The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1186: Teacher of God of Cooking

"In short, we are not sure if the snake head will appear at the charity auction the next night and be auctioned as auction items, but it is basically certain that Keller Boble will appear at the charity dinner, so... …Find a way to attend that dinner, and then act by chance." Li Ze said after thinking about it.

If the snake head really appeared at that auction and it was finally auctioned off, it would depend on whether it could be bought at that time. Even if the asking price is as high as tens of millions of billions, Li Zedao can still buy it through gritted teeth. Just find Yanhuang for reimbursement. Of course, you must use the instrument developed by the dark team to check the authenticity before giving the money.

Even if you can't buy it, at least you have to know whose hands it falls into, right? I'm thinking about getting it later.

On the other hand, if the head of the snake did not appear at the auction, but Kyler Boble, as the host, will appear at the dinner in all likelihood, which means that the security of his room is at least weak. Most of the time, see if there is a good time to sneak in.

"Oh, honey, maybe someone can take us into the hotel." Alice said aloud.

"You mean...Sabert?" Li Zedao asked.

"Oh, yes, he also enjoys a high reputation in the upper class. Now others are in Las Vegas, so the Bellagio Hotel will definitely send him an invitation letter." Alice analyzed.

Li Zedao nodded and said, "I will contact him to ask."

The engineer asked in a confused circle: "Wait, who is the Shabert you are talking about? Why do I not know at all?"

"Has the God of Cooking Shabert Beckham ever heard of it?" Li Zedao asked.

The engineer was taken aback, nodded, and heard that this man was standing at the highest point of the chef and was called the God of Cooking.

"Shao Li, do you have a good relationship with him?" the engineer asked, frowning. If the relationship is not so good, how could the other party bring them into the charity auction site? Most importantly, is it safe? Don't be sold as soon as you go in.

"He is my student." Li Zedao said with an indifferent expression, but he gave people a powerful feeling, "He will have a qualitative improvement in his cooking skills under my teaching."

"..." The engineer had a dull expression on his face. The famous chef **** in the world is Li Shao...student? His cooking skills were actually taught by Li Shao? Are you kidding me? Do you think I'm a three-year-old kid so cheating? If you are the teacher of God of Cooking, then I am a little devil his father!

Li Zedao ignored the shocked little eyes of the engineer, took out the cell phone and gave Shabert Beckham a call.

The phone was picked up soon, and there was a surprise and respectful voice from Shabert Beckham: "Good afternoon, Mr. John."

"Good afternoon, Shabert." Li Zedao said with a smile, "Do you understand what I said to you last night?"

"Oh, yes, teacher, I want to understand. In the morning, I took a bus to the town and walked into the lives of ordinary people. I found that my whole mentality has changed a lot. , Oh, that feeling is very strange, I won't describe it." Shabert Beckham said excitedly.

"...That's good." Li Zedao casually said.

"Teacher John, I suffered from insomnia because I was so excited last night, my whole mind is filled with the dish of fried pork with green peppers that you made. The taste, I just want to make people intoxicated."

"This guy, this flattering!" Li Zedao muttered in his heart, "I'm making you a scrambled egg with tomatoes. The taste will not be worse than that of fried pork with green pepper."

"Oh, that's great, Teacher John." Shabert Beckham was overjoyed.

Through the phone, Li Zedao could hear his drooling voice. At the moment, he was helpless, and his heart was full of self-blame. You said it was enough to stir up casually last night, why did you want to play to the level you deserve? ? This caused this Mr. Chef God to have insomnia and no appetite for breakfast and lunch, right?

And he will rarely have the chance to eat such a delicious thing in the future. Is it too cruel to him?

Let the food aside first, Li Zedao stepped into the main topic: "Shabert, I asked you that there will be a charity auction dinner in the Bellagio Hotel the next night, you know?"

"Oh, yes, Mr. John, I received the invitation letter before, but at that time I refused, because I knew that I was past, and some people would definitely find me. I don’t have so much energy to serve as them. Or the chef at a birthday party or some party... Teacher, you too?"

Li Zedao smiled and said, "I'm not a celebrity. I'm just a little famous chef who grew up in a small Chinese restaurant. How could the other party send me an invitation letter?"

