The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1259: Better reason

I asked the engineer for the car key, and gave the two masks customized by the dark team and Alice to the engineer and asked him to take it back. Li Zedao looked back at Pan Xiaoting and asked, "Can you leave?"

This is asking, of course, who wants to stay in this ghost place? Pan Xiaoting pouted and gave Li Zedao angrily, then nodded reluctantly.

The expression was like a girlfriend playing **** with her boyfriend, but Li Zedao didn't think about that at all. He nodded and said, "Follow me for a while, the car is at the entrance of the village."

Li Zedao walked to the van, opened the door and found Pan Xiaoting's bag inside.

"Here." Li Zedao handed the handbag back to the other party.

The latter glared at him, took it vigorously, and put his back on his shoulders. But I have to admit that this is a very careful boy. In this case, I can still remember the bag she left in the car. After experiencing such a nightmare, Pan Xiaoting had long forgotten her Packed.

Still tempted? Li Zedao smiled and didn't care. He led the way. Before, he was afraid of smashing the grass, so he stopped at the entrance of the village. Now he has to walk over. Of course, the distance is not too far.

"Ah..." After walking a short distance, Pan Xiaoting's exclamation came from behind.

Li Zedao thought he hadn't heard, so he didn't look back. He didn't want to provoke her, not because she was Pan Xiaoting, she was very "bad", she almost killed Wu Xin... Well, there is actually a reason for this, and more reasons are that he doesn't want to provoke Any woman...not in that mood.

Because of Antarctica? Perhaps, Li Zedao is not quite clear either.

"Ah..." Pan Xiaoting's exclamation was even louder, even reaching the point of exaggeration, "Li Zedao, I can't go... Li Zedao..."

Li Zedao stopped and looked back, only to see Pan Xiaoting sitting on the ground very impersonally, rubbing her legs with aggrieved expression.

"Twisted, I can't go." She said, looking at Li Zedao's eyes with grievances, more of dodge, so Li Zedao understood very well that she was telling lies.

"Isn't it good just now?" Li Zedao muttered, "Can you kick people."

"...I was just pushed by that **** and fell down. It was already twisted. When I kicked you, I twisted again." Pan Xiaoting pouted, even more aggrieved. A girl has been so obvious. He turned out to be like wood, too annoying.

If he is naturally dull like a piece of wood like Brother Jing, then it's okay to say that he is not, he is a master pick-up girl, he has several women, so he is deliberate...too bully!

"Then what to do?"

"You carry me... I am very light and not heavy." Pan Xiaoting bit her lip and said. Since you are not taking the initiative, then I will be more proactive. Who is afraid of whom?

Li Zedao was a little helpless, walked to her, then turned and squatted slightly with his back to her and said, "Come"

Before he finished speaking, Li Zedao felt a soft body already pressing on his back, his waist was tightly clamped between his two legs, and the backs of his hands were still tightly wrapped around his neck, his movements were agile. Yes, where is it like someone with a sprained foot?

"Hey, don't be so tight, I'm almost dead." Li Ze said helplessly.

"I don't want it either, but your hand doesn't hold my one... I'm afraid of falling..." Pan Xiaoting's face was pressed against Li Zedao's back, her expression a bit shy and a little smug.

"Which is that?" Li Zedao asked.

"Stinking rogue……"

"I haven't taken a shower for two days." Li Zedao was very "rogue" holding her butt, and strode forward.

"Smelly hooligan..." Pan Xiaoting cursed again, his head pressed tightly against Li Zedao's back a little greedily, and took a couple of light mouthfuls. The smell was really fragrant, not smelly at all.

Back in front of the off-road vehicle at the entrance of the village, Li Zedao put Pan Xiaoting down.

"First help you deal with the wound on your hand." Li Ze said, pointing to Pan Xiaoting's hand. I fell a bit and scratched the skin. The problem is not too big.

"Yeah." Pan Xiaoting looked at him and nodded.

When Li Zedao opened the trunk, he knew that the army's car was basically equipped with a medical kit, and sure enough, there was a medical kit in the trunk.

I found another bottle of water from the car, and then helped her clean the wound, apply medicine, and put on a band-aid.

While Li Zedao was doing these things, Pan Xiaoting's eyes did not leave for a moment, just staring at him hot and ambiguously.

Being watched by such a girl with such a look, Li Zedao didn't have much reaction. He couldn't help but he was used to it.

After getting in the car, the two did not communicate too much. Li Zedao drove the car seriously. In fact, I didn’t know where it was going. Pan Xiaoting took out his mobile phone from her bag and kept on going all the way. Sending a message to check the message, I don't know who I'm talking to, but occasionally she will look at Li Zedao with a strange look.

