The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1135: How can I get pregnant

Li Zedao's eyes continued to be hot and ambiguous, and his voice became even more gentle. He said, "I...really already knew... Although some people thought I was a junior high school student when I was young when I went out, but..."

Li Zedao was so excited that he stretched out his trembling hand again, gently placed it on the belly of the South Pole, and said in a moving voice: "I am ready to be a father, really ."

"..." The Antarctic face was already pitch black, and he patted Li Zedao's hand again, and said, "What are you trying to say?"

"I said, I'm ready to be a father, really, wait for him...oh, or she...I am not patriarchal, even I like little girls, you know ..." Li Zedao said excitedly. When he imagined that his son or daughter would be croaking to the ground in a few months, his muscles were trembling.

"I will coax him, I will feed him milk powder... But it is better to take breast milk, breast milk is good for the child's health, I also help her wash her diapers... Oh, by the way, should we prepare a baby? It’s the room? What color is it decorated? Although I know you like black, do you think it is not suitable to decorate the baby room in black? How about blue? Green is also good... If it is a little princess Naturally arranged in pink..."

The look in Li Zedao's eyes in Antarctica was like looking at an idiot. He said, "I said, what's the matter with you? Who stimulated it?"

Li Zedao's current expression, this kind of gentleness, gave him an extremely creepy feeling, even if he was not 100% sure that he was Li Zedao, Antarctica wanted to wonder if someone was wearing his face and then came over to tell himself These inexplicable words.

When Li Zedao entered the magic cave before, in order to stimulate this guy, Antarctica did say that he would give him a child, but... he didn't get pregnant.

"By you, by our children..." Li Zedao smiled stupidly, his hands continued to tremble stroking Antarctic belly, "You are really naughty, already at this time you still want to hide from me that you are pregnant. thing……"

"..." Antarctic's mind was stunned, his complexion stiffened slightly, and then he lowered his head and clasped Li Zedao's big hand that was touching his belly: "You said...who is pregnant?"

"Of course it's you..." Li Zedao said cheerfully, "Could it be me?"

"I'm pregnant? You said...I'm pregnant?" Antarctica said with difficulty, staring at his stomach.

"Yes, of course you are pregnant... You are pregnant..." Li Zedao's smile on his face stiffened, his eyes blinked twice, and then he asked with difficulty, "You... don't you know?"

Antarctic glanced at him, then looked at his flat stomach with no bulging at all, and shook his head: "I don't know."

"..." The smile on Li Zedao's face completely solidified, "You... don't be kidding..."

Antarctic looked up, looked at each other with a serious expression, and said word by word: "I really don't know... Do you think I should know?"

"...But... the engineers know it." The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched. What is this? Are the engineers making fun of themselves? If that's the case... Li Zedao decided to give him to Gejige, let you dare to make such a joke casually.

"The engineer told you?" Antarctic frowned, and there was an urge to throw a knife. What nonsense was he talking about that idiot?

"He...he said he listened to your master Yanhuang, so Yanhuang didn't want you to go in this operation, so he sent engineers." Li Zedao froze and looked at her belly. "No... you didn't have a baby?"

"Idiot, I'm really pregnant, can I not tell you?" Antarctica glanced at him like an idiot, said angrily, then picked up the phone and gave Yanhuang a call.

After getting through the phone and talking to Yanhuang, Antarctica looked at Li Ze and his expression was not calm.

"What did your master say?" Li Zedao swallowed.

"My master said... he saw it for himself, I have a happy pulse..." Antarctica said very hard, his brain a little muddy. Could it be that I am really pregnant? Then why doesn't it feel at all? Doesn’t it mean that pregnant women want to eat sour? The most obvious reaction is, is there any retching? But why didn't he react at all?

"...I'm going to buy a pregnancy test stick...Forget it, go to the hospital to check it..." Li Zedao said, and then regardless of Antarctica's disagreement, he hugged her up and walked out.

Upon inspection at the hospital, Antarctica was really pregnant, and she was still more than two months pregnant. Counting the time, it happened to be when Li Zedao entered the magic cave.

As for the lack of reaction, according to the doctor’s statement, is it true that any woman will have those reactions when she is pregnant, or even more exaggerated, some dull women don’t know that they are pregnant until they are about to give birth instead of eating too well recently, so they change Fat……

After getting the most accurate news, the Antarctic surrounded by several women was in a daze. The women were very excited over there and said that I am a big mom, I am a second mom and a third mom...

