The opponent's throwing knife was so sharp, but for the engineer who has been avoiding the Antarctic throwing knife for years, there is naturally no problem with avoiding this throwing knife. Right now, his head is deflected and he has already avoided it. , And then jumped down to catch up.

If this guy is allowed to run away like this, the engineer feels that he will not dare to face Li Zedao tomorrow when he is so thin-skinned, so he must keep the opponent anyway.

After leaving the villa, seeing that the engineer was about to catch up with the opponent, who wanted the dark shadow to stop and turn around, but a dagger in his tight hand slashed at the engineer.

While the engineers hurriedly braked, the dagger in his hand greeted him.

"Ka!" The dagger and the dagger slashed fiercely together, and some sparks flashed out, and the two took a step back.

With this move, the engineers immediately discovered that this guy who couldn't see the face had so much strength in his hands. His mouth hurt when he was only chopped, and even the knife almost got out of his hand.

"Come again!" The engineer roared in a low voice, raising his dagger to greet him again.

The opponent obviously had the same mind as the engineer, so he also raised the dagger and fought back.

In the dim night, two black shadows intertwined over there, and the daggers fought against the daggers, and a series of dense and harsh sounds erupted. Even the roots of the surrounding flowers, plants and leaves could not stand the destruction of their sword energy. They were chopped in half one after another.

Finally, after dozens of dazzling tricks and tricks, the black shadow suddenly resembled a beast with crazy hair, and the power of the dagger in his hand rose by a point.

The engineer's eyes widened, his heart was truly shocked, and he felt a sense of being insulted to death. Bastard, he was hiding just now? Still have a point of strength? Are you kidding me?

But anyway, after the opponent's strength skyrocketed by one point, the engineers seemed to have a taste of hard support.

"Roar!" The other party let out a low growl, and the dagger in his hand moved up and down. The huge momentum made the engineer unable to hide, but the engineer could not hide, because he knew that if he chose to avoid it, then He was completely suppressed by the opponent in his aura, and he would only be more passive when that happened.

So his eyes were bloodshot, he gritted his teeth, roared, full of strength in his whole body, and suddenly blocked the knife, even holding the dagger tightly with his rare hands.

"Ka!" With a muffled sound, the dagger in the opponent's hand slashed fiercely on the dagger held by the engineer's hands, and then the engineer felt that his chest was suffocated suddenly, and the next second his leg was suffocated Soft, knelt down very simply.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, he turned his back and kicked the engineer's stomach heavily.

As a result, the engineers flew out like a kite with a broken wire.

At this moment, extremely strong lights swept over, and then came the sound of messy footsteps.

The security guard in charge of the security work of Baili Real Estate Community heard the messy noises and rushed over.

"Who is there..."

"Are you a thief..."

"Don't move...Stop..."

The black shadow glanced at the direction in which the engineer flew out. Instead of pursuing it, he turned around, his figure flashed like a ghost, and disappeared there...


Of course, Li Zedao didn't send the bat to the hospital. After sending it, he had to register and pay for the medical expenses. It was really troublesome. Besides, Alice was a very clever surgeon, much better than the doctors in the hospital.

After her "treatment", the bat woke up. To be precise, it was painful... I just misplaced your bones. Can you not hurt?

He looked at the energy-saving lamp on the ceiling, his muddy old eyes were extremely sad, and he could not accept the facts before him.

Obviously, he brought people to China to kill him aggressively, but why did he fall into such a tragic end? Besides, taking ghost pills by oneself is equivalent to burning one's last life but still defeated.

What humiliated him most was that he was now deprived of the right to die!

The bat clearly felt that the bones of his limbs were all misplaced, and now they are gone, just like being chopped off. The tooth was also shaved off, not one left! All he can do now is blink his eyes and open his mouth...

A face he didn't want to see now appeared in front of him. Losers always hated the vile face of winners, and bats are no exception.

Even if he was beaten on the stomach by the other party, the bat still looks down on this kid, because he thinks that this kid is too bad to speak, and is too unfair, so he secretly takes Ghost Pills... Is there such a bully? Moreover, as the rumors said, the sequelae of Ghost Maru were not reflected in him, which made the bat feel that God was too unfair.

