Then, as if to conceal her panic, the woman had already returned to her previous indifference, and then she said coldly, "What will happen next?"

She has been habitually dependent on this boy. Of course, she didn't find out about this. Even if she did, she would deliberately ignore it.

Li Zedao smiled, got up from the ground, looked at Bei and asked, "If it were you, would there be a way to place so many* in such a fast time? Or, it was so secretive that we didn’t even find any of them. ."

Bei frowned and shook his head, and then said, "I don't have this ability either. *In this regard, he is not an expert."

"Therefore, there must be talents in this area around him who are helping him. These are small but extremely powerful. They also provide them in all likelihood." Li Zedao said.

"Could it be... the Rothschild family?" Bei frowned and said, "When we organized cooperation with the Rothschild family earlier, both sides actually secretly dig out each other's talents, Rothschild Members of the family have secretly contacted a few of us and promised quite favorable conditions and guarantees. Of course, we all refused."

Li Zedao nodded and asked, "I really refused."

"Nan's attitude is ambiguous, so he is dead." Bei said, "You killed it."

"...I didn't do it, it was he himself who exploded his head." Li Zedao said angrily. He didn't want to carry this black pot. Originally, he thought that killing Tom to death was a great pleasure. It’s a terrific thing. I know now. After doing it for a long time, I am nothing more than a knife in the hands of others to kill. So the so-called sense of accomplishment has simply disappeared without a trace, and I feel natural. Also extremely unhappy.

"Later, Huang Wen also used Teacher Pete and me to pit the Rothschild family severely. The first master of the family, Firefox, was killed by us." Li Zedao said, "Although the two sides have not yet torn their faces, but There are already frictions in the secret? At this time, Shang's betrayal and refuge, the Rothschild family must be very happy, and they are more than happy to let Shang Zai smash Huang Wen, so Shang's side has more numbers. Unknown expert, then...we are unlucky, your **** is even worse..."

"You are mentioning this, I will kill you!" Bei looked at Li Zedao and looked at the dead, with the same cold voice.

Li Zedao chuckled and looked up and down. His eyes were extremely abnormal and he could see things in the dark, so the clear water was slowly fading, but the village was like a small basin. It is low, so it is difficult for the water to be discharged completely in a short time, and there will be a small lake in a short time.

"I guess that there are members of the Rothschild family whose number is not clear. There are also those villagers who should be hiding in a hidden place in the opposite mountain." Li Zedao pointed his finger at the opposite one. Shan said.

Bei thought for a while, nodded, agreeing with Li Zedao's view.

"When the explosion happened and the flood washed down from the mountain to the east, they should look at the spectacular scene for them with the spectacles over there." Li Zedao analyzed, "Afterwards, they felt that We were all dead, so we didn't continue to observe, but went to rest. We planned to wait for the water to subside and look for our bodies. After all, we must still be thinking about the stone on our body..."

As he said, Li Zedao frowned tightly: "There is one thing I couldn't figure out."

"What's the matter?" Bei asked. I was a little curious about what this guy with extremely powerful analytical skills could not understand.

"How do they know we have arrived?" Li Zedao said.

The corner of Bei's mouth twitched, and he looked at Li Zedao like an idiot. What's wrong with this, can you just watch it in secret?

"Do you think that with the level of caution of the two of us, if you are secretly monitored, you will not be aware of it?" Li Zedao asked, "They don't care about when the prey will come? Impossible? So the only explanation is that they I knew that the prey had already entered the village, and I must have known that the prey would definitely not be able to help but walk into the deliberately formed small mountain road, and finally touched the * device, which caused this big explosion... It was because they knew, So they didn't dare to take the binoculars over there secretly, so as not to reveal their specific location..."

Li Zedao's eyes and Bei's big eyes were staring at him and said, "The question is, how do they know that we have arrived without secretly taking the telescope and peeking at it?"

Bei's face became a little ugly, and he said in a cold voice, "You want to say... Someone has revealed our traces?"

This is no different from nonsense! Li Zedao smiled and said, "The question is, who is that person?"

"East them? Even... Huang Ye?" Bei's face was even more ugly, "It's impossible."

