After comforting the shadow who had the same guess as him, Li Zedao glanced over the dozens of beautiful eyes with various emotions in his eyes, and his heart was full of emotions. He felt that he should say something, but, Working hard for a long time, but still poor.

Before he was born, hatred followed like a shadow, and he was forced to come out of his mother's womb almost three months earlier. What's more cruel is that he should have been an enviable rich when he was born. The second generation, however, had to be a fighter in the diaosi for eighteen years. In the eyes of the teacher, there was a crane tail, and the students in the eyes of the pig who wanted to bully and ridicule. After that, they finally changed. Becoming rich and handsome, hatred and all kinds of troubles still follow.

Li Zedao felt very tired, very tired, but how much change could he make?

"While everyone is here...oh, Zhou Qian and Xiaolu are not here, I will talk to them alone when I turn around." Li Zedao finally said, "I want to say a few words..."

"This is my current life." He said after a moment of silence.


"Actually... what happened tonight is not the worst, because..." Because if this is a play directed by Antarctica and outsiders, it is not the worst. Of course, for this reason, Li Zedao is inconvenient. Say.

Therefore, he said: "Because, there have been a few more dangerous times than this time... For example, Sister Xiaoyu blocked a shot for me... Or Bing'er confused me to sleep, but in the end I almost got rid of it. Throw it down..."

Li Zedao looked at He Xiaoyu and then at Bai Libing. He Xiaoyu looked at him softly, while Bai Libing's mouth twitched slightly.

"Also, Zhou Qian, the other party kidnapped Zhou Qian to the island country for more than ten days in order to make me compromise and do things for him to threaten me... Maybe the one kidnapped next time is one of you..."


"What I want to say is that I am like a catastrophe. Whoever is with me will be unlucky. You can eat poison when you eat. There are people who provoke you when you go shopping. Even that person is very likely to be a killer. They’ll kill you if you’re not careful, and you won’t be able to save it..."


"After that, I don’t know how many dangers will be encountered again, and I don’t know how many times I will expose you to dangers. I always say that I will not let that happen, but when it happens, I will I can't stop it again, later than today..." Li Zedao looked ashamed, "Even in the end I might accidentally hang up like this..."


"Also, there is actually one thing I I...decided to let you know...actually, when I went to the island country to perform a mission this time, I was injured..."

"..." The eyes of the girls changed slightly.

"It hurts here." Li Ze pointed to his hip.

"..." The faces of the women changed again, and then when you look at me and I look at you, they all have a look of disbelief, because if there are really injured, how can the combat effectiveness still be so strong?

"I'm really hurt..." Li Zedao took a deep breath and explained, "That aspect is not affected, but... I have lost my fertility. In other words, except for the Antarctic I was pregnant with two months ago, I'm afraid I haven't A way to get you"

Li Zedao could only explain this way. He couldn’t explain to these women that he was deprived of fertility because he had acquired some kind of power against the sky. He could only say that he was injured when he was in an island country, so that everyone would not go. What did you say about Antarctica... Isn't it good to get together and to go away?

Besides, it is a shame for a man to be put on a green hat. Li Zedao really can't afford to lose this person!

The faces of the women changed again. They didn't expect Li Zedao to have such an experience, and their eye sockets turned red.

"Smelly-thief, what do you mean by these words?" Li Mengchen asked with red eyes.

"Ze Dao, do you want us to make...choices? Or do you want to draw a clear line from us?" He Xiaoyu choked.

"Oh, dear, I'm sorry, I shouldn't tell you that I am going to have a baby, I don't want to have a baby anymore, I just want to be with you, even if I die..." Alice was crying A look of self-blame.

"Little man, if you kick my old lady away, how will my old mother live her life in the next half of her life? My old lady is already accustomed to you with those little toothpicks of other people. The old lady looks down upon..." Nintendo was very sturdy with red eyes Said fiercely, a posture that if you dare to kick the old lady away, you will fight you desperately.

"Captain America, I don't want to have a baby, I just want you..." Zhao Xiaoying was crying.

"Dear classmate Li, after provoke this lady, but now I want to drive her away, no way." Susan covered her mouth and choked.

"Senior Brother, Master asked me to take good care of you. I also want to take good care of you. How can I leave?" Miffy hugged Lin Susu, and the two cried into tears.

