In order to increase the gimmick and expand the influence of this auction, the organizer naturally invited many dignitaries, celebrities, and popular stars. In short, many well-known Hollywood stars and sports stars will gather tonight. it's here.

When Shabert Beckham’s RV arrived at the Bellagio Hotel, this place has become a sea of ​​luxury cars. You can see all kinds of luxury cars, even the sky-high prices. As for those Mercedes-Benz and BMW are rare. If you drive this kind of car here, you will basically lose face.

After the driver of Chabert Beckham handed out a golden invitation card, the bodyguards raised the electronic retractable door and said to the walkie-talkie in their hands that Mr. Chabert Beckham has arrived, please Do a good job in reception.

When the rich are doing charity, they never hide it. What they fear most is that others do not know. So naturally, many news media reporters gathered here at the entrance of the Bellagio Hotel. They were armed with long guns and short cannons. As long as any celebrity and wealthy arrived, they would snap a photo and then pass the microphone over to make a simple Interview.

At the same time, the man-made lake at the entrance of the hotel was performing a musical fountain show, and Li Zedao's eyes were straightened, and he felt deeply shocked.

According to Alice's introduction, there are a total of more than a thousand computers controlling this top music fountain, with majestic and majestic sound and melodious music. In the beautiful and melodious melody, hundreds of water jets spouted upward, sometimes swayed slowly, and sometimes high and agitated. The gushing and rising water column has many changes, beautiful curves, high and low, one after another, with the colorful lights, it is beautiful and breathtaking.

After the RV arrived, a courteous waiter in a formal dress walked up to him, with a respectful expression, helping to open the door of the car, and welcoming the group of people down by Shabert Beckham.

At this time, Shabert Beckham had received Li Zedao’s instructions. After arriving here, Li Zedao was his entourage, not his teacher. Let Shabert Beckham stop being polite to him, just as he had basically The servants who ignore him just ignore him, don't let the teacher come out with a hot and respectful head and make him instantly become the focus.

Shabert Beckham was a bit wronged, because he didn't actually ignore his servants so much before, and was even kind to them, but he didn't dare to refute what Teacher John said.

Li Zedao finally took a picture of Shabert Beckham, who was a little apprehensive, and said that he just wanted to be a beautiful man who was ignored.

The engineer looked at Li Ze and nodded madly, indicating that he thought so too.

Li Zedao glanced at the engineer and felt that the face of this product was much thicker than he had imagined.

So Shabert Beckham returned to the posture he should have, and after Li Zedao they all got off the car, he got off the car. After getting off the car, he stood at an angle, posed and accepted it with a faint smile. After taking photos and simple interviews of the news media reporters who had gathered around, they walked into the hotel and entered the magnificent banquet hall.

Li Zedao's eyes were immediately burned by the bright and excessive light, and he narrowed his eyes, only then gradually adapting to the surrounding environment.

All around were strange foreign faces, women in beautiful dresses, high heels and long legs, glamorous and dignified, men in suits and leather shoes, gentle and elegant, handsome and extraordinary...Of course, they were all strange faces.

These words are nonsense at all, but they are also a bit too absolute, because Li Zedao really sees familiar faces...It belongs to the kind of person who knows each other but the other party will not look at the super super like him at all. Stars, such as the basketball superstar Kobe whom the engineers admire, are standing there and talking to a woman who looks noble and elegant.

Li Zedao glanced vaguely at the engineer on the side, only to see that the group's eyes trembled slightly and their eyes were bright and staring at each other, and they were muttering something to themselves.

"Vacuum... That ditch can really pinch people to death... Kobe, why do you keep staring at the other ditch..."

Li Zedao's mouth twitched, and for a long time, this guy was not excited because of seeing an idol, but because of seeing a ditch.

Facts have proved that Li Zedao still underestimated the popularity and popularity of Shabert Beckham. When he walked into this magnificent banquet hall, men and women with wine glasses came to greet him. Especially a few handsome old men who are not many years old with Shabert Beckham, look at his face with a little unusual excitement...

Then Li Zedao understood that these old men might have been **** by Shabert Beckham or Shabert Beckham... They were all fellow men.