Li Zedao helpless: "I didn't say it was them..."

"Then who do you mean?"

"Come on." Li Zedao said. Is the nourishment that this woman eats in her stomach is absorbed by her **** and buttocks, or why is she so stupid? Can't even figure out such an obvious question?

"If I go, after I have arranged so many*, I will think about it. All the masters will come. By then, it will be impossible to secretly observe people in hiding somewhere in the mountains. Otherwise, it’s easy to expose one's position, and then it will be for nothing."

Li Zedao said: "Moreover, I would also like to say that this ghost place is so remote, if they can't find it, it's not a **** fuck? I want to solve them quickly, put this matter to an end, and then quickly follow. When members of the Rothschild family go abroad, then it will be truly safe."

"So, what would I do in this case?" Li Zedao asked, looking at the north.

"..." The latter looked at Li Zedao in a daze, and shook his head subconsciously, not knowing.

"I will tell them the route." Li Zedao said.


"When we think of this ghost place, we have to go to Saijo Township first, right? If I go, I will wait in Saijo Township." Li Zedao said, "In this way, we can clearly see that what we have to face is Those few people."

Suddenly Bei thought of something, his face changed drastically, as if he had seen a ghost, he said with difficulty, "You mean, that old king is likely to be..."

Li Zedao smiled bitterly: "Think about it now, nine out of ten, but you have said that Shang is a very clever surgeon who has completely mastered the face-changing technique of your organization, and that night you didn't treat others Has his little **** cooked? Most people probably can’t afford it for a long time. He’s fine. When I let him go, his movements are neat... At that time, I just treated him as having good physical strength. I didn't think so much."

"If it weren't for you to be nosy, he can't run." Bei directly buckled the whole black pot on Li Zedao's head.

Li Zedao was a little aggrieved: "Even if I didn't let him go, he would step on the empty foot and pretend to roll down and escape."

Bei gave him a fierce look: "What should I do now? Kill it?"

Li Zedao helplessly: "There are several experts of the same level who help him, do you think we are their opponents? Besides, we can know if we are close to him, but we have no way to know where he is, let alone your ass..."

"Do you want to die?" Bei's little face was full of anger.

Li Zedao raised his hand and surrendered, laughing: "Just kidding, just kidding... Well, the instrument is soaked in water, can it still be used?"

Bei gave him a fierce look, then slightly bent over to pick up the backpack that was not completely dry, opened it and took out the instrument, frowned and shook his head and said, "This instrument is waterproof. It’s okay if it’s soaked in water, but the big rock is pressed down, crushed, and can’t be used.

Li Zedao frowned and nodded. He also wanted to say whether he could use this instrument to seize the time to find the rock that must now be soaked in the water as a bait. Li Zedao has reason to believe that Shang is using it as bait. At the time, I must have done some processing, so that we can find it faster afterwards.

But now the instrument is broken and some eggs hurt.

"Then work hard for you and act as this bait." After thinking about it, Li Zedao said with an inexplicable light in his eyes, "I'm sure that Shang will carry those Rothschild members on his back, secretly alone first. Go down the mountain to look for our bodies, or rather, look for the stone."


In the middle of the night, a dark shadow quickly shuttled across the dark mountain road. Soon, he had already reached the foot of the mountain and was walking forward, just the water that hadn't had time to drain.

He stopped, looking at the sparkling water surface under the shining of the night, and sighed slightly. He brought the disaster, so he felt very sorry for Grandpa and the villagers of Wolf Village. Fortunately, although The home is gone, but everyone is fine.

Their ancestors have lived in such a harsh environment for generations and have rich experience in fighting nature and animals. Moreover, they have always been the biggest winners.

This time is no exception. They will live in the hidden cave for a while, and after they come out, soon, they will have a new home.

After taking a deep breath, he took out two instruments and planned to find the stone he used as bait.

When he used the stone as a bait, he actually made some hands and feet on the stone. He tied a fine tracking instrument to the stone, and then put it in an extremely thick iron box to ensure * Do not blow up the tracker inside, so that you can locate the most accurate position of the iron box at once, avoiding too many detours.

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