On the way, they passed by several police cars that were roaring. Li Zedao knew that these people were going to deal with that shit. They just illegally imprisoned women and treated them as sex-slaves to torture like animals. Enough to nail them, let alone a gang of professional thieves, and sometimes even act as bandits.

And the protective umbrella behind them, the king's bureau, would only be worse than this group of people. The engineer said he would break his limbs. Li Zedao knew that the engineer didn’t just talk about it, he would really do that, and He also has the ability to do it.

"I'm sorry, but you're fine." Li Ze said, breaking the silence in the car that had lasted for a while. He owed the girl an apology, after all, if he hadn't intervened, she would have lost some money at best, instead of experiencing such a nightmare... Although she looked like this, she didn't seem to be so scared.

Li Zedao is actually somewhat afraid, because if it hadn't been discovered in time, Pan Xiaoting's last encounter would basically be the same as those of the two imprisoned women. Even if he was rescued in the end, it would only be an unconscious walking dead.

"You, worry about me?" Pan Xiaoting squinted and smiled.

Li Zedao glanced at her: "Things started because of me..."

"I like you worry about me." Pan Xiaoting smiled shyly, "Moreover, I was suddenly very grateful to them. It is precisely because they took me away that I have the opportunity to confide my heart to you, and then... …You accepted me too."

"Accept you?" Li Zedao was a little startled, wondering when did I accept you? This woman feels good about herself, too.

"Even if I accept it now, it will be soon." Pan Xiaoting said affirmatively.

Then he shook the phone in his hand with a sly look in his eyes, "Do you know who I just chatted with? Xinxin, I told her that I met you in Yanjing and I was taken away because of you. She appeared in time like a big hero and saved me... But Xinxin told me that if you are willing to carry a woman, you are willing to joke with her, and you are willing to help her deal with the wound, it proves that you have accepted that woman in your heart. ...At least not disgusting, not disgusting means that I have a great chance for you to accept me."

"...I already have many women." Li Zedao smiled bitterly. The subtext is, don't make do with it. Li Zedao is actually not very good at rejecting others, especially the love that a woman has for her. Of course, the premise is that this woman has a decent appearance, and she has to think of Pan Xiaoting's level, otherwise Li Zedao will definitely reject it strictly. Even if you roll around and sell cute.

Li Zedao belongs to the Appearance Association, of course, basically men are like that, not to mention men, women are the same.

"I know, because of that, I have a chance, don't you?" Pan Xiaoting looked at Li Zedao and said, "If you only have one woman, then Xinxin and the others are all juniors, but you have more than one, so They are not juniors, they are all original partners."

"I have a problem with my body." Li Zedao said, "Infertility...Oh, the one that is not affected is simple infertility."

Talking to a girl about this, even though Li Zedao's face is already thick, it is still somewhat embarrassing, but I still have to explain it clearly, because for a man, "no" is far more embarrassing than infertility.

"..." Pan Xiaoting was also a little embarrassed. She glared at Li Zedao and said angrily, "Li Zedao, you can actually find a better reason."

"It's not the reason, it's the fact." Li Zedao glanced at her with a wry smile, "There was an accident before, and the sequelae caused by it will basically not be cured in the future."

According to the master’s statement, when a person dies, the safety clasp that has been incorporated into the human body will naturally appear. Then the leftovers that have been accidentally incorporated into one's tongue are the same? Only when he dies will it come out of its tongue obediently.

"Moreover, I provoke a terrible person. Everything I have now, even my life, is not in my hands." Li Zedao added, "Maybe, people close to me are also in my hands. Followed by suffering, including Xinxin."

Pan Xiaoting was stunned, this is not a joke, not deliberately slandering herself, but...really!

He is frank, and very responsible for himself, so Miss Pan's nose is a little bit sour and moved... But if you are moved, you still have to face reality.

"I'm sorry." After a moment of silence, she said, her eyes always dared to face Li Zedao, and her voice was very small, as if what she was going to say next would seriously irritate Li Zedao, "I...actually I was joking with you. I don't like have so many women, and they are all better than me...I can't make do with it."

She blushed and felt ashamed for so many years. After all, before...

Li Zedao nodded: "Yes, I understand." The answer was within his expectations. After all, this is a somewhat realistic, and very rational woman who knows how to seduce others. She wants to be her own woman because her purpose is not too pure. This kind of woman can share blessings, but cannot share adversities, so this answer is in line with her character.

"Help me keep it secret." Li Zedao said.

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