The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1297: Fell asleep on the bike

" use, I can get up..." Sun Ying was a little embarrassed, supporting the body with one hand, and getting up from the ground.

He glanced at the Mala Tang scattered on the floor, bit his lip, his eyes turned slightly red, and tried hard not to let his tears fall.

Then he squatted down slightly, trying hard to lift the electric scooter that fell on the ground. Before she could do it, Li Zedao had already helped it up.

"Thank you." Sun Ying looked at Li Zedao and said softly, then glanced at the scratch on the car, "I...will compensate."

"This... my car is fully insured, and the insurance company has to pay for it, so don't worry." Li Ze said no, but thinking of her temperament, he quickly changed his mind. This is a girl with a strong self-esteem. If you say that you don't need to look at her, it's just alms to pity her, which will only make her more embarrassed.

"Yeah." Sun Ying nodded lightly, slightly relieved, she believed. No wonder she believed Zhou Yan's lame lie, let alone Li Zedao's rhetoric.

Sun Ying looked tired, her eyelids almost couldn't open. Even though she had just been shocked, she was still in a bad spirit. She rubbed her face again, and then looked at Li Zedao and said, "Thank you. ."

Then, he bent down and squatted on the ground, took out a pack of tissues from his pocket, and picked up the hot and spicy tang.

Li Zedao looked at it, feeling very much in his heart. In this era of how many people littered, she could do this, which is enough to show how good a girl is.

Zhou Yan... really some beasts!

Pan Xiaoyan got out of the car too. Of course, she didn’t want to say that this woman is also Li Zedao’s woman or something, because Li Zedao looked at her with ordinary eyes, no ambiguity, so she only regarded her as a classmate that Li Zedao knew or Ordinary friends or something.

Seeing her tidying up there, she was quite moved and said, "I will help you."

Then he took out the tissues from the car and squatted down to help tidy up.

"Ah... No need, I'll just do it, it won't be good if your clothes get dirty..." Sun Ying said quickly.

"It's okay." Pan Xiaoyan smiled and insisted.

"I'm here too." Li Zedao also helped to clean up, and soon after consuming a lot of paper towels, the mala Tang on the ground was basically cleaned up, and then Li Zedao took these things and threw them into the trash can not far away.

"Thank you." Sun Ying said gratefully to Li Zedao and Pan Xiaoyan.

Li Zedao glanced at the watch in his hand. It was too early for Pan Xiaoting's flight to land. He was talking about it. It would be fine for her to wait a while, so he looked at Sun Ying and said, "Find a place to chat?"

"...No, I spilled the customer's hot and spicy, so I have to hurry up and buy a copy and send it over." Sun Ying said. This is a remedy that she can think of. Of course, a bad assessment is inevitable, and even complaints and deductions will make her want to cry.

"Don't give it away, you guess you can fall asleep riding an electric car like this? You are already a road killer, so don't hurt others and yourself." Li Zedao said.

Sun Ying was ashamed and embarrassed. She was sleepy when she was riding the bike and fell asleep inexplicably. The car turned over. In order to receive more orders and make more money, she basically had to deliver it to more than 12 o'clock in the evening every day during this period. In addition, she was worried about her mother's condition.

"Talk about Zhou Yan?" Li Zedao said, "I already know that your mother went to school to make trouble."

Sun Ying glanced at him and nodded gently.

Li Zedao and Pan Xiaoyan returned to the car and drove the car to the parking space on the side of the road. Pan Xiaoyan rode outside to buy the car, parked the car, then opened the door of the back seat and got into the car.

"I and you are friends, too?" Li Zedao asked after looking back at her.

Sun Ying hesitated a little and nodded.

"Then ask you a few questions from a friend's standpoint...Is he really not planning to accept Zhou Yan again? He didn't let you down completely in his heart." Li Zedao said. Although he already knew the answer to the question, he couldn't help but want to ask.

Sun Ying shook her head, shook very firmly, and said, "I used to be stupid..."

Li Zedao wanted to say, you are not smart now.

"There is no burden, like a child, Zhou Yan is the same, not grown up... But now, I have grown up, Zhou Yan... still not grown up, it's inappropriate, besides, my mother made such a case. The relationship with his mother is very stiff. I'm really together. There are constant troubles. I don't want to be like this." Sun Ying said, "Besides, one day I saw him shopping around a woman's waist. I wish him... trouble About you, you told him not to call me, he would listen to you."

"He keeps calling you?" Li Ze asked.

Sun Ying nodded: "He still said that if he doesn't accept his money, he will also take out. He will run wherever I run."

"..." Li Zedao was speechless, this was really a rogue approach.

"I will tell him when I look back." Li Zedao said.

"Well, thank you." Sun Ying nodded.