The only thing that bats admire or move is that Li Zedao's last bet! You know, if Li Zedao’s knife is not fast enough and accurate enough, then he would have died a long time ago, or he would have died with him a long time ago, instead of the way he is living well, but he is not as good as dead. .

"Mr. Bat, do you feel better?" Li Zedao asked with a look of relationship.

"Why didn't you kill me?" Bat asked aloud, because his teeth were completely lost, so his words leaked and became very misty, and some of them couldn't hear clearly.

"Mr. Bat, the most precious thing about human beings is life. Life is only once for everyone. We should cherish life and live well. Why do you ask for death in turn?" Li Zedao sincerely persuaded. He is a kind person, who just can't see the pitiful appearance of others. When others looked at him like this, he instantly overflowed with sympathy...Even in the face of the bat that wanted to kill him before, so he couldn't help but enlighten him.

"..." The muddy old eyes of the bat stared at Li Zedao in a daze. I really couldn't understand how he said such shameless words. Sad! Sorry! When accepting disciples by the hand of God, the world's number one master, do you not examine the character of disciples?

Finally, he could only open his mouth and say word by word: "I... last year... bought a watch..."

After trying hard to say this, the bat felt that he was so cool here, as if he had eaten a big box of ice cream on a hot day.

Bats have always felt that verbal attacks are the weakest, but now he has to admit that verbal attacks are actually very powerful, and sometimes they can make a person alive...At least, after the scolding, he feels very refreshed. .

"What brand?" Li Zedao asked with a smile.

"..." The Chinese language of the bat is not good, and I don't know how to continue.

"Okay, Mr. Bat, you don’t have much time to live, and I’m very busy, and I don’t have much time to listen to what you say here. I bought a watch last year and I bought a watch the year before... ."

Li Zedao put away the smile on his face and said seriously: "You tell me what I want to know, and I will let you die."

A mocking smile appeared on the bat's face: "Do you think I'm afraid of death?"

"Mr. Bat, you have no teeth to laugh so ugly."


"Of course you are not afraid of death." Li Zedao said, "If you are afraid of death, you will not try to detonate the * in your body and die with me... But although you are not afraid of death, you are afraid that you will not die. Don't worry, I usually do. Very busy, but I will still spare two days to play with you. I can assure you that you will live well in these two days."

"I bought a watch last year." Bat said.

"Tell me, what's the matter with my master?" Li Zedao asked with narrowed eyes, regretting teaching him this sentence in his heart.

"I bought a watch last year." The bat looked like a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water, and continued to repeat this sentence in the Chinese language that he now likes and speaks more and more.

"..." Li Zedao knew this would happen, and it was really not an easy task for this old man to obediently tell what he knew.

So he took out his cell phone and made a call, then said, "Bring Ah Huang in."

Soon, a dog barking "Wangwang..." came from outside the room, and then the door of the room was pushed open, and a perverted yellow dog walked in with a wretched smile on his face, as if It's like looking forward to something.

"Hello?" Li Zedao asked.

"Hey, boss, ten minutes at most." Perverted smile.

Li Zedao nodded, took out a medicine jar from his pocket, poured a dark pill out of it, and then pinched the old face of the bat, forcing him to open his mouth that was constantly overflowing with blood. , And then shot the pill into his mouth, making sure he swallowed it, and then let go of his face.

"Um... what did you let me eat?" Bat asked, looking at Li Ze with turbid old eyes scarlet.

"You can rest assured, it's definitely not a sugar pill for you." Li Zedao said with a smile, then put his hand on the bat's waist, and with a slight force, the bat turned over and lay there.

"Tear off his pants." Li Zedao looked at the pervert and said, he would not do such a disgusting thing, so he let the pervert do it.

"Boss..." The pervert is a bit disgusting and wronged. Why should a man embarrass a man?

If this is a young girl, there is no need for Li Zedao to explain anything. He used to take off her pants long ago, but this is an old man, who knows that he hasn’t been alive for a few days. The kind-hearted pervert really can't bear to start. The most important thing is that his sexual orientation is very normal, and he has no hobbies in that aspect at all.

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