The engineer looked at Li Zedao dumbfounded. I really can’t understand how Li Shao didn’t blush or beat such shameless words and said it like this. What Chinese restaurant did he grow up in? Or what little chef? Are you kidding me?

And Li Shao really is the teacher of the God of Cooking? What exactly is going on? The engineer was really curious, as if being tickled lightly by a cat's claw over there, he felt very uncomfortable.

On the phone, Shabert Beckham said angrily, “Oh, that’s because they don’t know how good Mr. John is about you. I’ll make a statement at the World Federation of Chefs Association, saying, Mr. John, you are me. Shabert Beckham's teacher, you are the real God of Cooking, I am not..."

"Uh...Shabert, don't do that." Li Zedao wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said, "I just want to be a small chef who can bring happiness to people forever... …"

"..." The engineer was disgusted by Li Zedao's words.

Shabert Beckham was very moved. He felt that the realm of the teacher was too high. Compared with him, he was really ashamed.

"So, you must not make any statements, and don't let anyone know that I am your teacher." Li Zedao ordered, "Otherwise you will no longer be my student."

"Oh, Mr. John, I listen to you." Shabert Beckham said quickly.

"I hope you can participate in the charity auction dinner hosted by Bellagio Hotel." Li Zedao said embarrassedly, "I want to follow you in, because a certain Hollywood actress I like will also be there. , I want to witness her proud style up close."

Li Zedao didn't know which Hollywood female star would attend the dinner, and he didn't even know if there would be any Hollywood female star attending the dinner, but it's almost impossible, right? So I just ridiculed such a reason, anyway, Shabert Beckham would never doubt whether this reason was tenable.

"Oh, I see, Mr. John, I will call them and tell them that I will attend the banquet at that time," said Shabert Beckham. He can feel that his teacher is a person who likes that kind of superb beauties, otherwise why would he want to enter the Deakin Manor to see Mitty Luciano's style?

And now listening to Li Zedao say that, Shabert Beckham naturally does not suspect him, and he is very honored to be able to help Teacher John.

"Okay, thank you, Shabert, when the time comes, my two friends and I will be with me and act as your entourage or something." Li Zedao said.

"Oh, okay, Mr. John." Shabert Beckham said.

"Then I will take my two friends to find you tomorrow morning." Li Zedao said.

Shabert Beckham said respectfully: "Okay, Mr. John, I am waiting for you in this manor."

After hanging up the phone, Li Zedao smiled slightly and said: "It's done. Tomorrow, I will enter the banquet site as Shabert's entourage, and then it will depend on the situation.

Of course, Li Zedao naturally didn't want to make things too much. After all, he would have to sneak into Deakin Manor.

The engineer stared at Li Zedao and swallowed, "Shao Li, that Shabert"

The engineer's face was messy, because Li Zedao seemed to have not heard what he said, put his arms around Alice's sexy*, and left.

"I must be afraid that I will puncture the cowhide." The engineer muttered very depressed.

In the evening, Li Zedao received a call from Shabert Beckham.

"Teacher John, I have already given a call to the relevant staff of the Bellagio Hotel to indicate that I will attend the charity auction banquet the day after tomorrow." Shabert Beckham said.

"I see, Shabert, thank you." Li Zedao smiled.

"Oh, Mr. John, you are too polite. This is what I should do." Shabert Beckham said, "At that time, I will be at the banquet site. If the teacher needs you, I can help you get it you like. The autographed photo or contact information of that Hollywood actress."

"Oh, that couldn't be better." Li Zedao said.


Li Zedao gave Shabert Beckham a call, and then drove the engineer who had already put on the first mask and Alice to the small manor where Shabert Beckham lived, intending to follow him. Go to the charity auction banquet held at the Bellagio Hotel tonight.

From a distance, I saw Shabert Beckham waiting at the gate of the courtyard. From this, it can be seen that he has a deep understanding of the true God of Cooking who made him enlighten and understand his problems. That kind of respect from the heart.

When the car stopped, Shabert Beckham turned into a servant and opened the door himself.

"Good morning, Teacher John..." Shabert Beckham nodded to Li Zedao, and then looked down at Alice and the engineer who got down the car and nodded and smiled again, "Mr. Madam, good morning."

"This is Miss Beyonce, my girlfriend; he is Kobe, my cousin." Li Zedao helped Shabert Beckham introduce.

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