"Let’s talk about you now." Li Zedao said, "The job of delivering food is actually not suitable for you. It’s too hard. You don’t have much time to take care of your mother, right? There is a hospital under the Tiandao Foundation that is recruiting nurses. , With your ability, it's just right to go."


"I really want to help you, but I don't feel sorry for you, because I don't think there is any pity in delivering food. They are all relying on their own ability to make money, and they are all worthy of respect, so there is no need to be pitiful." Li Zedao said, "I just really feel that this job is not suitable for you. Of course, I was a little sorry. After all, when Zhou Yankeng was "you", I was also an accomplice. If your mother is like this, I also have the responsibility to survive. Besides, you also Having said that, we are friends. We should help between friends, what do you think?"

Sun Ying glanced at him, bit her lip, and was silent.

Li Zedao was not in a hurry, waiting for her answer.

Finally, Sun Ying said: "Thank you...I will go."

Li Zedao smiled and said: "Then it's settled. I'll say hello when I look back. You can go there. You should know the address? As for the salary and treatment, compared to other hospitals, it is only higher than other hospitals."

Sun Ying nodded: "Thank you... Then I'll go back and quit this takeaway job."

"Don't drive the electric car, I'm afraid you will hit someone." Li Zedao said.

"I... stepped on it, I won't." Sun Ying said embarrassingly, and nodded to Pan Xiaoyan again. Then she pushed the door and got out of the car, riding the electric bike and slowly leaving, and just as she said. That way, she used the stepping on, so that she could keep her energy and not fall asleep.

Li Zedao smiled, looked back, started the car, and continued to drive toward the airport.

"She is?" Pan Xiaoyan asked, some little gossip.

Li Zedao talked about the naive and childish love between her and Zhou Yan. Pan Xiaoyan said, fortunately, I have a reasonable mother.

Then the eyes were red.

Li Zedao knew that she was worried about her mother's condition, so he stretched out a hand and touched her head: "It's okay, it will be better."

This is comfort, Pan Xiaoyan knows, because she already knows that her mother's illness is not so optimistic. Of course, she likes this comfort, although she seems a little bit self-deceiving. At the moment, he bit his lip lightly, and his expression was a little sad: "After receiving my cousin, I want to stay in the hospital and stay with my mother... Although she doesn't want me to accompany her, I can't leave. I know why she doesn't want me. Be with me, afraid I will feel uncomfortable seeing her like that."

"Yeah." Li Zedao nodded

After another moment of silence, she said: "You don't want me anymore, I will also deliver takeaways, and then...scrape your car every day."


Pan Xueba succeeded in "stirring up" Li Zedao once again, so Li Zedao simply stopped the car on the side of the road and rushed towards her.


The car was scratched by Sun Ying on the way, sometimes by Pan Xiaoyan, so Li Zedao had to stop and solve the problem. In addition, Li Zedao was not in a hurry, and drove the car slowly. So after arriving at the airport, Pan Xiaoting was already there. Waited for ten minutes.

At this time she was sitting in a coffee shop in the airport, ordering a cup of coffee to kill time.

Li Zedao and Pan Xiaoyan walked in with the hand, she stood up and waved her hand.

A few days later, she changed her hairstyle, dyed maroon and slightly curled. It seemed that she wanted to "start from the beginning" of life. She also had sunglasses on the bridge of her nose. With such a dress, she looked elegant, fashionable and sexy.

Li Zedao estimated that the reason she was wearing sunglasses was that the panda eyes hadn't completely disappeared, right?

Next to her is a very large suitcase, bulging, it seems that there are many things in it, Li Zedao looked at the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, so... Is she planning to stay in Phoenix City?

"Cousin..." Pan Xiaoyan was a little happy.

"Cousin..." Li Zedao was also a little happy, pretending to be.

"I ordered two cups of coffee for you. The waiter hasn't delivered it yet." Pan Xiaoting smiled.

Five minutes ago, she gave Pan Xiaoyan a call and asked her where she was. Knowing that they were coming soon, Pan Xiaoting greeted the waiter and asked for two more cups of coffee.

As soon as the voice fell, the waiter brought two cups of coffee.

"I want to find an internship company again, and occasionally I have to go back to school, so I plan to find one in Phoenix." Pan Xiaoting pointed to her suitcase and smiled, then glanced at Li Zedao with an inexplicable look. Li Zedao Pretend not to see it.

"Really? Then we can see each other often." Pan Xiaoyan said happily.

The two sisters said something boring, then Pan Xiaoyan got up and went to the bathroom, then Pan Xiaoting took off the sunglasses from the bridge of her nose, looking at Li Zedao with faint resentment in her eyes.

"There are no panda eyes, I thought they did." Li Zedao looked at these big eyes with eyeshadow with some regret.

"... bastard!" She couldn't help but smiled and scolded.

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