The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1179: Find the handle

Li Zedao didn’t think about how to deal with Shabert Beckham, a well-known chef in the world, so even if it’s only after four o’clock in the afternoon and it’s not even time to finish the meal, he still You can’t visit each other, you can’t take the liberty of running to someone’s house and saying that I want to invite you to dinner, or holding someone’s thigh and saying that you will leave me if you don’t follow me, I will hold you Don’t let go of your legs...

Li Zedao was not Zhou Yan and couldn't do such a shameful thing.

Besides, even if he did it, the only result was that Mr. Chef God blasted him out.

Knowing oneself knows one's opponent, so Li Zedao needs information and all the details of Shabert Beckham. The more the better.

Therefore, Li Zedao immediately got up and gave the shadow a call.

The time difference between Yanjing and Las Vegas is fifteen hours, which means that more than four o'clock in the afternoon in Las Vegas is equivalent to more than seven o'clock in the morning in Yanjing time. At this time, the shadow is sleeping late.

After this little girl who was very angry was awakened by the phone set aside, she was dumbly connected to her ear, and the sweet and sweet voice revealed a murderous voice and said: "Damn, Which bastard? Give you three seconds, if you don’t make it clear why you called, this genius and beautiful girl killed you..."

Li Zedao said dumbfoundedly: "It's me..."

"Big fool..." The shadow was stunned, suddenly refreshed, and then replied shyly, "Did you miss people when you called them early in the morning..."

"Think about it... I want you to help me check some information..."

"Damn, get out, check it yourself." Shadow muttered very depressed, and then yawned, "Check what information? Isn't it hacking someone's website backstage like last time, and then let this Put up a video of a pure girl like a genius girl who blushes when she sees it and is so shy?"

Are you pure? You blush when you see that kind of video and become too ashamed? Li Zedao looked contemptuously but smiled and said: "This time I am not going to hack which website... Oh, I just want you to check someone's information for me. The more detailed the better... Oh, if you can invade the other person. It’s even better in a personal computer. There may be useful information in it..."

"Damn, that's illegal. You actually let this genius girl do that kind of illegal activity? This genius girl doesn't do it unless..." The shadow's eyes turned, and the pink was toot. A very wretched smile appeared on her small face, and such a smile appeared on her face, without any sense of disobedience, as if she wouldn't be her if she didn't show such a smile.

"What do you want to do?" Li Zedao became a little wary. After the poor girl said the word "unless", it was usually nothing good.

"After you came back, the **** let this genius girl use a belt to draw a hundred times."


"Fifty..." Li Zedao went out.

"Damn, two hundred..."

Li Zedao wanted to cry without tears, and quickly compromised: "One hundred is one hundred. Is there such a bullying you do? Am I still your husband?"

"No." The shadow said triumphantly, "We haven't gotten married, let alone received a marriage certificate, how could you be my husband?"


"The person who asked you to help gather the information is called Shabert Beckham..."

The shadow froze for a moment: "Big fool, you are not talking about the God of Cooking?"

"Do you know him?" Li Zedao was also taken aback. It seemed that I was really lonely and ignorant, and even the shabby girl with long hair and short knowledge knew the other person.

The shadow sneered and said, "How could I not know? Once the master took me to a birthday party for a certain Arab prince. The cake and the food at the party were made by this Shabert Beckham, and this genius girl ate it. After that, my stomach hurts that night. Damn, what kind of cook god? I'm just a fame and honour..."

"..." Li Zedao twitched the muscles on his face and asked cautiously, "Well, you wouldn't have a stomachache after eating too much because the cake and other foods are so delicious?"

"Damn, big idiot, you have no friends like this." Shadow was so depressed.

Li Zedao couldn't laugh or cry, he knew it was like this. After all, even if the food prepared at a banquet of that size doesn't suit your appetite, it will definitely not make you feel bad if you eat it, unless you eat too much.

In this way, this Shabert Beckham's God of Cooking is really not self-proclaimed, and there are still two things, otherwise it will not let the shadow that has always been stunned by the mouth to die.

"Do you want to black him?" Shadow asked.

"No, I want to become his student and learn his cooking skills." Li Zedao said.

"...Promising," said the shadow.



