After leaving the school, Li Zedao took Jin Soyan directly to Yanjing Airport, and within half an hour, the flight Zhou Xiaolu and Yang Xueer took would land.

As she was about to meet her idol, Jin So-yeon inevitably felt a little excited, and asked Li Zedao a lot about Zhou Xiaolu and his vision of life in the future.

Li Zedao knew that this young but ill-fated girl now had a big dream in her heart, and she also possessed that ambition.

Li Zedao has basically set up the stage for her. As for how to perform and whether it can be a great success, she has to work **** her own.

Finally, the flight from Phoenix landed. Soon, Li Zedao saw Yang Xueer, who was dressed as an elf, and Zhou Xiaolu, who had wrapped herself tightly, came out. In their skill, they followed Zhou Xiaolu. Assistant and several bodyguards of the two.

Li Zedao smiled and waved at them. After seeing Li Zedao, Yang Xueer ran for a short distance and came to Li Zedao, biting her lip, her small face was full of grievances.

"Idiot, dude, bastard..." she said.

Li Zedao decisively rolled up his sleeves, showed his arm and stretched it out, and said with a look of death, "Come on, you bite?"

Yang Xueer didn't bite, her face was buried in his arms, and his fist hit his chest lightly and cursed: "The big idiot, big **** told you not to go home for so many days... I... …Oh, it’s Xiaolu, Xiaolu thinks you’re thinking about eating and sleeping, and when you’re depressed, those who eat snacks have gained several kilos..."

"..." Li Zedao took a surprised look at Zhou Xiaolu, who walked up to him. She really couldn't tell that she had gained a few kilos, but the delicate body in her arms felt a little better.

So Li Zedao understood. Yang Xueer said for a long time, she was talking about herself.

"Let you not go home for so many days... Let you not go home for so many days... It made Xiaolu fat, forget it, I will forgive you instead of Xiaolu." Yang Xueer looked up at Li Ze and snorted coldly. Dao, her face was reddish, a little shy.

"...Thank you." Li Zedao said dumbfoundedly.

"Big idiot... hug Xiaolu quickly, our Zhou Da star is out of love, and I lose weight even if you want to eat or drink."

"Uh..." Li Zedao thought for a while, and decided not to pick her from her language.

The star of Zhou Daxing was shy and dumbfounding: "Xue Er..." Looking at Li Ze, the big eyes under the sunglasses are full of tenderness and joy.

Li Zedao smiled slightly, reached out his hand to hug Zhou Daxing, and then introduced Jin Suyan who was standing behind her to them.

Li Zedao had already mentioned some things about Jin Suyan with Zhou Xiaolu on the phone. Zhou Xiaolu naturally sympathized with this girl's experience.

"Hello, Sister Zhou, I'm... I'm a little excited. I like you for a long time. I like to listen to your songs the most..." Seeing the idol himself, it is inevitable to be excited, so Kim So-yeon, who came out tenaciously after a major change It is false to say that the mood is not surging a few times.

"Thank you for your liking." Zhou Xiaolu took her hand and smiled, "Listen to Zedao that you like singing?"

"Yeah, I like it." Kim So Yeon nodded heavily. She really liked singing before, singing while walking, singing after being bullied, singing on stage during school celebrations, and even secretly putting headphones into her ears to listen to songs in classes that she didn't like.

Until a year or so ago, after that great change occurred in the family, she changed completely overnight, becoming silent and colorless, and she never sang before.

"Then when you get to the car, can you hum a few words for me?" Zhou Xiaolu smiled and nodded. In fact, after receiving Li Zedao, she had already planned something for the girl she had never met.

Jin Soyan knew that Zhou Xiaolu wanted to hear her voice and sound quality, took a deep breath and nodded. This is related to her future, so it is false to say that she is not nervous.

When a group of people walked outside, several cars were already coming to pick up Zhou Xiaolu and the others. Of course, Zhou Xiaolu, Yang Xueer and Jin Suyan got on the off-road vehicle from Li Zedao. As for the others, they got on other cars separately Several cars.

"So Yeon, you can sing." After getting on the car, Zhou Xiaolu looked at Jin So Yeon and smiled, "Sing a cappella to your best song."

"Yeah." Jin Suyan nodded looking at Zhou Xiaolu, took a few deep breaths, and then glanced at Li Zedao.

"Don't be nervous, come on." Li Zedao smiled, "In fact, just by listening to you, you know that your voice has the unique conditions for singing, um, just like me."

"Puff..." Kim So Yeon couldn't hold back her joy. The more I get along, the more I feel that my brother is really narcissistic.

"Big Pig, why are you so shameless?" Yang Xueer said grimly, "Soyan, you sing yours, ignore him, if your voice is the same as his, it will be ruined."

