The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1287: Thief enters the house

Old man Jin went into the house and tried hard to clean up his little bed so that Li Zedao could rest at night, but he planned to make a bunk on the ground. Li Zedao did not stop him. The old man was doing his best to express his gratitude. If he doesn't accept it, the old man will feel very sorry, maybe he will have insomnia tonight.

Of course, Li Zedao knew that tonight is destined to be an insomnia night, and many people will suffer from insomnia.

The food was cooked and served on the table. It was as sweet and delicious as the one at noon, and just like at noon, Li Zedao didn’t have any disgusting emotions and gobbled it up, and in the middle, he handed the bowl to Jin Soyan very rudely and asked her to help add some rice. The latter glanced at Li Zedao, then silently took it to help serve the meal.

After dinner, Li Zedao sat in the small courtyard, accompanied by Old Man Jin, Li Zedao took out cigarettes, and the two smoked one by one.

"Old man, have you ever thought of leaving here to live in a brand new place?" Li Zedao asked, looking at the stars in the sky.

Old man Jin smiled bitterly and said: "It's not that I haven't thought about it. I should say that I didn't dare to think about it. Every time I think about it, I'm half of it and almost gone. If I'm gone, the girl will have no relatives, she's lonely. What can I do? So, I dare not think, really dare not think."

"Your body is still very tough, so don't think about dying." Li Zedao said, "You should imagine that So Yeon will find a good family to marry in the future, and then the two will honor you together and give you a big That kind of fat boy picture."

Old Man Jin tried to imagine it, and sure enough, the picture was very beautiful, but... it seemed too unrealistic.

"After this matter is over, I will take you to Phoenix City."


"Don't refuse, I don't like others to refuse me." Li Zedao said jokingly.

Old man Jin’s expression was a bit embarrassing, more of fear, fear of future life, compared to Yanjing’s sadness, Phoenix City is a completely strange city to him

"After arriving in Phoenix, I will help you arrange a place to live and help you arrange a relaxing job that suits you. So Yeon, you can continue to school, and I will help her find a good school, even if she likes singing. Take another path...oh, just take the same path as that big star Zhou Xiaolu, I can help her too."

Old man Jin's eyes widened slightly: "Mr. Li... why do you... be so good to us? You... yes girl... that..."

Not only did the two animals pay the price, but they even planned their future. This made Old Man Jin really feel a little scared, so Old Man Jin wanted to say, are you interesting to our girl, otherwise why? Want to be so good to us?

But he thought it was ridiculous and impossible. He had seen Mr. Li’s girlfriend. He was young and beautiful, and she was much better than the skinny girl who couldn’t even laugh now, let alone a girl. Being...Ah, those two **** beasts! Otherwise, the girl was not bad before, not worse than Mr. Li's girlfriend.

Li Zedao glanced at him and said, "Master, you have misunderstood."

Old man Jin smiled awkwardly, and sighed slightly in his heart, yes, such a handsome and handsome boy like this is impossible to like a girl, even if he wants to raise a small third, he will not find a girl.

"That's... such a scum has appeared in our team and has caused you so much damage. The only thing I can do is to make up for you as much as possible. This is what we owe you." Li Zedao gave this even him I don't even believe it, but it is a very convincing reason.

So Old Man Jin believed and was very touched. He said that as long as he found out the two beasts, he was already very satisfied.

There was a chat without a sentence, and it was quite late.

The village is small and relatively backward, so the surroundings are dark and quiet, and occasionally one or two dog barking can be heard.

Li Zedao asked Old Man Jin to go back to his house to rest. He stayed for a while, counted the stars, and asked Old Man Jin to turn off the light.

Old man Jin lived for most of his life. He didn’t know that the stars could be used to count, but he went into the house as he said, went to Jin So-yeon’s room to visit her, said a few words to her, and then turned off the light, and he was already there. Lie down on a good floor.

Naturally, there is no drowsiness, and even the scene described by Li Zedao is still in my mind. The girl really finds a good family to marry, and then gave birth to a big fat boy.

I don't know how long it took. Just as he was a little sleepy, there were a few muffled noises outside, as if something was overwhelmed in the yard.

Thinking of Mr. Li sitting at the door, nothing will happen, right? So he quickly got up and turned on the light, and at the same time turned on the light outside, and then ran out to take a look, already dumbfounded.

I saw seven or eight people lying on the ground, squirming their bodies over there, under the dim light, their expressions were painful, but they did not hum, and there were a few iron sticks and baseball bats lying on the ground. Obviously these guys brought this kind of blunt weapon.

