The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1283: Tracking purpose

The old man's complexion is dark, and that face is full of traces of time. The girl is pretty smart, but her eyes are red and swollen. Obviously she has cried badly before, her hair is messy and scattered behind her head, and the eyes looking at Li Zedao stare. It's so great, the eyes are full of thick hatred.

Faced with such eyes, Li Zedao was naturally puzzled and strange, as if he had done something beastly to this little sister.

"Old man, something?" Seeing the old man's hesitant and painful and unwilling expression, Li Zedao took the initiative to ask.

"At the door of the restaurant, when you hit someone...I saw it." The old man said finally, his voice hoarse, "I also applauded."

"Uh... and then?" Li Zedao asked, he won the crowd, so he wanted to catch up with him for some compensation?

"Are they really soldiers?" the old man asked.

Li Zedao could tell that this question seemed very important to him, so he nodded, "Yes."

"Are you really... Colonel?" The old man looked at Li Ze with muddy eyes and asked again.

This question seems to be more important to him, so Li Zedao nodded and said with certainty: "Yes."

Just returned from Las Vegas, it was naturally impossible to bring his ID, nor did he wear a camouflage uniform or military rank, but his military rank was indeed a colonel, a member of the China Special Bureau, and a member of the Shenlong organization. member.

Of course, now the Shenlong organization has entered a state of reorganization. As for what it turned out in the end, Li Zedao didn't know, and didn't want to learn more.

Pan Xiaoyan glanced at Li Zedao, thinking that the shamelessness was starting to deceive again, but it couldn't be revealed.

"I heard what you said too. You told them not to insult the word'soldier.' I heard it." The old man asked again, "I just said it casually, or did you really think that?"

Li Zedao understood a little, and nodded with certainty and said: "I really think so... So, grandpa, you... are you wronged? You can tell me if you have any wrongs, and I will do my best to help you. ."

The old man’s muddy eyes turned a little red, and he pointed to the girl beside him and said, “She is my granddaughter So-yeon. Become the girl’s father and mother’s line of business, and earn a living by selling vegetables..."

The voice choked, followed by old tears, and couldn't continue.

"Master, speak slowly, don't worry." Li Ze comforted. Glancing at the car, there are mud bars and rotten vegetable leaves on it.

The old man wiped his tears and continued: "We are usually responsible for delivering food to some restaurants. Sometimes soldiers in camouflage uniforms will also come to buy them. As early as when my son and daughter-in-law were still alive, they came to collect food. It was said that it was from the Yanjing Military Region. Then they learned that my son and daughter-in-law had gone. Seeing that our grandfather and grandson were pitiful, they sometimes paid more...but...but..."

"Master, smoke a cigarette first." Li Zedao took out the cigarette.

The old man wiped his face and took the cigarette handed over by Li Zedao. Li Zedao helped him light it. The old man was a little hasty, even if he didn't need it, Li Zedao insisted on helping him light it, and then he also lighted one.

After smoking two cigarettes, the old man's mood eased a little, and he continued: "But a month ago, two soldiers went to my place to collect food. At that time, I was going to deliver goods. So Yeon was there. The two beasts...they... …Put So Yeon to...wrecked..."

"Oh, what's all this?" The old man burst into tears, "They still left a thousand dollars. So Yeon cried and told me that the two beasts said that prostitution is enough..."

"..." Li Zedao's face changed drastically, and he looked at the little girl named So Yeon.

No wonder she looked at her with hatred in addition to hatred.

Pan Xiaoyan even tightly covered her wide open mouth, her eyes filled with horror and incredible expressions.

The girl suddenly took out a small wad of banknotes in her pocket, and then slammed it on Li Zedao's face.

Li Zedao didn't hide, and at the same time he knew that this was the so-called one thousand yuan of money left by the two beasts.

"Woo...Ah..." The little girl cried, then rushed to Li Zedao, bit down on his shoulder, and then spit on Li Zedao's body.

He is a soldier, he is the same as the two who bullied him, so the girl vented her grievances directly on Li Zedao with her anger.

"Girl, don't be like this... don't... he is not a bad person, he is a good person who can help us..." The old man cried and tried to pull her away, without success.

Li Zedao didn't stay away, letting the little girl vent his anger on him, so a few scratches appeared on his face and neck, his shoulder was bitten and bleeding, and the blood stained his clothes red.

Pan Xiaoyan watched quietly, biting her lip, her eyes were already red, and she felt sorry for Li Zedao, and she also felt sorry for this girl. Compared with her, she was so lucky. At least... after two days of contact, the shamelessness is fast. I spoiled myself.

