The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1173: Self-blame

The penguin's big hand holding the ant's neck loosened, and the ant's body was like noodles, and it was about to collapse to the ground. The penguin's eyes were quick and the hand was quick, and the temperature disappeared little by little. Corpse, one hand gently patted his shoulder.

"Brother, I took you this time, but who made you wake up? You can sleep like a dead pig like an engineer, right?" Penguin said.

The penguin's movements are very kind, and the voice is very gentle, like a brother comforting his injured brother. Their feelings are so sincere, and their hugs are so touching. No matter who sees them, they will feel that this is one. It is the kind of brother who is not a real brother who has an excellent relationship.

The ant's head was lying softly on the penguin's shoulders, his eyes were round, and his eyes were filled with incredible and unwillingness.

Perhaps, when he was alive, he must have never expected that this brother who was willing to block the knife and bullet for him would break his neck so fiercely?

He was once an elite of the Shenlong organization and was one of the best soldiers, but in the end, he did not die on the battlefield, but died in the hands of his brothers. This cannot but be said to be a tragedy.

At the moment, the penguin gently placed the ant's body on the ground. After thinking for a while, he walked to the window and opened the window gently. The dry and cool wind suddenly hit his face, making his The spirit shook slightly.

After taking a few deep breaths, Penguin quietly walked up to the engineer who was still snoring and sleeping, glanced at him with a very calm look, then turned around and turned his back to him, then raised his hand, and then He took a deep breath, and then opened his mouth, and a word came out of his mouth.

"Who is it, let go of him...ah..."

This voice performed extremely well. It not only showed his own astonishment and anger, but also was caught off guard. The following "Ah..." also showed that he was injured unpredictably...

Yes, the penguin was injured.

His elongated "Ah..." hasn't disappeared yet, and his raised hand has already slapped heavily on his chest.


The penguin clearly heard the sound of the rib fracture. At the same time, his legs jumped back vigorously, slapped into the air by a slap.

"Bang!" His tall body slammed heavily on the engineers who had not had time to wake up, and then the two fell to the ground together.

"Don'" Penguin yelled at the window he had opened before, struggling to stand up and rushing over, and then couldn't help it, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.


When Li Zedao and Alice were embracing each other and talking in a low voice, he already heard some unusual movement from the second floor downstairs.

"There is a situation." Li Zedao said, suddenly sitting up and jumping out of the bed, picking up the clothes scattered on the ground and quickly slipping on him.

The same is true for Alice, even she wears clothes faster than Li Zedao...For Li Zedao, he is now better at taking off clothes than wearing clothes...

After a minute, the two of them finished their dressing, and then quickly left the room and ran to the stairs leading to the second floor. At this time, the extremely sad roar of the engineers came from their ears, and they understood even more. Not only did something happen, but even a big thing happened!

When Li Zedao and Alice ran to the door of the previous box at the fastest speed and looked inside, Li Zedao's expression suddenly stiffened.

I saw the penguin sitting paralyzed with his hands on his chest, his face pale and blood dripping from the corners of his mouth, and that big face was full of pain and self-blame.

The engineer's face was also ugly to the extreme, just like a wolf that gave a bite, and he wanted to fight with someone at any time.

He hugged the ant tightly, and his voice was extremely sad and angry: "Ant...ant..."

"Engineers, what's the matter?" Li Zedao asked with an extremely ugly face as he strode in, "What happened to the ants?"

The engineer raised his head, tears rolling in his eyes.

"The ant...dead...he's dead..." The engineer roared in a low voice, as if a wounded beast was licking its wound and screamed, "He...dead."

"..." Li Zedao's complexion was stiff again, and he even forgot to breathe.

Seeing this, is someone sneaking in? The infiltrator not only injured the penguin or even killed the ant?


"What the **** is going on?" Li Ze looked at the engineer with a cold face, then looked at Penguin and asked.

At this time, the engineer had gradually calmed down, and the ant's cold body was also moved out of the box and placed on a bed in the next room, where Alice, a brilliant doctor, would perform a body examination on it.

As for the broken rib, the penguin, who had suffered a serious internal injury, sat paralyzed, panting, and wiped the blood flowing out from time to time. It is conceivable that the injuries he suffered were indeed serious.