Li Zedao was silly and happy, as if he had eaten bee shit, he was so excited that he didn't know whether to stand or sit. He was really going to be a father, and his mood was really exciting.

Then even after nine o'clock in the evening, even knowing that his mother Xiao Qiangwei must have been resting and lying down by this time, Li Zedao couldn't help but call her.

It was Meng Jing who answered the phone. Usually every day after Xiao Qiangwei fell asleep, she would carefully check the safety measures with other bodyguards, so she slept very late.

"Little Master," she said. The tone is neither close nor alienated.

"Senior Sister, I've said it all, just call it by name, and you can call it as Junior Brother..." Li Zedao said cheerfully, "My mother is already asleep? Could you please call her up..."

"Little Master, Madam has fallen asleep, what's the matter tomorrow..."

"No, it's very important, you go and let her answer the phone." Li Zedao said with a smile, "Sister, you don't know, Antarctica is pregnant...hehe, she is pregnant..."

"..." Meng Jing was stunned, and hurriedly went to call Xiao Qiangwei. This kind of thing really needs to be known to Xiao Qiangwei.

When Li Zedao told her that one of her daughter-in-laws, Antarctica, was pregnant, Xiao Qiangwei was happy and immediately rushed to the hospital. Li Zedao hurriedly said that they would go back, and come to the villa tomorrow.

In the corner, Shadow's big eyes looked at the somewhat confused Antarctica, which seemed to not believe that she would be pregnant, then looked at the excited and curious sisters surrounding her, and then looked at the squatting There was Li Zedao who was talking on the phone and smiling like an idiot, but his face was a little gray and ugly, even with inexplicable anger in his big eyes, and his little pink hand was clenched unconsciously, as if he wanted to beat someone. .

He Xiaoyue is sincerely happy for Antarctica, but her mood is inevitably depressed. Her fate has changed. She can't be pregnant anyway in this life. She looked back at the shadow and saw this little girl standing alone with her face. His expression was so incompatible with the kind of reaction that he should have at this moment, and he quickly walked over and asked: "Yingying, what's wrong with you? Uncomfortable?"

Shadow raised his head, looked at her with big eyes, pointed to his chest and said, "It hurts here."

He Xiaoyue was startled: "Chest pain? It won't be angina or something? It's in the hospital now, let's check it out?"

Shadow shook his head, looked at Antarctica, teardrops rolled in his eyes, and said: "How can sister Antarctica have a baby? She can't carry a baby, she can't...

"..." He Xiaoyue was stunned, Yingying was... jealous? Envy? Because she is still very young, as long as she and Li Zedao work hard, it is easy to get pregnant.

"Isn’t the figure out of shape after pregnant with the baby?" The shadow saw He Xiaoyue staring at herself with a weird expression, and said with confidence and righteousness. "If the figure is out of shape, the big fool doesn't like her. Has she driven out of the house?"

"Puff..." He Xiaoyue couldn't hold back, and was happy. He patted the head of the shadow and said, "If you think too much, your figure will indeed be out of shape, but as long as you exercise and recover for a period of time, you will be restored to the original shape. Besides...Do you think your big fool is that kind of person?"

He Xiaoyue turned her head and looked at Li Zedao who was smiling like a child over there, pursing her lips and said with a smile: "You see that he is so happy, you know that he will only do more for Antarctica in the future."

"Then...this genius and beautiful girl will also be pregnant with a baby." Shadow said, his eyes like Moyu rolled down, wiped down the tears with his sleeves, and then rushed towards Li Zedao, nothing else. As he said, he hugged his arm and said, "Big fool, this genius and beautiful girl also has a baby..."


When the other women saw this, they were either shy or amused by the frankness of the shadow, and they all expressed that Li Zedao quickly took the shadow away and let her also be pregnant with the baby.

In fact, the pregnancy in Antarctica really stimulated their nerves. Li Mengchen, He Xiaoyu, Bai Libing and the women who first met Li Zedao and broke through that relationship were stimulated even more. After all, they joined them later. The collective Antarctica is pregnant, but their stomachs are quiet, which is a bit strange. After all, when they are alone with Li Zedao, they take protective measures every time. .

So at this time, the shadows were messing around there, it seemed normal to them, and even they were a bit envious, because they really didn't feel ashamed to make such a request in front of the sisters like the shadows.

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