The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1370: Don't want to be sister

"How could I have forgotten you, you are my sister." Li Zedao smiled, "I don't need to go to class on holiday today? If it is convenient to come out, I will invite you to dinner?"

I'm not your sister! Kim So-yeon muttered in her heart, but she said, "Okay, convenient, then I'll find you..."

"I'll pick you up." Li Zedao smiled.

"Okay, brother, I'm waiting for you at school, call me when you are about to arrive, and I will pick you up at the school gate... Do you know the address?" Jin Soyan was very excited.

Li Zedao smiled and said, "I know, you forgot that Sister Xiaolu took you to the Conservatory to find Teacher Li when I was there."

Teacher Li Gu is a professor at a famous music conservatory in Yenching. Of course, he is in a state of retirement. He used a practice room in the school to train his closed disciples. Before he accepted Jin Soyan as a closed disciple, Several other good seedlings have already worshipped him, so Kim So-yeon usually lives in that conservatory. Of course, she is not a student of that conservatory.

Of course, although she is not a student of the Conservatory of Music, she is a closed disciple of Teacher Li Gu, so others only envy her.

After hanging up the phone, Li Zedao gave the phone to the old man, who looked at him eagerly and smiled: "I'm looking for Soyan for dinner, are you with me too?"

"No, no, you young people can go." Old Jin said cheerfully, "What can I do with an old man? Besides, I can't go away during working hours."

Li Zedao smiled, didn't insist, and nodded: "Then I will go."

"Hey, Mr. Li, hurry up, go if you are busy..." Old Man Jin said with a smile.

His old eyes looked at the back of Li Zedao away, with a silly smile. What he imagined in his mind was that the girl and Li Zedao entered the marriage hall and then the girl gave him a chubby grandson... The picture is really beautiful.

After seeing the earth-shaking changes made by the girl in the morning, Old Jin suddenly became confident in the girl.


After talking on the phone with Li Zedao, Jin Suya, who was practicing the piano in the piano room, was silly for a few seconds, and then rubbed her little face that had become hot from excitement.

Then I quickly packed up, put on the small backpack, left the piano room, and ran briskly towards the school gate, planning to wait for Li Zedao there... Although, she knew very well that Li Zedao was not so fast. , After all, Jingshan Park is quite far away, even if you drive, it will take at least half an hour, right?

So, she has to wait at least half an hour, but what does it matter? Wait for you for a lifetime.

"Gah!" A black Audi heard in front of her, the window opened, and a magnetic voice said to her: "Sister."

Kim So-yeon stopped, looked at the handsome boy who appeared in the car who was waving to her, nodded slightly and smiled: "Brother, why are you here?"

On the 10th, 20th and the last day of every month, Teacher Li Gu chooses to let these disciples take a rest and relax for a day. No matter what they learn, they have to combine work and rest, right?

Today is the 20th, so I don't need to come to school to take a break, but Kim So-yeon lives in school, so she didn't leave.

And the brother named Cheng Yang and several other brothers and sisters in front of them either live in Yanjing or have their own residence, so they will not show up at school on this day of rest.

"I'm afraid you are alone, so I came here." Cheng Yang smiled, his expression and tone seemed to be joking, but he revealed a trace of concern and ambiguity.

He has an extraordinary family background, looks handsome, and has a very charming voice. Now sitting in a luxury car, such a boy is undoubtedly very attractive to girls... At least, Cheng Yang himself thinks so, so he sees Come, take down this little junior sister who has just become Teacher Li's closed disciple, it will be sooner or later.

"Thank you, brother, for your concern." Jin Soyan smiled faintly and said politely.

As early as the first time Teacher Li Gu took her to the classroom and introduced her to his other students, Jin Suyan noticed that the brother named Cheng Yang looked wrong.

She was familiar with this look, because...sometimes before, she looked at Li Zedao like that.

In the following days of studying for more than a month, Cheng Yang approached many times, expressing his kind of concern enthusiastically, while Kim So-yeon responded indifferently, neither enthusiastic nor indifferent, which made people unable to fault.

"What? Is this going to go shopping?" Cheng Yang asked. He knew how diligent this junior girl was, and he would definitely be practicing in the piano room at this time, so he planned to care about it, but he didn't expect her to be out of the house.

Shopping? It seems good to go shopping with brother. Kim So-yeon imagined the scene of shopping with Li Zedao, involuntarily, a shy smile appeared on her face.

Cheng Yang would simply be wrong, this shy and pleasant appearance, this is because he is shy about going shopping with him.

