The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1330: Preparation

Staring at the flood that washed away the entire village, I remembered many things.

He remembered that he had finally found the stone, but Xi used despicable means to **** it away, and took the stone to find Lord Huang. Later, Lord Huang simply gave the stone to Xi and found it himself. Lord Huang planned to have a theory, but what he got was a slap in the face of Lord Huang and his impersonal sentence: I have said that whoever comes to see me with a stone in the end belongs to the stone.

This slap completely brought out the anger and violence. After that, he found an excellent opportunity and attacked Xi without hesitation, and then took away the piece that should belong to him. The stone escaped.

In the beginning, Shang had intended to let the stone melt into his tongue, so that he could take the ghost pills, and his strength would be improved to a certain extent in order to better save his life.

But he suddenly thought that Huang Wen's hand is the kind of instrument that can detect the location of this magical stone. Even if the stone is already integrated into the human tongue, it can be detected. In this way, Isn't it easier for him to expose himself?

Therefore, he flees forward without stopping, away from Yanjing, thinking hard, thinking about his own future, and what he can do to get rid of Huang Ye's chase completely.

He knows Lord Huang too well, and knows how powerful this old man is. At least, as long as he is in China, Lord Huang and the people around him will definitely find him as quickly as possible. Therefore, it is best to, Being able to leave China, the Rothschild family is undoubtedly a good place to go. After all, this family was severely pitted by the emperor’s partner before, resulting in the death of Firefox, which made the Rothschild family a real loss. It's so heavy, so his refuge in the Rothschild family is absolutely welcome, not to mention that the Rothschild family has secretly contacted him before, indicating that the Rothschild family welcomes experts like you to join.

In fact, it was not just him, the Rothschild family had secretly contacted some of them, intending to dig into the corner of Lord Huang.

At that time, he refused, and Nan, who temporarily helped Rothschild under the arrangement of Lord Huang, had an ambiguous attitude, so Nan died!

So, Shang immediately contacted the Rothschild family, expressing that he was willing to take refuge, but he had to make some arrangements, at least he would cheat Huang Wen very hard before he could leave.

Chief Mayer of the Rothschild family of course attaches great importance to such talents. He knows that this is not only powerful, but also a very skilled doctor. He has a good grasp of the fc organization's face change. With technology, he can easily remove other people's faces, and after special treatment, stick them on his own face, and immediately become another person.

At the moment, Chief Mayer immediately welcomed him, and immediately asked Karen and Deron, the family members lurking in China, to rush over to keep up with the confluence and follow the arrangements above.

After that, he brought Karen and Deron back to the wolf village at the fastest speed. He knew very well that the people sent by Huang Wen would find this village very quickly, and even he would treat it here. Dozens of villagers started killing!

Shang's grandfather is the patriarch of Wolf Village. After he explained the situation to him, Shang's grandfather immediately summoned the villagers, and each household used the fastest speed to pack things and enter the mountains to avoid disaster.

There is a large and secret cave on this mountain, and only the villagers know the specific location and entrance of the cave.

In fact, this village has a rather special history of its own. Simply put, the ancestor who created Wolf Village was a general who fought on the battlefield. The army he commanded was called the Wolf Army!

After that, he helped the founding emperor establish a brand-new dynasty, but what awaited him was not glory and wealth, but the emperor’s jealousy and treacherous officials. The court wanted to capture him and punish him! He had no choice but to take his tribe and several subordinates all the way to escape, living a life of wandering away. Finally, with the help of a mysterious master wearing a wolf head mask, he found the hidden cave and successfully escaped. The chase of the chase.

After the chasing soldiers left, the general led the people out of the cave and down the mountain, so there was the current wolf village, and the wolf head regiment on the big rock at the entrance of the village was actually the totem on the army's banner.

In short, after Grandpa Shang took the villagers up the mountain and entered the cave, the two *experts, Deron and Karen, immediately buried a large number of Rothschilds developed in the village and the big rock at the entrance of the village. A certain kind of body is small but extremely powerful*, and a lot of them are placed on the path deliberately stepped on, and the detonator is also located there.

You know, Huang Wen and the others will definitely think that he has put the stone into their tongues, so they will use that kind of instrument to find their tracks.

So, he made a series of traces. He wanted them to think that the people in the village had gathered in front of the big rock, and then followed the road to the north into the mountain, and then they would definitely walk into that road and go up. Searched.

