Li Zedao said with a smile: "Let’s go now, lest the master comes back and lose money from you." Then he whistled and left in a moody mood.

The northern eyes swept through Li Zedao fiercely like a knife. In the end, she still followed. I don't know why, she didn't doubt this guy's words at all. For him, she now has an almost blind trust in him!

He said that he might be able to find Shang in a few days. Bei felt that there was no problem with this, and he could even remove the words "maybe" that did not mean that he was not so sure, so that he could find Shang in a few days. .

"Oh, by the way, don't worry, I'm not interested in you at all." After a few steps, Li Zedao looked back at Bei and smiled, "Any one of my women is better-looking than you."

"..." Bei's face stiffened again, and this sentence was more unbearable than the sentence he had said before.

"I killed you!" She yelled, her body was already up, and then she kicked his back abruptly.

Li Zedao seemed to be unaware that the other party was about to kick his back, frowning and bowing his head, as if looking for something.

Bei had to stop his attack again abruptly and let out a sigh of foul breath.

She probably guessed what Li Zedao was looking for, the traces she was looking for and the footprints left by the villagers before they left. From these traces, it might be possible to tell from which direction the villagers went into the mountain with them.

An hour later, Li Zedao had already wandered all corners of this small village composed of more than 30 adobe houses, and finally returned to the big mossy rock with wolf head carved on it at the entrance of the village.

During this more than an hour, Bei followed closely behind him, and from time to time he glanced at the back of this annoying guy with murderous eyes, and then looked at the instrument in his hand. The instrument always only has two LED lights flashing red, so the upper part is not within a distance of 100 meters.

At the same time, she is also looking for traces left by the other party in her own way.

Li Zedao bent over slightly, swept the overgrown ground in front of the stone for a while, looked up at Bei, who was also looking at the ground, and asked, "What do you think?"

Bei looked at him and said: "This place has left a lot of traces that have been stepped on by humans, and there are also some feces of domestic animals, so the people in the village should gather in this place before leaving, and then..."

She pointed to the north side and said, "I have entered the mountain in this direction."

Li Zedao nodded and said, "It is true from the traces left, but I have a different opinion. Think about it, who is it? A sinister, cunning and extremely cautious person, before he left with the villagers, how could it be possible? Leave such obvious traces for us to find? Moreover, according to their inference, these villages have been away for at least two days, and there is a lot of time to clear these traces, but why didn't he do that? Say forgot or say Didn't notice, do you believe it?"

Bei was stunned, frowned and shook her head. She had to admit that Li Zedao's analysis was quite reasonable, at least she would not leave such traces, and no matter what aspect it was, it was compared with her. People are half a catty, so you shouldn't leave such obvious marks on anything, unless... deliberately!

"So, in all likelihood, the traces we see now are left by him deliberately. The purpose is to let us go into the mountains in this direction to search, maybe even some traps he set up ahead. "Li Zedao said

"Then, what did you find?" Bei asked, not knowing the reason, she was almost 100% sure that this guy must have other discoveries that were completely different from what she had discovered.

Dao Li Ze stretched out his hand, stroked the big rock, and said: "When the village was swaying just now, I kept thinking about what I would do if I were on the go, I would like to say, what should I do? It’s Huang Wen that I offend, Huang Wen will definitely guess a few places I might go, including Wolf Village, and even I would like to say that it’s okay if the Wolf Village doesn’t come back, because there are people I care about, With Huang Wen’s cruel means, they will definitely be used as threats and even kill them. Therefore, I quickly returned. After I returned, I said to the villagers sincerely, I am sorry everyone, I will invite everyone Disaster, everyone quickly hide."

"Then, in order to avoid disasters and to survive, the villagers hurriedly packed up everything that could be packed... Then I will think again, is Huang Wenhui here in person? Impossible? Because in the eyes of such an arrogant person , I’m like an ant to him, so it’s impossible for him to do it himself, so who will come? Those brothers who know me well? Well, they are almost always... "

Li Zedao doesn’t seem to be talking to Bei at all, it’s more like mumbling to himself: "I know them too much. They are cruel and arrogant. They believe what they see, so naturally. It has to be arranged for them to see and successfully deceived their eyes. Yes, they have to set a trap to kill them so that they can come back and forth, so that I can get the magic that has long been melted into their tongues. Stone..."

