Li Zedao stopped, turned his head and watched with interest the woman catching insects over there.

When Lao Wang saw this, his eyes widened, and he had a creepy feeling. He recognized the small insect, which is a unique species of spider in the local area. It is rare and extremely poisonous. If you get a bite If one doesn’t handle it well, I’m afraid it’s going to die.

"This beauty is a doctor of insects from the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences." Li Zedao introduced to Lao Wang on the side.

Lao Wang thought for a while and asked, "What is the Chinese Academy of Sciences?"

"..." Li Zedao had a feeling of playing the piano with a cow, and said, "You only need to know that she is strong."

The old Wang swallowed and agreed. He has grown up so much. Has he really seen a better-looking woman than this one. With such a figure and such a dress, people can't help but want to desecrate and commit a crime. !

Then, he quickly turned around and secretly wiped off the saliva from the corners of his mouth with the dirty back of his hand.

After Bei put the bottle containing the rare poisonous spider in the bag and put it away, the three of them continued to walk forward.

Lao Wang continued to act as a qualified guide, chatting with Li Zedao without a word.

After walking upwards for about an hour, the sky suddenly dimmed at this time, and then the wind was surging, and thunder was spreading from the horizon.

"Fucking, it's going to rain in this case." Old Wang glanced at the increasingly gloomy sky, cursed in dialect, and then looked back at Li Zedao and said, "It's going to rain, this is how we are here. , Either you don’t see a single drop of rain all year round, or you just come, it’s as big as splashing water on you, and you can’t keep climbing up when it rains. If the road is slippery, it’s a bad luck. There will be mudslides. Find a place to hide from the rain."

Li Zedao nodded and said, "You are the guide, listen to you."

Lao Wang is very familiar with the surroundings. He looked around and pointed to the front and said, "Walk a hundred meters on this path. There is a small cave. It used to be said to be a wolf den. We can go there for temporary shelter from the rain. "

"Then let's go." Li Zedao nodded and said. He didn't turn around to ask Shimonbei's opinion. Li Zedao probably grasped Bei's temper. This woman acquiesced in your decision without speaking.

"Damn, I don't know how long this rain will last. If it gets dark, we will have to spend the night in that cave." Old Wangbian said as he led the way in front, "Of course, it's not easy to take a mountain trail at night. Well, you still have to find a place to spend the night, otherwise, if you accidentally step on the empty space, it will be a big deal."

Li Zedao smiled and said, “It’s fine to spend the night in the cave tomorrow morning and leave. I’m afraid that after we fall asleep in the middle of the night, there will be beasts and the like coming to harm us, such as wolves. You just said this wolf. Before the mountains, there were wolves infested. Although there are few now, it is inevitable that there are... even if there are no wolf snakes or beasts, it will be troublesome to pop up a few bandits. We are handsome men and women without the power to bind chickens. ."

Bei, who followed the two of them, heard Li Zedao's words. He glanced at his back, and the corners of his mouth twitched. There was an urge to kick him down the mountain. Are you powerless? Are you a handsome man? Shameless, right? I'm a beauty...That's right.

"There will be no bandits, no bandits." Old Wang grinned with a simple face, showing his big yellow teeth. "There are not many people on this mountain road throughout the year, and there are not even a few wild beasts. What does the thief eat here? I'm starving to death."

"That's true." Li Zedao relaxed.

At this moment, a strong wind blew by, blowing up the sand and rocks on the mountain, which really had a smell of flying sand and rocks, and then thunder was rolling in the sky, a few lightnings flashed there, and a heavy rain was coming. .

"Stay steady, don't be blown down the mountain, the hole is just ahead." The old Wang shouted while squinting, speeding up and opening his mouth. Then, his mouth was full of sand.

"Bah..." He spit out the yellow sand from his mouth.

Soon, the old Wang, who was somewhat nervous in the face of this kind of weather, brought Li Zedao and Bei who didn’t take the sand, lightning, and the coming heavy rain seriously, came to the small cave he said, and then he took it out. The flashlight I was carrying with me, first carefully peeked inside to make sure that there was no wolf squatting in it. Then he turned around and greeted Li Zedao and Bei, saying that he could go in.

When the three of people walked into this small cave, which was only four or five square meters high and a person, the wind was even stronger outside. The flying sand and rocks were like a sandstorm. It was difficult to see with the naked eye. Then, A flash of lightning flashed across, and the sky suddenly brightened, followed by a loud noise, and a heavy rain fell violently.

Looking outside, Lao Wang really had a feeling of lingering fear. He looked back at Li Zedao and said with a look of gratitude: "His mother, it's so dangerous. It's such a big wind and rain, you will be rushed away. Oh, even if you are rushed away, thunder is dangerous. It is easy to be struck by thunder when you are on the mountain."

