The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1368: Take the pulse

Pole dance, it is known as the sexiest dance in the world. Dancers use their soft bodies to make **** and sultry movements around the poles to the best of their ability.

Obviously, Bei has a lot of dancing skills, her body is soft, her movements are bold, her expression... well, Li Zedao can't see her expression.

"What does she do with this? It's okay to dance on her own? Can't it be for the old guy Huang Wen to see?" Li Zedao thought to himself. Thinking of this problem, I found myself a little jealous.

The music on the speaker became more and more exciting, Bei’s movements became more and more crazy, and finally, her long legs, which were tightly covered by leather pants, tightly clamped Li Zedao’s crotch. Leaning downward in the hooked posture, then the deafening music stopped abruptly.

Bei's legs still clamped Li Zedao's crotch tightly, but his hand stretched over and hooked Li Zedao's neck, straightened up, his face was slightly red, as if he was shy, but he was as indifferent as before.

This kind of action is many times more difficult for her than when she did pole dancing before. She was safe to say before that I just wanted to dance suddenly and there happened to be no poles in this place... But now, how can I say? Did I forget it? I'm sleepwalking and I'm stunned, so my hands hook your neck?

Fortunately, her heart is strong enough, so her expression can maintain the same indifference as before, as if nothing happened.

"Thank you." She looked at this face close at hand and explained why she had to say these two words, "Because you saved my life before, and because I have not been so relaxed and happy for a long time. ."

"Just talk about it?" Li Ze asked.

"Then what do you want?" Bei felt her panic. Once, struggling on the edge of life and death, she didn't feel any panic, but now, it's a bit, and the tone, a bit like a girlfriend acting coquettishly with her boyfriend. , She discovered this by herself.

Li Zedao thought for a while, and asked cautiously: " won't bite my tongue?"

"..." Bei looked at Li Zedao like an idiot, but his heart was even more flustered.

Then, she loosened Li Zedao’s neck and jumped from him...If she didn’t get down, she would be unable to hold it anymore. Then she looked back, picked up a can of beer on the table, and drank it with her head up. He said coldly without returning, "Never see you again."

Li Zedao was silent, he understood the meaning of these four words.

Then he shrugged his shoulders and smiled: "I can still see you again."

Bei listened, his shoulders trembled slightly, Li Zedao said this in a quiet voice, and his tone was a little strange. When he first heard it, it felt like a joke, but after a little bit of experience, he felt like he was I really think so. The reason why I didn't look at it with that kind of determined tone is because I don't need it, and I don't need to emphasize anything at all.

Bei turned his head and looked at him, his tone was determined and cold, and said: "Unless you kill Lord Huang; but, before you want to kill Lord Huang, you must kill me first!"

Therefore, this is a dead knot, and no one can solve the dead knot except Huang Ye!

Li Zedao's expression became wicked, and he said playfully: "I just said, you will definitely fall in love with me."

"..." Bei turned around, picked up the can on the table, no matter whether it was empty or there was wine in it, all his brains smashed towards Li Zedao.


Early the next morning, the two boarded the plane returning to Yanjing. Two and a half hours later, the plane landed steadily at Yanjing International Airport, and then the two drove back to the courtyard where Huang Wen lived.

From returning to the hotel from KTV yesterday morning to the present, Bei seems to have changed her person... To be precise, she has completely returned to the previous one. It makes no difference to see Li Zedao as if she was looking at the dead. He didn't look at Li Zedao more, and didn't say a word.

At this time, Huang Wen was brewing his favorite tea in the backyard. Of course, without exception, he added the crane top red to the tea water.

Of course, he still wore the skin of Jia Ming on his face, and he did not face Li Zedao in his true face.

"I'm back..." Huang Wen looked up at Bei and Li Ze, who were walking one after another, with a smile on his face.

Bei walked to the front, took out a small box, and put it in front of Huang Wen: "This is the stone that was taken away."

"Thanks." Huang Wen said, did not pick up the box and open it to take a look. Obviously, for Beibu, he was relieved and believed that naturally there was no need to check.

"Then I will go down." Bei said.

Huang Wen waved his hand: "Go, they can come back tomorrow time. Take a good rest these two days and get ready to go into the magic cave."

"Okay." Bei nodded, turned and left the small courtyard. When he left, he didn't even look at Li Zedao, completely treating him as air.

Li Zedao sat down in the position in front of Huang Wen familiarly. Huang Wen looked at him with a smile and sent a cup of brewed fragrant tea.

"I thought you would take her down." Huang Wen said, whether it was expression or tone, it seemed to be joking, but his eyes were still staring at you, as if trying to see through.

