The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1156: News from snake head

really do not know? Li Zedao secretly slandered in his heart, whoever believes is stupid!

"Mr. Poble and I are friends. When he talked about the unbearable past, I returned the snake head to him." Tom said.

Li Zedao took a deep breath. He understood that in the old Amsterdam, the young master's respectful and respectful little old man had already betrayed his master, and Tom said he was friends with him. In other words, this Keller Bobil must also know about the murder of Master, and even he was involved in this matter. As long as he finds him, he will know some things that he has always wanted to be sure.

"This Keller Boble is in Las Vegas now?" Li Zedao asked.

"Yes, Lee, Boble is now in Las Vegas, and as far as I know, he will not leave in a short time. If you want to get the snake head, you can only go to him. "Tom said with a smile, "But Mr. Pobil is not very good-tempered, so he may not give it to you."

"As long as you make trouble from it." Li Zedao said coldly.

"Oh, Lee, I promise with your character that I don't know anything about snakeheads...then, goodbye." Tom said with a smile.

I hung up the phone, threw the phone aside, and concentrated on enjoying this gentle service.

When the hot and soft tongue of the woman touched his sensitive parts when the tongue was rotating, the man groaned softly, and the pleasure suddenly hit, and he couldn't help it at the moment.

After a fierce emotional release, the woman helped clean up the battlefield. The man closed his eyes and took a nap. When he opened his eyes, his eyes flickered. This toss did not absorb too much of his essence, but made him more energetic.

He stretched out his hand to hold the woman in his sexual-fun pajamas in his arms, looked at her pretty pink face close at hand, and said, "I have to go to Las Vegas in a few days. Obediently wait for me here."

The woman nodded lightly, her eyes full of dismay, and said softly: "Well, I am here to wait for you to come back."

"Take care of our children." The man said with a slight smile, and gently stroked her still flat belly. "I will let a professional female doctor come over to accompany you."

"Okay." The woman nodded, held his hand on her stomach, and then leaned her head gently on his shoulder.


Li Zedao put the phone back in his pocket, exhaled a deep breath, and then strode back to the ward.

"How?" Yan Huang, who was worried about the safety of Antarctica, immediately greeted him and asked.

Li Zedao nodded with a cold face and said, "It is indeed the man who took the Antarctic."

"Who is it?" Yan Huang said, his murderous aura permeated. At this moment, this old man who was known as the patron saint of China was really angry. The murderous aura on his body was like seeing people, killing people and seeing Buddha*.

Li Zedao looked at Yanhuang, the kind of compassion in his eyes flashed by. Antarctica made this kind of thing, and Yanhuang was undoubtedly one of the victims. It can even be concluded that Antarctica was actually involved when the snake head was lost that day. She should be in the same group as the big head and the iron hand.

As for why she killed Big Tou and Iron Hand later, maybe it was because he was afraid that Big Tou and Iron Hand could not help but say something so that she also exposed it?

He shook his head and said: "The details are not clear, but I guess it should be the personnel of the Black Hawk Security Company. After all, when I was in the island country, Antarctica and I killed Aishan, who was responsible for their protection, and several Black Hawk personnel. In addition, I had some conflicts with Black Hawk before, so they started revenge, right? Plus they made that kind of request to me..."

Yanhuang frowned and nodded, agreeing with Li Zedao's speculation, and then asked, "What request did the other party make?"

"The other party asked me to help him kill Mos Luciano, so they can guarantee the safety of Nan and the children in his stomach." Li Zedao said.

Yan Huang already had a moved expression: "Mos Luciano of the Luciano family?"

The penguins and the engineers were also secretly stunned. Assassinating the notorious Mafia boss Moss Luciano seemed as difficult as assassinating the president of the United States.

"It's him. As far as I know, the Rothschild family behind the Black Hawk and the Luciano family have never dealt with each other. The three young masters of Rothschild are pursuing Mossi Luciano's daughter. He was rejected by his daughter and even humiliated him severely, saying that your looks do not match my beauty, so you are enmity?" Li Zedao said half-truth.

Yanhuang frowned and nodded. He also heard about this rumor. He also heard that Mossi Luciano has only one daughter, and is now handing over the entire Luciano family to his daughter bit by bit. In other words, if anyone can marry Moss Luciano's daughter, then it is equivalent to obtaining the extremely huge resources of the entire Luciano family.

"Did you agree?" Yan Huang asked.