Li Zedao smiled, and said with a relaxed expression: "I'm a good person, Thunder won't hit me."

"..." Old Wang laughed dryly, not knowing how to answer the conversation, and then remembering what, looking at the violent storm outside, his face changed drastically, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

There was a lot of dry wood left in the cave without knowing who left it. The old king who seemed a little unconscious ignited it quickly, so that some moisture can be removed and the cave can be brightened. Most importantly, With the fire, those poisonous snakes, beasts, wolves and the like dare not come in to avoid the rain.

"Give one?" Li Zedao looked at Bei with a smiling face.

After the woman came in, she sat on the rock and looked at the pouring rain outside with an indifferent expression. She didn't know what she was thinking. Then, she took out a box of ladies' cigarettes and lit it coldly and freely. support.

Li Ze said that the only pack of cigarettes in his pocket was given to the old man, so at this time, he waited to ask the woman for the face. In fact, he didn't really want to smoke, just... a bit cheap, right?

Without even looking at him, Bei said coldly: "I am not familiar with you yet to the point of giving you my things. Besides, don't forget, I still want to kill you."

"Mother, did you murder?" The old Wang on the side muttered. Of course, he felt that this girl was bragging. It must be something awkward between the lovers. This man is really true. He has such a beautiful wife. She won't coax me. If this is my daughter-in-law, I will definitely spoil her... won't she be my daughter-in-law soon?

Then he took out a pack of crumpled cigarettes, exposed a big yellow tooth to Li Zedao, drew one out and handed it over: "It's not a good cigarette that I smoked, two dollars a pack."

"Thank you." Li Zedao smiled and took it, dang it in his mouth, picked up a burning dead branch in the fire to light it, and then said very literally, "I don't pick cigarettes, and I can't get them out. What is the difference between smoke and bad smoke? I smoke lonely."

"Lonely? What brand of cigarettes?" Lao Wang couldn't understand with a confused face.

Bei coldly glanced at Li Zedao, who was pretending to be forced again.

The violent storm outside continued, and there was no sign of stopping at all, and from time to time there was a loud thunder.

Li Zedao took out the pre-prepared water and food, and distributed them to Lao Wang. As for Bei...well, Li Zedao said in his heart stingly that I and you are not yet familiar with the point of giving my food to you.

Of course, Bei didn't need his food, and she had a lot in her big backpack.

"Damn, I forget when the last rain was so heavy." While biting the bread that Li Zedao gave, the old Wang took out an old-fashioned Nokia mobile phone that was said to be a brick and looked at it. Next time, and then looked up at Li Zedao and said, "I can't go today, I can only stay here overnight."

Li Zedao nodded: "How far is it?"

"If you can set off smoothly tomorrow morning, you will have to walk for at least one morning to get over this mountain. After crossing the mountain, the road will be easy." Old Wang said, "If it goes well, I will be there tomorrow afternoon..."

Then, the phone in his hand vibrated slightly, and a text message came in.

Lao Wang quickly opened it and took a look. The content was very simple, with only one line of pinyin: "meshi......"

So what is it! Seeing, he was slightly relieved, looked up and saw Li Zedao looking at him, he smiled honestly and said: "Oh, the text message from my brother Wang Dawang, it rained so heavily, he was worried, our three brothers are feeling Very good, I will reply to him..."

Li Zedao smiled and said nothing.

Lao Wang replied to a text message, the content of the text message is also simple, composed of pinyin: "sandong......"

That is the cave, no way, his eldest brother is illiterate, so using pinyin, both sides can understand.

Basically, people living in such a poor place with bare clothes and barely know a single word. On the one hand, they don’t have the money to go to school at all, and they don’t have the idea that knowledge can change their destiny. On the other hand, There are no schools in towns and villages. If you want to go to school, you have to climb a hill.

After sending the message, he put the phone away and continued to bite the bread that Li Zedao had given him, saying that the things in the city were delicious and beautiful.

Li Zedao was a little bit dumbfounded. It was the first time he heard someone said that bread looks good.

"By the way, what's the matter with your sister-in-law?" Li Zedao looked at Lao Wang and asked, "Oh, I mean, how did she go crazy?"

"Oh... this..." After the old Wang stuffed his mouthful of bread very hard, he looked at Li Zedao and said, "I don't know how crazy she is. When my brother married her, she went crazy. , So, I gave... the gift is too small, only... a few thousand dollars, of course, a few thousand dollars is a lot of money for our place, so many men in our place No money to marry a wife."

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