"I admit that what happened tonight scared me. I'm really scared, but I don't want to live a life without you..." Jia Qianqian cried and said, "I know this is dangerous. Things can make people desperate. But if you kick me away, then my life will only be desperate."


The other women also showed their attitude in tears.

Bai Libing's eyes were flushed, and he walked to the front, staring blankly at this face with a painful and bitter smile. He stretched out his hand abruptly and put his arm around Li Zedao's neck, and then his mouth slammed past, heavily printed on it. On Li Zedao's lips... This iceberg beauty, who has never taken the initiative, is now using actions to indicate that you have stolen my heart and you must be responsible to me.


Li Zedao burst into tears, wiped the tears from his face, and said in a moving voice: "I promise you that when these things are done, I will take you out to live on the island that now belongs to us. I want to hold a romantic wedding with you on that small island. From now on, I don’t care about the annoying things and stay with you every day... In addition, I also try to find various ways to cure my hidden diseases, and strive to make you all Be a mother..."

"But...but you have to promise case I die that day, don't be sad, find someone to have a good relationship with, don't be a widow for me... The most important thing is not to fight The family property is arguing, and it hurts the sisters’ harmony. Everyone will split equally..."


All the girls, look at me and I look at you, and then they are all too angry. At the moment, you punched this **** with one kick...


In a high-end ward of the First Hospital.

With a pale face and a bandage wrapped around his body, the engineer lying on the bed stared at the ceiling without knowing what he was thinking.

"Cousin, who hurt you? Are you all right now?" Sun Yizhou asked with a look of concern. In the morning, he contacted his cousin and said that he went home for a meal at noon. Unexpectedly, the call was not answered by the engineer, but by a stranger. The man said on the phone that the engineer's eldest brother was injured and he is now in the hospital.

Sun Yizhou was really frightened. He didn't think that his cousin, who made him worship unusually, was injured, so he hurried to the hospital.

The engineer did not speak.

"Cousin, I'm going to prepare breakfast for you?"

The engineer still said nothing.


"Can you be quiet for a while?" The engineer looked at him and said hoarsely, his face was very ugly. He didn't expect that the other party was so powerful that he almost died, and he didn't expect his front foot to go out. , Another person on the back foot sneaked into the villa and even the Antarctic was taken away...

The engineers said they were unwilling to accept this fact!

You know, Li Zedao gave him the whole family last night, but he didn't expect this to happen, let alone the elite of the Shenlong organization, his brother, and the Antarctica is still pregnant...

How much do the engineers hope that they are taken hostage by the other party instead of Antarctica, or even other women. Why is it the Antarctica? Just because Antarctica is longer than they are men? Or is it because Antarctica is pregnant with greater value?

"Oh..." Seeing his cousin, Sun Yizhou's eyes were like a knife, and he was so startled that he didn't dare to talk about it.

At this moment, the door of the ward was pushed open, Li Zedao appeared at the door, and then strode in.

Sun Yizhou already knew Li Zedao's identity that was scary to death. He immediately jumped up from the chair as if his **** was on fire, and then worked hard to gather a smile on his face.

The engineer suddenly jumped off the bed and looked at Li Zedao with a flushed face.

"I took a rest for the whole night, is it all right?" Li Zedao looked at him and asked.

The engineer knelt down abruptly, and said excitedly: "Shao Li, I'm sorry, I didn't help you protect your home..."

"Let me go, your sister, what are you doing?" Li Zedao was really taken aback by the action of the engineer and wanted to help him up.

The engineer bowed his head in ashamed, as if there was a layer of strong glue between his knees and the ground, he was stunned to kneel, and he grasped Li Zedao's arms tighter, his eyes moist: "I am dereliction of duty, it is me. Incompetence, this led to Antarctica being taken away..."

"This is something that everyone knows, don't you need to repeat it?" Li Zedao said lightly.

"..." The engineer was almost choked to death by Li Zedao's words. How could Li Shao hit someone in the face like this?

Then he continued to feel ashamed to the extreme: "Shao Li, I know you are angry in your heart, you can beat me up, you can give me a few strokes, only then will my heart feel better..."

Saying that the engineers seemed to be conjure, there was already an extra dagger in his hand, and he was going to send it to Li Zedao.

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