The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1354: Two neuropathy

He Xiaofeng was even more shocked, because when this palpitating chill radiated from his whole body and looked at Zhou Pingguang with such terrifying eyes, He Xiaofeng knew that this woman was about to do something.

However, he only heard the "bang!" sound that made the scalp numb, and he didn't even see the opponent's foot movement. After he reacted, Zhou Pingguang had already fallen down and the woman His feet are directly on his head, one can imagine how fast she is.

After the shock, He Xiaofeng's heart was full of sorrow, because he found that if this woman kicked him this way, he would not be able to escape even if he was on guard.

"what are you doing?"

"Don't let go of Zhou Shao..."


The police officers headed by Team Zhao and the gangsters headed by the red-haired man finally came to their senses. When they saw this woman’s long legs, which were tightly wrapped in leather pants, stepped on Zhou Pingguang’s. On the head, decisively messed up.

Team Zhao was so angry that his face turned red. He had never seen such an arrogant woman before, who dared to beat someone in front of the police, and it was the nephew of Vice Mayor Zhou. It was too shameless and lawless. Up! This is a provocation! A serious provocation to national law enforcement agencies!

"I advise you to let go of Zhou Shao and don't resist the law." Captain Zhao had already pulled out the pistol from his waist and pointed his gun at Bei.

Several other police officers did the same. They took out their pistols and pointed their guns to the north. One of them pointed at Li Zedao. They seemed to regard these two people, especially this woman, as hostage-taking violent elements.

As for He Xiaofeng, who was handcuffed, his heart was full of sorrow and resentment, because these policemen actually threw him aside. Could it be...Isn't he at all dangerous? Is this too despising people?

When the security guard and the red-haired man saw that the police had taken out their guns, they hurriedly took their own people back. Of course, the red-haired man did not forget to take the chubby son of Zhou Pingguang.

The same is true for those who were watching from a distance, and they disappeared all at once, for fear that the bullet would hit them without a long eye, what should I do?

Bei raised his head and looked at Team Zhao, with an unusually cold expression in his eyes, as if he was looking at a dead person.

Being stared at by such eyes, the hands of Team Zhao holding the guns inexplicably cold sweat, and he became nervous.

"Have you heard, let go of Zhou Shao and raise your hand, otherwise we will be rude to you." Captain Zhou clenched the pistol in his hand firmly and shouted.

"You can try." Bei said coldly, his feet were still very crisp and pressed **** Zhou Pingguang's face. It was very crisp, Zhou Pingguang's face was rubbed off. Skin, "Before you shoot, I can die at least ten times."

"..." Captain Zhao only felt that his face was twitching almost without feeling, and the other policemen were also messy.

This woman... is crazy? Otherwise, why did you recite the lines of the movie?

Li Zedao yawned and said kindly: "Don't doubt her words, before you shoot, she has the power to kill you at least ten times... Besides, I can kill you at least fifteen times. !"

"..." The hearts of these policemen were trampled on by a group of horses. It turned out that this man was also insane.

So a gun moved away from Bei's head and aimed at Li Zedao's head... There was only one pistol, I was afraid it would not be able to subdue him. I heard that the explosive power of neurosis is very powerful.

He Xiaofeng lowered his head slightly, he was so ashamed to die. He felt that his "you guessed" sentence was far inferior to what these two guys said. It seems that he is on the road of pretending to be forced. , Still an absolute novice, there is still a long way to go.

Bei turned his head and looked at Li Ze with cold eyes: "Are you so much better than me?"

"Uh... of course not. Eleven times at most. Doesn't that mean that the effect of fifteen times is more shocking?" Li Ze smiled.

"..." These police officers only felt that something had flowed down from the corners of their mouths, and then the unexpected ringing of the call rang and the cell phone in Captain Zhao's pocket rang.

Captain Zhao even changed some of the important phone numbers stored in the phone to different ringtones. For example, the current ringtones belong only to the chief, so this is the chief's call.

However, the two hostages who had a strong offensive and paranoid neuropathy were in front of him, and Zhou Shao was still in their hands, so even if it was the chief's call, Captain Zhao couldn't take care of it.

"Don't move, if you hear it, I said don't move, I really shot..." Captain Zhao saw that the woman's feet lifted from Zhou Pingguang's face, and he was about to step on it again, shouting immediately. Then... the cold sweat on his face suddenly came off, his eyes widened, his expression was no different from seeing a ghost.

A second ago, the pistol in his hand was gone, and at the same time, he could clearly feel his forehead being held by a cold hard object.