Therefore, he deliberately left the stone there. In this way, when those people find that the LED is on, they will definitely think that they are hiding in front. They are all people with higher eyes. They are not afraid of the so-called ambush at all. Immediately rush over, and then, hiding in * will be triggered instantly. Then, this trail, the entrance of the village, and the village will all have a big explosion. After the mountain is hit by the explosion, it will definitely slide down, creating a bigger It's lethal, and even if Huang Wen comes in person, it will be enough for him to drink a pot!

Of course, this is not enough. At the same time, he was afraid that the entire mountain forest would be on fire, so he planned to blow up the dam of the huge deep pool in the east. In this way, not only could the fire be extinguished, but also twice. It caused huge damage to the guys who were lucky enough to not be killed and the boulders killed, enough to kill them!

After making these arrangements, Shang was actually not too confident. After all, although he believed that Huang Wen shouldn't take the shot himself, he didn't have to go after a few people, so he came to Xijo Township.

If they want to find the wolf village, they must first arrive at Saijo Township!

When he came to Saijo Township, the first thing he did was to kill a guy named Lao Wang, then he stripped off his cheeks, and treated his teeth, eyes and skin with special treatments. He changed his body completely. , Became a Lao Wang, as for the dialect, because he came from this place, it is not difficult for him at all.

He waited here for two days, finally waiting for the majestic off-road vehicle, and waiting for Bei and Li Zedao, who came to chase him.

The appearance of Bei was naturally within his expectation, but Li Zedao, this kid, was also involved, which he had never thought of before.

Of course, it's just these two people and no one else, and Huang Wen didn't take the shot himself, which made Shang a little relieved.

Wolf Village is extremely secretive, so the villagers in Xijo Township naturally did not know the specific location of the village, or even heard of it.

Therefore, Shang took the initiative to attack, otherwise if the two men failed to find Wolf Village, wouldn't all of his arrangements be wasted?

Besides, he had to blow up the wolf village and flood the wolf village. In this way, even if Huang Wen's people find the wolf village again, after seeing the tragic situation, they will naturally think that some natural disaster has happened. , The people are gone, so I don’t think it hurts to search for mountains.

The above is a very clever surgeon, and also a very clever pretender. Oscar owes him a golden figure. Whether it is behavior, subtle expressions, or eyesight, it is perfect, so Li Zedao and Bei Leng did not Can you know that the person who asked to act as a tour guide turned out to be what they were looking for!

After that, he performed a very clever performance, and cooperated with his two so-called "brothers" who tried to secretly kill Li Zedao and then took Bei abducted back to the warm bed, and even watched his crotch catch fire...


The cold eyes were closed, and he looked back at the two members of the Rothschild family who were looking at the water with awe-inspiring expressions and said: "Kren, Deron, my brother, let's go drink. When the red water recedes tomorrow, let’s look for their bodies again. I think if Patriarch Mayer knew that Li Zedao was dead, he would surely be too happy to sleep, right?"

Of course, finding the corpse is the second thing. What I really want to find is the three stones. Anyway, I have instruments in my hand. Besides, the stones will not be destroyed or soaked, so I don’t worry about finding them.

"Oh, yes, it must be that way." Karen closed his gaze and said with a smile, "Then, our dear Miss Mitty and Chief Moss are going to cry out? Haha..."

"Oh, let's go, have a drink...Oh, come on, I like the wine so much, it tastes so delicious, what kind of wine is it? I'm really sorry, I forgot that name." Delong said.

"Fruit wine, that is brewed by my grandfather, you can't drink it outside." Shang said with a smile.

At the moment, the three people were talking and laughing, and walked toward the depths of the dense forest.

What they didn't know was that just as they left, a head burst out of the turbulent water.

Li Zedao! Li Zedao, with bloodstains on his face and white lips, gasping for breath!

At the moment of the explosion, urged by the desire to survive, Li Zedao's body suddenly burst out with unprecedented strength, and his mind was even more calm and abnormal. Finally, he crawled and crawled into the cliff on the right hand side. In a recessed gap, of course, it was somewhat affected by the surplus of the *, the whole left arm was so hot and painful that the flesh was blown apart.

Fortunately, there was such a recessed gap hiding, so it was not hit by the big rock that rolled down immediately.

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