Facts have proved that the shadow’s poor girl is very efficient when it is normal. In less than two hours, she collected some detailed information about Shabert Beckham and passed it on After Li Zedao, she not only found out where Shabert Beckham's current foothold was, she actually invaded his computer, and found something exciting for her.

"Damn, big idiot, did you receive the video? It turns out that the God of Cooking is a glass...Tsk, and it's the one who receives it, look at his expression...Tsk..."

Li Zedao listened to the shadow's admiration on the phone, and couldn't help feeling goosebumps.

He didn't expect that his casual shadow would actually invade people's personal computers, and he didn't expect Mr. God of Cooking to be gay. That's fine. The key point is that he shot the earth-shattering scene and stored it on the computer. Here, and there is not only one such video, it is even shot from multiple angles...

Now it's tragedy, and it was copied by the shadow.

Li Zedao felt that the shadow was too bad, it was the privacy of others, how could she be like this... well, doing a great job.

Li Zedao actually wanted some information about Shabert Beckham, so as to see if he could find some of his life habits and preferences. He didn't expect the shadow to find him such a hot video...

Li Zedao would like to say something now... The video is in hand, there is me in Deakin Manor!

Alice, who was sitting next to Li Zedao, was also shocked by the video playing on the laptop screen in front of her, because she recognized the man who was kneeling and enjoying himself. It was not the tall one and even looked very much. Who is the mysterious Mr. God of Cooking? Of course, Alice has never met Shabert Beckham, but a search on such a celebrity network can find his picture.

"Good job." Li Zedao said with his eyes closed from the screen.

The shadow said triumphantly: "That's it, don't look at who this genius girl is? Don't ask me for things like sesame seeds in the future. It's not challenging... Big fool, come back and take two hundred farts. Fart, and reward you with a cucumber, OK?"

"Good, your sister, get out!" Li Ze said with a black line.

After teasing something with the shadow, Li Zedao hung up.

Alice pointed to the screen and asked with difficulty: "The God of Cooking Shabert Beckham? Oh, God..." Alice is actually quite comfortable in this respect, but she still can't stand two. The big man was rolling over there.

Li Zedao couldn't bear to look at the video too much. He turned off the video and said, "It is indeed our Mr. Chef God... Shadow invaded his personal computer and found this video inside."

"Oh, this is crazy." Alice had a feeling of being idolized, and then said, "I think with this video, Mr. God of Cooking should cooperate obediently?"

Li Zedao smiled and said, "You have to see this Mr. Chef God to know, Alice, I will visit this Mr. Chef God... It just so happened that we haven't had dinner yet, so I will see if there is such a big face. Let this Mr. Chef God personally cook for me to prepare a delicious dinner, and then I will ask for an extra to pack it back for you."

Alice glanced at the screen of the notebook and said with a charming smile: "I think Mr. God of Cooking will be very willing."


Few people know that the owner of this idyllic small manor in the suburbs of Las Vegas is the chef Shabert Beckham, who enjoys a high international reputation.

Greatly hidden in the city, Shabert Beckham obviously understands this truth, so Shabert Beckham, who is already in a semi-hidden state, is hidden in Las Vegas, the top and most luxurious in the whole In the metropolis.

Of course, in other big cities in the world, such as Los Angeles in the United States, Washington, London, England, Paris, France, and even Yanjing and Xiangtan in China, Shabert Beckham belongs to these prosperous cities. His private mansion, now he stays in a city for at most two months.

At this time, Chabert Beckham sat face to face with a man at the table and enjoyed the exquisite desserts he made by himself... Now, no matter when and where, he basically only eats the food he made, not afraid He was poisoned to death, but after eating something he made and then eating something made by others, the taste seemed to him the same as eating a bunch of shit.

It's just that there are exceptions to everything, and this kind of exception has happened to Shabert Beckham once.

Shabert Beckham had eaten something more delicious than the dishes he made. From then on, he knew that his so-called title of God of Cooking was really a shame. That talent was God of Cooking in the true sense.

So, Chabert Beckham faded out of the stage and began to travel all over the world because he felt that he still had a lot to learn.

And not as the rumors said, he sighed and disappeared because he felt that there was no opponent in the heights! In fact, he was defeated and convinced that he was defeated.

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