Li Zedao picked up the cup of tea in front of him, took a sip, felt the aroma in his mouth and said: "I have always been chased."

Huang Wen smiled slightly, nodded and said: "I asked Bei to tell you something about the fc organization, did she mention it to you?"

"I mentioned it." Li Zedao responded indifferently, "For this, we almost did it."

Li Zedao stared straight at Huang Wen's eyes, and said in a mocking tone: "You...really great."

Huang Wen accepted frankly and nodded: "It's great. Girls can dress up and go shopping. Students can sit in bright classrooms with peace of mind and listen to classes... Including you. A woman engages in ambiguous things... There is a major prerequisite for all kinds of things, that is, the country must become prosperous and strong before the people can live and work in peace and contentment! The fx organization has made great efforts to build and protect the country. You can’t understand the hard work and the hardships, so you really can be called the two words'great'... Oh, the three words'really great'."

"..." The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched, which means that you are fat and are you still breathing? Don't you know that I am mocking you?

"On the bright side, the Ming team of the Shenlong organization represents the strongest combat effectiveness of China's official authorities." Huang Wen said, "In fact, that is just a cover, a cover used by all superpowers. How could the strongest combat effectiveness be so simply exposed? What about the world?"

Li Zedao really didn't want to watch the old man continue the ink, and interrupted him and said, "Why do you want to enter the forest of the Devil's Cave? Or, why do you want to enter the ancient tomb? Want to get the things in the ancient tomb?"

Huang Wen smiled and said: "Actually, we wanted to enter the Devil's Cave Forest decades ago, but at that time we had very little information at hand, so we had to give up. After that, we had a better understanding of the Devil's Cave Forest. Thanks to your master for the breakthrough, he was the first one to enter the devil’s cave but was able to leave the person safely in the end... At that time, we were thinking, why the poison gas did not affect him? Then, we searched a lot of Data, a lot of scrutiny, and some people around your master..."

Li Zedao interrupted Huang Wen’s words and said: “I just want to know that there is a medicine left by Duanmuweizhuang in the tomb that can make you recognize that it can break through the legendary realm. People in the organization behind you know it. Or... only you know?"

Huang Wen smiled mysteriously: "Do you think I can hide this kind of thing from other people in the organization? Do you think I can get so much information only by me?"

"Who knows?" Li Zedao shrugged.

"Besides, whether there is that kind of magical medicine in the grave, maybe." Huang Wen said again.

"There must be." Li Zedao's tone was determinedly mocking, "Otherwise you would not be so positive."

Huang Wen didn't bother to talk nonsense with Li Zedao, and said, "Get a good rest. They will be back tomorrow. I have to make some preparations. Two days later, let's set off into the Demon Cave Forest."

"Are you sure you have a way to deal with the back-to-nature master inside?" Li Ze asked.

Huang Wen took a sip of tea with a face of enjoyment, and then sang Peking opera with his hoarse and unpleasant voice like the crow's cry.

"Persuade the emperor to drink and listen to the song of Yu, to relieve the sorrow of the emperor. To defeat Qin Wudao and break the country, the heroes will fight in all directions. Since ancient times, the common saying will not deceive me. At the moment of success or failure, sit at the treasure account of peace and listen to the military intelligence... …"

Damn it! Li Zedao quickly got up and left. Before leaving, he didn't forget to take away the priceless tea pot on the table.

"Wait..." Yan Huang stopped his howling song and stopped Li Zedao.

Li Zedao turned around, and put the hand holding the tea behind.

"It's not tea, you are my great-grandson. Grandpa wouldn't even care about such a pot of tea." Huang Wen said with a smile, "Even if you are willing to call me grandpa, I will give you a few. Jin is not an issue."

"I'm sorry, I rarely drink tea." Li Zedao said coldly.

Yanhuang looked at his face for a few moments, and then said: "Come here and I will help you pulse."

"Take the pulse?"

"Take the pulse." Yanhuang nodded.

"I'm not sick." Li Zedao said coldly.

"Infertility is also a disease." Huang Wen drank a cup of tea enjoying himself.

"..." Li Zedao had the urge to smash the small pot of tea in his hand on his old face with someone else's skin.

So, want to treat his symptoms of infertility? Li Zedao felt that he was thinking too much. After all, the reason why he was infertile was due to the yellow part of the colorful stone. He could not help himself to take out the stone, right? Are you kidding me? Does he still expect himself to enter the Devil's Cave Forest with him? Besides, what kind of ability does he have?

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