The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1305: Things revealed

"Oh, God, this... is incredible." As strong as Teacher Pete, he is already messed up at this time. The Huang Wen of fc who made him jealous turned out to be Li Zedao's grandfather?

Li Zedao smiled bitterly: "It's really unbelievable." After all, even the master who possessed five of the sky-defying safety buttons at the same time was full of bugs, did not realize that he was actually pretending to be dead.

In other words, Huang Wen also has a substitute? Isn’t he the real one who died in front of him when he was in contact with him?

Of course, this is Li Zedao’s guess, and only Huang Wenwen knows exactly how it is.

"I don't know exactly what happened. I only know that my master has broken some of my grandfather's things, so my grandfather hates my master's bones." Li Zedao simply explained, "It's probably that way. So don’t worry too much about my safety."

Li Zedao picked up the cup of tea in front of him and took a sip, his tone was a little depressed: "But, what if..."

Teacher Pete interrupted his words: "You can't be in case, no matter what happens, the main thing is to save your life, I don't allow Miss Mitty to cry for you, besides, Luciano family needs you, you know, I'm afraid my time is running out."

Li Zedao nodded seriously, "I will."

At the moment, Mr. Pete fumbled around and finally took out a medicine bottle with a dark pill inside. Passed it to Li Zedao and said, "This is for you. When it's dangerous, it might save your life."

Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly: "Ghost pills?"

"Oh, yes, Oni Maru, and it is Oni Maru No. 2." Teacher Pete said, "Now this kind of magical thing is hard to find, and there are only two left in the entire Luciano family, one of them One is now in King Kong's hand, and one is left for you. This kind of thing has no meaning to me."

Li Zedao nodded, took it, and put it in his pocket. This thing really doesn’t make much sense to Teacher Pete. After all, Teacher Pete’s skill is there, and basically no one will provoke him stupidly. Moreover, his age and physical condition are there. Once taken Oni Maru, the remaining bodily functions are bound to be directly burned, and there will only be a dead end.

However, Li Zedao had already learned from Grandpa Wang that something like Ghost Maru actually had a bottleneck. Simply put, eating too much would have no effect.

Li Zedao has eaten a few now, and he himself is not sure whether he has reached the so-called bottleneck.

After making tea with Teacher Pete and chatting for a while, Li Zedao then left. And when I left the villa, the phone in my pocket rang.

Then, Li Zedao's body shook slightly.

He now has two mobile phones in his pocket, one of which is the one he got from Tom, and this one is ringing now.

Li Zedao raised his head and glanced at the first villa in the distance. Then he walked quickly to the fountain in front, then took out the phone, glanced at the phone number that he had already memorized, took a deep breath, and then Picked it up.

During this period of time, whether Li Zedao took the initiative to fight or the other party called, Li Zedao would be inexplicably nervous, and when he picked it up, he would feel that he was cheap, really cheap!

In fact, he can run to the first villa, shouting arrogantly and gleefully...Haha, your **** is dead, haha...will there be a few daggers shot by then come?


Li Zedao thought about trying to puncture this layer of paper to end this heart-shaking game, but thinking of the child in the Antarctic belly, what if the excited child is gone? The child is innocent after all!

Before Li Zedao could speak, a quick and unfamiliar voice was already heard: "Mr. Nan, it's not good... Miss Antarctica, she... has a miscarriage..."

Li Zedao's whole body was stunned, and the feeling was as if he was smashed by thunder, and his mind was chaotic! After the reaction came, the whole person had already jumped up from the same place, and asked aloud: "You...what did you say?"

Suddenly there was no voice on the other end of the phone, and the rushing voice was not coming.

"You speak..." Li Zedao was almost roaring, and he looked up anxiously at the villa in the distance, and then ran across his legs, but the only trace of reason prevented him from doing so. .

After all, what does it mean to run over like this? And, who is she now?

Enemy! After getting this answer, Li Zedao was severely stabbed in the chest.

Then, in the earpiece, a sudden, violent breathing sounded, and then an extremely cold voice sounded: "Really...It's you..."

Li Zedao seemed to be struck by lightning once, in a sluggish state!

This is the voice of Antarctica, a murderous indifferent voice!

