Zhou Yan felt the hotness and softness of the other party's body, and he smiled: "I will definitely be disappointed when I meet you. He belongs to the kind that is not as well-known when I meet."

Zhou Yan now knows why this woman who was secretly rumored to be a bus was willing to let herself, a person who did not hold a ticket in her hand, get on the bus. It turned out that the boss had bought the ticket for her a long time ago.

"Cut...how do I think you are envious, jealous and hateful?" Su Mengna smiled.

"Don't talk about him..." Zhou Yan remembered something and quickly asked, "By the way, I remember that when we drilled into the small woods that night, there was no condom. You said you were in a dangerous period. Is it medicine?"

Now that he has decided to change his mind and re-behave, he naturally has to cut off all the absurd relationships in the past, including the relationship with this Su Mengna. Zhou Yan does not hope that one day when he is trying hard to recite English words, this woman suddenly walks up to him. Then she said pitifully that she was pregnant...Who knows whose baby is in her belly?

Su Mengna froze for a moment, then rolled her eyes and said, "Huh? I forgot."

"What? Forgot?" Zhou Yan stopped and looked at Su Mengna in a daze, with a devilish expression on her face, "You said...no? This...what if it happens?"

"How can you be born? Is it possible that you didn't want to admit it after eating?" Su Mengna asked with an ambiguous expression.

"This... isn't it good to be born? This..." Cold sweat was already on Zhou Yan's forehead. When I think of him being only 19 years old, he likes to be a father, and it seems that he himself does not dare to 100% guarantee that it is really his own species... Zhou Yan dare not think about it anymore, thinking that he should let me die!

"I'm not a random woman." Su Mengna said, "Since you touched me, you have to be responsible to me. Anyway, I don't have a boyfriend, and you don't have a girlfriend. How about... let's get together?"

"You...you are sick!" Zhou Yan finally said this sentence after a long time of crashing his brain. What do you say when you think so shameless?

Are you a casual woman? Don’t think I don’t know that you are a bus, and how many men have you got on? Don't think that I don't know or don't know that there is a little Ding under your little skirt... Isn't a casual woman wearing this way and appearing on this occasion?

Su Mengna froze, and immediately became angry, and cursed: "Zhou Yan, you are sick! Your whole family is sick!"

"You bastard!" Su Mengna pushed her knee directly to Zhou Yan's crotch.

"Hmm..." Zhou Yan made a sound like a silly pig. Of course, this sound was mixed into the deafening heavy metal music around, like a small stone falling into a calm lake, and it was slightly swayed. A ripple, then gone.

While wailing, he clutched his crotch and slowly bent down, as if he heard the sound of a broken egg. He never expected that this woman would come out like this while she was talking, and her knee would just hit his crotch.

Su Mengna didn’t care if Zhou Yan was in pain at this time, she pointed at him and cursed, “Are you a man? You won’t be able to close your crotch if you can’t afford it! You give me up! It’s cool. On the other hand, I’m sick? You’re sick! Let me take medicine? Why don’t you wear a raincoat? Besides, did you send me medicine? You asked me to buy it from a girl like me Do you think my old lady's cheek is as thick as yours?"

Zhou Yan slowly raised his head, his forehead was full of cold sweat, because his feet were so painful that his expression was a little distorted: "You...you said you are a lady of Huanghua?"

He felt that he was very sorry for Li Zedao. He used to think that Li Zedao was the most shameless person in the world, but now he knows that Li Zedao's shamelessness is really nothing compared to this woman.

"Asshole, what do you mean?" Su Mengna's face is not red and heart beats, the only thing is anger, "Isn't I a yellow flower girl, you have no conscience, did you know that I was the first time that day? Did you know? ?"

Zhou Yan's mouth was trembling, she said... is she the first time?

"I was about to die of pain, just to make your death cool, I pretended to be cool, and then I bleed, but you didn't see the dark one." Su Mengna continued, her expression very wronged.

"..." Zhou Yan's mouth trembled even more severely.

"Follow me, I have a very important thing to tell you." Su Mengna said, and then directly dragged Zhou Yan, who was a little weak due to the pain of the egg, and left the stage, came to a deck, and directly Some confused Zhou Yan pushed himself down on the sofa, and then said with a serious face, "Actually...Yanyan, I'm pregnant."

"..." Zhou Yan was dumbfounded, his heart was trampled on by a horse, and he forgot to continue the pain.

This woman says she... is pregnant? Do you shoot so accurately?

