The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1349: I have endured you for a long time

"Maybe you are right, but I have no way to understand, no way to understand and your approach." Li Zedao finally said.

"There is no right or wrong, only should or not, we are considering things from the perspective of the country facing the whole world, so there is a huge deviation from your thinking, that is normal." Bei said.

Li Zedao looked at this woman: "So, you are saying that my thinking is...narrow?"

"You can actually change to another word, which is more appropriate." Bei said.

"What word?"



"It's not in your place and you don't seek political affairs, so before you reach that height, don't use your naive thinking to determine whether something is right or wrong. In that case, it's the same as the group of keyboards on the Internet that make people laugh. There is no difference between the heroes." Bei said lightly, "what do you think?"

This... was insulted again. Li Zedao was so depressed that he couldn't stand it. He really wanted to do something to this woman.

"Your master is indeed very powerful, but he has a narrow view of the overall situation, or he is too idealistic. He always feels that this world should be equal and free of disputes. How can this be possible? So, even if his strength is strong, the top I didn’t want to recruit him into the fx organization.” Bei looked at Li Zedao and said, “Of course, your master himself knows that this is impossible, and even he is worried that he is afraid that his strength is too strong and what measures will be taken against him. So he chose to leave Huaxia, choose Dushan to get up, and live a happy life...You are almost like your master."

"Including... I like easy life and beauty." After thinking about it, Bei added.


"I don't like you." Li Zedao was very childish, and the subtext is naturally that you are not a beauty.

Bei gave him a cold glance, did not answer, and lit a cigarette again, wondering whether I was a beautiful woman or not.

At the moment, the car continued to shuttle in the rain, and Li Zedao asked, "Since you all think I am like my master, why do you still tell me these things? You even threatened me in disguise to join and become one of you."

"Because you are much easier to knead compared to your master." Bei said coldly.

"..." Li Zedao was trampled by a group of grass and mud horses in his heart, stopped the car again, and looked at Bei with fierce eyes, "It seems that you have forgotten the things that happened in Wolf Village, otherwise why dare you? Provoking me like this?"

Bei's heart trembled abruptly, not because Li Zedao was threatening now, but because he remembered the scene that happened in Wolf Village, where the **** was shameless and hit her with a punch.

"I'm a person who holds a lot of grudges." Bei said his voice coldly, and even swept Li Zedao's crotch with his eyes as cold as a knife.

If you hurt my sister, I will kill your brother!

Li Zedao suddenly felt cold under his crotch, and continued to drive angrily.

It stands to reason that when a woman encounters a man playing a hooligan, she will blush, cover her face and peek through the gap between her fingers, and say "I hate it, you hate it."

This woman is so good, she stunned, even her big beautiful eyes stared at your crotch so simply...this hooligan! These years, female hooligans are very dangerous, and they must not be provoked.

"So, this time I entered the devil's cave, and I got the acquiescence from above?" Li Zedao asked.

Bei glanced at Li Zedao, and it was no different from seeing an idiot. He still replied coldly: "It is more accurate to say that one eye is closed. Most of the time, the above is actually only the result, not the process. As long as you don’t poke a huge basket, it doesn’t create huge public opinion."

Northern eyes fell outside the window, watching the rain beating on the window, and said coldly: "It is said that more than 20 years ago, Huang Ye stabbed a big basket, which caused a huge public opinion, so the organization also dealt with it. He was gone, he was revoked from his position, let him face the wall and think for five years before he came out and continued to lead the fc organization."

"Uh... the time when you pretended to be dead in front of my master? What Jiangzhou Iron Triangle?" Li Zedao asked.

From the document left by the master, Li Zedao probably knew some superficial information. As for what happened that year, Li Zedao was not quite clear.

Bei glanced at Li Zedao and said, "I don't know."

Then, she leaned her back on the seat and closed her eyes simply.

"..." Li Zedao clearly felt that his face was twitching violently, and then he couldn't help it. He stopped the car again, and then stared at the woman angrily.

"Congratulations, you successfully angered an honest man." Li Zedao said.

Bei opened his eyes and looked at Li Zedao indifferently, with a cold tone: "Really? I don't mind killing you."

This sentence again! Li Zedao couldn't stand it anymore, he had already grabbed her body, moving as fast as lightning...Damn, if I don't give you some color, see if I really am a sick cat?