So it was seen through! Because Li Zedao just heard the other party saying that Antarctica had a miscarriage, he was anxious and completely forgot to imitate Tom's voice with ventriloquism.

So, Antarctica has already discovered something wrong? So this is a test!

Li Zedao didn't know, his brain was messy now, it was like a paste, and his body trembled slightly, and the whole person seemed so at a loss.

Without playing Tom, he doesn't even know how to face the Antarctic and what to say.

Say it's been a long time since I saw you, okay? Say I miss you and I can't forget you, do you know? You said you hurt me and smiled away?

The extremely indifferent and murderous voice from Antarctica came again: "What happened to you?"

Li Zedao rubbed his face heavily, took a deep breath, tried hard to control his emotions, and said hardly, "Does this still have to be asked? Kill! As for pretending to be that bastard, it's just... um, Want to play with you? Who told you to play with me?"

Little childish words, after speaking, Li Zedao realized how childish, nonsense, and hurtful of his words. Then, he regretted a little bit, but he actually wanted to say some comforting and soft words, after all, she If you are pregnant now, your mood should not fluctuate too much.

Antarctica is silent, Li Zedao can clearly hear her breathing quickly and rough, one can imagine how much her mood fluctuates now.

Then she said in a voice that made Li Zedao feel cold when she listened: "I...killed you!"

The phone was hung up!

Li Zedao was also in a dull state of crash, his expression was so helpless, as if he was a kid who had done something bad.

He raised his head and looked at the first villa in the distance. Then, his extremely bewildered eyes widened slightly, and his body trembled slightly.

After so long, he saw the South Pole again, and saw the South Pole that always appeared in his dreams in these days!

However, Li Zedao knows very clearly that she is no longer the Antarctic it once was!

The iconic black leather clothing and leather pants are gone, and replaced by a set of pink home clothes... You know, what she usually hates most is pink... So the truth is that she doesn't actually hate pink, but deliberately Annoying.

Under the home clothes, the lower abdomen is already slightly bulging, and it is no longer as flat as before.

Such a dressing is no different from those pregnant women in the community who come out for a walk and sunbathe.

But the premise is that you didn't see her face.

White, cold, hatred, and gloomy, the whole body exudes that extremely cold breath, which is no different from the evil spirit.

Li Zedao just stared at her in a daze, walking towards him step by step from far to near.

He actually wanted to move, but the last trace of his body's strength seemed to have been taken away, so that he could only stay there, even without the strength to blink his eyes, his breathing seemed to have stopped. Similar.

Finally, Antarctica walked to the front and stopped one meter away from him. Those cold, dark and hateful eyes stared at Li Zedao's eyes that were already staring dumbly at her.

"I, kill you!" Antarctica said, and then, her hand shook, and there was already an extra dagger in her hand!

This scene was too familiar, so Li Zedao's heart was violently moved, and his body trembled slightly.

How many times have the Antarctic daggers appeared in front of him like this, but it is completely different. Many times in the past were scares, or the ambiguous actions between lovers, but now , She really wanted to kill, really wanted to kill him, she wanted to eat his meat, drink his blood, draw his muscles and gnaw his bones...

An angry voice came over: "Antarctica, put down the dagger in your hand, if you dare to hurt your dear skin, I will kill you!"

Wearing a set of silk pajamas, a lot of her skin was exposed, and Alice, who was barefoot, ran towards this side while shouting angrily.

Behind her, there were several men in black who were responsible for the safety of the villa.

Then, Mr. Pete, who was enjoying the tea made from the small box of tea leaves sent by Li Zedao in the yard, came out after hearing the movement.

Alice was originally stretching in front of the window, enjoying the mild sunshine in the morning. Then, she saw Li Zedao standing blankly in front of the fountain outside the villa. Then, her eyes widened suddenly because, She saw the figure of Antarctica!

Alice was an insider about this matter. She knew that Li Zedao would use that cell phone to imitate Tom's voice to call Antarctica almost every day, and that Antarctica was hidden in the first villa.

But now, Antarctica is walking out of the villa towards Li Zedao, and Li Zedao is stupid, it proves that it has been seen through and the trouble is big!

To be honest, Alice didn't know the Antarctic so much. She didn't have much interaction with this cruel woman, but she knew Li Zedao too much. Li Zedao might really stand there stupidly and be killed by her.

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