"Well, okay, Sister Yang." Jin Soyan nodded, took a few deep breaths, and then spoke and sang a cappella of "The Sunshine Is Always After the Storm". This is Xu Meijing's song and later became the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team. The team song is also in line with Kim So Yeon's mood at this moment.

"The joys and sorrows of life, I would like to share everything with you..."

"It is inevitable that you have fallen and waited, and you must bravely raise your head..."

"Who would like to always hide in the port where the wind is sheltered, and would rather have the freedom of the rough waves, may it be the lighthouse in your heart waiting for you to see through the fog..."

"Sunshine is always after wind and rain, there is a clear sky on the dark clouds, cherish all the moving, every hope is in your hands, the sun is always after the wind and rain, please believe that there is a rainbow, and you will accept it. I will always be by your side... …"


Li Zedao knew that Jin Soyan liked to sing, but she really didn't expect her to sing like this... Anyway, he couldn't say good things anyway, anyway, he was very emotional and wanted to cry.

Zhou Xiaolu was a little dumb at first, and then she was so surprised that it would be a shame not to sing with such a good voice. Then, her eyes were a little red.

After the song, Jin Suyan looked at Zhou Xiaolu a little nervously: "Sister Zhou..."

"So Yeon, you are really amazing. You really have a unique voice. Your voice completely conquered me. You sang into my heart with almost no skills. It’s true that it’s a heart-to-heart. Now there is no shortage of singers with superb skills in the music world, but there is a shortage of singers who can sing and sing... In short, really, if you can stick to it, I have no prediction about where your upper limit will be Here, but your lower limit is at least..." Zhou Xiaolu pointed to herself and said seriously, without any joking at all, "The height I am now at!"

"Really...really?" Jin Suyan was also a little stunned. She never expected that Zhou Xiaolu's evaluation of her would be so high.

"Really." Zhou Xiaolu said with a serious face, "but before that, you have to calm down and learn something seriously. You have to learn vocal music, learn pronunciation, learn piano, learn guitar, learn how to arrange music and write lyrics... etc. Wait, you have to learn a lot of things, you will be very hard, very hard, maybe it will make you want to cry every minute, and give up every second..."

Jin Suyan glanced at Li Zedao with a firm expression and firm tone: "Sister Zhou, I will stick to it, I won't cry."


Later, Zhou Xiaolu took Jin Soyan to find a highly respected musician in the industry, Mr. Li Gu, who is also Zhou Xiaolu's music teacher.

Teacher Li Gu was very happy that Zhou Xiaolu had brought him such a good seedling. He accepted Jin Soyan as a student on the spot, and followed him to learn everything about music. As for his debut, that's something for the future.

So for a long time in the future, she will stay in Yanjing and stay with Teacher Li Gu.

As for Old Man Jin, Li Zedao called Sun Jundong to help him arrange a lighter job for Old Man Jin. At this time, Sun Jundong was trying to provoke Li Zedao’s fear for his younger brother Sun Junxi. After Li Zedao's phone call, he was so moved that he almost cried, and quickly patted his chest to indicate that he would do it well.

In the end, Old Man Jin became a manager in a certain park. He took care of food and housing, and worked easily. He occasionally watered and pruned the flowers in the park. For Old Man Jin who was already farming in his hometown, It is simply too easy, and there are many old men and old ladies in the park, there are people who talk, and they are not lonely, maybe even an old lady can hook up in the end.

Li Zedao expressed satisfaction with Sun Jundong's arrangement.

After that, Li Zedao accompanied Yang Xueer back to the Yang family and met with Yang Xueer’s family. He simply drunk Yang Xueer’s father and uncle who had high positions in the army. Then flew back to Phoenix City with Yang Xueer.

Zhou Xiaolu did not follow to return to Phoenix City, because after Yanjing's affairs were busy, she immediately had to fly to Suzhou and Hangzhou to participate in the recording of a program. During this time, her schedule was full. Of course, Li Ze Daofei The night before returning to Phoenix City, Zhou Xiaolu was shy but proactively tossed Li Zedao, of course, in the end, Li Zedao tossed her fiercely.

The plane landed at Phoenix Airport at about 4pm. Li Zedao took Yang Xueer to the outside of the airport and took a few breaths of the long-lost humid and salty air.

Then, Li Zedao remembered a lyric...Although he breathed the breath of the same sky, he couldn't hug you!

Last night, Li Zedao found a place where there was no one, picked up the cell phone belonging to Tom... more precisely, it belonged to Nan, dialed the only number stored in the phone, and then imitated Nan's voice to talk to Antarctica.

This is something he often does during this time.

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