His pistol was inexplicably snatched by the woman, and even the woman holding his gun directly pressed the muzzle to his head!

When the other police officers saw this, they were also dumbfounded, and then their faces flushed as if they were approaching enemies, and the muzzles of the two guns that were aimed at Li Zedao before moved away and aimed to the north.

Of course, the atmosphere didn't dare to come out casually, let alone speak. They were afraid to irritate this woman. What if she shot the captain down?

"Really a master, which mysterious and awesome department seems to come from, Shenlong Organization?" He Xiaofeng muttered in his heart with wide eyes.

"It should be your immediate boss who called you, please answer the phone." Looking at this face, which is already sweating a lot, and the corners of his eyes are still twitching violently because of fear, he said coldly, and then took the pistol from his forehead Move away.

The strong sense of oppression and the feeling of suffocation as if standing on the edge of death disappeared in an instant. While Captain Zhao looked at this terrifying woman in horror, he didn't care about the image of the woman. He took a few breaths, mad. Swallowing a few mouthfuls... Things have reached this point, if you still think this woman is neurotic, then he is really neurotic.

At the moment, he tried hard to give his hand a gesture to let them put the gun down, and then hurried out the cell phone that kept ringing. It is conceivable that the director was very anxious about what this woman said... …So… Did you provoke someone who shouldn’t be provoke this time?

Captain Zhao's hand trembling lightly grasped the phone firmly, connected it, and put it to his ear: "Hey..."

"Zhao Qingyang, you **** don't want to do it, do you? Why are you answering the phone now?" The director's almost roaring voice came over, "Are you taking someone on the third floor of Taihetian Street? Are you? ..."

"Yes..." Captain Zhao's heart sank, and he was right.

"What are you doing to them? Say..."

If you can't hide it, Captain Zhao whispered: "Handcuff one of them, and aim a gun at two of them..."

The director's roar came over: "Zhao Qingyang, you **** want to die, don't pull Lao don't hurry up and let the people go, apologize and get me back? Hurry up..."

"Bang!" This is the sound of the phone being hung up heavily.

Captain Zhao looked up and looked at Bei with eyesight, while the other police officers looked at him with eyesight.

Bei returned the pistol in his hand to Captain Zhao, and said coldly: "When you leave, remember to take this guy away."

The kung fu he was saying was passed by another kick, kicking Zhou Pingguang's mouth.

Zhou Pingguang wailed, his mouth was open, and a mouthful of blood was vomited out with a dozen teeth in it. Bei this was a very level foot, and he simply broke most of his teeth. .

Captain Zhao trembled, not daring to say anything, he nodded hurriedly, and then trot to He Xiaofeng, trying his best to squeeze an extremely embarrassing and stingy smile on his face: "Misunderstanding...misunderstanding... misunderstanding……"

Then quickly opened the handcuffs on He Xiaofeng's hands.

"I'm really a policeman." He Xiaofeng nodded and said, "My name is He Xiaofeng, the chief of the Lihu District Police Department in Phoenix. You will know when you go back and investigate my information."

"...Misunderstanding, misunderstanding..." He could only say that, his expression almost crying, although he was not from the same city, but in terms of rank, he was the same as their chief.

"This way of yours... shame, just because of what he is... Oh, let him come the nephew of the deputy mayor? If I were really taken away by you, you know what will happen next. Huh?" He Xiaofeng mocked, but inexplicably bitter, alas, there are still too few people like me who are upright and handsome, who are not afraid of power and good police.

"Misunderstanding...Misunderstanding..." I can only say that.

The red-haired man not far away and his little brothers saw this scene, all in a daze.

They saw that Captain Zhao’s gun was inexplicably snatched by the female lunatic. They saw that the female lunatic put the gun on Captain Zhao’s head. They also saw that Captain Zhao hurriedly smashed after answering the phone. In the past, I helped people get rid of the handcuffs...

So... this scene is more shocking than the other scenes, the brain is not enough, and the reaction can't come... They didn't react until the police handcuffed their hands.

Captain Zhao and the others did not run in vain. They took away Zhou Pingguang, who was basically half-life and the red-haired man, on charges of threatening, intimidating or even assaulting others in public places...

Captain Zhao quickly moved his position and was demoted to the traffic police brigade to be the lowest-level traffic policeman. As for Zhou Pingguang... he was taken a trip to the hospital and the deputy mayor's uncle took two severely. Slap in the face, and said that I am not your uncle in the future.

Of course, these are all things to do.

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