"Yanyan, your expression makes me very heartbroken! Since you are so ruthless, then don't blame me for ignoring my old affection. Now I give you two choices." Su Mengna said as if looking at a grief. The expression was very sad and resentful, "First, give me 10,000 yuan, and I will have a baby, and second, I will give birth to the child and give it to you..."

"Uh..." Zhou Yan's mind was still blank, and he couldn't turn the corner.

"How to choose, you can do it yourself." Su Mengna sighed and said, "But I think you should choose the first way? Because I understand, you don't like me at all..."

"Congratulations, you are going to be a father." A voice that seemed to be gloating sounded.

Zhou Yan and Su Mengna looked back at the same time, only to see that Li Zedao had already come over without knowing what, with a gloating smile on their faces.

As if he had found the backbone of the master, Zhou Yan quickly stood up, his expression messy: "Boss..."

"Is it happy to be a father?" Li Zedao walked up to him, patted him on the shoulder and said.

"..." Zhou Yan's expression was even messy.

Su Mengna has been paying attention to Li Zedao, and even through some people, she knows some amazing background of Li Zedao, and knows how much wealth this boy controls.

She wanted to get close to him, but she couldn't find a chance, so she was the next best thing. She was close to Zhou Yan. She knew that Zhou Yan and Li Zedao had a very strong relationship. As long as Zhou Yan was caught, the days after Quite moisturizing.

"Hello, Li Zedao, I am Su Mengna, I don't know if Zhou Yan mentioned me to you?" Su Mengna stretched out her hand to Li Zedao, and she gave Zhou Yan a look with disappointment and resentment, "Surely not? But I know you, you are the man in our school."

Li Zedao smiled, stretched out his hand and shook her: "Hello."

"Sit down." Li Zedao said, "Why do you come to this place if you are pregnant?"

"This... Zhou Yan didn't take the initiative to come to me, I was angry, so I came over." Su Mengna glanced at Zhou Yan again with a bitter expression.

Zhou Yan was still a little confused, he actually wanted to say something, but opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

Su Mengna's lie is actually easy to expose, provided that she is not pregnant! But looking at this posture now, it seems to be really pregnant. Although Zhou Yan is not so sure that the child really belongs to him, what if it is? If it's true... Mom is unhappy and crazy, and then I really have to take this bus with me in the future?

The struggling and fulfilling life he is about to start is about to be killed in the cradle?

So, he is messy!

Li Zedao nodded: "It is indeed Zhou Yan's not, but you have been pregnant for more than two months. You really shouldn't come to such a noisy place and dance. How bad is the effect on the fetus..."

Su Mengna looked at Zhou Yan bitterly: "Yes, it's been more than two months, shouldn't you come to this place, but it's not because of him? Forget it, he is not going to be responsible anyway, I don't want this kid anymore. , If it’s not good, it’s not good, the big deal is abortion... uh...

Suddenly, she realized that something was wrong. When she looked up, Li Zedao was smiling, laughing very playfully, but Zhou Yan's eyes widened.

"You...You are really pregnant for more than two months. It seems like a month ago when we drilled into the grove?" Zhou Yan stared at this woman who was obviously confused, and suddenly realized, "I know. Yes, you let me get in the car and drag me to drill in the small woods. On the one hand, because I have a very awesome boss, on the other hand, you don’t know who got pregnant, so you deliberately didn’t take any measures that night. , I want to buckle this hat on my head later, and let me take the money to get you to have a baby, or let me be a dad..."

The panic in Su Mengna's eyes flashed: "Zhou Yan, you... even said this to me and slandered me like this? Are you still not a human being?"

"Okay, Student Su, if I were you, I will cover my face and leave now, and I won't be staying ashamed." The smile on Li Zedao's face narrowed, and he said faintly, "I really have to go to the hospital and ask the doctor. Tell you how long have you been pregnant?"

Su Mengna's face turned from red to black, glared at Li Zedao and Zhou Yan, before turning around and leaving.

"Student Su." Li Zedao stopped him.

Su Mengna turned her head, her face on guard: "What do you want?"

That expression seemed to be that Li Zedao was about to be an animal who was about to do something angry with him, so Li Zedao decisively weakened and shrugged his shoulders and said: "It's okay, I just want to tell you to wear a miniskirt. At any rate, wear safety pants in it? I've seen everything, except for Zhou Yan, who would like to believe that it is your big girl?"

"...I won't let you go!" Su Mengna's face turned from white to red, from red to black, and then she stomped her foot and ran away.

Zhou Yan felt a knife in his chest.

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