Bei's reaction speed is also very fast, but after all, compared with Li Zedao, it is still a bit slower. At this time, Li Zedao's hands have firmly pressed her two hands on the back seat of the seat. Sitting on her lap with the ass, it means that most people are pressing on her.

"I have endured you for a long time!" Li Zedao said viciously.

Although the one who could not be prevented was controlled, Bei's face was still indifferent, and he did not see any panic, and said coldly: "Let go of me."

"Don't let it go! I let you go because of your humiliation. Am I a little bit too embarrassed?" Li Zedao said viciously.

Bei mocked: "Could it be that you think you are not persuaded?"

"Are you a radical approach?" Li Zedao asked.

"What kind of radical method?"

"Exciting general method is..." Li Zedao stared at the large indifferent eyes that were close at hand. Without finishing a word, he went straight down and kissed her lips.

Then, at that moment, Bei understood what Li Zedao meant by the radical method, and wanted to say that I didn't mean it, OK? At the same time, his eyes widened. Does this guy dare to take advantage of himself? And it was accounted for without being blocked by acupuncture points or injured or unconscious and staying awake...

Bei was anxious and angry. She used her hands subconsciously, but she was still crushed to death. She couldn't move. It was impossible for her legs to move. After all, the place was too small, and this guy's body was dying. Pressed his thigh.

However, we must fight back.

So... she tried her best to stick her tongue out of the small mouth held by Li Zedao, and when she touched Li Zedao's tongue, she stirred and entangled it.

Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly. It turns out that this woman has so much research on this aspect, and she knows the legendary French kiss...that is, the movements are not proficient.

Li Zedao decided to teach her, so he simply pushed Bei's tongue back into her mouth, and then his tongue went in immediately.

"Learned? Sample...Ah..." Li Zedao shouted and jumped from Bei's body, and then his head tragically hit the roof of the car, and he simply rolled into the driving position.

pain! Heartache! Li Zedao, who was curled up there, felt that his mouth was full of blood. This **** woman, she had bit her tongue so fiercely.

Not only that, but after hitting it so hard, is there a big bag on the head?

Li Zedao is very depressed. Fortunately, I still want to teach you the most authentic French kiss. I didn't expect you to bite Lu Dongbin... Is there such a woman? Is such a woman still a woman?

When Li Zedao rolled to the driving position, Bei did not continue to attack. She simply rolled down the car window and spit out two saliva. At the same time, the cold rain fell on her face, as if she had originally been The restless heart calmed down a bit.

Closing the car window, Bei turned his head and looked at Li Zedao coldly, as if he was looking at a dead person, except that his cold face was blushing visible to the naked eye.

"What do you look at? Haven't you seen a handsome guy with a bleeding tongue and a big bag on his head?" Li Zedao said angrily, "A dog, did you bite like this?"

"...My zodiac is a dog." Bei said. Not only couldn't get angry, she even wanted to laugh inexplicably when he saw him being so wronged and stubborn. She tried very hard to keep her mouth from curling up. Bei knew that he was going to die.


Then, she moved her eyes away from Li Zedao, lit a cigarette, and said coldly: "The next time, it won't be as simple as bleeding."

Then closed his eyes and ignored Li Zedao.

It wasn't until half an hour later that the car slowly stopped in the parking lot at the entrance of a big shopping mall, Bei Jiao opened his eyes, then took the umbrella and opened the door and got out of the car, completely treating Li Zedao still in the car as air. Up.

Li Zedao was helpless, feeling the hot pain of his tongue, got out of the car, followed her with an umbrella, and finally the two walked into the mall.

Then, in the next hour or so, Li Zedao saw the way of shopping that might only belong to the North. This way of shopping was very strange, very speechless, and even collapsed.

In this large shopping mall with five floors and thousands of square meters on each floor, Beixian is shopping from beginning to end on the first floor... Oh, I can't talk about shopping, it should be said to walk, like walking corpses... She just like this The head is slightly low, and he doesn't look at the shops around, the people around him, the clothes and bags, and he just walks forward like this.

Until she walked the entire first floor, she went up to the second floor, and then continued, then the third, fourth, fifth...

Li Zedao, who silently follows her behind her, is undoubtedly on the edge of collapse...If she could not pass by beautiful women from time to time, even beautiful women would smile shyly after seeing a handsome guy like him. He broke down long ago.

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