye Yu Qinv is relaxed and happy. You can see that my old lady has such a contented expression." Nintendo pointed to the Mercedes with a charming smile. Li is all mocking, "It looks like you, although your face has been carefully smeared, it still can't cover up your dark circles and freckles. This is a sign of hunger and thirst. When I check it with your man, I definitely haven't *Have you passed?"


"I guess you must have been raised by your mother, right? The other party is an old man enough to be your grandfather? Or a silver gun and wax gun head? But I suggest you store more cucumbers and eggplants at home. Women should treat themselves better..."

Li Wenwen felt that the muscles on her face kept twitching and twitching. Why is this woman's mouth so vicious?

"I... tore your stinky mouth..." the woman hissed, and then rushed towards Nintendo around the car with teeth and claws.

Nintendo's Qianqian hand lifted up, and then moved it gracefully.

"Pop!" There was a muffled sound.

Li Wenwen, who threw her teeth and claws, couldn't escape Nintendo's slap at all, and she was simply hit.

Li Wenwen felt the hot pain on her face and was beaten up. She never thought that this charming and noble woman would be so vicious when she scolded people, and she didn't even think that she would even start her hands. It's so spicy.

Li Wenwen felt very angry, aggrieved, and desperate.

"Auntie, you smear too much powder on your face." Nintendo looked at his hands, very disgusted.


"Why, not convinced? Still want to do it?" Nintendo sneered.

Li Wenwen raised her jealous hand again when she saw the other party's beautiful hand. She was really startled and took a step back. If she asked the other party to squeeze, her face would be broken. You know, her face is My own eating tool.

Nintendo turned around and took out a bottle of mineral water from the car window to wash his hands, as if his hands were really stained with powder after slapped the other person, then looked back at the woman and said: "Mother, you now have two On the road, first, the car crashed like this. It is estimated to be 200,000 after repairs. My husband is rich, not less than 200,000, but he can't just spend money for nothing, so I left 200,000. Then, get out!"

"Second, call your man over... if you think he is capable of handling this matter."

Li Wenwen covered her face, stared at Nintendo bitterly, then turned back to her Audi tt, and started the phone call... She chose the second way. She believed that when her man was in Phoenix Energy, it will definitely look good for this woman.

Nintendo opened the door of the co-pilot and got in, blinked at Li Zedao, and smiled sweetly: "Little man, didn't you scare you?"

The voice is gentle and gentle, and his speech is empathetic. If I had not known this woman a long time ago, I would have seen Nintendo’s performance just now... if you scold you, you would scold you, if you smoke, you would smoke you. A celebrity lady who laughs but eats and speaks.

"Scared." Li Zedao touched his face and said in fear.

"Fuck off." Nintendo winked over, then pointed to the Audi tt in front of him, "Her man is coming."

"Don't you also have a man?" Li Zedao said with a smile.

Nintendo stretched out his hand and asked Li Zedao with a look on his face, and said in a very teasing voice: "Yes, I also have a man, a little man."

In less than five minutes, a Land Rover that looked majestic and a van drove slowly one after another, and finally stopped in front of the Mercedes-Benz and Audi tt, which were close together. It was opened and jumped out of a Land Rover car, a man wearing leather clothes who looked tall and mighty and still had a cigarette in his mouth.

The man was smiling, but his smile was a bit gloomy and scary, and he showed the golden tooth in his mouth. There was a gold chain with the thickness of fingers on his neck and a gold watch on his wrist. The whole person looks golden.

At the same time, five or six men in black also came down from the van, all with fangs and claws, and they all rushed to the posture of beheading people.

"Brother Zhao, you are finally here. People are almost scared to death." Li Wenwen dropped the beetle and rushed towards the man, her small face full of grievances, rubbing the man's body with her plump chest , Pointed to the Mercedes-Benz car and said, "That **** was in the car. She didn't tell me when she hit my car, and she called someone a shameless bitch, and even beat people... Look, Brother Zhao, People's small faces are swollen, she was the one who beat them..."