"Oh, dear Mr. Chef God, good evening, since I ate the pastry you made at the banquet of the Prince of Babylon last time, I feel terrible after eating any pastry..."

"Mr. God of Cooking, today you will still treat it as a dish for auction, right? Haha, I have my stomach and money ready."

"Mr. Chef God, your beard is as handsome as our basketball superstar Harden... Oh, our Mr. Harden seems to have not come yet..."

The people around Shabert Beckham are getting more and more together, the team is getting bigger and bigger, it looks like a heartthrob.

What’s even more surprising is that not only certain men are fascinated by him, women are also fascinated by him... well, mainly because those women don’t even know the sexual orientation of Shabert Beckham, they only know this Mr. God of Cooking has never married and had no children in his life, which means that no one will inherit his huge wealth.

Shabert Beckham is naturally comfortable with such occasions. While coping with the ambiguity of the beauties, he resists nausea and is eaten some small tofu. On the other hand, he does not want to eat men’s tofu, mainly Mr. John. Still watching it there, not too casual.

And before the surrounding crowds shielded Shabert Beckham from the wind, Li Zedao whispered in the ear of Shabert Beckham and ignored him. He took Alice and The engineer went to a corner with fewer people, and then secretly looked up at the Hollywood superstar he liked.

Even Li Zedao had been vaccinated against Shabert Beckham. When they were not seen after the dinner, it meant that they had left early and there was no need to wait for them.

Of course, Li Zedao didn’t look up to which Hollywood superstar had gone. He didn’t even know any of the so-called Hollywood superstars. He, Alice and the Engineers were very low-key standing in a corner where the spotlight was not so bright. The yellow champagne sipped his mouth and chatted about the disaster situation in northern Texas.

Therefore, the eyes of the people around them are naturally very soft and happy, and everyone also has a heart of compassion for heaven and man.

"Oh, this is an unacceptable disaster, God is with them... I didn't see Kyler Boble..." Alice's voice was extremely low.

"Really not." The engineer moved his eyes reluctantly from the half of the exposed breast of a certain Great Yangma and said, looking at Li Zedao, "That guy won't not participate in this kind of charity banquet? What should I do now?"

"Impossible, didn't you listen to Shabert? He is the initiator of this charity dinner." Li Zedao said.

At this moment, there was a big crowd of people pouring in.

Headed by two old men.

The two old men were not very tall, they were slightly fat, and both wore similar tuxedos, white shirts, a bow tie at the neckline, and a small black top hat. They looked like noble gentlemen in Europe.

Of course, the two old men are still different. For example, the one on the left does not have a cane, the one on the right is holding a cane, the eye on the left is full of friendly smiles, the one on the right This old man had a pair of turbid gloomy eyes that exuded a decadent breath.

Keller Boble and the Count of Monte Cristo are here.

Li Zedao's brows wrinkled slightly, did these two really get together? After they betrayed the master, they held a group to keep warm?

If a chef like Shabert Beckham comes over, it is like a magnet, automatically attracting people around him to pay respects, then two old men with terrifying backgrounds and strengths at the same time When it appeared, it was like a field of blooming flowers. Not only the small bees nearby flew toward them, but also the bees in the distance swarmed toward them both in groups.

Keller Bobil is the initiator of this charity banquet, so naturally he invited the dignitaries, celebrities, and popular stars who came to the banquet in terms of financial resources or social status. They can’t be compared with him...For example, the patriarch of the Rothschild family, or the patriarch of the Luciano family. He didn’t have the courage to send the invitation letter. Will come.

And the identity of the Count of Monte Cristo is there. He is a general in the Rothschild family, and his strength is not under Keller Boble, so he is naturally the focus.

Now that the two enter the venue together, it is even more focused.

Li Zedao vaguely glanced at the two old men, then scanned the men and women behind the two old men, then lowered his voice and said, "Prepare to act."

"Action?" The engineer was taken aback, "Just rushed over and beat him up?"

I thought how could Shao Li be so reckless? Could it be that... his chrysanthemum was almost exploded before, but... the engineers began to feel sick.

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