"What do you mean?" Li Zedao clenched his fist, and the light of the knife shrank in his eyes, "I will not let an accident happen to the South Pole." Then, Li Zedao felt that Oscar really owed himself a golden man.

Yanhuang sighed and patted Li Zedao's shoulder lightly, trying to say something, but found that the words he wanted to say seemed a little pale.

"However, I got an accurate message." Li Zedao said, "The snake head is indeed in Las Vegas."

"This does not need to be repeated. The Shenlong organization has already obtained this information and confirmed it." Penguin looked at Li Zedao with some contempt.

Yan Huang looked at the penguin sharply, and the latter closed his mouth angrily, and stopped speaking.

Yanhuang looked at Li Zedao and nodded and said: "The dark group has already heard the news. At most two weeks, the instrument for detecting snake heads can be manufactured. I originally wanted the engineers to go with you, but now the engineers..."

"Yanhuang, I will rest for two days. It's okay." The engineer said quickly, "I must work with Li Shao to bring the snake head back and rescue the Antarctic."

Yan Huang looked at the engineer and nodded, and pointed at the penguin with a groan, "Let the penguin go with you, you know the strength of the penguin..."

The muscles on the penguin's face twitched inaudibly, so I went to Las Vegas with him and couldn't sleep. Can't I return to that place? Can this **** take this opportunity to play himself to death?

"Well, I know, it's not good." Li Zedao said.

"Li Zedao, you..." Penguin's handsome big face is a bit green, if it is not clear that he is not the opponent at all, he would have slapped him to death.

Yan Huang smiled bitterly. It was really helpless to make such an arrangement. After all, there have been three traitors in the Shenlong organization. In addition, the Antarctic whereabouts are unknown, and the engineers are not lightly injured. Even if there are still ten days or so to recuperate, their skills must be greatly affected. As a result, the Ming team is facing a reorganization, and he can no longer mobilize staff, so he can only arrange for the Penguin who has no task arrangement for the time being.

Looking at Li Zedao now, he said, "Penguin will help you..."

"I'm afraid that when he is in danger, he will lie on the ground and pretend to be dead or even become a traitor. It's better not to go." Li Zedao glanced at Penguin and sneered.

He really doesn’t like this guy who is handsome and handsome, not because he is handsome...even if he is handsome, he is not as handsome as himself, not because he is tall...Of course, there are actually some reasons. Yes, the most important thing is that Li Zedao felt that the elites of this so-called Shenlong organization were really "fine" and not bloody. At that time, they might even do such things as the enemy.

"Li Zedao..." Penguin cracked his fingers. He really hated Li Zedao. He hated Li Zedao for taking the position of his captain when he appeared, marking him as a dead dog and making him a laughingstock; he hated Li Zedao for taking away his beloved woman and making his head extra. A green hat; he also hated Li Zedao's stinky mouth, and his words were so vicious.

"Why? Still want to fight?" Li Zedao coldly smiled, his eyes extremely disdainful.

The penguin was so excited that he was bloody. He rolled up his sleeves and shouted, "Hit it..."

"Penguin..." Yanhuang drank, stopped the penguin, then looked at Li Zedao, and said helplessly, "Zedao, don't say a few is so decided, the penguin will go with you, and then listen to you. Transfer."

Li Zedao said disgustingly: "Whatever."

"..." The penguin felt that some liquid was dripping from the corner of his mouth.

After chatting with Yanhuang a few more about going to Las Vegas, Li Zedao asked the engineers to rest before leaving the ward.

There will be at most ten days or so before you have to leave China for Las Vegas, and this time I am afraid it will be more dangerous than the last trip to the island country, and maybe even the life is gone like this, so Li Zedao felt that he In the past few days, some arrangements should be made with the worst plan, at least in the end he really can't come back, and his women can live well for the rest of their lives.

What Li Zedao didn't expect was that when he came downstairs, he collided with Sun Ying's mother who was walking there.

When the grandmother saw Li Zedao, her eyes went round instantly. It was this **** that caused her daughter who was so well-behaved and obedient to talk back to her so that her blood pressure was high. If it wasn't for her baby's future The son-in-law is an excellent doctor, and the rescue is in time. I am afraid that I have already gone to Xitian now.

At the moment, the grandmother pointed at Li Ze and shouted: "You bastard, you stop for my old mother... What about you, what are you running?"

Looking at the grandmother who stopped him, Li Zedao said helplessly: "Auntie, I..."

The grandmother exploded her hair all at once: "What aunt? Who is your aunt? Do you think I look like an aunt?"

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