The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1292: Metamorphosis

Kim So-yeon has become lighter. Of course, she’s almost skinny. She’s not losing weight again. It’s not a weight issue, but the feeling that she gives to others. She has become agile and a bit lively. The turning eyeballs have color. Rather than the empty and colorlessness before.

Li Zedao saw the smile on her face like this, and felt that this was what a sixteen-year-old girl should look like, and he knew that she should have been like this before.

Li Zedao took her to the school where she was going to go through the withdrawal procedures.

After that, Kim So-yeon has also thought about it. She likes to sing, so she wants to go that way. Kim So-yeon said to Li Zedao, "Brother, I haven't sang to you yet, but I don't sing well now, so I can sing to you when I learn it later, OK? I also want to write a song, the title of the song is temporarily called "You Are My Sunshine".

Along the way, Kim So-yeon's mouth basically kept talking about the funny, trivial, and most common things before she was fourteen. As for the things from fourteen to the present, this very unpleasant thing has been temporarily taken by her. The seal is up.

"Brother, don't look at me being thin like this. A gust of wind can blow me down. When I was young, I became fat. The photo is still there. Go back and show it to you."

Li Zedao could see a completely relaxed state in her eyebrows and smile, which was unprecedented. He smiled and nodded and said, "Okay."

She also said that the school she went to was not a good school. The quality of the students was poor. In such a school, you can get the first place with a little effort, because the academic performance is generally very poor, and there are even several gangs in it, and fights often occur. event.

Li Zedao smiled slightly: "So you are also a member of one of the'gangs'?"

Kim So Yeon lowered her head, a little embarrassed: "Hmm."

Then she quickly explained: "If you don't join, you will be bullied. Some classmates like to bully people, such as blocking girls in the bathroom and not letting them out, and then splashing water inside, which is even more exaggerated. Do you even splash urine?"

Li Zedao was speechless: "It's all like this, the school teachers don't care?"

"Those who are bullied dare not tell the teacher, because after telling the teacher, they will definitely be retaliated later." Jin Soyan said.

"Have you been bullied?" Li Zedao asked.

"I was stuck in the bathroom and splashed water. The other party said that I had robbed her boyfriend. Actually, I don't even know who her boyfriend is?" Kim So-yeon smiled brightly when she talked about these things. Treat this contradiction between students as a very interesting little thing.

It’s no wonder that the parents had an accident first, and then they were bullied by two beasts. They experienced such a disaster at a young age. Compared with this disaster, those things in school can indeed be considered very interesting.

"After I came out, I had a fight with her. I splashed her with water, slapped her, and she slapped me and tied." Kim So-yeon smiled, "Think about it now, it's really interesting. , And I'm leaving, it seems...a bit reluctant, strange, I obviously hate that school."

"However, I didn't take the initiative to bully people." Kim So Yeon added.

Li Zedao smiled, as he was about to say something, the phone in his pocket rang, and after taking a look, Yang Xueer immediately answered the call.

"Big idiot, big pig, don't you love me anymore?" Yang Xueer's voice seemed to be coquettish and full of grievances.

Li Ze Daomu said: "Um... why do you have such terrible thoughts?"

"Hey, it seems you don't love me anymore, break up, I want to break up with you!"

Li Zedao stumbled again: "Beauty Yang, why don't I love you anymore? Can we stop making unreasonable troubles?"

"Li Ze said you are a pig head, a big pig head, a super big pig head! You are a bastard, a big idiot, as thin as a monkey, this lady wants to kill you! Who is making trouble? Yes, it's me making trouble! You! A big man, can’t you just say sorry? Don’t you just say sorry to me?”

"..." Li Zedao couldn't laugh or cry, "Well, I was wrong, I'm sorry, Dame Yang." After thinking for a long time, I still didn't remember where I was wrong.

"Li Ze said, you are a pig head, do you think it's the end of a sorry sentence?" Yang Xueer became angry.

"Uh... those two sentences?"

"Three sentences, no bargaining is allowed." Yang Xueer said.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry..." Li Zedao couldn't laugh or cry.

"Hmph, it's almost the same!" Miss Yang was very proud, "Do you know where I am wrong?"

"Uh... I don't know, but I must have done something wrong." Li Zedao was very enlightened, "I look back and think about it."

"Hmph, just know it. The aunt of the other person is coming here. I am in a irritated mood. You are not there. I can't bite you, so I feel bad. You said, is it your fault?"

Li Zedao wiped the cold sweat on his forehead: "My fault, my fault."

"However, I can bite you in a few hours." Yang Xueer said, "I am at the airport with Xiaolu, and we will board the plane for Yanjing in a while. If you have time, come and pick us up. If you don't have time... If you dare to run out of time, you are dead."