Alice knew that this guy didn't deal with Li Zedao, so she was not friendly to him at all. When Li Zedao didn't ask her to help with the treatment, she didn't bother to do it anyway, because of his physique, she couldn't die.

The engineer shook his head in pain, and he didn't quite understand what was going on.

In fact, when the penguin roared, he couldn't wake up at all and was still asleep. Afterwards, the penguin's huge body was heavily pressed on his body, and it was even more straightforward to put his **** on the chair. It was overwhelmed, and he suffered a pain and opened his eyes in a confused manner.

As a result, the penguin who was vomiting blood and the eyes of the ant who were spitting blood were greeted.

The engineers really hate themselves, and they can't wait to smoke their face fiercely. Why do they drink so much alcohol? If you can stay awake, can the ants not die? It was yourself who killed the ants, it was yourself!

Penguin looked at Li Zedao and shook his head with an expression of pain, and said in a sad voice: "Let me tell... the three of us drank a lot of alcohol in the middle of the night, and finally we all drank and got down... and... I woke up thirsty in my sleep. When I opened my eyes, I was stunned, because I saw a man in night clothes who couldn’t see his face. I didn’t know when he entered the box, even his The hand is still pinching the ant's neck..."

The penguin's voice choked, and said with difficulty: "...I was in a cold sweat instantly, and woke up immediately, and then rushed towards him with a roar..."

Li Zedao stared at his big pale face with eyeballs and frowned, "The opponent is very strong?"

"It's very strong, I'm afraid it's not under Yan Huang." Penguin took a deep breath and said with an expression of pain, "I rushed to him to try to rescue the ant that was pinched by his neck, but he was blown away... Then... and then I can only watch him loosen the ant's neck and escape from the window..."

"Who do you think the other party is?" Li Zedao asked.

"I have no idea I have no idea……"

Penguin scratched his hair irritably, and even he suddenly slapped himself severely. After the slap, half of his face was instantly red and swollen, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with blood, and then he seemed to be in madness. Slap after slap to his face.

"Why drink so much alcohol? Why..."

The engineer glanced at Penguin with a pained expression, and also raised his hand and slapped himself severely.

Li Zedao didn't stop them from slapping themselves over there, because they were indeed wrong. They were light when they slapped their own faces, and even if they were investigated seriously, they all had to bear most of the responsibility for the death of the ants.

If it wasn't for the alcohol to paralyze their nerves, how could they not even know that the enemy was already standing in front of them? Even if that enemy is as strong as Yanhuang.

Not to mention that he has no affection for Penguin at all. Even if this guy smashed his face, Li Zedao would not say anything.

But seeing that the engineer was about to draw himself into a pig-headed face, he couldn't see it after all, so he gently patted the engineer on the shoulder and said, "You should reserve some strength to help the ants take revenge."

The engineer looked up at Li Zedao, his eyes filled with murderous intent, and he didn't say a word. In fact, he also complained about Li Zedao in his heart. You are a master, a master who is close to Yanhuang. We only put it here because of a master like you. I drank it with my belly, but why didn’t you notice if someone sneaked in?

Li Zedao knew that this guy was carrying out a silent protest, and he was too lazy to argue. After all, he failed to detect that someone had sneaked in. It was indeed negligence. If he were more vigilant, could such a tragedy be avoided?

"I'll go to the next box to see if I can find any useful clues." Li Zedao said, and then gave Alice a look, and the two left the room.

"My dear, he died because his neck was chopped off, and there were no other wounds on his body." Alice said softly.

"I know." Li Zedao looked at her and nodded, then entered the box where the smell of wine and blood blended together.

"Who is it? Why did he kill the ants? He originally wanted to kill not only the ants but also the engineers and penguins. He was only disturbed by the waking penguins, so he escaped? The enemy of the Shenlong organization?"

Li Zedao's thoughts surged, his murderous intent was extremely pervasive, his eyes scanned the box, and finally his eyes fell on the opened window, and he walked over to the window and looked out.

According to Penguin, the man escaped from this window, and naturally, he also sneaked in through this window.

This is the second floor. If the opponent's skill is not under the flames and yellows, it is easy to sneak in and escape from here, at least Li Zedao can do it easily without leaving any traces.

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