Therefore, he proactively said: "It just so happens. I want to go out too. Relax and relax. This is also good for our study. You have just become a student of Teacher Li. You just started to learn musical instruments. First there is a sense of music, and then express the feeling through the instrument... Let’s get together, let’s communicate that feeling together."

Kim So-yeon said apologetically, "Thank you brother, but not today, I have already made an appointment."

"Is there an appointment?" Cheng Yang's expression instantly became slightly serious, and then quickly relaxed, and smiled, "Who has an appointment with? It's not Senior Sister Zhou Xiaolu?"

Actually, Yang is not very clear about Kim So-yeon’s journey, only knowing that she was introduced to Teacher Li Gu by senior sister Zhou Xiaolu, other information is not very clear, but Kim So-yeon is not a native of Yenching, he knows, after all, the accent Placed there, so I only consider her a cousin of Zhou Xiaolu's relative who is gifted with music.

Of course, if the family background is not very good, that’s for sure. If the family background is good, you won’t wear such a simple style, let alone the knowledge of the simplest musical instruments. Obviously, I haven’t learned it before.

Therefore, the relationship between her family and Zhou Xiaolu shouldn't be too close.

However, Kim So-yeon looks good, and she feels very comfortable, just like a lovely white jasmine in the sun, very patience, so when she sees her at the first glance, Cheng Yang knows her heart is moved. .

"If it were her, that would be even better. I also admire Senior Sister Zhou Xiaolu very much. She is a fan of her. You can learn from her while playing today." Cheng Yang smiled.

"It's not Sister Chow." Kim So-yeon shook her head and said, "It's me...a person who is very important to me."

She didn't want to say the word "my brother" to this brother who was obviously interesting to her, because of what kind of psychology, Kim So-yeon herself understood very well.

On the one hand, she really didn't want to be Li Zedao's younger sister. On the other hand, if this brother wasn't a stupid, she would surely be able to hear something, and she knew how difficult it was to retreat, so stop pestering her.

Cheng Yang is indeed not a fool. On the contrary, he is quite talented in music, otherwise he would not be a closed disciple of Teacher Li Gu. Therefore, after hearing this white little Jasmine say three "very important", He understands, so, is it... boyfriend?

However, it seems wrong.

In the past month or so, he has made appointments with Kim So-yeon several times. After one day of class, he had a meal together to go shopping and watch movies, but she refused because she still had something to learn.

Cheng Yang had doubted whether Jin So-yeon had a boyfriend, but after more than a month of careful observation and analysis, she found that she had no signs of falling in love at all.

For example, her mobile phone is very quiet and does not ring for a long time, and she has not found her frequent low-hair messages or anything. For example, in her spare time, she is studying hard by herself, and she has not found any suspicious people appearing on campus. Meet her.

So... this is another euphemistic refusal.

The smile on Cheng Yang's face is even more intense, and he still said in a joking tone: "Junior sister, I am curious about what the person who is important, important, and important to you looks like, it won’t be you. Is it someone from my hometown? That's right, I, a senior, invited him to dinner so that he can know that you are taking care of you here, and he is doing well, so he won't worry, right?"

"This... it's another day, he... doesn't like seeing strangers." Jin Soyan said embarrassedly. She still wants to stay alone with Li Zedao for a while, you follow, what's the matter? What if you misunderstand that you are my boyfriend?

"Once you are born and twice you are familiar, sister, what do you think?" Cheng Yang said with a smile. Today is a decision. "Or else, I will invite him to dinner. After eating, if he is not familiar, Then I'll go first, and it won't disturb the renewal between you, how about it?"

"Brother, this..."

"Senior sister, this time I'll listen to my brother." Cheng Yang interrupted Jin So-yeon a little domineeringly, "Your relatives and friends are here, how can I not help me as a senior? Don't be embarrassed, just do it like this Right. Where is he? Don't you need to pick him up? I'll call the roast duck restaurant to make a reservation, and later we will ask him to eat roast duck..."

Kim So-yeon took out her phone, looked at it a few times, then looked at Cheng Yang apologetically and said, "Brother, I'm really sorry, he texted me that something is going to happen temporarily..."


"Then I will go back to the dormitory to learn about music theory first, brother bye." Jin Soyan waved to Cheng Yang, turned and left, and walked towards the dormitory.

Cheng Yang looked at Jin Soyan's leaving back, and said with a smile: "Junior sister, junior sister, you treat brother like this as a stupid, isn't it good?"

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