Zhou Xiaolu is going to fly to Yanjing to participate in a certain commercial event. Li Zedao knows about this, so afterwards, Li Zedao still takes Jin Soyan to find her and asks her to help bring Jin Soyan into that circle.

Although the entertainment industry is a big dye tank, Li Zedao knew that with Zhou Xiaolu with himself, basically no one would dare to touch Jin Soyan.

But he really didn't expect Yang Xueer to follow along.

"Brother-in-law, Xue'er has been in a bad mood these past few days. She always put her anger on the snowball. Sister Bing'er couldn't stand it anymore. She felt that the snowball was too pitiful, so she asked Xueer to come to Yanjing with me. Let her cast her anger on you." Zhou Xiaolu laughed over.

"Okay." Li Zedao wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, really wronged. It turns out that his position at home is not as good as the puppy named Xueqiu raised by Yang Xueer.

This woman should really be ass!

"Then I will pick you up at the airport." Li Zedao said.

"Hmm...Brother-in-law, I miss you too." Zhou Xiaolu's voice was sweet and embarrassed.

"Big idiot, our star of the week has become dry wood, will you give me a fire...ah..."

"Xue'er, I let you talk nonsense..."

Li Zedao was very happy listening to the roaring noise, and after a few more conversations, he hung up the phone.

"Brother...sister-in-law's phone number?" Jin Soyan asked, after thinking about it, and then asked, "Two?" She vaguely heard the voices of the two girls, and the content was a little ambiguous.

Li Zedao was a little embarrassed and said, "You missed a zero."

"..." Kim So-yeon's mouth has already turned into an "O" shape, and she said with some difficulty, "Twenty?"

"Accurately speaking, it is twenty-two." Li Zedao said with some embarrassment, mainly because the expression of the little girl made him feel a little ashamed, the look in his eyes was like seeing an animal.

I thought to myself, in fact, it should have been twenty-three but only one ran away.

When I think of Antarctica again, my heart is unavoidable for a while, and then I am even more curious about what that Tom, that is, Nan Zhang, who can make Antarctica be so devoted to him and even make such "excessive" for her. And cruel things come out!

unacceptable! Not only did she deceive her feelings, she also deceived her...body!

Kim So-yeon swallowed, and asked with some difficulty: "They all know each other? Don't fight?"

"Don't fight." Li Zedao said. I thought it was not the students in your school, all so barbaric.

"Brother, you are amazing." Kim So-yeon blushed inexplicably when she thought of something.

Li Zedao did not realize that her face was already red, but said: "After you finish the withdrawal procedures, let's go to the airport. Two of your sister-in-laws are coming over, and one of them is still your idol."

"Huh?" Kim So Yeon was stunned. She used to have only one idol, that is Zhou Xiaolu, now there is one more, naturally, it is Li Zedao.

So, Zhou Xiaolu is here? So... Zhou Xiaolu is also... sister-in-law?

Li Zedao glanced at her and smiled: "Well, Xiao Lu is also your sister-in-law."

"Ah..." Although Li Zedao had already guessed it, she couldn't help but came out after Li Zedao admitted it. "This... is too unimaginable, how could it be possible?"

Li Zedao became a little angry: "So Yan, don't say that to your sister-in-law, Xiaolu, her beauty and nobleness are worthy of my handsomeness."

After speaking, Li Zedao couldn't help laughing.

Kim So-yeon was amused by Li Zedao's words, she laughed, and then secretly thought: "Twenty-two... Isn't that... it can be 23?"


Because someone had said hello in advance, after Li Zedao and Kim So-yeon arrived at her school, the relevant departments of the school were very polite and very happy to complete the formalities, but when Li Zedao brought Kim So-yeon back and stopped at the school gate When he rushed to the airport in his car, the road ahead was stopped by a few young ladies.

"Yeah, isn't this Kim So Yeon? It's been a long time since I saw you come to school? I heard that I was sick? Why didn't you die?" The young lady who was in the lead sneered.

He looked at Li Zedao who was standing behind her, but he couldn't help but sway. Damn, which class is this boy from? Why haven't you seen it before? But it's so handsome!

Kim So Yeon smiled and didn't respond.

Thinking about the previous scolding and even hands-on scenes, it is interesting but also childish. She is no longer the childish Kim So-yeon before. She wants to be a big star, a big star that has attracted much attention. She sees one day, she can personally The melody that appeared in my heart was written into a tune, and then I filled in the lyrics, and then sang it to him...he who was grateful for the one who liked it but didn't dare to.

Jin Suyan looked back at Li Zedao and smiled: "Brother, she is my classmate Zhou Lin, the one I told you to fight with me in the car."

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