Li Zedao's eyes suddenly widened, and he looked back at Bei: "Wait, why did you say that the villagers should tidy up so clean? Didn't even leave a pair of underwear?"

"...How do I know?" Bei was a little mad, this guy was actually paying attention to other people's underwear? Where do you feel the **** in the underwear worn by those women in such a poor valley? Maybe he didn't even wear underwear.

Thinking, Bei was even more depressed, why did he care about underwear? I rely on!

Li Zedao frowned and said: "You think, according to our previous guess, they just went out to hide for a few months, and then they can come back here again, so there is no need to clean up so clean."

Bei's eyes narrowed: "You mean, they have completely abandoned here, don't plan to come back?"

Li Zedao's expression also became slightly solemn and said: "This is a possibility, and there is another possibility..."

He looked at the north side, then looked back at the village, and said word by word: "If you don't take it away, your underwear may be gone."

"Underpants again? What do you mean?" Bei was very irritable, and wanted to beat this guy fiercely. She thinks that her IQ is no longer low, but now she doesn't understand that Li Zedao is mysterious or mysterious. Talking about Chirping and muttering something crookedly.

Li Zedao thought for a while, stretched out his hand and said, "Give me the instrument in your hand."

"What do you want to do?" Bei said, still throwing the instrument in his hand. "Just this one, don't break it."

"Let's go." Li Zedao said.

Bei Wei was taken aback for a moment: "Do you know which way they went?"

"Just leave the one you just said." Li Ze said, pointing to the north side.

Just now, Bei pointed in this direction and said that it was very likely to bring this person into the mountain from here, but Li Zedao immediately refuted and put forward a different view.

Therefore, the murderous spirit in Bei's eyes surged, and he wanted to slap this **** to death! What did this guy refute when he came to this conclusion? As for the traces found now, in all likelihood, Shang left them deliberately. The purpose is to let them go into the mountains to search in this direction. Maybe, there are some traps he set up ahead... But now, This guy said he wanted to go in that direction?

Damn, play with me!

Bei thinks this guy is really too cheap and too owed to beating him. If you don't beat him hard, you will feel very sorry for yourself.

"You won't forget what you just said?" Bei asked in a cold tone.

"Make a bet, if we walk a short distance to the small mountain road in that direction, the third led will start to flicker." Li Zedao said confidently, "Walk a hundred meters at most."

Bei looked at the small road with some footprints on it, and his eyes widened suddenly. In other words, Shang was secretly watching them a hundred meters away from them? Are you kidding me?

"Don't believe it?" Li Zedao asked.

Bei shook his head decisively.

"That's a bet." Li Zedao said with a smile, "If it's on, me beat my back..."

Bei is angry, so he must start: "Do you want to die?"

"Wait, don't rush to do it, I've said it, this is a bet, it is always you who think I will win?" Li Zedao said with a smile, "You can also put up your bet, if I am What do you want me to do if you lose."

"I want your life!" Bei said murderously. She feels that her temper is getting better and better, knowing that now she is still letting this **** take advantage of her verbally again and again.

"Uh...change another, otherwise I won't bet on it." Li Ze said shamelessly.

"...Then kneel down and pull ten of his own mouths to apologize to me." Bei said with a daze. After speaking, she regretted, depressed, wanted to kill, how could she do it according to what he said inexplicably? He said that if he changed one, he would just change another one?

Li Zedao chuckled: "The deal, you just wait to help me beat the back."

Bei was trembling with anger, but he was helpless, and said fiercely: "Why didn't you kneel and slap yourself to apologize to me?"

"Because I can't lose." Li Zedao gave an inexplicable smile.

At the moment, Li Zedao was ahead and the north was behind, and the two slowly stepped onto the overgrown road that could not be considered a road.

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