Brother Zhao laughed and said, "I really want to see such a hot woman..." He opened his eyes wide and tried to see exactly what woman was in the car, but it was a pity that the car was covered with a car film, and he looked through the glass. Can't see what's inside.

He held the slender woman in his arms and walked forward. The feet in large leather shoes lifted up, stepped on the head cover of the Mercedes-Benz, and said with a smile: "With you for three seconds , Get out of the car."

After three seconds passed, the other party didn't even mean to get out of the car, and then his face had already become hideous. After kicking the car, he said, "Smashed."

"Okay, boss..."

"Brothers, **** you, work..."

While these five or six men in black showed cruel or gloating smiles on their faces, they had already taken out the steel pipes hidden in the van from the van, and they were about to start smashing the Mercedes-Benz.

At this moment, the door of the Mercedes-Benz was pushed open, and Li Zedao licked his lips and jumped out of the car... Just when the other party arrogantly stepped his foot on the front cover to roll off the car for three seconds, Li Zedao was busy tasting Nintendo’s little cherry mouth, so there is no time to get off.

Brother Zhao looked at the red-lips and white-toothed kid who got out of the car with a confused expression. Didn't he say a bitch? Although this kid looks like a sissy, he can't be regarded as a bitch.

"He is the **** man." The woman pointed to Li Zedao and said. When she kicked the car, the window of the car was half closed, so she had met Li Zedao.

Now I can see this rather outrageously young face, and then I remembered that * previous words... My man, Ye Yu Qinv, is relaxed and happy...

This liar, does this kind of dry stuff work hard once a day?

Li Zedao looked at Brother Zhao with a smile and said: "The repair cost is 200,000 yuan, and then they go their own way, as if nothing happened, how?"

"Serve soft?" Brother Zhao sneered, this kid is quite familiar.

Li Zedao smiled and did not answer.

Brother Zhao nodded, but when he was young, he drove such a big run. In all likelihood, which rich second generation is, should there be some energy in the family? Now that the other party has been subdued, then this matter is not suitable for too much trouble, but... if you hit someone without slapping your face, if your woman is slapped, it is equivalent to being slapped. It is still hot now. It hurts.

"Two hundred thousand, and let your horse get out of the cart and draw your face obediently, let Lao Tzu draw twice, and your boy will make Lao Tzu draw twice, and then this thing has never happened." Brother Zhao said. Own conditions.

Li Zedao's eyes looked at the other party had changed. It was a bit playful before, but now it looks like an idiot.

He pointed to the woman and said, "Didn’t this aunt tell you? The repair cost is 200,000 yuan. You give me the money instead of me. Damn, I thought you were sending the money. ."

"..." Brother Zhao's expression was extremely embarrassed, and he roared in a low voice, "Damn, what are you doing in a daze? Smashed!"

Then a man in black drew a stick at Li Zedao's arm.

The next second, he was stunned, because he was stunned to find that the stick in his hand was missing, and his hand slipped off accidentally? So he looked down.

"Here, your stick." A voice sounded.

The man looked up and saw that the kid he originally wanted to break the opponent’s arm with a stick was staring at him with a smile, and he was holding an iron stick in his hand, an iron that looked so familiar. stick

"Give you back." Li Zedao smiled and drew a stick.

"Kacha!" The man's arm was interrupted by Li Zedao with a stick very simply, and then lay on the ground wailing.

The remaining few people were stunned, and then all raised their sticks and rushed over. Then, they were like moths fighting the fire, never returning, without exception, either hand or His foot was interrupted by a stick, and he lay on the ground wailing.

Li Wenwen was dumbfounded, it was not like this, the plot shouldn’t be like this, she was slapped and then brother Zhao led someone to kill, then the **** obediently knelt in front of her and was slapped in front of her and sang and conquered. Yes, as for this kid... Isn't he supposed to belong to the kind of little white face who is frightened by the sight of such a big battle?

Why did it turn out to be like this?

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