In the end, the little girl was tired from beating and crying, her eyes were dark, and she fainted in Li Zedao's arms.

"Girl...what's wrong with you? Girl..."

"Grandpa, she's okay, but she's exhausted, she hasn't slept for a long time, right?"

The old man burst into tears: "The girl is so bitter, she wakes up from a nightmare every night, and then cries until dawn, crying, and her eyes are blind."

Pan Xiaoyan on the side listened and then wiped her tears.

Li Zedao nodded, hugged the little girl, hugged the delicate body tightly, his face was extremely gloomy, and looked at the old man and said, "Master, have you been to the Yanjing Military District?"

The old man nodded: "Go, go, but... they said that I was slandering, maliciously smearing the soldiers, and they said that I was going to be shot when talking nonsense... They also called the police, but the police only said they would investigate. Go back and wait for news, then there is no news..."

"Master, don't worry, I won't let the two beasts go, and I will definitely give you justice." Li Zedao said word by word.

"Thank you...thank you..." the old man couldn't cry.

At the moment, Li Zedao carefully put Soyeon, who had fallen asleep, into the pickup truck. At the same time, Goddess Pan had already found mineral water and paper towels from the car, and moistened the paper towels with mineral water, and wanted to help Li Zedao wipe the wound. , And afraid of hurting him, tears came out of distress.

The old man was embarrassed, at a loss, and moved. As a normal person, he was grabbed and bitten by a girl, and he left without anger? Even turning around and walking is light, will you directly hit someone?

"It's okay, I thought I helped my beautiful woman at the same table with a knife back then, and the knife passed through my entire palm directly. It's all right. What a small scar." Li Zedao helped Pan Xiaoyan wipe away the tears with a smile. It was a relief to the old man, so that he didn't mind that much.

"After that, the beauties were so moved at the same table that they agreed." Li Zedao added with a smile.

"Huh?" Pan Xiaoyan was stunned, "Chen Xiaoyan is also your woman?"

Chen Xiaoyan, the tablemate of Li Zedao Junior High School, is known as the fattest student in Xia Liu Middle School. At that time, Li Zedao was very thin, just like bamboo poles, so the two of them were not so crowded sitting together. Li Zedao occupied four. Chen Xiaoyan occupies three quarters of the position.

Li Zedao's face turned black all of a sudden, and he said in pain, "I'm talking about high school, not junior high school."

"Huh? Oh!"

Now Li Zedao chatted with the old man a few more words and learned some basic information.

The old man's surname is Jin and he is not a native of Yanjing. The son and his daughter-in-law work hard in Yanjing, selling vegetables to make a living.

Last year, when the husband and wife got up early to sell vegetables, they had an accident and their car turned over and died.

This kind of incident was naturally fatal to the family. The old and the young grandfather and grandson have not yet eased from the grief.

For the days to come, in order for granddaughter Kim So-yeon to have a good living condition in the future, Old Man Kim took over his son's work and started a vegetable sales business.

Kim So-yeon, a freshman in high school, is very sensible and will try to help her grandpa share some work in her spare time.

For more than a year, the days are hard and sad, but they are also peaceful and warm, and everything was broken in the afternoon a month ago. The two beasts actually ruined Kim So-yeon, who was less than 16 years old, and it was very insulting. He threw a thousand dollars and said it was money for prostitutes.

After that, Old Man Jin went to the gate of the Yanjing Military Region to cry, called the police, and tried to ask the news media for help, but no one believed it was true. Some media reporters even pointed to Old Man Pan’s nose and asked if you wanted to be. crazy? He even hyped himself by insulting soldiers.

Old man Jin told Li Zedao that he didn't even know what an internet celebrity was before, and didn't understand any hype, so how could it be hype? What's more, the personality and dignity of his granddaughter are used.

After that, the girl's mood was not right, her spirit was not right, and she didn't go to class. She was either in a daze or crying, or yelling and tantrums. Old man Jin was afraid that she would do something stupid that she couldn't think of, so she always took her during this time. .

Then, after delivering food to a restaurant, it happened to see Li Zedao beating people there and saying something like that, so Li Zedao became the straw of the drowning old golden man, and he drove up eagerly.

After listening to the old man wiping tears over there and talking about the whole thing, Li Zedao slowly spit out a puff of smoke with a heavy heart, and frowned.

On the side, Pan Xiaoyan was cautiously applying the band-aids found in the medicine box in the car to the wound on Li Zedao’s neck. Seeing Li Zedao frowned, she thought it hurt him. Tears came out again. He blows into the wound.

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