Li Zedao stood there with his foot still on the head of one of the guys.

"It's okay, just a few thieves came in." Li Zedao looked back at the old man Jin and said.

"Uh..." Old man Jin was a little stupid. He had seen Li Zedao hit someone, but he didn't expect to be able to hit someone like this, and he would solve seven or eight by one person. It really is... Colonel!

Then he thought these thieves were really stupid, how could they pick such a poor family to steal?

After hearing the movement, Kim So-yeon also ran out. After seeing this scene, her eyes widened slightly, and then she remembered something, her eyes already showed a look of hatred, her small fists clenched, her body lightened. Trembling.

Li Zedao glanced at Jin Soyan, knowing that she must have guessed something, and not like her grandfather, who really thought these were really some thieves who came in to steal things.

"Mr. Li, should I call the police?" Old Man Jin asked.

Li Zedao shook his head and said, "They are not ordinary thieves. What they want to steal is not money, but people."

"People? Steal people?" Old Man Jin didn't understand.

"The ‘threat’ that we had in the afternoon had already had an effect, and it severely stimulated the nerves of the two beasts, so these people came." Li Zedao briefly explained.

In fact, while chatting with Old Man Jin, Li Zedao had already noticed that someone was quietly approaching him. It was just that he and Old Man Jin were still sitting there chatting, so he waited for the best time.

Then, Li Zedao let Old Man Jin go to sleep in the room and turned off the light, while he hid quietly in the dark, waiting for the arrival of these unconscious guys.

Sure enough, about half an hour later, the people lying in ambush outside must think that everyone in the room is fast asleep, so they sneaked in and planned to hit the people in the room by surprise.

But what they didn’t expect was that they were caught off guard. They didn’t see who beat them at all, and they were already on the ground. What made them even more frightened was that they clearly opened their mouths. No sound can be heard.

After listening to Li Zedao's explanation, Old Man Jin's eyes widened and he already understood.

After thinking about it, Old Man Jin was really scared for a while, if it wasn't for Li Zedao to be here and able to fight so well, wouldn't they be kidnapped by these people tonight? At that time, let alone humiliation, you may have to live or die.

"The two beasts are going... to kill them all?" Old man Jin shook his head sadly, what kind of society is this, really lawless to this point?

Kim So Yeon's eyes began to show the look of hatred again, and her thin body was shaking slightly.

Li Zedao smiled bitterly and said, "Old man, take Soyan in. I will take care of these people. This matter will be over soon."

"I'm watching." Jin Soyan looked at Li Zedao and said. She knew that Li Zedao was planning to use torture to learn more. She planned to watch and watch these damned villains receive their due punishment.

"Next time, I will hand over those two beasts to you." Li Zedao looked at her and said, "This is why I didn't forcefully intervene with power and let the law impose sanctions on them. I want you to come personally. Sanction them."

Li Zedao knew that Jin Soyan had to vent the resentment in her heart, otherwise it would be extremely detrimental to her growth.

Jin Suyan looked at Li Zedao deeply and nodded, took old man Jin, and turned back to the house.

Li Zedao moved his feet away from the head he was stepping on, then lit a cigarette, squatted down slightly, patted him, and unlocked his blocked acupuncture point.

"How do you call it?" Li Zedao asked, squinting at him.

The man looked at this indifferent face, swallowed, and said with some difficulty: "They all call me... He... the third child, in the area of ​​Chaoyang District... Brother, I don't know Taishan. Forgive me, I dare not, dare not..."

Those who can meet each other will beat up their brothers, can they be ordinary people? Damn it, didn't it mean that there was an old man who was dying, a dumb boy, and a chick who had no power to bind a chicken? What's the matter with this man? Is that the second stupid son? Are you kidding me?

So Laosan Ho simply admits it.

"He Laosan, um, the name is good, it reflects your identity as a bastard." Li Zedao said.


"Keep your eyes open and watch, don't yell, otherwise..." Li Zedao looked at him with a grin.

Seeing such a smile, He Laosan shuddered inexplicably.

Then his eyes widened suddenly, and he almost screamed unrecognized.

Because he saw that the man picked up a brick and slammed it directly at the hand of one of his brothers!

"Kacha!" The bone was broken and blood was flowing. The brother's face was already distorted into a bun because it was too painful. His mouth was also wide open, but he couldn't make any noise.

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